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Ubisoft just fucked up Tetris (glitching, freezing, frame drops, tearing)


Just as a heads up:

The original GameBoy Tetris and Tetris XL or whatever that 3DS game was called will be delisted on the eShop.

Both are better games than this, so get them before Nintendo loses the license.


I'm so sad that this Tetris is being removed due to this Ubi crap... :(

EDIT: And I just now noticed that the Electronic Arts Tetris is now removed from EVERYWHERE! PSN, Google Play, everywhere! :(



So I know it's totally crazy for me to sit here and say "We need to cut them some slack" because I'm the guy who made the video that started this whole thread, but I feel like we need to cut them some slack.


Yeah, releasing a messed up game sucks, but 1) I'm a fringe case; the majority of people don't have 2k friends. 2) Everyone keeps yelling at Ubisoft, but they're just the publisher. SoMa Play made the game, and they're just a group of people.

Sure, Ubisoft should've said "We've had problems with games and lots of friends on the PSN before, so be careful," but I'm sure they said a million things that the devs needed to focus on.

I just had two of the SoMa Plays guys in my office studying my PS4 and its settings. I feel for them. They finally launch this game and want to celebrate it with the community, and there's this one problem that's related to one of the biggest voices talking about the game. Sucks.

And, I'm not saying "No biggie!" This sucks, but it's a product of where we're at, right? Clearly PlayStation needs to make EVERY debug default to 2,000 friends. Someone needs to be looking for this kinda stuff -- it's just that there are so many variables.

I dunno. I feel like we're all so cynical on the Internet. Yeah, they screwed up, but I screw up every day; it's just that my content's free so who cares. I don't feel like we should be flogging them for this one fringe case. If it was broken for EVERYONE or broken on something that's easy to test, I'd get it.

Keep in mind that Dead Nation on PS3 had a similar friends list bug at launch; they fixed it; and when it came to PS4, the original bug came, too.


Incoming post from the perspective of a consumer not a developer. Let me get on my soapbox here.

The problem is this is a symptom of a much larger problem with software development as a whole, especially games. In the manufacturing industry if lots of on the job injuries are happening a safety first approach is pushed till the culture changes and people become safer workers. Games development need to go through a similar movement of fostering quality first. Two things need to start happening in my opinion.

First consumers need to organize a campaign to get some better consumer protection laws created to help with refunds of shoddy software. It has become the norm for management and publishers to say, good enough ship it. We as consumers need to stop accepting broken and buggy software as the norm and acceptable because it can be patched. Do we really need to wait till shit really hits the fan and games are released so problematic it's unfixable before we started to do something about this?

Second developers need to start fighting for a more NASA like environment for creating software. The game developers work insane hours which leads to more bugs and lack of quality. That includes the culture from management and among peer pressure. This, if you aren't willing to work 80+ hours a week means you have no pride and don't care is insanity and counter productive to quality work. Whether unionizing as a whole like the actors guild or some other means things need to change that allows for higher quality work to be produced. Proper rest is vital for quality software development. AAA developers especially need to either set more realistic time tables or bring in more help if needed.

Outside of making some games by myself for fun I've never worked in a software development job. So not sure if my perceptions are correct or not but I do know games at launch have progressively been getting worse.


a smart company would jump on this opportunity and enforce some strict QA standards. just knowing a console/publisher of my choice is doing top notch testing would go a long way to ensuring my consumer dollars, even pre-orders.
Of course, that increases development time and is inherently counter to "jumping on the opportunity." No major company could brag about it either because that just heightens the damage the inevitable bugs will cause. No, this is a situation that will be resolved with major pubs continuing to fall on their faces and silent devs like Rockstar and CD Projekt RED releasing solid titles with understated delays and managed expectations.


People should stop buying their games for a long long time. They already fucked their costumers with so many buggy and unfinished games. Now it's costumers' turn to fuck them. Don't buy their games, until they release finished games with the less possible bugs.


I think the bigger issue is all the Ubisoft apologists you see in threads like this and every AC Unity thread. When you mess up something as simple as Tetris, I think the time for "One more chance" is long gone.


I was just about to buy this. It's made by Ubisoft?

Nope. Not wasting £8 on it. I refuse to buy anything else from them again. The only game I've enjoyed by them is Child of Light.

How can you even fuck up Tetris? Seriously. Ubisoft are a joke.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

I'm so sad that this Tetris is being removed due to this Ubi crap... :(

EDIT: And I just now noticed that the Electronic Arts Tetris is now removed from EVERYWHERE! PSN, Google Play, everywhere! :(

That's the downside to instant availability: instant unavailability when legal/licence-related issues arise.


This isn't just an edge case for people with huge numbers of friends.

I bought this game on PS4 (before watching that video). I have ~30 friends on PSN - I imagine this number is towards the lower end of the scale.

The game does not perform anywhere near as badly as the IGN video, but it still has large issues.

The Ubisoft logo is straight-up broken. The first few frames play, the audio glitches, then the logo animation freezes and stays frozen for 22 seconds. That feels like forever. From my experience, that kind of thing means a game has crashed.

The first time I saw it, I quit the game and closed out of it, then restarted. After I got the same thing, I turned the PS4 off and then on again, and when that didn't help, I deleted, redownloaded and reinstalled it. When that didn't seem to help I randomly left the game "frozen" while deciding to check the internet to see if anyone else had the same thing, only for the main menu to eventually appear. So...I can at least play the game, despite it doing its best to trick me into believing otherwise.

The issues do not stop there.

There are frequent audio glitches, with crackles throughout on the menu music.

There is some amount of input lag. I can't say with certainty how much, but it's not as responsive as just about every previous version of Tetris I've played has been. This isn't an issue with my TV, it's a problem with the game.

Some small further reading:


I don't want the impression to form that this game is okay other than for people who have 2000 friends. It's not. It's broken in several different ways. We're at the point where I would actually be interested in seeing a Digital Foundry analysis for this game. Yeah. Digital Foundry. For Tetris.
Keep in mind that Dead Nation on PS3 had a similar friends list bug at launch; they fixed it; and when it came to PS4, the original bug came, too.
That was the most important fact of your post.

At this point it makes it sound like he friends activity feed or whatever is not put as a background process. As a result it is a still trying to run or update as if it were on the system menu and the game loses a lot of resources.

As much as we can flame Ubisoft I think Sony need to look at their dev kit and documentation to make clear the importance of doing that or you know having it done automatically.

I'd like to thank this post for making the penny drop.
You know, this "too many friends on PS4 causing game stuttering" has also affected one other game, PES 2015. Two very different games isn't a trend at all, but can't help but worry more games in the future might suffer from it.

I mean having hundreds of friends is not something 99.9% of players will have (I have 80 and I think that's way too many), but still, I wonder if there's something on the actual PS4 menu software side that needs optimising.
Yes it seems like a minority of games but many of the affected ones are high profile(Fifa and Ass have similar bugs).

Shame tetris the grandmaster 4 got cancelled cuz clones and emulating previous iterations.
I need to stop visiting this thread as it making me sad moreso than the eShop Tetris games being delisted.


Gold Member
Someone earlier on this thread mention the original Game Boy version of Tetris. Thank you sir! I purchased it last night on the eShop for the 3DS. I didn't know it was there and bought it right away since it's supposed to be delisted.

Classic game. I still own the cartridge.
I love how at this point, the only way for Ubisoft to start earning respect from anyone would be to remake, I don't know, ET? Desert Bus? and have it run smoothly. Pong is too high-profile of a game for people not to assume immediately that it's in bad hands with Ubisoft, and then they'll have to make games equivalent to eight incremental generations worth of developments from there until anyone trusts Ubisoft with PS4/XBox One retail-level titles (again?).



I'm so sad that this Tetris is being removed due to this Ubi crap... :(

EDIT: And I just now noticed that the Electronic Arts Tetris is now removed from EVERYWHERE! PSN, Google Play, everywhere! :(

Good thing I still have my NES cartridge ready to go!


When it's not even safe to buy Tetris at launch, there is a serious problem.

Maybe a 6 month delay would have helped.


Besides the problems this game has....did Ubisoft put microtransactions/DLC in the game?
Like putting some of the pieces behind a paywall and shit?

I'm just wondering how low Ubisoft went with this game!!



Fucking imagine working on that QA department and getting fired over Tetris.

Fucking Tetris.

LOL, who am I kidding; Ubisoft doesn't have a QA department.


I literally laughed out loud and exclaimed "What?!" when I read that thread title. Well done Ubisoft, well done.


Maturity, bitches.
LOL, who am I kidding; Ubisoft doesn't have a QA department.

It consisted of one person who just looked at the title screen and thought "this is Tetris, how can you fuck this up?" and gave it a pass without playing.


Fucking ps4 laptop cpu strikes again...just seen the article update is this something to do with friends list then, have not had the chance to read the whole thread yet.


Honestly, I think platfforn holders should become very strict about quality assurance. I know there are millions of dollar on the table, but it's getting near the Atari games when even Tetris is broken. Sony and MS are as guilty as lolisoft.


I love how at this point, the only way for Ubisoft to start earning respect from anyone would be to remake, I don't know, ET? Desert Bus? and have it run smoothly. Pong is too high-profile of a game for people not to assume immediately that it's in bad hands with Ubisoft, and then they'll have to make games equivalent to eight incremental generations worth of developments from there until anyone trusts Ubisoft with PS4/XBox One retail-level titles (again?).

This thread keeps delivering and delivering.


Not the first time friends list size has caused issues in a Ubi game. It's their crappy uplay software at play in the background that keeps being the problem.
Edge case or not, it's pretty embarrassing. Says it all that you can't even confidently buy fucking tetris without the possibility of something being broken.


Incoming post from the perspective of a consumer not a developer. Let me get on my soapbox here.

The problem is this is a symptom of a much larger problem with software development as a whole, especially games. In the manufacturing industry if lots of on the job injuries are happening a safety first approach is pushed till the culture changes and people become safer workers. Games development need to go through a similar movement of fostering quality first. Two things need to start happening in my opinion.

First consumers need to organize a campaign to get some better consumer protection laws created to help with refunds of shoddy software. It has become the norm for management and publishers to say, good enough ship it. We as consumers need to stop accepting broken and buggy software as the norm and acceptable because it can be patched. Do we really need to wait till shit really hits the fan and games are released so problematic it's unfixable before we started to do something about this?

Second developers need to start fighting for a more NASA like environment for creating software. The game developers work insane hours which leads to more bugs and lack of quality. That includes the culture from management and among peer pressure. This, if you aren't willing to work 80+ hours a week means you have no pride and don't care is insanity and counter productive to quality work. Whether unionizing as a whole like the actors guild or some other means things need to change that allows for higher quality work to be produced. Proper rest is vital for quality software development. AAA developers especially need to either set more realistic time tables or bring in more help if needed.

Outside of making some games by myself for fun I've never worked in a software development job. So not sure if my perceptions are correct or not but I do know games at launch have progressively been getting worse.

I think the market will sort these things out organically. I don't think it needs to be a legal issue.


There are people out there blaming the PS4 CPU for this? Seriously?

This is Tetris! Most people can hack a Tetris clone together in some hours nowadays... it is as far as you can get from a CPU demanding game.
Hate to pile on Ubisoft AGAIN, but Trivial Pursuit Live which just released is also pretty horrid online according to one of my friends. He said it's just crash after crash


Junior Member
Maybe North Korea hacked Ubisoft and programmed all of their PS4 games to run like shit?

They are some Wiley bastards, ya never know.
so, to add insult to injury, Tetris has now stopped updating and saving my high scores.

which really makes the leaderboards useless to me.
I think the market will sort these things out organically. I don't think it needs to be a legal issue.

I don't necessarily think this is true, unless the solution is not buying anymore games.

Since there's no way to know if a game will be buggy or not before launch the only response from consumers would be to not buy games until after it's been determined if the game is unplayable or not. This should probably fall on game reviewers. However publishers have been pushing to delay those reviews more and more (even after a game's actual launch) and also giving more and more pre-order bonuses to entice you to buy blind.

I honestly don't know how it gets sorted out.


aka andydumi

So I know it's totally crazy for me to sit here and say "We need to cut them some slack" because I'm the guy who made the video that started this whole thread, but I feel like we need to cut them some slack.



And, I'm not saying "No biggie!" This sucks, but it's a product of where we're at, right? Clearly PlayStation needs to make EVERY debug default to 2,000 friends. Someone needs to be looking for this kinda stuff -- it's just that there are so many variables.



I disagree with shifting blame onto Sony for this one. As you say there are many variables, and that's up to the developer and testing to work on, not Sony to enforce.

Just this fall there have been several games, across platforms, with issues related to lots of background server activity and yet here we are with broken Tetris.

Whether it's on Ubisoft as the publisher for not testing this, or Soma the developer for not anticipating this either way it's a ridiculous problem that has cropped up before and should have easily been anticipated and tested for.

It is getting to the point of ridiculousness that we get developers/publishers who do this repeatedly and as consumers all we have is "vote with your wallet" yet are not allowed to return these broken messes and are just lulled with promises of patches and fixes that may or may not come. I really wish Sony and MS would start cracking down on this type of behavior and allow refunds of digital games if they are broken. Systemically, not as a "one time favor" approach that they take when we contact customer support.
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