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A PS4 Strategy For PS5 May Not Work Against Xbox Series X

XBOX will have great games but so will Sony. i think Xbox is gonna have much better bangers next gen and its gonna more more like the 360 ps3 gen. more people will have ps5's but Its possible more people will play xbox games though an xbox pc xcloud etc. Either way its gonna be fun


Microsoft needs a miracle if they want to be on par with sony, sales wise ofc. Even if their next console is more powerful, what does it matter if the quality of the exclusives isn't there? It might change, since they bought those studios, but they stil have to prove themselves, and honestly, im not hopeful that miscrosft will allow those studios to do their thing like before, i fear they might ruin them.

I hope im wrong, and that they can turn the tables, but i wouldn't count with that

Airbus Jr

Xbox Series X are already irrelevant for me since they re putting their game on PC

PS5 will too if they follow xbox path ( by putting their first party game on PC)

Nintendo for me is the best
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
" The PS4 was a powerful console that played good games "

Wrong. It was a good console that played awesome games.

At the end of its life cycle, every playstation has always an amazing lineup that no xbox could compete. This won't change soon.
No one said it won't change. What can never said is Microsoft might have floundered in the beginning with no games. But everything else is now on point! This gen, clearly they're working on their first party IP. And from the looks of things, they've got some pretty amazing games coming down the pike. If Xbox levels up on first party games to match Sony, yet, they also have everything else on point like they do, that might be what wins next gen for Microsoft. Because they'll be a force to be reckoned with all the way around. That's what this opinion piece is saying. And its true.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
It's not just about specs, and never has been.

This article is FUB based on zero information or plans announced.

Makes me think next gen is going to be amazing for all platforms.
Again with the, "power doesn't matter" schtick. Lol.

Oh, it matters. Only time it doesn't matter is when it ain't yo plastic box. That's on both sides. Lol


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Listen to an elder, children:

Consoles do not need only good games and a good price.

Ye remember not the pre 16bit days.

The third pillar of POWER comes in to play when even the layman can see that games look like shit on one machine and awesome on the other.

If the PS5 is significantly lacking in spec compared to the sex then I will be in no rush to buy it.
Both will be powerful and you can bet your bottom dollar that WWS titles will have some of the best graphics

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Keep telling yourself that. The change is happening right before your eyes but you cannot or refuse to see it. This isn't the 2013 Xbox team.

People just keep ignoring all the shit Microsoft has been doing for the last few years. They forget this is the first time we've seen Microsoft invest this heavily in the Xbox brand. They didn't have this before. They do now. The game will be wholly different from any other generation. No harm in pretending it won't though, I guess.

If they wanna believe Sony will continue to dominate with a much more invested trillion dollar company on its heels with industry leading strategies, services, hardware and 15+ studios in the mix (more than Sony at this point) who are we to judge?



People just keep ignoring all the shit Microsoft has been doing for the last few years. They forget this is the first time we've seen Microsoft invest this heavily in the Xbox brand. They didn't have this before. They do now. The game will be wholly different from any other generation. No harm in pretending it won't though, I guess.

If they wanna believe Sony will continue to dominate with a much more invested trillion dollar company on its heels with industry leading strategies, services, hardware and 15+ studios in the mix (more than Sony at this point) who are we to judge?

They’ll start believing when they see industry leading games completed and released instead of studio logos.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
They’ll start believing when they see industry leading games completed and released instead of studio logos.
Thats already happening. Whats your point?

And I KNOW you aint bringing up logos! Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr....

Do you people just exist on another plane called 2013, or what? There's just been way too much shit shown and displayed at this point concerning the entire Xbox platform to even make such a comment like this. Do you just go fucking blind when Xbox shit pops up???? Genuine question...
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Writes a lot, says very little
Power isn't important, what Microsoft needs to focus on is its first party exclusives and establishing themselves.

They'll never beat PlayStation if they keep doing the same thing over and over (Halo Gears Forza repeat for another 3 generations) so let's hope the new studios are releasing games soon.


How to beat Playstation is pretty easy.

You beat Playstation by doing what Playstation does.

Make system, focus on first party titles that actually ONLY RELEASE on 1 system......bank.

People buy Playstations cause lots of reasons, first party exclusives that only appear on that system, controller, friends, community etc, so MS can't beat some of those other things as they have their own set up, but....they can match Sony with exclusives only coming on 1 system.

I don't understand why anyone thinks the way to beat Playstation is by putting games on PC.

XONE out sold PS4? Soooooooo not sure why anyone thinks doing that MORE will beat PS5 or something. That sounds like a recipe for failure if you ask me.

I can see just how this fall will play out.

XB Series X -"Buy me, I have zero exclusives games and you can keep your XONE and PC to play all my titles..."
PS5 "Buy me, not only am I the older Brother to PS4, but I have games that are made ONLY for my system so we can see dat beast hardware do da magic"
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Thats already happening. Whats your point?

And I KNOW you aint bringing up logos! Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr, Fr....

Do you people just exist on another plane called 2013, or what? There's just been way too much shit shown and displayed at this point to even make such a comment like this. Do you just go fucking blind when Xbox shit pops up???? Genuine question...

What released games are you referring to? Genuine question.
Absolutely I noticed but then again they could get cancelled tomorrow like Scalebound did out of the blue, I won’t believe it until I see it with my own eyes.
Just having exclusives doesn’t cut it either, they have to be good enough to sell consoles but with MS’s current strategy will release all games on PC too so that goes out the window .
Yeah, MS is in the business of buying game studios so they can cancel their games.
That's just retarded.
When you jump in all high and mighty about MS releasing games on PC, it means the fall you get when Sony does it soon as well is just all the bigger.
It comes across here that alot of Sony peeps are getting a little worried about how MS are gonna roll next gen.
I think Shakespeare said "I think you protest too much".

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Does it though?
I have a hard time believing you would purchase a PS5 if it turns out to be the more powerful system. Did you buy a PS4 at launch instead of the Xbox One?
I didnt actually. I dont care for Sony type games -- at all actually. Still, your point proves nothing. If power didnt matter there's be no need for a new generation. One of the first things gamers get hyped over is new hardware. The sole reason for that is for the upgrade in graphical fidelity. The more power, the more graphical fidelity. So dont sit and try to pretend it doenst matter.

Power isnt what wins a generation. But its one of the most important bullet points along with price, services, games etc. Power matters. The only reason so many here on this forum say it doesnt matter is becasue this place is a very die hard, Sony-centric forum. Most of the Sony fans on this forum are going to be okay with having under powered hardware so long as the name S O N Y is over the BR drive.

Here's a test: If Sony were to announce that they were releasing a 7TF machine next gen, would you care? All Sony fans are welcome to answer. In fact, I insist! Lol


Gold Member
I didnt actually. I dont care for Sony type games -- at all actually. Still, your point proves nothing. If power didnt matter there's be no need for a new generation. One of the first things gamers get hyped over is new hardware. The sole reason for that is for the upgrade in graphical fidelity. The more power, the more graphical fidelity. So dont sit and try to pretend it doenst matter.

Power isnt what wins a generation. But its one of the most important bullet points along with price, services, games etc. Power matters. The only reason so many here on this forum say it doesnt matter is becasue this place is a very die hard, Sony-centric forum. Most of the Sony fans on this forum are going to be okay with having under powered hardware so long as the name S O N Y is over the BR drive.

Here's a test: If Sony were to announce that they were releasing a 7TF machine next gen, would you care? All Sony fans are welcome to answer. In fact, I insist! Lol

Power matters sure but as you just stated yourself it’s the games that are the main driver.

Nintendo Switch is an excellent example of that.
And I feel like it’s shaping up to be a much different head to head battle this time around.
It felt like Microsoft was swinging wildly at a Sony pitch that was a simple fastball, straight down the middle.
But things feel different now, and I wonder if Sony doing more or less the same thing here seven years later will be enough to let it retain its advantage.
This time, the Xbox Series X feels lot stronger than the Xbox One did at launch.
This is what happens when you don't wait for more information to come to light. You end up making assumptions based on what you feel rather than on what you have observed.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Power matters sure but as you just stated yourself it’s the games that are the main driver.

Nintendo Switch is an excellent example of that.
Games arent the only thing that matters though. Because without the hardware, you wouldnt have games to begin with. And Nintendo does their own thing -- much different from the other big boys of the industry. No one expects them to release monster consoles simply because thats not their bag. When you're talking about Sony or Microsoft though, power is definitely part of the equation.
I see that some are still misunderstanding the significance of power at the beginning of this gen. Power, itself, wasn't the deciding factor. It was the perceived value of the console twins. At launch, one had more power and had the lower price tag. Those who bought the other console had to shell out $100 more and had no option to get the console without a useless peripheral.

This is the similar reason why when we look at the AMD vs. Nvidia and AMD vs. Intel comparisons, value usually in terms of dollars per frame is looked at very seriously.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
I see that some are still misunderstanding the significance of power at the beginning of this gen. Power, itself, wasn't the deciding factor. It was the perceived value of the console twins. At launch, one had more power and had the lower price tag. Those who bought the other console had to shell out $100 more and had no option to get the console without a useless peripheral.

This is the similar reason why when we look at the AMD vs. Nvidia and AMD vs. Intel comparisons, value usually in terms of dollars per frame is looked at very seriously.
Power DEFINITELY matters. Especially at the beginning. It literally sets a precedent for the rest of the console generation. This is why Microsoft went ham on the hardware construct and form factor of the series X. It makes a powerful statement just looking at it, not to mention the specs! But they aren't soley depending on the hardware and form factor of the Series X to win next gen. That's why the price, games, services, accessories etc matter to the overall strategy. And power is one of the big ones.
Power DEFINITELY matters. Especially at the beginning. It literally sets a precedent for the rest of the console generation. This is why Microsoft went ham on the hardware construct and form factor of the series X. It makes a powerful statement just looking at it, not to mention the specs! But they aren't soley depending on the hardware and form factor of the Series X to win next gen. That's why the price, games, services, accessories etc matter to the overall strategy. And power is one of the big ones.
That has been the exception rather than the rule. The N64 was more powerful than the PS1. The Xbox and Gamecube were more powerful than the PS2. The PSP was more powerful than the DS. The Vita was more powerful than the 3DS. And the PS3 was more powerful than the 360. And even when the more powerful platform has won over its less powerful rival, it comes with an asterisk. In this case, the asterisk is the pricing. Even after Microsoft removed the Kinect in June 2014, the XB1 still cost the same as the PS4.

Consumers didn't buy the PS4 because it was more powerful. They bought the PS4 because it was more powerful without needing to pay extra. Remember when the XB1 outsold the PS4 by a margin of 400K in the US on November 2014? That was because Microsoft decided to undercut the PS4's price by $50 in addition to bundling Assassin's Creed Unity.
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
That has been the exception rather than the rule. The N64 was more powerful than the PS1. The Xbox and Gamecube were more powerful than the PS2. The PSP was more powerful than the DS. The Vita was more powerful than the 3DS. And the PS3 was more powerful than the 360. And even when the more powerful platform has won over its less powerful rival, it comes with an asterisk. In this case, the asterisk is the pricing. Even after Microsoft removed the Kinect in June 2014, the XB1 still cost the same as the PS4.

Consumers didn't buy the PS4 because it was more powerful. They bought the PS4 because it was more powerful without needing to pay extra.

Power and Price. Again, I didnt say power by itself. But it is important. When it comes to the power game, I'd say, at least for Sony and Microsoft, it's moreso a rule than an exception. Again, if Sony or Microsoft were to release a 7TF machine next gen, fans on either side would have a shit fit.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Again with the, "power doesn't matter" schtick. Lol.

Oh, it matters. Only time it doesn't matter is when it ain't yo plastic box. That's on both sides. Lol

There is no evidence to support the assumption that power correlates with success in console gaming.
End of story.

Did Playstation beat Saturn because it was better at 3d ? (Saturn was always superior in 2d games) or was it that $299 announcement?
And if all that mattered was power, why did the inarguably technically superior N64 fail to challenge it?
Why did Dreamcast not sell better despite being effectively a generation ahead of them all?

Why did PS2 kick ass and take names despite being less powerful in some respects to the gamecube and all aspects compared to Xbox. Why did it continue selling 50+ million units after the Xbox 360 launched the following gen?

Did PS3 underform because of its perceived lack of power against 360, or was it just hamstrung in its early years by an excessive price-point, Sony's self-sabatoge, devs struggling with its oddball tech, the 360's head-start and mindshare advantage within the enthusiast press etc.?

And if power was the differentiator why didn't 360 come out on top against Wii despite always having a massive technological edge?

But then the reality was always that PS3, when designed/coded for specifically, gave results as impressive anything of its generation. Much mileage was made about multi-platform games performing better on 360, but as for which platform had the most visually impressive exclusives...

Then we get to PS4 versus Xbox One.

First issue is at launch we have a $100 price discrepancy. It doesn't help that the launch build-up has been a fiasco for MS allowing a freshly rehabilitated Sony to effortlessly score PR points on them, but that $499 vs $399 image is HUGE.

See, this is the problem, and potentially it could reoccur with Scarlett. Lets not forget the expectation not only pre-launch but for quote awhile afterwards was that Xbox One was suddenly going to manifest a power advantage deserving of that higher price point.

MS own marketing even played into this notion with upclocking and firmware revisions being promoted as if they were going to reverse any advantages PS4 mult-plats were showing.

They even did it again with the One S again being heralded as another upgrade versus Sony's box.

In short, they hyped and under-delivered repeatedly, and it made the Xbox One look weak as a result. This is not the same as power being a sales driver, its about perception of value, and how MS inadvertently diminished confidence in their own system.

The mid-gen refreshes again prove the point about power being a niche consideration. The Pro didn't make PS4 sales explode, and One X didn't change the overall competitiveness of Xbox.

Power does not matter. Never has. Never will.
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Power and Price. Again, I didnt say power by itself. But it is important. When it comes to the power game, I'd say, at least for Sony and Microsoft, it's moreso a rule than an exception. Again, if Sony or Microsoft were to release a 7TF machine next gen, fans on either side would have a shit fit.
Uh no, I pointed out that there is no causation between power and market success. You can go as far as to prove a correlation, but that does not prove causation. Meanwhile, when I talk about price, it's pretty obvious. People don't buy a worse product that is more expensive or costs the same as the better product. There is far more evidence that proves that there is a causation between perceived value and market success than power and market success.

You have to explain why the Switch has already outsold the XB1 even though it has been in the market for 3.5 less years. That platform is completely inferior to the XB1 power-wise. How come that runs completely opposite against the power vs. market success correlation?

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
There is no evidence to support the assumption that power correlates with success in console gaming.
End of story.

Did Playstation beat Saturn because it was better at 3d ? (Saturn was always superior in 2d games) or was it that $299 announcement?
And if all that mattered was power, why did the inarguably technically superior N64 fail to challenge it?
Why did Dreamcast not sell better despite being effectively a generation ahead of them all?

Why did PS2 kick ass and take names despite being less powerful in some respects to the gamecube and all aspects compared to Xbox. Why did it continue selling 50+ million units after the Xbox 360 launched the following gen?

Did PS3 underform because of its perceived lack of power against 360, or was it just hamstrung in its early years by an excessive price-point, Sony's self-sabatoge, devs struggling with its oddball tech, the 360's head-start and mindshare advantage within the enthusiast press?

And if power was the differentiator why didn't 360 come out on top against Wii despite always having a massive technological edge?

But then the reality was always that PS3, when designed/coded for specifically, gave results as impressive anything of its generation. Much mileage was made about multi-platform games performing better on 360, but as for which platform had the most visually impressive exclusives...

Then we get to PS4 versus Xbox One.

First issue is at launch we have a $100 price discrepancy. It doesn't help that the launch build-up has been a fiasco for MS allowing a freshly rehabilitated Sony to effortlessly score PR points on them, but that $499 vs $399 image is HUGE.

See, this is the problem, and potentially it could reoccur with Scarlett. Lets not forget the expectation not only pre-launch but for quote awhile afterwards was that Xbox One was suddenly going to manifest a power advantage deserving of that higher price point.

MS own marketing even played into this notion with upclocking and firmware revisions being promoted as if they were going to reverse any advantages PS4 mult-plats were showing.

They even did it again with the One S again being heralded as another upgrade versus Sony's box.

In short, they hyped and under-delivered repeatedly, and it made the Xbox One look weak as a result. This is not the same as power being a sales driver, its about perception of value, and how MS inadvertently diminished confidence in the system.

The mid-gen refreshes again prove the point about power being a niche consideration. The Pro didn't make PS4 sales explode, and One X didn't change the overall competitiveness of Xbox.

Power does not matter. Never has. Never will.

Sony will release a whole 5TF machine next gen to compete against the Series X. You good with it bro??? ....YOU GOOD???? ......YOU GOOD BRO??????? Lol
Sony will release a whole 5TF machine next gen to compete against the Series X. You good with it bro??? ....YOU GOOD???? ......YOU GOOD BRO??????? Lol
Yeah, if I respond with as much exaggeration as possible, that will somehow bolster my point. Surely, the amount of power is not determined by developer feedback similar to how developers wanted the PS4 to have 8 gigabytes of RAM... :pie_eyeroll:
I see that some are still misunderstanding the significance of power at the beginning of this gen. Power, itself, wasn't the deciding factor. It was the perceived value of the console twins. At launch, one had more power and had the lower price tag. Those who bought the other console had to shell out $100 more and had no option to get the console without a useless peripheral.

This is the similar reason why when we look at the AMD vs. Nvidia and AMD vs. Intel comparisons, value usually in terms of dollars per frame is looked at very seriously.
AMD is far better than Nvidia on the flop per dollar basis, but Nvidia trounces AMD in GPU sales. Why? Because power matters.
AMD is far better than Nvidia on the flop per dollar basis, but Nvidia trounces AMD in GPU sales. Why? Because power matters.
Correlation =/= Causation

How do you know it's because of power and not because of factors such as (1) marketing, (2) Nvidia's long strangehold on the marketshare, and (3) Nvidia actually having products in the high-end whereas AMD does not?

And if you actually paid attention, look at how the reception of the 5500XT and 5600XT are significantly different. The former was panned for being more expensive than Nvidia's equivalent entry-level cards whereas the 5600XT caused Nvidia to cut the price of the RTX 2060 by $50.

Oh and the XB1 is far better than the Switch on the flop per dollar basis, but the Switch trounces XB1 in unit sales. Why?
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
So if i read that correctly, xbox wins because gamepass, xcloud and a power advantage which is likely not going to happen.

but they already have gamepass and xcloud and no one gives a shit. they still lose 2:1. gamepass came out 2 and a half years ago and they still get outsold 2:1 every year.

the article points out how stadia flopped and yet they think xcloud will bridge the gap. and why would it do that anyway. you dont need an xbox for xcloud. if anything it will kill xbox sales.

ive always found it funny how complicated these analysts make things out to be. this isnt rocket science. its video games. you give us the best console for the money with great games and thats pretty much it. no one gives a shit about subscription models. people didnt sub to netflix because it was the first streaming service. they did it for the exclusives. will xbox series x have exclusives? short answer is no. they said crossgen for two years. so no exclusives for two years.

there is no doubt in my mind that sony will somehow fuck this all up. maybe not all the way, but they will make enough silly mistakes to give up some ground. but they know and have always known its about exclusives and a console that can deliver a true next gen leap. they have never disappointed in that front, and they have had the best exclusives going back to 1998 when they had ff7, mgs, and re2 release in one year. they have gotten smarter and make those exclusives themselves but exclusives are a major reason why consoles sell. and sony will look to have those again next gen.

at the end of the day, it will come down to games. whoever has the games that look the best will win. halo would have to be the most innovative game of all time to compete with the next gen shit sony has in the works. i dont want to say that it will be a massacre because shooters sell better than action adventure games, but i suspect a repeat of this gen with MS competing with sony in NA, and losing europe again, and completely bowing out of japan.

things might be looking rosy for MS now but if sony does come out with a more powerful console and shows off next gen games that look a gen ahead of halo and other cross gen titles then they are going to have a similar PR disaster on their hands. their biggest hope is that sony comes in at 9 tflops because this cross gen bs is a the same unforced error they made with the xbox one launch.


Gold Member
Games arent the only thing that matters though. Because without the hardware, you wouldnt have games to begin with. And Nintendo does their own thing -- much different from the other big boys of the industry. No one expects them to release monster consoles simply because thats not their bag. When you're talking about Sony or Microsoft though, power is definitely part of the equation.

Sure but as you mentioned power was not enough to sway you to buy the PS4 so while it is a factor it’s not a large one.
Correlation =/= Causation

How do you know it's because of power and not because of factors such as (1) marketing, (2) Nvidia's long strangehold on the marketshare, and (3) Nvidia actually having products in the high-end whereas AMD does not?

And if you actually paid attention, look at how the reception of the 5500XT and 5600XT are significantly different. The former was panned for being more expensive than Nvidia's equivalent entry-level cards whereas the 5600XT caused Nvidia to cut the price of the RTX 2060 by $50.

Oh and the XB1 is far better than the Switch on the flop per dollar basis, but the Switch trounces XB1 in unit sales. Why?
Not really. Intel has all those advantages that you listed for Nvidia, and AMD was in the same position with them. Performance per $ AMD CPUs were far better value than Intel, but AMD lagged behind big time. They close the power gap and what do you know, AMD wins back the customer. It just is what it is.
At some point there is enough evidence to show that it is the causation.

If I am right, then if Big Navi closes the gap with Nvidia cards power wise, we will see a big spike in AMD GPU sales and closing of the gap between them, like we saw with Zen. If you are right, then there should be no increase in sales, as everything else remains the same.
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Not really. Intel has all those advantages that you listed for Nvidia, and AMD was in the same position with them. Performance per $ AMD CPUs were far better value than Intel, but AMD lagged behind big time. They close the power gap and what do you know, AMD wins back the customer. It just is what it is.
At some point there is enough evidence to show that it is the causation.
And how do you know definitively that it is because of power not due to other factors?

For instance, how do you know that power had a larger role and say, Intel's strangehold in the OEM market and larger marketing budget as a result of having more cash than AMD?

If I am right, then if Big Navi closes the gap with Nvidia cards power wise, we will see a big spike in AMD GPU sales and closing of the gap between them, like we saw with Zen. If you are right, then there should be no increase in sales, as everything else remains the same.
This is a false dichotomy and a non sequitur on top of that.

When you release a high-end GPU after not having one in the market, obviously you will get an increase in sales:

No high-end GPU in the market = 0 high-end GPU sales (duh)
Release a high-end GPU in the market = You will sell an X amount of units
Therefore, X > 0
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Uh no, I pointed out that there is no causation between power and market success. You can go as far as to prove a correlation, but that does not prove causation. Meanwhile, when I talk about price, it's pretty obvious. People don't buy a worse product that is more expensive or costs the same as the better product. There is far more evidence that proves that there is a causation between perceived value and market success than power and market success.

You have to explain why the Switch has already outsold the XB1 even though it has been in the market for 3.5 less years. That platform is completely inferior to the XB1 power-wise. How come that runs completely opposite against the power vs. market success correlation?

I personally dont see Nintendo as a competitor to Xbox. But I'll give this a shot.

Switch is selling well because they have a legendary backlog of IP's that the younger generation of gamer and their parents love to play. Nintendo is also a family/kid friendly kind of company. Mario, Wario, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, Zelda etc, all cater to the more casual crowd, more family friendly crowd of gamers. None of those Ip's would work as well with hyper realistic visuals and over the top violence seen in Xbox or Playstation games. Family friendly games, books, movies, tv shows are always going to do more profit wise when it comes to entertainment. Because your target market and demographic net is much, much wider. This is why I believe Nintendo has never been about the power crown, and why I dont think they EVER will. Their kid friendly, first party Ip's dont cater to that kind of gamer. Its been that way for decades.

The Switch is the first hybrid console/handheld of it's kind. It's not created to go head-to-head with the major players in the industry, in my opinion. It was created to tuck nicely in between the home console and the hand held. It's brilliant, in truth!

I understand my response may not be a brass tacks kind of answer, and thats because Nintendo has mastered the art of just staying in their lane with under powered software. Thats all I got.
Again with the, "power doesn't matter" schtick. Lol.

Oh, it matters. Only time it doesn't matter is when it ain't yo plastic box. That's on both sides. Lol
It's true, though. Power only matters when determining the choice of a base console, and really it's not as essential as things like first party exclusives.

I personally dont see Nintendo as a competitor to Xbox. But I'll give this a shot.

Switch is selling well because they have a legendary backlog of IP's that the younger generation of gamer and their parents love to play. Nintendo is also a family/kid friendly kind of company. Mario, Wario, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, Zelda etc, all cater to the more casual crowd, more family friendly crowd of gamers. None of those Ip's would work as well with hyper realistic visuals and over the top violence seen in Xbox or Playstation games. Family friendly games, books, movies, tv shows are always going to do more profit wise when it comes to entertainment. Because your target market and demographic net is much, much wider. This is why I believe Nintendo has never been about the power crown, and why I dont think they EVER will. Their kid friendly, first party Ip's dont cater to that kind of gamer. Its been that way for decades.

The Switch is the first hybrid console/handheld of it's kind. It's not created to go head-to-head with the major players in the industry, in my opinion. It was created to tuck nicely in between the home console and the hand held. It's brilliant, in truth!

I understand my response may not be a brass tacks kind of answer, and thats because Nintendo has mastered the art of just staying in their lane with under powered software. Thats all I got.

No, consoles only dominate when there are first party exclusives worth playing.
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I personally dont see Nintendo as a competitor to Xbox. But I'll give this a shot.

Switch is selling well because they have a legendary backlog of IP's that the younger generation of gamer and their parents love to play. Nintendo is also a family/kid friendly kind of company. Mario, Wario, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros, Zelda etc, all cater to the more casual crowd, more family friendly crowd of gamers. None of those Ip's would work as well with hyper realistic visuals and over the top violence seen in Xbox or Playstation games. Family friendly games, books, movies, tv shows are always going to do more profit wise when it comes to entertainment. Because your target market and demographic net is much, much wider. This is why I believe Nintendo has never been about the power crown, and why I dont think they EVER will. Their kid friendly, first party Ip's dont cater to that kind of gamer. Its been that way for decades.

The Switch is the first hybrid console/handheld of it's kind. It's not created to go head-to-head with the major players in the industry, in my opinion. It was created to tuck nicely in between the home console and the hand held. It's brilliant, in truth!

I understand my response may not be a brass tacks kind of answer, and thats because Nintendo has mastered the art of just staying in their lane with under powered software. Thats all I got.
Good points. However, you can use the same argument about target audience and demographics for the PS4 and XB1, as well. Obviously, the difference in demographics between the PS4 and XB1 are not has drastic as that between the Switch and XB1. However, look at how much Sony emphasized first player games from their 1st party developers compared to Microsoft.

Sony has its fair share of duds (e.g. Knack, The Order), but still stuck to the single player experiences and got games such as Bloodborne, UC 4, God of War, SpiderMan, and Horizon. We also see a reflection of the PS4 userbase's preference for single player games when we look at the share of Japanese game sales. On multiplat Japanese games, the sales split between the PS4 and XB1 version tend to be 80-90% PS4 to 10-20% XB1. This is in spite of the PS4 userbase "only" being twice as large.
And how do you know definitively that it is because of power not due to other factors?

For instance, how do you know that power had a larger role and say, Intel's strangehold in the OEM market and larger marketing budget as a result of having more cash than AMD?

This is a false dichotomy and a non sequitur on top of that.

When you release a high-end GPU after not having one in the market, obviously you will get an increase in sales:

No high-end GPU in the market = 0 high-end GPU sales (duh)
Release a high-end GPU in the market = You will sell an X amount of units
Therefore, X > 0
So yes, more power sells.
When AMD released Zen, they didn't all of a sudden have more money, and Intel less money to market their products. AMD was the exact same company the day before they released Zen, and the day after they released it. It sold more because ot had better performance.
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Power DEFINITELY matters. Especially at the beginning. It literally sets a precedent for the rest of the console generation. This is why Microsoft went ham on the hardware construct and form factor of the series X. It makes a powerful statement just looking at it, not to mention the specs! But they aren't soley depending on the hardware and form factor of the Series X to win next gen. That's why the price, games, services, accessories etc matter to the overall strategy. And power is one of the big ones.
When people see PS5 games from 1st party, they won't care about who has more Teraflops, just like how it is now with the X1X being more powerful


Gold Member
Sony will release a whole 5TF machine next gen to compete against the Series X. You good with it bro??? ....YOU GOOD???? ......YOU GOOD BRO??????? Lol



NaughtyDog Defense Force
PlayStation is one of the most popular video game brands in the world and many fans think just having a more powerful console is enough (or one of the main factors to change the tide).

This isn't going to work.

Same fans on here who thought Xbox One X was going to sell "gangbusters" and will make the PS4 Pro irrelevant are the same ones who said exclusives don't matter, only to change the narrative in less than year when MS started buying more studios. If Sony continues to sell much better next generation, people are still going to with the narrative "MS doesn't care about numbers" even though they're claiming MS is going to sell better next generation.

This is just insane.
So yes, more power sells.
When AMD released Zen, they didn't all of a sudden have more money, and Intel less money to market their products. AMD was the exact same company the day before they released Zen, and the day after they released it. It sold more because ot had better performance.
Ad nauseam proof by assertion fallacy. You haven't definitively proven that the better market performance is due to power alone or because of better perceived value vs. AMD's competitors. You've only proven that there is a correlation, but correlation does not mean there is a causation. Maybe find a poll on what Zen buyers were looking for because that would provide more solid evidence.

Rather convenient that you also side-stepped my rebuttal on AMD vs. Nvidia GPU sales.
Ad nauseam proof by assertion fallacy. You haven't definitively proven that the better market performance is due to power alone or because of better perceived value vs. AMD's competitors. You've only proven that there is a correlation, but correlation does not mean there is a causation. Maybe find a poll on what Zen buyers were looking for because that would provide more solid evidence.

Rather convenient that you also side-stepped my rebuttal on AMD vs. Nvidia GPU sales.
Didn't side step it at all. You proved my point. If they increase the performance of the GPUs to where is as good or better than Nvidia they will sell more units.
Didn't side step it at all. You proved my point. If they increase the performance of the GPUs to where is as good or better than Nvidia they will sell more units.
Let's review what I actually said, shall we?

When you release a high-end GPU after not having one in the market, obviously you will get an increase in sales:

No high-end GPU in the market = 0 high-end GPU sales (duh)
Release a high-end GPU in the market = You will sell an X amount of units
Therefore, X > 0
It's easy to sell more units when you haven't released a high-end GPU in the market. Unless you want to argue that the Radeon VII counted as a high-end GPU, that was sold in extremely limited quantities and was EOL'ed not even a year into its lifespan.

Actually selling a high-end GPU into the market will net you more high-end GPU sales than not selling a high-end GPU into the market. Selling a high-end GPU in plentiful quantities will net you more high-end GPU sales than selling it in limited quantities. And lastly, selling a high-end GPU with more than a year of support will net you more sales than EOL'ing it less than a year into its lifespan.

But please, show me that power is a larger contributor than those 3 factors that I've identified.
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I think Xbox's biggest hurdle is that all ps4 games will work with ps5. For people who didn't own both consomes this gen, that's a no brainer. I'd argue those folks are in the overwhelming majority. Most people only owned one console. No way in hell I'm switching to XSX for a couple teraflops, even at the same price.
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