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The lovely horror of The Evil Within (warning: many pics and location spoilers)


What the hell?! The game locked on me twice in the very beginning, when I tried to go to the options. Is this a known issue? It doesn't bode well. Not to mention, that the game makes the PS4 fan spin louder, even in the menu.
I looked into this, and someone on Bethesda's forums reported this same problem. Here's the fix someone posted on February 2016:

- uninstall/delete all TEW files
- restart PS4
- re-install TEW (I didn't install the DLC)
- restart PS4

Then it suddenly started working properly. You can immediately tell if it's running correctly by the loading screen. If you just see a static part op a hammer, it's bugged. You should see a spinning hammer and game tips.

You can see more here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1591334-game-freezes-on-start/

Me personally, I've had three play-throughs, and never ran into any lock-ups. My fan stayed quiet, too. Although on this third play-through, I've encountered a few glitches: Laura stopped attacking me once (see my video at the top of the page), and in Ch. 6, a piece of cover for the gunners was invisible, and later in that same chapter there was an audio tape that had two lines that played over each other. Otherwise I've been glitch-free, though!


I looked into this, and someone on Bethesda's forums reported this same problem. Here's the fix someone posted on February 2016:

You can see more here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1591334-game-freezes-on-start/

Me personally, I've had three play-throughs, and never ran into any lock-ups. My fan stayed quiet, too. Although on this third play-through, I've encountered a few glitches: Laura stopped attacking me once (see my video at the top of the page), and in Ch. 6, a piece of cover for the gunners was invisible, and later in that same chapter there was an audio tape that had two lines that played over each other. Otherwise I've been glitch-free, though!

Yeah, the hammer is static for me as well. I'll have to download and install it again. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, the hammer is static for me as well. I'll have to download and install it again. Thanks for the tip.
I hope you resolve the issue — really eager to hear your thoughts on the game, whatever they may be. :)

I started my current play-through after playing REmake, RE2, and RE3, a bit of Zero and CVX, and replaying RE4 and RE5. Feels appropriate to follow-up the Resident Evil series with some Evil Within. With the benefit of time and perspective, I feel like I'm appreciating TEW more than ever.

And I really, -really- want a sequel. Tango must be working on something...


I hope you resolve the issue — really eager to hear your thoughts on the game, whatever they may be. :)

I started my current play-through after playing REmake, RE2, and RE3, a bit of Zero and CVX, and replaying RE4 and RE5. Feels appropriate to follow-up the Resident Evil series with some Evil Within. With the benefit of time and perspective, I feel like I'm appreciating TEW more than ever.

And I really, -really- want a sequel. Tango must be working on something...

I'm currently redownloading the file, and I realized its full size is actually ~45GB. So, it wasn't fully downloaded and installed when I tried it before. Perhaps that's got something to do with the issue I had.

I played REmake last year for the first time, and I played some RE0 this year, but got fed up with the item management. Enjoyed the former more, particularly the inclusion of Crimson Heads made it feel different from the original.

I'll share my thoughts when I've had some time to play TEW.


I agree they could've done more with Seb's characterization. He has his moments, though, like the moment between him and Joseph in the chapel in Ch. 6, where Seb chastises Joseph for trying to kill himself, and Joseph tells Seb it's no worse than drowning his sorrows in a bottle, a reference to Seb's drinking problem following his personal tragedy. Seb seems a bit cut by that... Maybe in a sequel they could explore the more vulnerable side of him. And I'm not entirely convinced that
his wife Myra
is gone, so I suspect a sequel would dig deeper into his private life.

What do you mean by gone? Dead? Because
she shows up at the end of Juli's DLC working with the org.


Melchiah said:
I'm currently redownloading the file, and I realized its full size is actually ~45GB. So, it wasn't fully downloaded and installed when I tried it before. Perhaps that's got something to do with the issue I had.

I played REmake last year for the first time, and I played some RE0 this year, but got fed up with the item management. Enjoyed the former more, particularly the inclusion of Crimson Heads made it feel different from the original.

I'll share my thoughts when I've had some time to play TEW.
Ah, sounds like it should be fixed once it's fully downloaded and installed. Sounds good. :)

What do you mean by gone? Dead? Because
she shows up at the end of Juli's DLC working with the org.
From Seb's life. I think they'll find a way to sort out everything. If we're blessed with a sequel, I mean!


It feels like Mikami is having a dialogue with you. You'll go through a challenging gauntlet of enemies and traps and exhaust your resources, and you'll start to feel desperate... But then you'll remember: "I'm in the hands of a capable designer." And you'll trust that Mikami knows where you're at and how you're doing. And surely enough, right around the corner is a treasure trove of ammo, healing items, etc.

I agree with your whole post, but the above is especially spot on. That's exactly how it feels. Somehow I was always on edge, but never resented the game. The entire experience from beginning to end could not have been balanced more pefectly.


This morning I decided to play some TEW before work. I explored the cult's lab under the churchyard cemetery and made it to the church (end of Ch. 6), and from there I delved deep into the catacombs — the trap-filled lair of the Keeper (Ch. 7). Super-fun chapter, luring enemies into traps and choosing what paths to take!

Some notes:

1) The first two pics are of a body in a burlap bag on a sacrificial altar. The resulting blood pool occurred when I punched it once! That escalated quickly...

2) I love the many odd props you find littered about the catacombs — torture devices, cages, spiked ceilings, braziers, skulls, mummies, etc. I also like the different surfaces — slick tiles, crumbling stone, rusted vaults, etc.

































































This game has one of the worst run animations I have ever seen. The constant head bobbing drove me crazy. I felt like I was bouncing through the whole game.


I'm on Ch. 8 in my new play-through now, but I'm already thinking ahead to Ch. 10 and the battle against two Traumas. Anyone have any tips for that encounter? I remember it being incredibly difficult.

This game has one of the worst run animations I have ever seen. The constant head bobbing drove me crazy. I felt like I was bouncing through the whole game.
I don't recall there being any more camera shake than, say, sprinting in TLoU. Just checked some videos to compare. Although I think as a general rule of thumb, camera shake should be an option one can turn off, like in MGSV. I don't notice it when playing, but others may be more sensitive to it.
Currently replaying this on Nightmare and having a lot of fun with it. Just got to Chapter 6, and I'm not sure how I'm going to clear the first two rooms of the burning house. It's not as bad as the videos I've seen of Akumu, but it's still damn hard. Doesn't help that after I died twice in a row, the game crashed on me...

Otherwise though Nightmare is an amazing balance setting. You really get by each encounter by the skin of the teeth, there's never a dull moment. I will confess that like Neiteio I am dreading the two Trauma encounter in Chapter 10 though. Gonna have to stock some agony bolts up for that one.


I agree with your whole post, but the above is especially spot on. That's exactly how it feels. Somehow I was always on edge, but never resented the game. The entire experience from beginning to end could not have been balanced more pefectly.

I feel the same too. For all its technical issues, it was perfectly balanced. I often found myself with enough ammo and no drops, to counting bullets and finding some ammo just around the corner.
They did a great job making sure you never have too much, or too little resources.
I don't recall there being any more camera shake than, say, sprinting in TLoU. Just checked some videos to compare. Although I think as a general rule of thumb, camera shake should be an option one can turn off, like in MGSV. I don't notice it when playing, but others may be more sensitive to it.

Yeah, same here. I don't notice it but when I tried turning it off on MGSV, it felt bad. The sense of urgency is completely gone and it feels less intense when you're running.

Astral Dog

umm, i remembered i got stuck on this game, i was enjoying it but the technical issues were offputting, would like to try again but i doubt the disk will work now, its all scratched :(


Loved this game, gets far too much flak. Need to finish my hard mode playthrough, ch. 6 was ridiculous.

Wish the game had been developed on a different engine though, or at the very least, optimized.


Stick To The Script! Amazing.

...So I didn't know I had limitless glow sticks until after literally feeling my way to the power switch at the beginning of Consequence. I feel foolish, but proud.

Question. WTF is real? I assume all the notes we get from Jimenez are his genuine thoughts, as are the flashback ghosts, etc. But...

Kidman is told she's gone for
37 minutes
, so no way were they
drawn into the wireless STEM (why don't they evertell us what that stands for? Infuriating!) and wandering from the crashed ambulance back to the hospital in the real world while negotiating the nightmare of their linked minds. And since they all wake up in baths jacked into the STEM with wires, I can't help but wonder if the wireless STEM is even real. Although Myra does mention the "first pulse", and enough evidence supports the wireless machine.

Love that they explained why the statues exist everywhere. I'm guessing the Shade was Leslie's creation, but why would Ruvic or Mobius try to
force Kidman to kill Joseph
and why on Earth
isn't he dead? His heart is beating in the STEM bath. Only Jimenez is dead.
The second letter implies Evil Mobius Man
has been trapped there for ages,
but the agents also seem to be discussing him in the real world too.

...I love how confusing this game is. Literally everything means something, and pieceing together what's
real, who's who, what is each person seeing, why are some things shared, which monsters are STEM victims, and which are creations of the users makes replaying the game and the DLC essential.

I'll go back and grab the models and tracks I missed on Kurayami, then play the final piece of DLC.


Aske, there's a lot I need to refresh myself on re: the DLC, but I recall the model viewer explicitly stating that Shade is a creation of
and represents
the search for Leslie
. You might want to check and see what its flavor text says. There's a lot of good information in the model viewer regarding the different creatures in the game.

One neat detail: The Keeper (a.k.a. Boxman) collects brains! That's what's inside the burlap sack he carries with him! Which makes me realize, those nails driven through it must be lobotomy spikes... Creepy!

I still maintain that these monsters would make for great creature features. Imagine a horror film about the resurrecting vault-headed harvester of brains, with his sadistic tricks and traps... Get on it, Hollywood! :)

Also, in hindsight, I wonder if the shrine in Ch. 7's Catacombs with the framed picture of a what appears to be a man and a blonde girl is a reference to the backstory of the Keeper, as told in the third DLC "The Executioner." Some nice foresight on their part, if it is.


I need to unlock Shade's model, but it seems odd that
Ruvik would create a demon in Kidman's image (flashlight, clicking shoes, etc)
. Maybe an odd perversion for the fun of it I suppose - maybe Ruvik
based Shade on Leslie's projection of Kidman, or created an Evil Kidman to make Leslie fear the real one
. The flavour text on the model viewer gives players a ton of detail about the game - it's kind of essential reading.

Regardless, Shade is such an amazing design.


I need to unlock Shade's model, but it seems odd that
Ruvik would create a demon in Kidman's image (flashlight, clicking shoes, etc)
. Maybe an odd perversion for the fun of it I suppose - maybe Ruvik
based Shade on Leslie's projection of Kidman, or created an Evil Kidman to make Leslie fear the real one
. The flavour text on the model viewer gives players a ton of detail about the game - it's kind of essential reading.

Regardless, Shade is such an amazing design.
Well, I recall Jimenez saying in the main game that
each person jacked into STEM may perceive certain elements in different ways, their subconscious filling in the blanks; so in other words, for the most part it's the same, but certain things will be altered in appearance based on the person's personal experiences
. Perhaps this is one such case.


And a word about sound design. Kidman and Shade's clicking heels. Switching on the flashlight when you focus it. The click of the glow sticks as they land. And obviously the guns. Monsters could maybe do with less animal noises mixed into their screams, but this is still up there with the very best.

Wonderful to see the game get some well-deserved publicity with this thread, especially since it's all patched up and ready to go. I know others have mentioned the odd crash. Not happened once to me.


And a word about sound design. Kidman and Shade's clicking heels. Switching on the flashlight when you focus it. The click of the glow sticks as they land. And obviously the guns. Monsters could maybe do with less animal noises mixed into their screams, but this is still up there with the very best.

Wonderful to see the game get some well-deserved publicity with this thread, especially since it's all patched up and ready to go. I know others have mentioned the odd crash. Not happened once to me.
Personally, I've had more technical issues with Bloodborne, from the memory leak causing numerous bosses to stop attacking, to the persistent frame pacing issues that dog the entire experience. And I say this with Bloodborne being a Top 15 GOAT for me.

Agreed on the sound design. Playing through Ch. 3 with surround sound headphones, I was constantly on edge from the rattling chains of the Sadist locked up in the barn, even though I knew the exact circumstances under which he'd be freed.

And there's nothing more bloodcurdling than Laura's scream. Holy shit, is it intense. If you're not using headphones, you'll want to dial down the sound or your neighbors will think you're murdering your family!


Your post reminds me - we know Laura
was comatose after the fire, and Ruvik's goal with STEM was to get her back, presumably by creating a mental world he could share with her. The wikia suggests it's never clarified in the main game, but I wonder if he ever attempted to pull her in? If so, is Laura the boss the real Laura gone mad? We can assume Ruvik learned his sister wasn't dead, despite what his father had told the family - in fact, learning the truth might be what drove him to eventually kill his parents.
After all, it's right there in the Krimson Post found by Sebastian; which is itself presumably Sebastian's subconscious memory helping him fill in the gaps with pertinent information latent in his own memory. Super clever way of having him piece together what he knows about Ruvik - from newspapers and missing persons reports he's seen on the outside.

I think the idea that Laura is
"alive" but insane within the STEM makes sense. We know Ruvik was experimenting with the brain and the mind, even after he finished STEM. He didn't simply disappear inside it and live with his memories of the Laura he knew before the accident. He kept working. I think his motivation became to restore Laura's sanity. Then Mobius betrayed him, at which point his priority became escape from the STEM.


Your post reminds me - we know Laura
was comatose after the fire, and Ruvik's goal with STEM was to get her back, presumably by creating a mental world he could share with her. The wikia suggests it's never clarified in the main game, but I wonder if he ever attempted to pull her in? If so, is Laura the boss the real Laura gone mad? We can assume Ruvik learned his sister wasn't dead, despite what his father had told the family - in fact, learning the truth might be what drove him to eventually kill his parents.
After all, it's right there in the Krimson Post found by Sebastian; which is itself presumably Sebastian's subconscious memory helping him fill in the gaps with pertinent information latent in his own memory. Super clever way of having him piece together what he knows about Ruvik - from newspapers and missing persons reports he's seen on the outside.

I think the idea that Laura is
"alive" but insane within the STEM makes sense. We know Ruvik was experimenting with the brain and the mind, even after he finished STEM. He didn't simply disappear inside it and live with his memories of the Laura he knew before the accident. He kept working. I think his motivation became to restore Laura's sanity. Then Mobius betrayed him, at which point his priority became escape from the STEM.
I think she perished in the fire, and his dad told Ruvik the truth but Ruvik didn't trust his dad because he perceived his dad to be jealous of the link Ruvik and Laura shared. Ruvik mentions this perceived jealousy in one of the files. I suspect he kills his parents for 1) locking him away and 2) taking away Laura.

So, the newspaper clipping about her being comatose (which I don't recall, tbqh, but I guess I'm not that far yet in my replay) might just be Ruvik's take on events, since he is the architect of the STEM world, after all.

Also, the model viewer description for Laura (Creature) says she died: "A creature born from the memory of Laura's tragic death and Ruvik's own vengefulness. The thing is nearly immune to bullets but reacts violently to open flame."

In the official art book, they note Ruvik feels guilt over Laura's death and secretly fears she will come back to haunt him — something else that feeds into the manifestation of the Laura creature.

I think Ruvik is trying to create a copy of Laura from his memories in STEM. Some also speculate Myra is trying to do the same thing, bringing back her daughter Lily.


In that case, another possibility is that Ruvik doesn't know
that Laura is alive and comatose,
and that the version in the game (and the flavour text for the model) is entirely created by Ruvik's perspective in his ignorance.

This is what I love about the game. It's so hard to seperate the reality from the fiction. I lean towards the newspapers being real and reliable: Sebastian sorting through memories filed away. But your theory is equally likely - they are, like so much of the STEM world - placed there by Ruvik, consciously or unconsciously, for the others to stumble into as they explore his memories.


Ahh, I want to get back to playing this game. Eager to explore the caves of Ch. 8. But RE6 on PS4 has arrived and people here expect me to play that, lol.

I suppose the two games make an interesting combination: Simmering solo-player suspense on one hand, and balls-to-the-wall bro-op on the other!

I keep coming back here to stare at my own screens. So much lovely detail. <3


Fuck I want to play it so badly but there are currently so much games and also games coming up that eat a lot of time. I barely have time for one game :(
Ahh, I want to get back to playing this game. Eager to explore the caves of Ch. 8. But RE6 on PS4 has arrived and people here expect me to play that, lol.

I suppose the two games make an interesting combination: Simmering solo-player suspense on one hand, and balls-to-the-wall bro-op on the other!

It could be interesting to compare them side by side because they do share some similarities. Both are really long, diverse, TPS horror games with non-standard combat design and an emphasis on fresh experiences, locales, and enemies throughout. They both have death roombas too!


I was massively disappoined with RE6. I felt like the franchise had somehow had all the fun leeched out of it during the game's development. It felt so cynical and by-the-numbers, and finishing it was a huge chore. Very surprised the re-release is getting so much hype while people pass up TEW. They're not the same game by any means, but they certainly bare comparison.

I wonder how well TEW would have done if it contained an Action mode alongside Survival with more enemies, more gel, and lots more ammo. I know there's an easy mode, but I mean if the game offered an experience tuned for RE fans.
I'm actually currently playing through this game as well! I played the first couple of chapters a while ago, but I've returned to the game, and am really enjoying it. I don't know if it will replace my warm nostalgic feelings for RE4, but I certainly hold this game in a similar regard. I really dig the unsettling atmosphere, how you never know what to expect when you warp to the save room, and how the levels can change on you at any turn.

I know there are people on GAF who've said this game wasn't scary at all, but I've had to hold my hand up in front of the screen a couple of times, haha!

I've been wanting to check out your screenshots, but I didn't want to spoil too much for yourself. Your last set of screens is just what I've been playing today earlier, so I'm glad I can appreciate them!

Well, back to the mansion for me! :)


I'm actually currently playing through this game as well! I played the first couple of chapters a while ago, but I've returned to the game, and am really enjoying it. I don't know if it will replace my warm nostalgic feelings for RE4, but I certainly hold this game in a similar regard. I really dig the unsettling atmosphere, how you never know what to expect when you warp to the save room, and how the levels can change on you at any turn.

I know there are people on GAF who've said this game wasn't scary at all, but I've had to hold my hand up in front of the screen a couple of times, haha!

I've been wanting to check out your screenshots, but I didn't want to spoil too much for yourself. Your last set of screens is just what I've been playing today earlier, so I'm glad I can appreciate them!

Well, back to the mansion for me! :)
Ah, so it sounds like you're in Ch. 9 now? Glad you're thoroughly enjoying it! Ch. 9 and Ch. 10 are probably the two most stressful chapters in the game. I actually just played Ch. 8 today while waiting for work to be done on my car, so I'm now at the start of Ch. 9. Eager to go on a photo safari... even if a certain invincible phantom will be interrupting at the most inconvenient times!
Good game and awesome setting, but the controls were clunky and the framerate on PS4 was a gamebreaker sometimes. I'm fine with losing a bossfight but doing a bossfight ten times due to control issues sucks.
Ah, so it sounds like you're in Ch. 9 now? Glad you're thoroughly enjoying it! Ch. 9 and Ch. 10 are probably the two most stressful chapters in the game. I actually just played Ch. 8 today while waiting for work to be done on my car, so I'm now at the start of Ch. 9. Eager to go on a photo safari... even if a certain invincible phantom will be interrupting at the most inconvenient times!

I am indeed! Played up until the burning barn, and put it down for the night. But reading through your OP has me itching to play more. I want to hurry up and know the story already! :p I already have my suspicions, and won't be surprised if they turn out to be true, but I hope there's still some unexpected surprises!

I really love this game, though! I hope Tango have something similarly fantastic to reveal in the future.
How does the DLC compare to the main game, by the way? I'm thinking of picking it up, what with how much I've enjoyed the main game.


Just beat The Executioner. Three times, because you kind of have to to fight all the bosses, collect all the Torments, and then blaze through with the perks.

I'm still not 100% sure if this DLC takes place before or after the main game.
The very first message tells you you've "integrated with the Safe-Headed creature", who I aways imagined was a creation of Ruvik's to protect his secrets from future thefts by Jimenez, or a body in which to trap and enslave the reporter we hear about in the main game. Clearly though, the Keeper existed before the father integrates with its body to carry out Mobius' experiments.

So I have to assume this tale of the father and his daughter is a follow up by Mobius which takes place after Sebastian has escaped (presumably leaving Oda trapped in STEM for some reason), but not the origin of the Keeper who we fight in the game itself. Mobius makes reference to the Ruvik incident; confirming he escaped via Leslie at the end of the main game, and it does so from the outset, so the two quests can't be occuring in parallel...or can they? Mobius also says their communications may experience time distortions.

Is it possible that Ruvik escaped while the father was stumbling around as the Keeper, and what we perceive in The Executioner is the Keeper's personal experience inside STEM during the evens if TEW? Perhaps Sebastian just believes he's taken down the various bosses he fights, and only the Keeper actually has the power to eliminate them from the network completely?

Or I could be overthinking it, and it just happens afterwards, and we should never take "death" in STEM for granted.


Beyond the catacombs of Ch. 7 are the caves of Ch. 8 &#8212; and a subsequent return to Beacon Mental Hospital.

Ch. 8 is a short bridge chapter, and perhaps the most linear level in the game, but it's still dripping with atmosphere.

I also have screens of Ch. 9 ready to go, but I'll wait until some other people post first to help break up the flow.

















I wanna like this game but the difficulty is throwing me off really badly. Chapter 3 and the game throws enemies at me and I have like 8 bullets. I tried sneaking/running but then the big guy comes and I have no idea what to do. :-/


I wanna like this game but the difficulty is throwing me off really badly. Chapter 3 and the game throws enemies at me and I have like 8 bullets. I tried sneaking/running but then the big guy comes and I have no idea what to do. :-/

You can

Flash Bolt him and stab him, lead him into traps, use the disarmed traps to craft more bolts and shoot him with those


What's that? I think I skipped a part of the game... or did I miss a part of the menu?

It's a type of bot for the Agony Crossbow, you pick that and the shotgun up before you fight him from what I remember. You can change and make bolts in the weapons menu.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
What's that? I think I skipped a part of the game... or did I miss a part of the menu?

Here's a good tip in the village.
There's a lot of optional stuff you can do before you enter the barn and let the guy out. Explore the houses, you'll find a ton of things, including the shotgun, crossbow stuff, various traps you can let off, supplies, and more.


It's a type of bot for the Agony Crossbow, you pick that and the shotgun up before you fight him from what I remember. You can change and make bolts in the weapons menu.

Here's a good tip in the village.
There's a lot of optional stuff you can do before you enter the barn and let the guy out. Explore the houses, you'll find a ton of things, including the shotgun, crossbow stuff, various traps you can let off, supplies, and more.

Ouff okay thanks, seems like I missed some things, but how to get there without getting killed hah.

I love the atmosphere and all that, but I can see it getting frustrating, like now.

edit: also is it just me or did Outlast throw a lot of hommages to this game?


I wanna like this game but the difficulty is throwing me off really badly. Chapter 3 and the game throws enemies at me and I have like 8 bullets. I tried sneaking/running but then the big guy comes and I have no idea what to do. :-/
Everyone gets stuck there, but there are many ways to beat him, no matter how well equipped you are the moment.

I put down a trail of explosive traps leading from the barn to the two-story house. I put one in front of him in the barn, another at the entrance to the barn, another by the hanging people, another at the doorway to the two-story house, another at the first landing on the stairs, another at the top of the stairs, and finally one near the rear bedroom. I then hid inside the closet and listened while he tripped bomb after bomb looking for me. He killed himself without me firing a single shot!

The house across the street from the barn has switches you can throw to trigger spike traps. He can take multiple hits from said spikes, but if you lead him on a loop through the house, you can keep throwing the switch and he'll keep falling for the trap.

And yay, more people posted! I'll have to upload the Ch. 9 pics later. :)


A wealth of screens from one of my favorite episodes, Ch. 9. So many nice views and cool details to capture! I especially like all of the paintings around the mansion — feels like you're touring a museum at times!

































































I finished the game a couple nights ago! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Going through these pictures reminded me of the many highlights in the game. A wonderful and varied game indeed, much like its inspiration it harkens back to. The design of some of the locations was simply incredible! Especially loved that weird eye and brain arena at the end. Also always looked forward to what would happen each time I returned to the save room.
I was satisfied even though the ending was fairly open-ended. Would have loved some more flashbacks, though!

I asked earlier, but is all the DLC worth buying?

By the way, I went out of my way to earn that no upgrades trophy, and at times the game felt so difficult, it seemed almost impossible to pass. There were even a couple times where I had to revert to an older save or restart the chapter, just because I simply didn't have enough ammunition or med kits to survive.
Wondering if I have the tolerance to play through on Akumu . . .


I played the ps4 version actually. Good Lord performance are more terrible than expected :( game has a lot of potential but everytime I switch the camera view it's a stutter fest. Just in the hospital it's fine. For the fuck sake I hate when software house release their games in such conditions.
Was gonna post my impressions as promised pages ago, but stuff happened
I was banned, don't get me started

Anyway, I'm at chapter 4 now, and my experience so far can be summed up with

Chapter 3 was terrifying, and I loved the Resi 4 callback with the
chainsaw guy
. I ran back to the save point like a big pussy but managed to beat him on my second go, using
explosive arrows and a shotgun to the face

I can only manage to play like half an hour a week due to the game being so goddamn intense. It's amazing though. Thanks again Neiteio :)


Was gonna post my impressions as promised pages ago, but stuff happened
I was banned, don't get me started

Anyway, I'm at chapter 4 now, and my experience so far can be summed up with

Chapter 3 was terrifying, and I loved the Resi 4 callback with the
chainsaw guy
. I ran back to the save point like a big pussy but managed to beat him on my second go, using
explosive arrows and a shotgun to the face

I can only manage to play like half an hour a week due to the game being so goddamn intense. It's amazing though. Thanks again Neiteio :)
No problem, and that 2spooky4me gif is amazing!

I'm currently where I left off: Chapter 10. It's both my favorite chapter and the most grueling chapter in the game. Been playing "lighter" stuff like the RE6 remaster and EarthBound to cleanse my palate before getting back to TEW!


Guess I caught up with you Neiteio - I just beat the two crucified dudes on my NG+ run to grab the last couple of collectables. Love this game. Even as a straight action game (I've unlocked bonus weapons, and pretty much have all the ammo I could wish for) it's incredibly fun. But it's not a cakewalk. Most enemies are weak to fire, so fire-harpoons will mow them down, but not everything. And those that aren't shrug them off.

I've purposefully not upgraded my health so the game isn't too easy, and it's a blast to adjust to the wildly different scenarios the game tosses up, and meet the challenge now that I usually know which card to play.

DLC: Kidman's Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey are both absolutely worth getting if you enjoyed the base game, especially if you want lots more meat to the story. Safeman Simulator is a fun little add-on that I very much enjoyed, but it's not essential. However if you buy the season pass you get it free (the pass is the cost of the two Kidman packs) so no reason to pass it up.
DLC: Kidman's Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey are both absolutely worth getting if you enjoyed the base game, especially if you want lots more meat to the story. Safeman Simulator is a fun little add-on that I very much enjoyed, but it's not essential. However if you buy the season pass you get it free (the pass is the cost of the two Kidman packs) so no reason to pass it up.

Thanks for letting me know about the DLC! I'd be very much interested in getting some further insight into the story, so I'll be picking those two up. :) What a fantastic game.
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