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11 minutes of The Order 1886 gameplay

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Very strange assumption.

0 = worst game ever
70 = good
80 = great
90 = amazing
100=best game ever

People expect more than "good" from a flagship game, especially when there are plenty of great and amazing games to play instead.

More like
0-80 = shit
81-89 = worth playing when it is cheap, I guess...
90+ = GOTY


So according to a lot of posters in here. A game like The Walking Dead season 1, which won many game of the year awards and commercial success apparently has no game play in it. The logic some folks show off in these Order threads is staggering.

*sees action footage* OMG this game is a generic corridor shooter!
*sees story, exploration and amazingly detailed item inspecting* OMG this is so boring I could barely force myself to keep watching!
I expect The Order 1886 to very good at what it does, but I think some people want it to be something else and will therefore not like it that much.


Gold Member
A conversation with a friend...

Friend- Looked the last videos? I would buy The Order if it was more open world, looks amazing tho
Me- you won't buy a PS4 anyway?
F- what? looks amazing.
M- The Order is PS4 exclusive and you wouldn't buy a PS4 for it even if it was open world
F- It is PS4 Exclusive? First word of it...
M- First and last heheheheh
F- Then Batman and MGSV only in 2015 for me
M- Doesn't like the Witcher3? is open world.
F- Looks great, but I'm not sure... it's not clicking on me...
M- at least releases on the One...


Gold Member
Its funny that when they show some cover shooting its just a boring corridor shooter, then they show some QTE and its Heavy Rain. They show some story and its just a movie, they show some slower paced "exploring" and it's a walking simulator (not gameplay). They show the best graphics ever and the bouncing hair breaks immersion.

About as accurate as the goal-posters don't want you to be.


None of the voices of the main characters (the four we've seen) seem recognizable. I'm really excited to see if they got someone BIG.

Well Sir Percival is pretty obviously voiced by
Graham McTavish
. His voice is too recognisable to miss. He's pretty famous at least.


I expect The Order 1886 to very good at what it does, but I think some people want it to be something else and will therefore not like it that much.

They probably don't even know what that something else might be. But knowing that it won't be whatever they want it to be is enough to complain about it not being that. So they'll just continue to complain about it not matching their standards that might not actually exist. That's why it has gotten to the point where people start complaining about how the hair is moving in the wind.
lol looks like the no gameplay ppl are back. Why not just wait for the damn game before you shit on it, fuck it, I'm just going to throw these dumb asses on the ignore list.


They probably don't even know what that something else might be. But knowing that it won't be whatever they want it to be is enough to complain about it not being that. So they'll just continue to complain about it not matching their standards that might not actually exist. That's why it has gotten to the point where people start complaining about how the hair is moving in the wind.

I mean, it's OK to not be into any game someone wants to not be into, but many of these posts are just dog-piling. Some of the posts made it out like it was almost torturous to watch the video because it was so "boring". I'm not sure what they want in a video showing story and exploration, but whatever. There's not digging a game, and then there is thinly veiled trolling. Many posts in this thread land squarely in the latter.


So if i understood well some of you, the video isn't gameplay.
I didn't know that a scenario and some dialogs aren't good for a game beginning.
A tutorial during the introduction makes a game bad.
Why so much hate for this game??
It looks wonderful, shooting seems good, what do you need?


So if i understood well some of you, the video isn't gameplay.
I didn't know that a scenario and some dialogs aren't good for a game beginning.
A tutorial during the introduction makes a game bad.
Why so much hate for this game??
It looks wonderful, shooting seems good, what do you need?

Clearly they need machine gun toting unicorns mowing down space leprechauns riding cyborg velociraptors with laser cannons on their saddles. I mean isn't that what "next gen gameplay" means?


Seriously, those trolls claiming that there is no gameplay or the gameplay looks boring should be banned or at least have their posts deleted. At best, they are getting other posters way off-topic to the thread title. At worst, they are making NeoGaf look more like IGN/GameSpot. Can the mods please do something about it so we can have a calm rational discussion?


benevolent sexism
The image quality in this game is unlike anything I've ever seen, and should be the standard for exclusives going forward. It's incredible and makes other games painful to look at.

It can't be because different games have different priorities. The Order's priority is presentation. (This is not meant as a value judgment, it is a demonstrable fact based on all available evidence, including the dev diaries.)

Everyone will be happier if they recognize this and appreciate diversity instead of rigidly demanding that every game meet the best previously-set standards in every category, which is impossible, and will only lead to chronic dissatisfaction.


The post that I quoted initially (yours), said people are expecting low scores, and that crow would only be served if the game scored in the 90s. Here you're saying people expect more than "good" from flagship games and then go on to categorize 80s as "great" and 70s as "good", yet you only think "crow would be served" if the game scores more than 80s. So what is it?

It's that people think the game will be underwhelming compared to other AAA games and score in the 70s, so "crow will be served" if it scores in the 90s, like I said to begin with.

What's the issue?


At this point I'm annoyed at how little gameplay we've see. We have a ton of gameplay from Bloodborne, along with an alpha, but so much of the footage we get from The Order is just walking around or cutscenes.

There is gameplay out there, but it's rare compared to how much non-gameplay videos we see.

When I first saw The Order I thought it was the second coming of Gears. So far I haven't seen that moment that gets me - the lancer chainsaw, the head popping, or even interesting enemies. The graphics impress me the same way that Gears did, but the gameplay, up to this point, really has not.


At this point I'm annoyed at how little gameplay we've see. We have a ton of gameplay from Bloodborne, along with an alpha, but so much of the footage we get from The Order is just walking around or cutscenes.

There is gameplay out there, but it's rare compared to how much non-gameplay videos we see.

When I first saw The Order I thought it was the second coming of Gears. So far I haven't seen that moment that gets me - the lancer chainsaw, the head popping, or even interesting enemies. The graphics impress me the same way that Gears did, but the gameplay, up to this point, really has not.

I think that's more or less intentional marketing. Not that the game will have bad gameplay by any means, but this game emphasizes visuals and story. Which is fine, it's not going to be for everyone. Just like it's fine that Mario for example emphasizes gameplay over visuals, even though the visuals can still be pretty good.


I don't think what's going on with The Order threads is just concern trolling from fanboys of other platforms, those concern trolls can be found in Bloodborne/Uncharted threads where you get five people being as loud as they possibly can to derail threads.

With The Order, I think it's just elitism from a sub-section of gamers that find anything not based on twitch-gameplay to be a non-game & shouldn't be considered a game, you're either a "real" game with twitch-based gameplay or you're a heavy rain knock-off, you can clearly see that with the made up narrative that cinematic third person shooters are somehow oversaturating the market when it's a pretty niche genre aside from the big games like Uncharted, it's like we live in an alternate reality where the big publishers are releasing a cinematic linear game after another while ignoring open-world design when it's exactly the opposite.


More like
0-80 = shit
81-89 = worth playing when it is cheap, I guess...
90+ = GOTY

The scores in video games are based on the school system, you're average if you get 60 in school, above average if 70, good if 80, excellent if 90...etc, anything below 60 & you suck balls.
At this point I'm annoyed at how little gameplay we've see. We have a ton of gameplay from Bloodborne, along with an alpha, but so much of the footage we get from The Order is just walking around or cutscenes.

There is gameplay out there, but it's rare compared to how much non-gameplay videos we see.

When I first saw The Order I thought it was the second coming of Gears. So far I haven't seen that moment that gets me - the lancer chainsaw, the head popping, or even interesting enemies. The graphics impress me the same way that Gears did, but the gameplay, up to this point, really has not.


that is plenty of gameplay. if you want a 30-minute video of pure shooting, you're not gonna get it because this game isn't going for 30 minutes of shootbang. it will have a mix of mini-games, stealth, melee, shootbang, qte, etc. and that is what this 15-min video represents.

also, please don't even wish this is gears. different game, different studio. only thing that's the same is that both are tps. that's about it. vanquish is a tps but it isn't like gears. i don't give a shit about gears so i wish this game is nowhere near like gears.
Not even close.


Post #6 is where the insanity starts.

Sorry to hijack, but Josh dude how are you arguing with a calender ?


At this point I'm annoyed at how little gameplay we've see. We have a ton of gameplay from Bloodborne, along with an alpha, but so much of the footage we get from The Order is just walking around or cutscenes.

There is gameplay out there, but it's rare compared to how much non-gameplay videos we see.

When I first saw The Order I thought it was the second coming of Gears. So far I haven't seen that moment that gets me - the lancer chainsaw, the head popping, or even interesting enemies. The graphics impress me the same way that Gears did, but the gameplay, up to this point, really has not.
I never get the "they have showed so little" negativity, yeah so what? Come release day you will be able to read reviews watch streams, basically watch all the footage you want. I for one like not being spoiled.

Also you should probably stop comparing it to a game the devs never promised to be like.


My only contribution to this thread-

After all the smoke, bullshit, and condescending definitions of "gameplay", "Pokemon", and "Journalizm" - one thing is undeniable:

The Order: 1886 is a stunning achievement in rendering. In this medium, I can't think of a single game that comes close to the atmosphere, the technical nitty gritty, and sheer attention to detail that this game oozes of.

I can't comment on the gameplay, but any criticisms that are raised lies squarely on the marketing department and RaD's unwillingness to open up about the game's meat and potatoes.

With that said, I feel uncomfortable reading posts where they are using Metacritic as a justification for the game's success. Some of us will just have to trust the REVIEW process. As funny as it is to even utter the words: "Game's Journalism", it is the job of the critic to dilute this game into a digestible diatribe.

I have faith that guys like Jim Sterlin, the Giant Bomb folks,and guys like Tony Polanco, HipHopGamer, and Jason Schrier will give sound consumer advice.

That said - day 1, day -1, it is already bought. etc.
Why are people surprised that games have slow sections? And why are the comments like "gameplay? Lol" necessary when such slow moments are shown?


Looks like his left leg got blown off and the impact knocked his lower body back and he fell forward as a result. Good stuff.

looks too good. I don't think we've had a real solid TPS yet this gen, so I'm hoping it does well in the gameplay department. looks insane, though.


Why are people surprised that games have slow sections? And why are the comments like "gameplay? Lol" necessary when such slow moments are shown?
In an era where game trailers are dedicated to the most intense whizz bang sections of games, whenever a game tries to do anything different, it is immediately lost to the ADD marketing machine.


I never get the "they have showed so little" negativity, yeah so what? Come release day you will be able to read reviews watch streams, basically watch all the footage you want. I for one like not being spoiled.

Also you should probably stop comparing it to a game the devs never promised to be like.

Isn't it a little bit hypocritical to dismiss negative attitudes towards the game because of the lack in information, but on the same time declaring it goty? Or belittling "drive-by" posts that don't contribute to the discussion, while there are way more "reload.gif"-posts that also don't contribute to anything? Just like some have already decided that the game isn't for them, there are many that blindly defend it and even demand bans for those that don't agree.

Of course this isn't exclusive to 1886, but it seems to me that the hype-gaffers get treated way better than the anti-hype gaffers, but that might just be my perception. Being a more negative than positiv person, I wonder if those positive people also ask themselves if there would be a possibility of a ban, before submitting a reply that doesn't contribute to anything.

I still don't know if I should buy the game, and there is the fear of throwing away money because hype-gaf was more vocal than negative-gaf and things that might bother me just aren't said out loud.


Had to summon all my willpower to not watch this. I want to go in as dark as possible. GIF looks gorgeous though.
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