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Amiibo Discussion Thread

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After wave 3, I'm going to commit to purchasing characters I like. This is getting too expensive.

I say that now. Wave 4 will be the death of me.


Yep I woke up the day after Christmas and they were preparing order. Can't cancel and have no idea if/when they will ship. I'm tempted to find Pit and Falcon on my own and just cancel my remaining preorders and ditch Best Buy entirely. I've tried being patient but locking me into an order and then not shipping it to me is fucking awful.

Yeah it is, just as bad as not communicating at all despite the release date passing. In the meantime, as we wait we could very well miss our chance to get those amiibos if BB decided to cancel on us. Well I went ahead and got a Pit from Amazon but I've been holding off on CF from BB.


The Pit amiibi showed up at Best Buy today. Got mine and the other two were reserved. Wish I had ordered 2. Starting to regret having only bought one and opened them.

Velcro Fly

Yeah it is, just as bad as not communicating at all despite the release date passing. In the meantime, as we wait we could very well miss our chance to get those amiibos if BB decided to cancel on us. Well I went ahead and got a Pit from Amazon but I've been holding off on CF from BB.

I'm going to (stupidly) hold out for another day or two and then I'm going to raise hell. Locking me into an order that you have no intention to ship to me is bullshit. But hey at least I got my free Diddy from them already. I'd laugh so hard if they cancel the two I was paying for after they already shipped my free one.

lol damn tweeted at the best buy twitter account and got a reply from the support account. it won't really do anything but hey at least someone is there on new years eve


Is anyone else only getting the amiibos they're interested in? I don't even want WFT or Peach etc so I'm not trying to get a complete set.

I am. And I am annoyed that Villager is impossible to get as I really like animal crossing.

Ultimately I may pick up Mario and Luigi but I don't like Luigi's dead fish pose. Might be tempted by Bowser as well.

The Flash

I can't afford to get all of them and I don't really want all of them either. I'm just getting the ones that I personally like, find interesting, or am getting because they represent a historically important character. Take Pac Man for example. I don't love or hate Pac Man but I'm going to get the Pac Man Amiibo because he's freakin' Pac Man.

With that said, here's my master list:

Donkey Kong

Captain Falcon


Duck Hunt
Wii Fit Trainer
Little Mac
Pac Man
Mega Man
Mr. Game & Watch
Bowser Junior
Zero Suit Samus


Is anyone else only getting the amiibos they're interested in? I don't even want WFT or Peach etc so I'm not trying to get a complete set.

Basically my plan. Shame I missed out on some because I didn't pre-order as I wanted to avoid accidentally getting a double for Christmas, but going forward I should be able to get the important ones here and there.


Gives all the fucks
Is anyone else only getting the amiibos they're interested in? I don't even want WFT or Peach etc so I'm not trying to get a complete set.
I'm trying to, but I also want the ones that give me the most "value". I don't have much interest in, say, Zelda at the moment because she doesn't give me anything special in Hyrule Warriors aside from a slightly better random reward compared to everyone else and nothing else she can be used in outside of SSB.

At least with, say, Samus, I unlocked the outfit in MK8 (leaving Peach, who I don't care that much for, & Fox which I really wish I got now). I'm even having trouble deciding if I should get Little Mac, someone I DID want originally, but now hearing about how he won't work in multiple games, I can't bring myself to get him at this moment for full price, especially with my limited funds and dealing with college.

At least Sonic, Mega Man, & Pac-Man, those are the only ones I truly want to which I know don't have much "use" yet. I only bought Diddy since he was the last one in town & figured he could be used to trade with someone possibly....if I can't, oh well, least I have DK's buddy standing next to him & maybe Nintendo will make a DK game that'll support it.


Is anyone else only getting the amiibos they're interested in? I don't even want WFT or Peach etc so I'm not trying to get a complete set.

It's tricky for me, because there are characters I like as characters, but that I don't really like playing as in Smash Bros (Mario and Pikachu, for instance). Then there are characters I DO like using, but don't care about as characters (Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, Game & Watch being examples).

So when you combine both those categories into amiibos I'd like to get, it ends up being like 80% of them. Which is the point where you might as well just get the whole set.

Money and just the sheer hassle of finding them all will prevent me from getting all though, so I just accepted that I'd get the ones I can and that's fine.


Money and just the sheer hassle of finding them all will prevent me from getting all though, so I just accepted that I'd get the ones I can and that's fine.

Yeah, same here. I'm currently happy with my Samus, Peach, and Zelda. If I can just get Rosalina, ZSS, Lucina, Palutena, Female Robin, and Mega Man, I'll feel mostly complete.

Rosalina's gonna be tough to get domestically, though. :(


I really just want marth now since that's my friends main. Is he and villager back up on Amazon.de? About to be a birthday present to myself
Thanks for the heads-up regarding Captain Falcon, GAF. That brings this wave to a close for me.

I've settled on getting the 12 characters in the original Smash Bros. plus Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Shulk, and Olimar. That seems like a reasonable subset of the total lot. My only worry is that I'm missing a Fire Emblem rep. I'll probably cave and get Ike, Robin, or Lucina. Rounding up the little buggers has been frustrating but enjoyable. I'm glad I didn't have to resort to scalpers or amazon.de.


I never had Nintendo figures either and smash represents the best of Nintendo so it's nice because whwre else would you get a Pitt figure or captain falcon?


Gives all the fucks
I never had Nintendo figures either and smash represents the best of Nintendo so it's nice because whwre else would you get a Pitt figure or captain falcon?
Kid Icarus U-prising & F-Zero UX.

...............those'll happen eventually.....right??

Actually, I wonder if they'll patch Wii Fit U to support amiibos. Remember the WFT reveal trainer? Imagine if you could scan an amiibo & that character exercises with you. Or perhaps the WFT amiibo could store your information or something.


Gives all the fucks
All seriousness, when they eventually happen, I might buy the Duck Hunt & ROB amiibo on the grounds they actually got made because how else would those have happened? I can't imagine them being used for much (plus possibly being rare), but I still like the idea of those being in the same line of figures with the bigger names like Mario, Link, & Pikachu.

Edit: So do we have ANY idea as to how amiibo works with Captain Toad? I wonder if it'll be like Kirby & the Rainbow Curse & certain ones just give you a power up for the level.


All seriousness, when they eventually happen, I might buy the Duck Hunt & ROB amiibo on the grounds they actually got made because how else would those have happened? I can't imagine them being used for much (plus possibly being rare), but I still like the idea of those being in the same line of figures with the bigger names like Mario, Link, & Pikachu.

Edit: So do we have ANY idea as to how amiibo works with Captain Toad? I wonder if it'll be like Kirby & the Rainbow Curse & certain ones just give you a power up for the level.

Idk I can see a R.O.B U or something in the pipeline lol


All seriousness, when they eventually happen, I might buy the Duck Hunt & ROB amiibo on the grounds they actually got made because how else would those have happened? I can't imagine them being used for much (plus possibly being rare), but I still like the idea of those being in the same line of figures with the bigger names like Mario, Link, & Pikachu.

Edit: So do we have ANY idea as to how amiibo works with Captain Toad? I wonder if it'll be like Kirby & the Rainbow Curse & certain ones just give you a power up for the level.
As of right now I'm betting on power ups or costumes. The game is already out so its going to be something easy to add.


Gives all the fucks
Hahaha, I can see it now. Buy the ROB amiibo in order to play Gyromite on Wii U VC....& you only get it by buying him. Scan him every time you want the pillars to move.

As of right now I'm betting on power ups or costumes. The game is already out so its going to be something easy to add.
Yeah, either it'll be the "one power up per level per day" deal or maybe it'll be something like wearing Mario or Luigi's cap on your head. I can't imagine any other way it'd be used.


All seriousness, when they eventually happen, I might buy the Duck Hunt & ROB amiibo on the grounds they actually got made because how else would those have happened? I can't imagine them being used for much (plus possibly being rare), but I still like the idea of those being in the same line of figures with the bigger names like Mario, Link, & Pikachu.

Edit: So do we have ANY idea as to how amiibo works with Captain Toad? I wonder if it'll be like Kirby & the Rainbow Curse & certain ones just give you a power up for the level.

I can imagine Captain Toad wearing hats that are based off of different Nintendo Characters, such as Mario's hat or a Wii Fit Trainer wig.


Gives all the fucks
I can imagine Captain Toad wearing hats that are based off of different Nintendo Characters, such as Mario's hat or a Wii Fit Trainer wig.
Yeah, this. Though I imagine they'd limit it to the Mario characters. As AMAZING as it would be to have Toad wear Cap. Falcon's helmet, I'm not getting my hopes up....then again, we did get Samus, Cap. Falcon, & Fox outfits for MK8...

Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the power up deal was done with Woolly World as well.


Is it me or Best Buy doesn´t care that much about stocking amiibos? I remember at launch all they had was a Villager, a Fox and 20 marios.


Gives all the fucks
Anyone in the US missing any wave 2 Amiibos?
I'm missing Zelda (don't care at the moment), Little Mac (want character-wise, but don't see much "use" at the moment), & Pit (sort of the same situation as Little Mac). Otherwise, I got Luigi, Captain Falcon (man, I got lucky with him in town), & Diddy (which I'm hoping to trade for Fox or someone).
I'm missing Zelda (don't care at the moment), Little Mac (want character-wise, but don't see much "use" at the moment), & Pit (sort of the same situation as Little Mac). Otherwise, I got Luigi, Captain Falcon (man, I got lucky with him in town), & Diddy (which I'm hoping to trade for Fox or someone).

I got an extra Little Mac and a Pit coming in. If you want, I can give you both for $30 shipped. If you're interested you can PM me.


Gives all the fucks
I got an extra Little Mac and a Pit coming in. If you want, I can give you both for $30 shipped. If you're interested you can PM me.
I appreciate the offer, but I just bought Samus & Diddy today, so I should probably wait until I have more funds next week to get more. Plus I think there's people on here who'd be much happier to take them off your hands at the moment.


Is it me or Best Buy doesn´t care that much about stocking amiibos? I remember at launch all they had was a Villager, a Fox and 20 marios.

When I was browsing at my local Best Buy, they had a HUGE bin that had 40 or so Mario & Pikachu Amiibo's. It was crazy!
I appreciate the offer, but I just bought Samus & Diddy today, so I should probably wait until I have more funds next week to get more. Plus I think there's people on here who'd be much happier to take them off your hands at the moment.

Good stuff.

So if anyone needs either Captain Falcon, Little Mac, or Pit for $15 each in the US. Just PM me. I have Falcon and Mac in hand and Pit coming in a few days.


Falcon came in today, paint job looks good i'm happy to say. Looks pretty good in person I have to say. Now the long wait for Pit who is on his way from Japan with no tracking number. Super Speed, little guy.

My very humble collection so far. I had to preorder Pit and that kinda bummed me out. I like being able to compare paint jobs in-store and I'm not thrilled with the paint on Pit's arms here, but still happy I got a Pit. They're pretty hard to come by in my area. But I'm trying to get as much of waves 1 and 2 as I can before trying to get wave 3 preorders. Also Luigi's L is a little lopsided haha.

Oh, and pardon the terribly dusty desk.


So do we know what Toon Link does in MK8 yet? I'd imagine its the same as Link, but if not, maybe there'll be an update with Wave 3? I could see them adding Rosalina, Bowser, Toon Link, and someone else as a Mii suit.


Gives all the fucks
So do we know what Toon Link does in MK8 yet? I'd imagine its the same as Link, but if not, maybe there'll be an update with Wave 3? I could see them adding Rosalina, Bowser, Toon Link, and someone else as a Mii suit.
I wouldn't be surprised if he just acted like Link & unlocked the same costume.

Makes me wonder if Dr. Mario will be the same, though I doubt it.
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