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11 minutes of The Order 1886 gameplay

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The Amiga Brotherhood
Stunning visuals there's no denying that.

The facial capture is pretty good to mixed bag from what I've seen so far.

It's almost CG looking because the anti-aliasing is so damn good with just the occasional shadow flicker grabbing the attention away.

Not sure on the game itself (and I've seen plenty of footage so far) so will patiently wait for the reviews.
Is there an equilibrium score where everyone gets served crow, or nobody gets served crow?

I'd say 80ish. I fear reviews will nitpick the things like "It's a cover based TPS" "No next gen gameplay" all that shit. I really enjoyed the gameplay, so once the story and music is strong then it will be one of the best games this year.


I wanted to say that they should release a segment of a level playthrough like Call Of Duty does to demonstrate the game, but they already did and that was all sorts of underwhelming with the insta-fail stealth and weird AI behavior.


The flow of gameplay is a pretty good reason to leave detailed and slow animations to in-game cutscenes. We have lots of footage that show the reloading animations are different while the player is in control and fighting against that clear tutorial style gun range scene. Clear as a day.

The only GIFs ive seen appear to be sped up and the gun is almost entirely obstructed by the player character whilst reloading. We have no way of know what the gun animation looks like while reloading in those scenarios because its not really visible. Regardless my only point was that it is certainly possible that the reload animation could be used throughout since we know its a realtime render. I obviously have no way of knowing whether or not it is till I play the game but I certainly hope so because it looks incredible.
It's just not a very exciting 'gameplay' clip, that's all. If it had been titled "11 minutes of the intro to Order 1886" folk might not have been so unhappy.

Even then, if people dislike what they see they can still vent about it, that's only fair.

Venting about disliking gameplay is fine the problem is the vast majority of the posts I quoted aren't doing that. They are shitting up the thread with pointless meaningless comments with the goal of diminishing other's excitement or anticipation of the title. If people want to have an actual discussion about why they don't like what they saw that's fine but coming into a thread dropping posts that are at best pointless and at worst completely false, in my humble opinion, should not be acceptable behavior.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

You know what this looks like? When you encounter MISSINGNO in pokemon.

The only GIFs ive seen appear to be sped up and the gun is almost entirely obstructed by the player character whilst reloading. We have no way of know what the gun animation looks like while reloading in those scenarios because its not really visible. Regardless my only point was that it is certainly possible that the reload animation could be used throughout since we know its a realtime render. I obviously have no way of knowing whether or not it is till I play the game but I certainly hope so because it looks incredible.

Venting about disliking gameplay is fine the problem is the vast majority of the posts I quoted aren't doing that. They are shitting up the thread with pointless meaningless comments with the goal of diminishing other's excitement or anticipation of the title. If people want to have an actual discussion about why they don't like what they saw that's fine but coming into a thread dropping posts that are at best pointless and at worst completely false, in my humble opinion, should not be acceptable behavior.

Meh, you're giving them basically exactly what they want. They're not hopeful to see "gameplay" of The Order. Just ignore them and let us deal with it. It's like when the awkward "jokester" in high school walks into the classroom and makes a stupid joke like, "Hey, look everyone, I have class! I'm classy! HAWWW" and then there's silence. They're just waiting for your echo to know they got what they wanted.

Handy Fake

The only GIFs ive seen appear to be sped up and the gun is almost entirely obstructed by the player character whilst reloading. We have no way of know what the gun animation looks like while reloading in those scenarios because its not really visible. Regardless my only point was that it is certainly possible that the reload animation could be used throughout since we know its a realtime render. I obviously have no way of knowing whether or not it is till I play the game but I certainly hope so because it looks incredible.

Venting about disliking gameplay is fine the problem is the vast majority of the posts I quoted aren't doing that. They are shitting up the thread with pointless meaningless comments with the goal of diminishing other's excitement or anticipation of the title. If people want to have an actual discussion about why they don't like what they saw that's fine but coming into a thread dropping posts that are at best pointless and at worst completely false, in my humble opinion, should not be acceptable behavior.

Be able to have a good look when the Photomode is released. ;)


Venting about disliking gameplay is fine the problem is the vast majority of the posts I quoted aren't doing that. They are shitting up the thread with pointless meaningless comments with the goal of diminishing other's excitement or anticipation of the title. If people want to have an actual discussion about why they don't like what they saw that's fine but coming into a thread dropping posts that are at best pointless and at worst completely false, in my humble opinion, should not be acceptable behavior.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The review thread is going to be such a glorious trainwreck

Meltdowns erywhere

Not to pick on you, but I would encourage people to stop saying or anticipating this outcome. Agitators (on any side) are getting banned.


You talk like it's some grand conspiracy. The more likely situation is just that the developers haven't shown anything to make a large group of people want the game.

A grand conspiracy? No, just kind of weird how memes are born and played out and how regardless of what is presented they are hard to shake. They have shown pretty much every type of gameplay there is. I mean we have people talk about how Ryse isn't that bad but it's a more monotonous experience that does nothing new either. We don't have people going to D4 threads asking "is this even a game" and that's more QTE heavy and less so called "gameplay" than a third person shooter. Now I hope you don't take that the wrong way because I'm not suggesting anything by the selection of games. Just two recent games that show what I mean. How logic and reason lose out to memes and prejudice.


You know what this looks like? When you encounter MISSINGNO in pokemon.

LOL and now I cannot unsee it.

Meh, you're giving them basically exactly what they want. They're not hopeful to see "gameplay" of The Order. Just ignore them and let us deal with it. It's like when the awkward "jokester" in high school walks into the classroom and makes a stupid joke like, "Hey, look everyone, I have class! I'm classy! HAWWW" and then there's silence. They're just waiting for your echo to know they got what they wanted.

That's great that you all will deal with it but in the mean time people trying to actually have discussions in these threads have to wade through all the bullshit to do so. It's never really bothered me that much before but with it happening on such a pronounced scale in every thread about certain games that I'm incredibly excited for (The Order, No Man's Sky) it's passed the realm of mild inconvenience to frustrating and annoying. Maybe it's just because I frequent the threads of these particular games so often but it just seems tome its become a major issue for those of us actually seeking to talk about the games in question.

TLDR: I honestly just wish it wasn"t an issue and I could share my anticipation and excitement for these games with other gaffers in peace.
I sure hope people are just getting a kick out of showing the most boring parts of this game or it's going to suck. I have a feeling it's going to be critically panned.


Great visuals. Boring gameplay so far. And I hope I am wrong about the gameplay, for this looks like a Ryse situation all over again. Time will tell...


There are good chance this game will get the crown of the most beautiful looking game.

Ps if people stopped giving too much attention to some "posts", probably threads like this could be a better place to discuss in a civil way.


Be able to have a good look when the Photomode is released. ;)

YES! I wonder how long after release it will be when photomode releases. Can't wait to see the photomode thread on gaf. I expect faces will be melted. Except for their mustaches of course they don"t melt they remain erect soldiering on.

If it gets above a 75 on meteoritic there'll be crow, I'm expecting/hoping it will average at an 85

If the story is as good as it's being teased as I really cant see this game falling under an 80 with the OST and graphical tour de force on display. At this point I think it all hinges on the story. If it knocs peoples socks off then we're likely in for the next Wolfenstein level (80) review consensus but with user reviews far outpacing the average critic review. It will be an interesting one to watch though for sure. Either way I fully anticipate enjoying the hell out of the game based on what we've seen thus far.
Expecting high 60s, low 70s.

What of this game looks mediocre?

PSX previews were very positive. Anytime we have seen the latest combat it all looks pretty dynamic with tight controls and cool special abilities. The voice acting is very good, the music is superb, the visuals are stunning. The story looks very interesting. The characters are all likable, it seems. The Lycans look ferocious and looks like the fights with them will be pretty intense. The setting is phenomenal with the alternative universe London realistically recreated.

I don't see where the 6/10 comes from.

And before you cop out and mention cutscenes and QTE's. Tomb Raider / TLOU / Uncharted 2/3 were all heralded as some of the finest gaming experiences of the past gen and this game here mimics most of those mechanics. It just goes deeper with some of the QTE's giving dynamic choices through the scene as to provide multiple choices for various scenarios. So unless you are going to turn around and call Uncharted 2/3 and Tomb Raider and TLOU mediocre or below average because of the continuous use of QTE's for stuff, then I don't see the point in bringing it up for this game, considering we have literally see nothing more then a button press to open a door or burn metal or something so far. With 2 button presses once during melee combat a long time ago.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
LOL and now I cannot unsee it.

That's great that you all will deal with it but in the mean time people trying to actually have discussions in these threads have to wade through all the bullshit to do so. It's never really bothered me that much before but with it happening on such a pronounced scale in every thread about certain games that I'm incredibly excited for (The Order, No Man's Sky) it's passed the realm of mild inconvenience to frustrating and annoying. Maybe it's just because I frequent the threads of these particular games so often but it just seems tome its become a major issue for those of us actually seeking to talk about the games in question.

TLDR: I honestly just wish it wasn"t an issue and I could share my anticipation and excitement for these games with other gaffers in peace.

You can share your excitement and other people can share their negativity. That's how a message board should work. But if you feel someone is not legitimately engaging in the topic, ignore them and report them and we'll deal with them. They only derail a thread when people let them do so.


You can share your excitement and other people can share their negativity. That's how a message board should work. But if you feel someone is not legitimately engaging in the topic, ignore them and report them and we'll deal with them. They only derail a thread when people let them do so.

Fair enough. I'll stop engaging and start reporting more often. To be honest I wasn't really sure what the policy on reporting for stuff like this so I've always done so rather sparingly. Like I said it's not necessarily negativity that's the problem it's the drop in one off posts with no intention of actually contributing to or starting a discussion of any sort. Ill be sure to pass those posts yall's way from now on.


So 70s: worst game ever. 80s: average, lol all that money spent. 90s: it's "good". Is that it now?

Very strange assumption.

0 = worst game ever
70 = good
80 = great
90 = amazing
100=best game ever

People expect more than "good" from a flagship game, especially when there are plenty of great and amazing games to play instead.


Holy shit, people. Anything in game = gameplay. Whether you find it interesting or exciting is completely besides the point. That's like saying walking around the mansion in Resident Evil isn't gameplay or talking to people in Mass Effect isn't gameplay.

Honestly you're sounding like the kind of people who lose interest in a game when a cutscene starts.

Game looks great and can't wait to pick it up day one. First of a good year of Sony exclusives I hope.
Very strange assumption.

0 = worst game ever
70 = good
80 = great
90 = amazing
100=best game ever

People expect more than "good" from a flagship game, especially when there are plenty of great and amazing games to play instead.
The post that I quoted initially (yours), said people are expecting low scores, and that crow would only be served if the game scored in the 90s. Here you're saying people expect more than "good" from flagship games and then go on to categorize 80s as "great" and 70s as "good", yet you only think "crow would be served" if the game scores more than 80s. So what is it?

Honestly? What a stupid, pointless discussion. This whole "crow will be served" thing is infantile, for both parties involved.


The scepticism for this game, which to me feels like thinly veiled outright animosity against it, is really starting to grate. Just because Eurogamer decided, based on a short play of one section of the game, that people shouldn't be excited by this game doesn't mean everyone should jump on board beating this game down.

Some of the comments are mindless at best, intentionally ignorant at worst. I think we all need to remember that none of us have actually played the full finished article and clearly much of the game is being kept under wraps so as not to spoil it etc.

From what I've seen this game has created a look and feel far and away superior to anything that has come before and you have to stretch believability if you say that somehow it doesn't. Obviously the gameplay is yet to be a known quantity but the amount of effort being put into trying to downplay the entire game and RAD is really quite pathetic. Get over yourselves. I expect much of the hate is from PC and Xbox console warriors who don't own a PS4 and probably never plan to, but just love hating on something they see as a "threat". Wish it wasn't the case but that's how sad some elements of this hobby are (and likewise PS4 fan boys in the other direction).
So according to a lot of posters in here. A game like The Walking Dead season 1, which won many game of the year awards and commercial success apparently has no game play in it. The logic some folks show off in these Order threads is staggering.
I guess I'm the only one excited by a game that won't take me 100 hours to beat. Got 2 jobs, a wife and 4 year old now. Ain't nobody got time for ten 100+hr games a year anymore lol. I'm gonna buy the fook out of this day one! Don't worry GAF, I will give you all the impressions you guys want to help with your purchasing decision.

Concerned posters, I wouldn't mind too much about low scores or what critics say in general, as i think it's a title that will grab people right away. And unlike on gaming forums, graphics in the real world is a selling point, and man, this is going to do very well with the general public IMO. Getting critical praise is important, not as important as it once was, but you do want to get good reviews. Number one goal though, get over a million units out and exceed the expectations of your ROI.


King of Gaslighting
If they give me 10 hours (if you know what you're doing), I'm good. I don't mind beating this in the weekend.
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