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The lovely horror of The Evil Within (warning: many pics and location spoilers)


More pretty pics of the weird and wondrous — including the dollhouse, which someone requested earlier, and some cool shots of hiding from the killer clowns:


























Never played this because I tried the demo on pc and it ran like ass and I read that the ps4 version was bad also. These shots make it look great and make me feel like I missed out especially as a huge re4 fan.

The demo is based on an old build, and probably hasn't been patched, full pc version should be better.


Felt compelled to make some collages compiling my favorite images, for an at-a-glance appreciation of TEW's artistry. Drag and drop into the URL to enlarge.

This first collage compiles some of my favorite pics by GAF user antitrop:


And here are some wide-angle views compiled from users on Steam:


My collection of precious, precious heads:


And a tribute to my favorite videogame monster (who is simultaneously the reason I slow to a crawl as I approach her chapter):



Oh man, something I just realized about potential monsters in TEW2:

Laura will most likely come back. She's too integral to Ruvik's character motivation to not reappear. It's his mission to restore her that leads to STEM in the first place.

This realization makes me both excited and terrified, lol.


I felt that way at first, but the more I've thought about it, the more I like it. There are some heavy implications to it all.

Major story spoilers (and I mean MAJOR — don't click if you haven't played!):

Of course, Ruvik ends up escaping. He tracks down Leslie, the mental patient with an especially pliable mind who emulates the thoughts and behaviors of others. Ruvik supplants Leslie's personality and escapes into the real world. And this is where the ending becomes a bit interpretive: Seb's headache and Leslie glitching out once they're back in the real world. If I recall correctly, I see this as Leslie (now Ruvik) still able to exert influence over those who connected to STEM. What Ruvik will do next remains to be seen. Presumably he's out for revenge.

Story SPOILERS obviously:
I might be completely wrong, but what i always believed from the game's ending, is that Ruvik, now possessing Leslie and free in the world, is so powerful that he is able to replicate STEM effects on his own.
The game shows already that STEM is now 'wireless'. I think that Ruvik is a living, mobile STEM machine, hijacking the consciousness of people in his vicinity.


Haha, this is amazing — Laura bugged out on me in Ch. 4!

First time I’ve seen a glitch in this game — and it’s the best kind of glitch! I’m not sure what triggered it, but it happened after I hit her with a few explosive bolts. I was aiming for the optional gel you can get by dealing enough damage instead of running away. She resumed the chase once I moved to the next area, but in that first room she wouldn’t move from her spot at all!

I took video of the glitch — a rare chance to see Laura up close (note the game is 1080p but the PS4 captures at 720p): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4S5B5GDIPU

Also, here are some screens. I took advantage of the fact she wasn’t attacking me. I don’t know the next time I’ll get her to stay still for pictures… It’d sure be nice if this happened with the Keeper!

Just look at how adorable they are — Seb and Laura would make a cute couple:






Story SPOILERS obviously:

I might be completely wrong, but what i always believed from the game's ending, is that Ruvik, now possessing Leslie and free in the world, is so powerful that he is able to replicate STEM effects on his own.

The game shows already that STEM is now 'wireless'. I think that Ruvik is a living, mobile STEM machine, hijacking the consciousness of people in his vicinity.
That’s similar to what I was thinking, but with the added element of
. Can you imagine the implications for a sequel?

You could have
scenarios inside and outside of STEM — anything and everything would be fair game


Damnit Neiteio! You made me replay this game with all these fantastic screenshots. At least I can finally experience this game on current gen systems. Still hate how the melee button sometimes decides to kick instead of punch or the other way around.


Story SPOILERS obviously:
I might be completely wrong, but what i always believed from the game's ending, is that Ruvik, now possessing Leslie and free in the world, is so powerful that he is able to replicate STEM effects on his own.
The game shows already that STEM is now 'wireless'. I think that Ruvik is a living, mobile STEM machine, hijacking the consciousness of people in his vicinity.

Doesn't the DLC
confirm that it's because he leaves a part of himself in anyone connected to STEM, Kidman is immune because the org shielded her. So I think it's just that.
That Laura glitch is equal parts unnerving and amusing. Strange it happened- TEW seems to be a pretty polished game as it concerns bugs. At least it was only temporary...
Doesn't the DLC
confirm that it's because he leaves a part of himself in anyone connected to STEM, Kidman is immune because the org shielded her. So I think it's just that.

No, the second torn letter says
that she's (and the administrator) affected too.


That Laura glitch is equal parts unnerving and amusing. Strange it happened- TEW seems to be a pretty polished game as it concerns bugs. At least it was only temporary...
I actually encountered several bugs tonight, which is surprising since my first two play-throughs were bug-free. The three bugs I encountered were 1) Laura stopping in place during the chase at the end of Ch. 4 (corrected by advancing to the next sequence; when she killed me and we started over, she was back to normal); 2) in Ch. 6, when you're taking out the gunners in the tower, the last gunner's box was invisible, but the hitbox was still there, so I had to reference a YouTube video to see where to shoot in order to hit his head; and 3) an audio tape by Ruvik in the Ch. 6 marketplace had two lines that played over each other, but thankfully the text narrative is included. I don't recall these happening before, so I imagine they were random flukes that would be easily corrected by resetting the chapter or checkpoint.

Laura glitch is hilarious! "Excuse me ma'am you seem to be a little stuck, allow me to assist you by punching your butt."
Haha, it was therapeutic pummeling her after all the hell she gave me! :)


Continuing with my latest play-through:

From a dark and stormy night on Elk River, into the dungeon-like depths of Beacon Mental Hospital, and then... out of the darkness, and into sunlight! Or at least, the fading sun of the strange medieval landscape of Cedar Hill. As pointed out by Broseph (ahem... I mean, Joseph), the place appears to be straight out of the Middle Ages, yet it has modern amenities like electricity, elevators, etc. Hmm...

Well one thing's for certain: I like the brickwork in Cedar Hill. That is some fine masonry. The crumbling sort, weathered by the elements. Gives it character!














































Great screengrabs. Makes me want to go in for a 3rd playthrough.

Odd occurrence: Somehow my first playthrough at home (after playing through at work), took me two hours longer to complete.


I like to play horror games in October. This coming October will be my third play through of the game. The game is not without its warts (coughinstantdeathscough), but it's the best survival horror game that I have played since Resident Evil 4.

It helps that my favorite piece of music, ever, is Clair De Lune.


Great screenshoots that put me in a mood to play again this excellent game...

Evil Within released on Oct 2014 and this winter it's going to be two years since release...

Fingers crossed for a sequel announcement on E3... :p


Great screengrabs. Makes me want to go in for a 3rd playthrough.

Odd occurrence: Somehow my first playthrough at home (after playing through at work), took me two hours longer to complete.
Perhaps you just let yourself soak in more of the detail your second time through? :)

Wish I wasn't so busy today. Want to dive back in and explore the cult's lab under the churchyard cemetery. :-O

(Just writing those words hits on all cylinders for topics in horror that geek me out!)


Sprinkled in 10 extra screens with the last batch. The focus is still Cedar Hill, but wanted to add a bit more to the village and dungeon under the hospital.

Anyone know the name of the environmental artist that worked on both REmake and TEW? They (and the rest of the art team) all did incredible jobs.

I'm also amazed at the number of one-off props, like the various tools on the butcher's table in the chapel. Love that attention to detail.


So I basically had no interest in The Evil Within until this thread. Now I really want it and will definitely get it at some point. :)


Is it worth it on ps4? Fps issue take me away from it. But it's extremely cheap on plus until tomorrow.
Absolutely worth it. I'm playing with the latest patch and black bars disabled (go into options to disable black bars). The only times I noticed slowdown were:

- The very beginning of the game, in the pouring rain outside of the hospital, there is noticeable slowdown when spinning the camera around Seb. Seems to happen in that scene when you're spinning the camera past multiple light sources. Still perfectly playable. Stabilizes once you go inside the hospital.

- Ch. 4 out in the village on a dark and stormy night. Nothing unplayable, nothing erratic, just slightly sub-30 when outside in the gathering storm. Only really noticeable when spinning the camera. You may notice this at moments during Ch. 3, as well.

It's otherwise very smooth. It's excellent now on PS4. (And if for whatever reason you want it smoother, you can toggle on black bars)

Also, some tips to get you started:

- Ch. 1 is like an extended tutorial, teaching you how to sneak, hide, and distract enemies. It's a bit restrictive and linear, but atmospheric and tense as hell.

- Ch. 2 is also like an extended tutorial, teaching you combat, traps, etc. Ch. 3 is when the game really opens up. There are 15 (very lengthy) chapters overall.

- Invest your green gel in upgrading your stamina. Your stamina is very limited at first. Also, don't rely on melee — it's a method of last resort.

- Keep an eye out for Madonna statues. Breaking them will reveal keys you can use to open evidence lockers containing items back in the hub world.

I hope you'll give it a shot and share your thoughts here. It's an incredibly engrossing game!


Oh, and another tip: If you think your game is glitched at the start of Ch. 6 because the screen is black but you still hear sound... try turning on your lantern. ;-)


I'm eager to take screenshots of the lavish mansion in Ch. 9. At the same time, I dread being interrupted by the random appearance of a certain invincible phantom:


Once I hid in a closet and he flung open the doors and exploded my head! :-(

Also dreading the fight against two Traumas in Ch. 10.

And then the rematch with you-know-who:


Some of the encounters in this game are hard as balls. Even the Souls series could not prepare me!

But hey, at least one of them is highly quotable:


"They were promised salvation and eternal life. But there's nothing they could promise that I couldn't take away."

(Voice actor is the same guy who played Rorschach in the Watchmen movie, btw. Doing the same voice!)


Jackie Earle Haley. Kills it in most everything I've seen him in except A Nightmare on Elm Street remake, but let us forget that one. ;)
I wasn't aware there was a remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street." I'm guessing he played Freddy Krueger? Not sure how an actor of his caliber could do wrong with that role...

Nuke Soda

I wasn't aware there was a remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street." I'm guessing he played Freddy Krueger? Not sure how an actor of his caliber could do wrong with that role...
It was bombastic and in your face with jump scares out the butt, basically it was lazy and a really bad take on the Wes Craven directed original.


I wasn't aware there was a remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street." I'm guessing he played Freddy Krueger? Not sure how an actor of his caliber could do wrong with that role...

It wasn't his fault. Script and director ruined the movie. Haley was excellent, but couldn't save the film.

I cannot wait to replay this game with my upgrades.


Something I'd like to note about the one-hit kill monsters:

They're fair.

It took me three play-through to notice (because I was too panicked the first two times) but creatures like Laura have a wind-up animation before their kill move. For example, she'll rear up and throw herself forward, claws reaching out.

Otherwise, it's safe to push up against them and squeeze past, if necessary. This leads to intense (but funny) moments like Laura spawning inside the elevator with you if you don't burn the corpse there, and you running in circles around her. They can pit her against you in close quarters because you can survive by watching her tells.

A good tip to new players!


Is it worth it on ps4? Fps issue take me away from it. But it's extremely cheap on plus until tomorrow.

Absolutely worth it. I'm playing with the latest patch and black bars disabled (go into options to disable black bars). The only times I noticed slowdown were:

- The very beginning of the game, in the pouring rain outside of the hospital, there is noticeable slowdown when spinning the camera around Seb. Seems to happen in that scene when you're spinning the camera past multiple light sources. Still perfectly playable. Stabilizes once you go inside the hospital.

- Ch. 4 out in the village on a dark and stormy night. Nothing unplayable, nothing erratic, just slightly sub-30 when outside in the gathering storm. Only really noticeable when spinning the camera. You may notice this at moments during Ch. 3, as well.

It's otherwise very smooth. It's excellent now on PS4. (And if for whatever reason you want it smoother, you can toggle on black bars)

Also, some tips to get you started:

- Ch. 1 is like an extended tutorial, teaching you how to sneak, hide, and distract enemies. It's a bit restrictive and linear, but atmospheric and tense as hell.

- Ch. 2 is also like an extended tutorial, teaching you combat, traps, etc. Ch. 3 is when the game really opens up. There are 15 (very lengthy) chapters overall.

- Invest your green gel in upgrading your stamina. Your stamina is very limited at first. Also, don't rely on melee — it's a method of last resort.

- Keep an eye out for Madonna statues. Breaking them will reveal keys you can use to open evidence lockers containing items back in the hub world.

I hope you'll give it a shot and share your thoughts here. It's an incredibly engrossing game!

Thanks for the heads up and tips. Just bought the game for 13€, and I'm going to start playing it tonight on the easier difficulty.


Great thread, really enjoyed the screenshots. This game looks amazing, indeed. The art direction is superb, and the nature of how progression works allows them to be really creative about it.

I still REALLY want to like this game. Will give it a few more shots, didn't know performance on PS4 was better now.


Great thread, really enjoyed the screenshots. This game looks amazing, indeed. The art direction is superb, and the nature of how progression works allows them to be really creative about it.

I still REALLY want to like this game. Will give it a few more shots, didn't know performance on PS4 was better now.

Well I can tell you right now you won't love it for the story, voice acting and the chars. Everything else including movement and combat is fine.


man her face looks so cute
In all seriousness, there is an element of twisted beauty to her. Same with The Keeper and a number of other monsters in the game. A sort of melancholy I find interesting. :)

Well I can tell you right now you won't love it for the story, voice acting and the chars. Everything else including movement and combat is fine.
Ruvik was always great. The other characters have grown on me the more I understand them. And the lore is fantastic!


Well I can tell you right now you won't love it for the story, voice acting and the chars. Everything else including movement and combat is fine.

I actually quite liked the story on my first playthrough, to be honest. Exploring Ruvik's mind and past was very interesting. I was more disappointed with the game itself, but I suspect it has a lot to do with my expectations. I was expecting to absolutely love the game, and to play it countless times for quite a few months. Ended up being disappointed and hating it, not even playing it a second time, but I kinda feel like I wouldn't hate it if I didn't expect so much out of it, I feel like I can at least like it enough to play through it a few times if I give it another fair chance.

I also liked the combat mechanics a lot, the matches being my favorite thing.

But yeah, the characters are pretty terrible.


The enemy design is on point, probably my favorite aspect of the game, the silhouettes are so memorable. You can identify the bosses even if you can't even remember their name.


The enemy design is on point, probably my favorite aspect of the game, the silhouettes are so memorable. You can identify the bosses even if you can't even remember their name.
Game balance is my favorite part. Always having barely enough resources and struggling to survive, combined with enemies and environments that are unpredictable and unforgiving, and masterful atmosphere had me on edge from start to finish... all three play-throughs! I also just enjoying moving around the world and taking in the details while setting up traps and scavenging for supplies.


Ruvik was always great. The other characters have grown on me the more I understand them. And the lore is fantastic!
Ruvik is also the only char who has good voice work. Seb is a great char...in the journals. The guy we play is just some random robot looking like him because he acts nothing like the guy in those journals :(
I actually quite liked the story on my first playthrough, to be honest. Exploring Ruvik's mind and past was very interesting. I was more disappointed with the game itself, but I suspect it has a lot to do with my expectations. I was expecting to absolutely love the game, and to play it countless times for quite a few months. Ended up being disappointed and hating it, not even playing it a second time, but I kinda feel like I wouldn't hate it if I didn't expect so much out of it, I feel like I can at least like it enough to play through it a few times if I give it another fair chance.

I also liked the combat mechanics a lot, the matches being my favorite thing.

But yeah, the characters are pretty terrible.
I love the background, the stuff in the files and the setting. That's all fine and great but the actual story progression in the game and they way characters act in it is what I dislike.


Nice shots! You're a braver person than I if you're taking pictures like that on the first encounter! (Although I see you maintained a respectful distance).

the second one was actually right outside a save point so after going into panic mode and getting killed i'm like ok time for a good screenie lol


I've been thinking a lot lately about the design of TEW. I think I've pinpointed why I like it so much.

It feels like Mikami is having a dialogue with you. You'll go through a challenging gauntlet of enemies and traps and exhaust your resources, and you'll start to feel desperate... But then you'll remember: "I'm in the hands of a capable designer." And you'll trust that Mikami knows where you're at and how you're doing. And surely enough, right around the corner is a treasure trove of ammo, healing items, etc.

It reminds me of an article I read once about the hidden DK Coins in Donkey Kong Country 2 and how they feel like they were placed by a higher intelligence with whom you're playing a game — the higher intelligence toying with you in a playful way, subverting your expectations, but at the same time being attentive to your needs as a player with proper guidance, skill checks, and game balance.

And like a previous Mikami game, Resident Evil 4, none of the set-pieces overstay their welcome. Each new concept that Mikami introduces is iterated on once or twice, and then he moves on. Nothing is done too much, or too little — there's just the right amount of everything.

Look at Ch. 6, which as a whole mixes up things by giving you a partner. The chapter opens with exploration in a relaxing, open-air environment devoid of enemies; then it contrasts this with Seb defending Joseph against waves of enemies in a claustrophobic interior setting. Then you're in a sprawling playground with abundant verticality, interconnecting and overlapping rooms and pathways, open and indoor spaces, etc., and Joseph defends -you- while you heal Joseph and use a rifle to snipe distant gunners. Then you have a rematch with the Sadist — this time in close quarters, with nowhere to run, a sharp departure from your last encounter — and then you travel up the tower before becoming separated from Joseph and using the rifle to free him from his captors.

Then you defend against another wave of enemies while he opens the doors. At this point you're running on fumes, so Mikami provides you with relaxing downtime in the marketplace where you find an embarrassment of riches: ammo, healing items, even a file or two. Then Joseph covers you with a rifle while you wade through knee-deep water in the flooded cemetery, fending off submerged enemies. Then you're navigating a maze while fighting the two giants. And then you go underground into the lab, with the puzzle involving the sacrificial altars, and the foreshadowing of the boss, Sentinel, followed by the unique fight where he stalks you from the underbrush, and finally the scene where you slip past him to retrieve Joseph's glasses — a playful Mikami moment that has you thinking, "WTF, you want me to go back?"

And that's just one chapter — one of 15. Mikami routinely offers this kind of impeccably paced variety all throughout the game. TEW consistently introduces new concepts from start to finish, and deftly moves the player from one state of fear to another. You have the simmering suspense of sneaking around setting up traps... and the panicky flight of running from a strong enemy that can kill you in one hit... and the tension of standing your ground and carefully picking your shots against hordes of enemies. And unlike other games with intimidating enemies, the tension never went away. In the Souls games, I reach a point where I feel OP and nothing intimidates me, but I was still being cautious in Ch. 15 of TEW. Quite a feat!

Ruvik is also the only char who has good voice work. Seb is a great char...in the journals. The guy we play is just some random robot looking like him because he acts nothing like the guy in those journals :(
I agree they could've done more with Seb's characterization. He has his moments, though, like the moment between him and Joseph in the chapel in Ch. 6, where Seb chastises Joseph for trying to kill himself, and Joseph tells Seb it's no worse than drowning his sorrows in a bottle, a reference to Seb's drinking problem following his personal tragedy. Seb seems a bit cut by that... Maybe in a sequel they could explore the more vulnerable side of him. And I'm not entirely convinced that
his wife Myra
is gone, so I suspect a sequel would dig deeper into his private life.

the second one was actually right outside a save point so after going into panic mode and getting killed i'm like ok time for a good screenie lol
Ah, OK! That does make it easier, lol. Again, good work! :)


What the hell?! The game locked on me twice in the very beginning, when I tried to go to the options. Is this a known issue? It doesn't bode well. Not to mention, that the game makes the PS4 fan spin louder, even in the menu.
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