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A PS4 Strategy For PS5 May Not Work Against Xbox Series X

Airbus Jr

Op act like Xbox Series X is going to be an absolute powerhouse..it is not....

Both Xbox Series X and PS5 is about to be irrelevant nextgen....

Nintendo and PC are the real winner...
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Bullshit. At the start of a new gen, itll matter. Hard disagree here
Saying that it will matter vs. it has mattered are different. You lack the historical evidence to suggest that power will solely matter next gen.

And then, you also have to address the possible counterarguments. For instance, since the PS5 will be BC with all PS4 games. The PS4 has a rather impressive library of games with an impressive 1st party portfolio along with much larger Japanese games library than the XB1. So right off the bat, the PS5 will inherently have a larger library.

Another point that you need to address is the retention of customers to the PS ecosystems. With the rise of digital sales, many customers have committed a lot of money on the PS platform. They obviously cannot just carry over the multiplat games that they purchases on the PS Store to the Xsex. Expecting them to forgo the PS5 in favor for the Xsex because of power is a completely asinine prediction. Money talks and the PS4 userbase has already put into substantial investment into the PS ecosystem.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
When people see PS5 games from 1st party, they won't care about who has more Teraflops, just like how it is now with the X1X being more powerful
This would be relevant if we were just talking about a mid-gen refresh. But this is the first of the generation. The first purchases come from the hardcore gamers. They spread the message from there. Gamers will care if there is a noticeable difference in software - especially from 3rd party.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Saying that it will matter vs. it has mattered are different. You lack the historical evidence to suggest that power will solely matter next gen.

And then, you also have to address the possible counterarguments. For instance, since the PS5 will be BC with all PS4 games. The PS4 has a rather impressive library of games with an impressive 1st party portfolio along with much larger Japanese games library than the XB1. So right off the bat, the PS5 will inherently have a larger library.

Another point that you need to address is the retention of customers to the PS ecosystems. With the rise of digital sales, many customers have committed a lot of money on the PS platform. They obviously cannot just carry over the multiplat games that they purchases on the PS Store to the Xsex. Expecting them to forgo the PS5 in favor for the Xsex because of power is a completely asinine prediction. Money talks and the PS4 userbase has already put into substantial investment into the PS ecosystem.
One thing you're forgetting: GAMERS ARE FICKLE AF! Every generation you have those who say they wont change over. And every generation you have those who jump ship and take their friends with them. This generation will be no difference. We'll see...
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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
This would be relevant if we were just talking about a mid-gen refresh. But this is the first of the generation. The first purchases come from the hardcore gamers. They spread the message from there. Gamers will care if there is a noticeable difference in software - especially from 3rd party.
I'd argue that a gamer would care more about who has the better exclusives over minor differences in multiplatform games
One thing you're forgetting: GAMERS ARE FICKLE AF! Every generation you have those who say they wont change over. And every generation you have those who jump ship and take their friends with them. This generation will be no difference. We'll see...
What are they particularly fickle about? Saying that gamers are fickle, therefore power matters is a non sequitur.

The case against the PS3 at the beginning of its lifecycle, for example, is because of its lack of games. That was why for a while, the internet mocked the console with "PS3 has no games". Similar criticisms were made against the Vita. Xbox 360 users felt ignored in the 2nd half of the platforms lifecycle. Microsoft focused too much on the Kinect and this gen showed that the Kinect market was unsustainable and unreliable as a consistent revenue stream. The XB1 reveal was the final nail in the coffin that confirmed their concerns that Microsoft did not care about their userbase. Microsoft was also mocked for relying on Forza, Gears, and Halo while not investing in new IPs and that pattern continued into this gen which is why the narrative persisted for quite a while.

Gamers are also fickle with their money, including the money they have already spent with. Considering that digital sales have made huge grounds this generation, that means a lot of money has been locked to ecosystems. You're telling me that PS4 users will all of a sudden ditch their multi-hundred dollar investments into the platform just because of power?

You say gamers are fickle. Okay, that's an extremely general statement. What are they specifically fickle about? What are they fickle about the most?


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
One thing you're forgetting: GAMERS ARE FICKLE AF! Every generation you have those who say they wont change over. And every generation you have those who jump ship and take their friends with them. This generation will be no difference. We'll see...
I don't think they are as fickle as you believe. They might end up owning both consoles but there's going to be so many gamers that get PS5's based off of what they played on the PS4 this generation


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Which will also come to PC anyway.
We'll see what happens. If there is a duration of say 6 months - 1 year or longer, most gamers won't wait and they'll just buy the game on the PS5. Even 3 months would be too long of a wait for me



Some people just want the gaming space to change, because they aren't gamers anymore.


Gold Member
Pretty hypocritical response by Gavon. So power matters, but only for Xbox because you like its games. Seems like you chose Xbox for its games rather than its hardware. You should probably stop trying to sell this power as the main reason why people chose a particular console. As evidence by your own admission for choosing a less powerful Xbox, instead of Playstation at the beginning of this gen.

Software is always the main driving force for console sales. Power alone will never be the reason for a high adoption rate for consoles, its been proven time after time.


Whilst power isnt the be all end all, great games are more important, I wouldnt want to see the PS5 less powerful than the XBOX by a huge margin. Cmon Sony bring us the most powaaaaaa for 500 and we'll be good few years. Pretty please?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Sony will release a whole 5TF machine next gen to compete against the Series X. You good with it bro??? ....YOU GOOD???? ......YOU GOOD BRO??????? Lol

If it was half the price and the games looked nearly as good. Sure. I'd be good with that.
Same way I know that if Series X is $100 more than PS5 in order to give marginally better visuals its dead in the water.


The only strategy they need is "dont absolutely fuck up everything"

90% of my digital games are tied up in either Steam or PSN... I won't be switching to Xbox for short of Cyberpunk being an exclusive or some crazy shit like that.


Gold Member
I can't see very many gamers switching from there preferred platform (Live or PSN), because of all the time and money vested in said platform either. Most will not go over because of a power difference.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I can't see very many gamers switching from there preferred platform (Live or PSN), because of all the time and money vested in said platform either. Most will not go over because of a power difference.
This. And from people in the know, both consoles will be very powerful. People that think there's going to be some gigantic difference in real-world results will be disappointed


Bullshit. At the start of a new gen, itll matter. Hard disagree here

I think power mattered a lot more last gen because almost none of my ps3 games transferred over to ps4. This gen is completely different in that regard.
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I dont see the next XBox becoming the Nr.1 console in the next gen.

They will just stay at third place.

Iam sure that the console war will mostly be Sony vs. Nintendo again.
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