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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Zionist immigration to Israel started at the end of 19th century and there was a small number of Jews who lived in Israel before that (most of them came during the Ottoman rule, but some never left).

The majority of Israelis have immigrated to the country after 1948 though.
The majority were born there after 48. 70%
He doesn't actually care about the nursery, he's just trying to derail the nature of the discussion.
Even if its an attempted derail, I find it hard to believe anyone would not be concerned about such a thing. No one seems right, and the current Israeli mission was outlined as preventable if Hamas would have stopped those damned rocket attacks.
I'll be in the West Bank for a wedding soon. What a time indeed.

You can create threads, right?

I wasn't implying you were, and I will leave trawling through someone's post history to twist and misinterpret out of context comments to the pros...
I have a friend in Gaza.
I've always wondered how he copes but by and large he's still posting about the world cup and wondering why I hate the dutch team. It really sucks because he's smart and should be doing great things (and has he's gotten like 3 scholarships) but doesn't have the freedom of movement he should.

Also have a friend in ramallah doing legal work and he's always getting in trouble (with the youth gangs over there)

Also a few in Israel proper.

Hope everyone stays safe.

Edit I quotes the wrong cheesecake post I ment to grab the one about his sister.
Theres really no need for another thread about every single attack. What isn't needed is the snark about it.

Post about the nursery in here and post your comments on it.
Theres really no need for another thread about every single attack. What isn't needed is the snark about it.

It just grinds my gears that people save up unsourced mentions of attacks on unnamed nurseries as a wedge to drive through any discussion of Israeli military action. What would these posters do if they didn't collect these precious irrelevant rhetorical cudgels to ensure the conversation becomes a scoreboard every time? This is why I'm convinced titus doesn't care about the nursery, or at least not as much as they care about deflecting criticism away from a target they'd prefer to shield. 'Protective Edge' has got to be the most ironic name for intensified airstrikes I've heard in years.
Theres really no need for another thread about every single attack. What isn't needed is the snark about it.

Post about the nursery in here and post your comments on it.
Its a drive-by post.

"Hamas struck a nursery with their rockets but i dont see anyone talking about it...you must be all antisemites!"


An Aida cruise-ship was hit by rocket parts today in the port of Ashdod.
Seems like Iron Dome intercepted another Quassam-Missile, but no idea whose parts hit the ship.


Theres really no need for another thread about every single attack. What isn't needed is the snark about it.

Post about the nursery in here and post your comments on it.

He was complaining about the lack of a thread for it. If he cares very much that people get that piece of information then he's clearly capable of creating a thread for it. It's nothing but a drive-by post as Rusty Nails pointed.
An Aida cruise-ship was hit by rocket parts today in the port of Ashdod.
Seems like Iron Dome intercepted another Quassam-Missile, but no idea whose parts hit the ship.
5/15 rockets were intercepted [last I saw]. The debris was small and the ship moved on to Cypress Crete without further incident, no injuries.


Yawn, Hamas rockets will cause a handful of minor injuries, the IDF will retaliate by murdering a few dozen Palestinians and the world will keep on turning. Until the US catches up with the rest of world and stops pretending that Israel has the moral high ground in this conflict, nothing will change. Either that or Israel will finish the job of ethnically cleansing the West Bank and Gaza. All over a bunch of fucking fairly tales.
Can You give us strict number how many people need to be killed on Israeli side before airstrike is justified ?
Because obviously You seem to think that attack ineefectivenes makes it virtually not happening.

So please tell us what needs to happen before rocket attack is counted as valid reason for response.

it works both ways. How many less palestians will be killed by IDF and settlement homes constructed illegaly before palestinians stop getting angry. why is the argument deaths on only one side and not a multitude of both sides whereupon you will realise how diporportionate the deaths are on the palestinian side. This is like saying a Palestinian kills one, Israel retaliates and kills 30 and says we will stop when Palestian stops attacking and while that statement is being made a new settlement is being constructed illegaly.


If there was no airstrike killing 7 Palestinians there would be no rocket fire. It's a circle.

Hamas rockets are like pea shooters compared to what Israel uses in retaliation.

Joke post? Just for a moment, forget any equitable reasons you believe Gaza has to fire rockets, and consider:

If Gaza ceased to fire rockets, would Israel continue their airstrikes? Certainly not.
If Israel ceased all airstrikes, would Gaza continue to fire rockets? We already know the answer.
Joke post? Just for a moment, forget any equitable reasons you believe Gaza has to fire rockets, and consider:

If Gaza ceased to fire rockets, would Israel continue their airstrikes? Certainly not.
If Israel ceased all airstrikes, would Gaza continue to fire rockets? We already know the answer.

if Gaza ceases rockets. will israel go back to 1967 border or stop building settlements or split jeruselum as agreed initially? No


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I think one of the points you guys might be missing is that this particular move was almost unavoidable by Israel. Sure, that doesn't justify it, and on the whole it's a bad move-- I'm sure it won't lead to peace and stability and they shouldn't have come to this point in the first place.

What I think you might be missing is that the people on the Israeli side see the rockets coming down on them and go to the shelter, and while they might be "better off" than the Palestinian, while they may even want peace-- first of all they want it to stop.
"It's not many rockets," "It pales in comparison to what the Palestinians are receiving" may be objectively true but the citizens don't care because their life and their children's life are entirely disrupted and endangered. They would crucify the government if they had just sat and did nothing.

Anyway, this seems like just a bad move from Hamas. I don't see what this will achieve other than deaths on both sides.


Joke post? Just for a moment, forget any equitable reasons you believe Gaza has to fire rockets, and consider:

If Gaza ceased to fire rockets, would Israel continue their airstrikes? Certainly not.
If Israel ceased all airstrikes, would Gaza continue to fire rockets? We already know the answer.

If they stop firing rockets will Israel allow exports and imports of goods, allow people of Gaza to travel, etc? No, not that it justifies continuation.
I think one of the points you guys might be missing is that this particular move was almost unavoidable by Israel. Sure, that doesn't justify it, and on the whole it's a bad move-- I'm sure it won't lead to peace and stability and they shouldn't have come to this point in the first place.

What I think you might be missing is that the people on the Israeli side see the rockets coming down on them and go to the shelter, and while they might be "better off" than the Palestinian, while they may even want peace-- first of all they want it to stop.
"It's not many rockets," "It pales in comparison to what the Palestinians are receiving" may be objectively true but the citizens don't care because their life and their children's life are entirely disrupted and endangered. They would crucify the government if they had just sat and did nothing.

Anyway, this seems like just a bad move from Hamas. I don't see what this will achieve other than deaths on both sides.

This is true that rockets should stop, but why is Israel provoking a response everyday by building settlements everyday?
Is this timeline relatively accurate?

-3 Israeli teens are kidnapped

-while searching for those missing teens Israel kills several Palestinians.

-after finding them dead Israel initiates airstrikes against "Hamas targets", etc.

-Hamas begins retaliating with their missiles.

-Israel launches "Operation Protective Edge".


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This is true that rockets should stop, but why is Israel provoking a response everyday by building settlements everyday?
I don't think they should, but it's done the system of government in Israel is a parliamentary democracy where there is a substantial party of people who wish to keep on building the settlements and they'll join up readily with anyone who promises to do so. Thus they eternally sit on the coalition and have most of what they want granted.

That probably doesn't answer your question, but it's the best answer I can give.
If Gaza ceased to fire rockets, would Israel continue their airstrikes? Certainly not.
Yes they would, they would continue to strike Hamas leaders, contraband tunnels and sites where they suspect rockets are prepared regardless how long have been since the last missile from Gaza.

Another problem is that even if a leader from Hamas is willing to negotiate (before being killed by Israel or by Palestinian radicals) there are other fanatic groups in Gaza that will keep launching missiles.

The circle of violence will continue.


Joke post? Just for a moment, forget any equitable reasons you believe Gaza has to fire rockets, and consider:

If Gaza ceased to fire rockets, would Israel continue their airstrikes? Certainly not.
If Israel ceased all airstrikes, would Gaza continue to fire rockets? We already know the answer.
You might need to go back and check your facts cause you seem to have missed the part where Israel broke cease fire in the recent past.


If they stop firing rockets will Israel allow exports and imports of goods, allow people of Gaza to travel, etc? No

When "goods" have thus far included weapons and rockets, no.

I would like to think that if they stopped firing rockets, Israel would begin to allow the import/export of goods. Who knows though, since the rocket fire has never actually stopped.
Is this timeline relatively accurate?

-3 Israeli teens are kidnapped

-while searching for those missing teens Israel kills several Palestinians.

-after finding them dead Israel initiates airstrikes against "Hamas targets", etc.

-Hamas begins retaliating with their missiles.

-Israel launches "Operation Protective Edge".

No, apart from that, around the same time of the kidnappings a missile from Gaza burned down an Israeli building injuring 3.
Must be terrible to actually live in these neighbourhoods, on both sides. One day you're out getting a sandwich to go and you get pooped on by rocket/missile like it's fucking COD BLOPS. I can't even imagine.
Is this timeline relatively accurate?

-3 Israeli teens are kidnapped

-while searching for those missing teens Israel kills several Palestinians.

-after finding them dead Israel initiates airstrikes against "Hamas targets", etc.

-Hamas begins retaliating with their missiles.

-Israel launches "Operation Protective Edge".

weren't there two Palestinians teens shot by Israeli soldiers before the 3 Israeli teens were kidnapped?

either way, what a cluster fuck of an area.


it has stopped before.


4 months. until Israel broke it by incursion into Gaza.

both sides have broken ceasefire just one is not to blame
I was looking for this. Thanks. Pretty much and even though they've eased their blockade it's still affecting those who live there.

weren't there two Palestinians teens shot by Israeli soldiers before the 3 Israeli teens were kidnapped?

either way, what a cluster fuck of an area.

Correct. http://www.theguardian.com/world/vi...footage-palestinian-teenagers-shot-dead-video


I feel like anyone calling for the "rocket fire to just stop" has zero contextual perspective of the situation or historical knowledge of how we got here. They are either truly deranged individuals who see the whole thing as some sort of black and white confict between good and evil, or they are no better than your average internet troll. Its like expecting a beaten and whipped dog to just stop trying to bite it's tormentor's hand. What are you really saying?
It just grinds my gears that people save up unsourced mentions of attacks on unnamed nurseries as a wedge to drive through any discussion of Israeli military action. What would these posters do if they didn't collect these precious irrelevant rhetorical cudgels to ensure the conversation becomes a scoreboard every time? This is why I'm convinced titus doesn't care about the nursery, or at least not as much as they care about deflecting criticism away from a target they'd prefer to shield. 'Protective Edge' has got to be the most ironic name for intensified airstrikes I've heard in years.

Sure the big hive mind of zionist agenda posters decided in their collective wisdom that it will be better to keep this one as spare ammo for occasion like this.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
I feel like anyone calling for the "rocket fire to just stop" has zero contextual perspective of the situation or historical knowledge of how we got here. They are either truly deranged individuals who see the whole thing as some sort of black and white confict between good and evil, or they are no better than your average internet troll. Its like expecting a beaten and whipped dog to just stop trying to bite it's tormentor's hand. What are you really saying?
Even if it's the "right thing to do", Israel would never do it and their citizens would never just allow them to not take action. They see it as the practical thing to do in that particular moment, even if it isn't just.
I feel like anyone calling for the "rocket fire to just stop" has zero contextual perspective of the situation or historical knowledge of how we got here. They are either truly deranged individuals who see the whole thing as some sort of black and white confict between good and evil, or they are no better than your average internet troll. Its like expecting a beaten and whipped dog to just stop trying to bite it's tormentor's hand. What are you really saying?

Ask them to name even recent significant dates without being able to resort to Wiki (1967-70, Olympics 1972, 1973, 1982, 2006 etc etc etc) and they won't be able to. A lot of people seem to be responding to what's reported today in the media. You have this single story that's becoming default...but you can't comment on today without talking about history.
Sure the big hive mind of zionist agenda posters decided in their collective wisdom that it will be better to keep this one as spare ammo for occasion like this.

The odds of an out-of-context 'here's an example of Palestinians being bad' post appearing in any thread over 50 posts about Israel approaches 100%. It's an easily identified pattern, not a hivemind.


Ask them to name even recent significant dates without being able to resort to Wiki (1967-70, Olympics 1972, 1973, 1982, 2006 etc etc etc) and they won't be able to. A lot of people seem to be responding to what's reported today in the media. You have this single story that's becoming default...but you can't comment on today without talking about history.

At this point the past doesn't even matter that much. You've got daily human rights violations, illegal settlements, and blatantly racist social policies literally (and I literally mean the literal definition of literally) making it impossible for the average Palestinian to pursue a quality of life resembling 21st century standards. And it's all right there in front of their very eyes, or a Google search away, yet they continue thinking the way they do. That's why I think it goes beyond mere ignorance and shouldn't be excused.
They're calling up 40,000 reserves ?!?

Cast lead was 6,700.

Fucking hell.

Please be safe Palestine GAF, Israel GAF and everyone caught up in this shit.


Sure the big hive mind of zionist agenda posters decided in their collective wisdom that it will be better to keep this one as spare ammo for occasion like this.

There have been about 7 "look at what Israel did bad" threads just over the past 10 days or so, all made by the same 3 posters. On the other side, there was a thread about a guy being beaten for having a Israel flag where it was equated to someone having a nazi flag up. Gaf hivemind Zionist agenda indeed.
At this point the past doesn't even matter that much. You've got daily human rights violations, illegal settlements, and blatantly racist social policies literally (and I literally mean the literal definition of literally) making it impossible for the average Palestinian to pursue a quality of life resembling 21st century standards. And it's all right there in front of their very eyes, or a Google search away, yet they continue thinking the way they do. That's why I think it goes beyond mere ignorance and shouldn't be excused.

This is a single story. One must always be informed.
There have been about 7 "look at what Israel did bad" threads just over the past 10 days or so, all made by the same 3 posters. On the other side, there was a thread about a guy being beaten for having a Israel flag where it was equated to someone having a nazi flag up. Gaf hivemind Zionist agenda indeed.
To be fair, it was not equated it was compared; on the claim that two fucking flags can't be compared!
There have been about 7 "look at what Israel did bad" threads just over the past 10 days or so, all made by the same 3 posters. On the other side, there was a thread about a guy being beaten for having a Israel flag where it was equated to someone having a nazi flag up. Gaf hivemind Zionist agenda indeed.
So what are you insinuating about these three neogaf posters?
What about the Egyptian negotiated ceasefire?

The dudes shooting rockets brought this on themselves. Who are the dumb fucks doing this, do they not realize they invite being steamrolled and hurting their cause in the long run?

Because when Israel retaliates the world flips out and defend the dudes shooting rockets. Makes sense to me.


Well, this evening Hamas attempted to hit Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa etc. Basically every major city in Israel. During the first rocket attempt Hamas tried to send navy seals to Israeli territory and kill civilians and soldiers. The I.D.F. has managed to find them, locate them and destroy them. We will prevail.


With my Tax dollars.. How about you fight on an even level pathetic or actually earn that tech rather then beg and steal..
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