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11 minutes of The Order 1886 gameplay

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The victim mentality some of you diehard defenders are taking before the game is even released is kind of disturbing. This feels like Uncharted all over again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How bad was the last of us forum before it released?

I seem to remember people being really excited for it for the most part, but that may have just been colored by the threads I visited. I definitely don't recall having or seeing this level of skepticism.
The victim mentality some of you diehard defenders are taking before the game is even released is kind of disturbing. This feels like Uncharted all over again.

oh shut up.

i remember you saying this is "gameplay". enough of the bullshitting going around the order threads.


My main concern about this is the game length, have we got any other clarification after the 5 hour rumour?


The victim mentality some of you diehard defenders are taking before the game is even released is kind of disturbing. This feels like Uncharted all over again.



Isn't it a little bit hypocritical to dismiss negative attitudes towards the game because of the lack in information, but on the same time declaring it goty? Or belittling "drive-by" posts that don't contribute to the discussion, while there are way more "reload.gif"-posts that also don't contribute to anything? Just like some have already decided that the game isn't for them, there are many that blindly defend it and even demand bans for those that don't agree.

Of course this isn't exclusive to 1886, but it seems to me that the hype-gaffers get treated way better than the anti-hype gaffers, but that might just be my perception. Being a more negative than positiv person, I wonder if those positive people also ask themselves if there would be a possibility of a ban, before submitting a reply that doesn't contribute to anything.

I still don't know if I should buy the game, and there is the fear of throwing away money because hype-gaf was more vocal than negative-gaf and things that might bother me just aren't said out loud.
I'm not quite sure what your post has to do with my comment, I was just saying I would rather have too little infomation than too much. Because like I said, when the game releases you have every opportunity to find out for yourself if the game is for you. The only reason for people being annoyed with there not being enough footage of combat etc that I can think of is because they really want to pre-order but can't justify it to themselves. No one is forcing your to pre-order it, not even this hype-gaf you speak of.
It's that people think the game will be underwhelming compared to other AAA games and score in the 70s, so "crow will be served" if it scores in the 90s, like I said to begin with.

What's the issue?
Let me explain.

1. You say game needs to be more than good, i.e. 90s
2. You come up with scale where 70s = good, 80s = great, 90s = amazing.
3. 80s, by your own admission, is better than good. But you need the game to score even greater than "great" (i.e. amazing), to "serve crow" (which again is such a painfully childish concept that I don't know how we're not getting banned for just discussing it).

Get what I'm saying? You're arbitrarily skipping a whole range of GREAT scores just because... what?
lol looks like the no gameplay ppl are back. Why not just wait for the damn game before you shit on it, fuck it, I'm just going to throw these dumb asses on the ignore list.

Let's be honest, most of those people will never play the game in the first place, so whether it's out or not doesn't really matter.

IIRC it was a very hyped game, people were extremely excited about it, especially after some PR things like "The AI is better than the e3 demo." and "Best MP ever."

I wouldn't say that. It depended on the thread you entered. Most were really hyped, I'd agree. But there were still a significant number of people shitting on Naughty Dog because "cinematic games," Uncharted 3 or whatever other reason they came up with. It was FAR from unanimous praise.


The victim mentality some of you diehard defenders are taking before the game is even released is kind of disturbing. This feels like Uncharted all over again.

When I read posts like this sometimes I have to double check I'm in still in NeoGAF.


How bad was the last of us forum before it released?

I dont know why people are comparing this with TLOU. TLOU was getting praise in the previews simply because ND were clearly able to convey what the moment to moment gameplay was going to be like. RAD have not able to distill the Order experience and therefore are attracting skepticism.


could never
whats wrong with cinematic games anyways? Some of the best games for me anyways are cinematic.

Nothing at all, friend.

Variety in our videogame genre's is a good thing. There should be something for everyone. I cannot wait for this game to drop.

On Demand

I dont know why people are comparing this with TLOU. TLOU was getting praise in the previews simply because ND were clearly able to convey what the moment to moment gameplay was going to be like. RAD have not able to distill the Order experience and therefore are attracting skepticism.

What more explanation are people looking for? It's a 3rd person linear shooter in a cinematic environment mixed in with gameplay.

I don't know what revolutionary gameplay mechanic some are expecting. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this type of game.
I'm confused. Are people really complaining that all you do in this third-person shooter is "shoot this, now shoot that?"

Is this real life? When did "revolutionize the genre" become a mandatory feature of all games?

Looks good even though the video is only giving me a 360p option on my end. I think I'll get this now, since it's pretty damn close to release.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The Last of Us having a downloadable demo probably helped.
That too, ND also wasn't anywhere near as super secretive.

I wouldn't say that. It depended on the thread you entered. Most were really hyped, I'd agree. But there were still a significant number of people shitting on Naughty Dog because "cinematic games," Uncharted 3 or whatever other reason they came up with. It was FAR from unanimous praise.
Yea but I'd say that it was just a vocal minority compared to the polarizing nature of the order.


whats wrong with cinematic games anyways? Some of the best games for me anyways are cinematic.

Nothing. The game has a lot of interactive cut-scene-like sequences mixed with more traditional gameplay and looks great for what it is. It's just that many want full bore Gears of War style action and nothing else. But I imagine even then it would be getting the 'not innovative enough' label thrown at it. This game is likely going to be damned if it does and damned if it don't and will be caught somewhere in the middle.


the game looks boring x__X

horrible framerate


I'm curious though, how would a horde mode work out? Like obviously it would be a mix of full and half breeds but after a certain amount of time it would get a little boring.
Are there any games with a horde mode that have little enemy variation?


Gold Member
How bad was the last of us forum before it released?
Mostly optional coffee shops jokes, and some "lol uncharted 3", "cinematic gameplay" and "this is released during e3, nobody will care, sony doesn't have a clue" in every other thread. Then the first reviews started coming in :)


What more explanation are people looking for? It's a 3rd person linear shooter in a cinematic environment mixed in with gameplay.

I don't know what revolutionary gameplay mechanic some are expecting. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this type of game.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a linear shooter and having high production values. It does not have to be revolutionary just like TLOU, UC and Max Payne sequels have not been revolutionary. What it does need to have is good level design, good combat options, good shooting mechanics, weapon feedback etc.. TLOU showed that beautifully in the gameplay demo's. They showed combat options, multiple ways to approach enemies etc etc in their demos. Order on the other hand has not displayed this nearly enough. Just because it is linear and is a shooter does not mean a game cant have a unique identity gameplay wise. TLOU showcased that identity and UC has as well. They both play extremely well but are completely opposite. I really cannot define order however. I am not able to define what makes its gameplay unique in the linear cinematic TPS genre. I feel that RAD has not communicated it well at all. This is not me saying the game will be disappointing but it does leave me doubtful. Take cover and shoot is the most basic of design that any freaking developer can do. It is about how to make that interesting and shaping a unique identity out of it.TLOU and UC have done it.
It's not gameplay unless you are shooting things for *insert arbitrary length of time here* without stoppages. The area must be *insert arbitrary square footage here*. There must be at least *insert arbitrary number of npc's here* to talk to. There must be a bathroom to explore optionally and you must be able to flush the toilet otherwise it's not gameplay.


It's not gameplay unless you are shooting things for *insert arbitrary length of time here* without stoppages. The area must be *insert arbitrary square footage here*. There must be at least *insert arbitrary number of npc's here* to talk to. There must be a bathroom to explore optionally and you must be able to flush the toilet otherwise it's not gameplay.

I judge a game solely on how accurate the toilet flush sound and visual effect is.


I'd be in the dick
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a linear shooter and having high production values. It does not have to be revolutionary just like TLOU, UC and Max Payne sequels have not been revolutionary. What it does need to have is good level design, good combat options, good shooting mechanics, weapon feedback etc.. TLOU showed that beautifully in the gameplay demo's. They showed combat options, multiple ways to approach enemies etc etc in their demos. Order on the other hand has not displayed this nearly enough. Just because it is linear and is a shooter does not mean a game cant have a unique identity gameplay wise. TLOU showcased that identity and UC has as well. They both play extremely well but are completely opposite. I really cannot define order however. I am not able to define what makes its gameplay unique in the linear cinematic TPS genre. I feel that RAD has not communicated it well at all. This is not me saying the game will be disappointing but it does leave me doubtful. Take cover and shoot is the most basic of design that any freaking developer can do. It is about how to make that interesting and shaping a unique identity out of it, TLOU and UC have done it.

I think it's because the game is a single player only affair that is constantly focused on story that it's been difficult for RaD to put out a single continuous video of gameplay flow. I think I remember hearing that even the PSX demo cut around some story events and nearly every other showing has been truncated in some way to keep from showing everything.

I don't really know how you can say that this game doesn't have a unique identity though. The personality of the game is immediately visible even at a glance.
How bad was the last of us forum before it released?

Not sure how this compares to The Last of Us. That game was being made by one of the best developers in the world. Also that first stage demo was easily one of the best reveal/stage demos I've ever seen.
Most of the reveals/demos for this game have left people questioning what the game actually is.
I'm really looking forward to this game, but I don't see an issue with how skeptical the response has been.


Some of the comments.....wow
Can some of you play the damn game before forming an opinion.

Well some of us can only go by previews and are commenting on it. What should we do in this thread otherwise that you suggest?

I will be happy to eat crow if it turns out great. I think RAD are immensely talented. That does not mean no one can critique what has been shown of the game so far.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a linear shooter and having high production values. It does not have to be revolutionary just like TLOU, UC and Max Payne sequels have not been revolutionary. What it does need to have is good level design, good combat options, good shooting mechanics, weapon feedback etc.. TLOU showed that beautifully in the gameplay demo's. They showed combat options, multiple ways to approach enemies etc etc in their demos. Order on the other hand has not displayed this nearly enough. Just because it is linear and is a shooter does not mean a game cant have a unique identity gameplay wise. TLOU showcased that identity and UC has as well. They both play extremely well but are completely opposite. I really cannot define order however. I am not able to define what makes its gameplay unique in the linear cinematic TPS genre. I feel that RAD has not communicated it well at all. This is not me saying the game will be disappointing but it does leave me doubtful. Take cover and shoot is the most basic of design that any freaking developer can do. It is about how to make that interesting and shaping a unique identity out of it.TLOU and UC have done it.

Actually the hands on impressions from the PSX demo, which was from a much newer build, was highly positive.

Some folk are just still stuck living at E3.


I'd be in the dick

On top of everything else that's been said about this gif, the smoothness of it is what really gets me. Gifs are limited to 25fps but that animation looks smoother than most 30fps games. The motion blur in this game is doing serious work to add fluidity.


Some of the comments.....wow
Can some of you play the damn game before forming an opinion.
yeah seriously

from reading this thread it sounds like it's acceptable to have a positive opinion of it without playing it but not a negative.

double standards bae


Well some of us can only go by previews and are commenting on it. What should we do in this thread otherwise that you suggest?

I will be happy to eat crow if it turns out great. I think RAD are immensely talented. That does not mean no one can critique what has been shown of the game so far.
So you are "judging" a game based on someone else opinion.
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