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Brazil's President Suspended From Office By Senate

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You are reading waaaay too much into "unplanned".

Yes, I'm sure he started planning for it as soon as things started going that way, as he should. It's hardly the point of the article (the title, by the way, is likely wordplay on unplanned pregnancies and what it touches on regarding abortions later on), and neither is the relative comparison to previous VPs taking over. I agree that Itamar's problem with hyperinflation was significantly harder to tackle.


More USA press, thanks to the New York Times Editorial Board :

Making Brazil’s Political Crisis Worse

“I may have committed errors, but I never committed crimes,” Ms. Rousseff said.

That is debatable, but Ms. Rousseff is right to question the motives and moral authority of the politicians who are seeking to oust her. The Brazilian president, who was re-elected in 2014 for a four-year term, has been a lousy politician and an underwhelming leader. But there is no evidence that she abused her power for personal gain, while many of the politicians orchestrating her ouster have been implicated in a huge kickback scheme and other scandals.


Ms. Rousseff is accused of using money from national banks to paper over budget shortfalls, a tactic other Brazilian leaders have employed in the past without drawing much scrutiny. Many suspect, however, that the effort to remove Ms. Rousseff has more to do with her decision to allow prosecutors to press ahead with a corruption investigation at Petrobras, the state oil company. The scandal has tainted more than 40 politicians, including senior leaders in Ms. Rousseff’s Workers’ Party.

If the Senate convicts Ms. Rousseff of financial wrongdoing — which is likely since 55 of Brazil’s 81 senators voted to put her on trial — Brazilian leaders may find it easier to revert to pay-to-play politics as usual. That would be indefensible.


While Ms. Rousseff has not managed the country effectively, the senators relishing her exit must remember that the president was elected twice. The Workers’ Party still has considerable support, particularly among the millions it pulled out of poverty over the last two decades.

Confidence in Ms. Rousseff and her party may have plunged in recent months. But Ms. Rousseff is poised to pay a disproportionately high price for administrative wrongdoing while several of her most ardent detractors stand accused of more egregious crimes. They may find that much of the ire that has been focused on her will soon be redirected at them.

Also ... Wikileaks posted that Temer gave intelligence to the USA when Lula was on his first presidency


Now it is The Guardian's Editorial :

The Guardian view on Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment: the political system should be on trial, not one woman

Her own faults, which even her defenders concede are substantial, contributed to her downfall. But what is clear is that it is not only her career that has crashed, but the Brazilian democratic system as a whole. Dysfunctional to the point where corruption is virtually unavoidable and good governance constantly impeded, it worked, just about, in the skilled hands of Lula during a period of lively economic growth. Lula could finesse its inadequacies and manage the complex coalitions to which it gave rise. However, he resorted to corruption to do so.

Dilma inherited this unhappy legacy and began to lose control during a period of economic decline, as corruption, thanks to independent police and prosecutors, was becoming a scandal of increasing proportions. Male prejudice against a female leader, and the grudges of a political right never wholly reconciled to the rise of Lula’s and Dilma’s Workers’ party (PT) certainly played their part. The final toxic element in the crisis was the realisation by many politicians that prosecutors could soon catch more and more of them in its net, and that a way to avoid or minimise this possibility would be to distract attention and take control of the political process by pursuing the impeachment of the head of state.

The rights and wrongs of the case against the president will be debated in the senate, acting as a court. It involves, at this stage, no charges of corruption, while a considerable number of those who voted for impeachment have either been charged or are facing investigation for that offence. The irony is plain to see, when so many of the accusers are themselves accused, and of worse sins. For example, Eduardo Cunha, the speaker of the lower house, who orchestrated the campaign to impeach the president, was earlier this month ordered to step down because he faces a corruption trial.


Here is a fun one from Yahoo :

Brazil's Temer briefed US diplomats in past: WikiLeaks

Brazil's new acting president Michel Temer gave political briefings to US diplomats ahead of elections in 2006, whistleblowing site WikiLeaks said Friday.

Two cables published by the site, marked "sensitive but unclassified," contain summaries of conversations Temer had with the US officials, and their critical view of him and his PMDB party.

WikiLeaks in a Twitter message claimed Temer, a federal lawmaker at the time, acted as an "embassy informant for US intelligence."

The cables, dated January 11 and June 21, 2006, said Temer briefed the then US consul general in Sao Paulo, Christopher McMullen, along with another unidentified political official.

In the briefings, Temer spoke of possible plans for his centrist PMDB party to mount an electoral challenge to Brazil's leftist president at the time, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva.


The June 2006 cable signed by McMullen described the PMDB as a group of "opportunistic" regional leaders.

"The PMDB has no ideology or policy framework that it could bring to the task of formulating and implementing a coherent national political agenda,"
it said.

Brazil hosts the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro from August 5 to 21.

Here are the mentioned wikileaks links

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