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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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But the right of the Jews to return to the land the lived 2000 years ago is undeniable, right?
Don't get me wrong, the right of return pose many practical challenges, but morally, I don't see how Israel can argue against it with a straight face.

Their argument would be that their right was somewhat divine in that it's described in the bible. Palestine has no such luck.

It's working; one Palestinian child at a time.

I remember seeing an interesting study that pointed out half of Palestinian children by their teenage years "lack the will to live". Which might very well be the single most depressing thing I've ever heard...

EDIT: Source mentioned here; Princeton Law Professor Richard Falk on behalf of the U.N.
Where should descendants go ?
I know it's not aimed at me but what I would advocate is that their host countries give then citizenship, the new Palestinian state should offer them citizenship and an international fund should be set up to compensate refugees. Israel would contribute to this fund and so would the Arab countries which expelled Jews in similar numbers to the original refugees from the mandate. Israel could offer a small symbolic number of refugees to return - perhaps any surviving first generation refugees - but I don't think that gesture would achieve very much.
They should live where they live. Why would you want to go back to an over-crowded desert anyway?

Because you're in an overcrowded refugee camp in a country where your rights are severely limited.

Edit: Not to mention that country doesn't really want you around because you're poor and foreign.


I know it's not aimed at me but what I would advocate is that their host countries give then citizenship
The fuck. Are you promoting giving all of Palestine to Israel, and for Palestinians to simply pack it up and go to another country?

Or am I just missing something here? I hope I'm just understanding this wrong.
The fuck. Are you promoting giving all of Palestine to Israel, and for Palestinians to simply pack it up and go to another country?

Or am I just missing something here? I hope I'm just understanding this wrong.
Huh? I mean the descendants of refugees should have the choice to become citizens of their host country or move to the new state of Palestine. Wasn't that the issue I was responding to?
Think of Israel and palestian areas as one boxed room with 2 palestians in one corner and 2 Israelis having 75 percent of the room. The boundary is a chalked line on the floor

Everytime a Palestinian throws a crumpled paper at the Israeli angry at being given so little of the room, the Israeli throws a rock in retaliation and erases the boundary and extends it 2 inches further every time.

When the Palestinians are not looking the Israelis extends the chalked line a couple of inches more

That is the situation on the ground

Anyone who doesn't see this reality is living under a rock. Its a historical fact


Think of Israel and palestian areas as one boxed room with 2 palestians in one corner and 2 Israelis having 75 percent of the room. The boundary is a chalked line on the floor

Everytime a Palestinian throws a crumpled paper at the Israeli angry at being given so little of the room, the Israeli throws a rock in retaliation and erases the boundary and extends it 2 inches further every time.

When the Palestinians are not looking the Israelis extends the chalked line a couple of inches more

That is the situation on the ground

Anyone who doesn't see this reality is living under a rock. Its a historical fact

This is both a depressing and amusing analogy, but also one that's pretty accurate.

I would also add that the two Israelis also control what supplies, produce, goods etc go in to the Palestinian segment of the room, and often when and where the Palestinians can move around in it.
Edit: I'm done for the night. Hope you read what I wrote but if I leave this up I'll be trapped responding to this forever.
Hamas is so fucking dumb. They play into Israel's hands every time with their useless rocket attacks. No sense of consequence or reason, just eye for an eye against a guy with way bigger guns.
This is both a depressing and amusing analogy, but also one that's pretty accurate.

I would also add that the two Israelis also control what supplies, produce, goods etc go in to the Palestinian segment of the room, and often when and where the Palestinians can move around in it.

To fit the analogy, the door and window to the room are also on the Israel side giving them access to anything coming and going in the room.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
This shit isn't going to end until the arrival of the antichrist.


This shit isn't going to end until the arrival of the antichrist.
I think apartheid is vastly different than what's going on. I think you have a general civil rights problem in Israel the state that's more similar to the other minorities like Blacks in the US and Religious minorities in Islamic countries and a territorial dispute thats similar to western Sahara or Tibet (and historically with Britain in India and Ireland) rather than south Africa . Liberman wants bantustans though, but he's an idiot.

What should we do? I don't think there's much the world can do. I've said only Israelis and Palestinians will solve the problem. I don't know how to move israelis. I just know the sanctions aren't in the cards.

I'm against BSD because its antisemitic, unworkable and ineffective.

The collective punishment lines were to say why its not happening. I was saying what your opening yourself to. As you've demonstrated you have to walk back 'firm principles' and say your going to selectively apply it to Israel because it meets your qualifications (so in essence your singling out Israel which is what so many people go out of their way to claim they're not). That's not going to get people to agree.

The reality is people like Israel's existence, they want a Jewish state. The BSD is 'ambivalent on that question' (read they can't say what they really think). Work within that reality. Going back to the horrible south African analogy. People don't like white nationalism. Much easier to say a obvious wrong is a wrong. A jewish state as being wrong? Yea.... well...

And you just entirely lost my attention

Going to say that I support a boycott as well, have been following one for a long time now
And you just entirely lost my attention

Going to say that I support a boycott as well, have been following one for a long time now
Yeah my exact same reaction. Like seriously WTF man. Sanctions on Israel means we are all Jew haters. Such a needless hyperbole in a conversation that is entirely useless and does nothing. This why any conversation with regards to Israel gets muzzled like hell in the west. Anything remotely critical of policies of state of Israel is labeled as antisemitism by ADL like groups. This cover has allowed the state to operate with impunity while Palestinians are perpetually under their boot.


The IDF struck 50 targets throughout the Gaza Strip late Monday night and early on Tuesday, marking the start of Operation Protective Edge, launched to extinguish Hamas rocket fire on Israel. Forty seven targets were hit by Israel Air Force aircraft, and an additional three were hit by Israel Navy ships off the coast of Gaza.

"We are entering into a long operation," a senior IDF source said. "We are only at the start. Patience is required. We are preparing further steps and a gradual expansion of our order of battle," the source said, referring to a growing presence of Ground Forces deployed to the Gaza Border. The operation is being led by the IDF's Southern Command.

During the overnight strikes, the IDF hit 18 underground rocket launchers, dozens of homes belonging to Hamas members, three Hamas command and control facilities, and then targets described by the source as "infrastructure." Most of the air strikes targeted Hamas, though some targeted other terror groups that have been involved in recent projectile fire on Israel.

The IDF is currently gathering intelligence ahead of its next wave of strikes, according to the source. In recent hours, Hamas fired rockets at Kiryat Malachi, and at Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha in the Eshkol region.

"We are preparing to add to our two special infantry formations that are on the Gaza border, and which are now busy with efforts against [cross-border] attack tunnels," the source said. "We have fully deployed Iron Dome batteries. And we are moving towards a significant phase of the operation, in terms of attacks on targets," he added.

Obama says that the only solution is peace: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-peace-conference/1.603324


Quick question: no Israeli lived where they are living now before 1945/46?
Zionist immigration to Israel started at the end of 19th century and there was a small number of Jews who lived in Israel before that (most of them came during the Ottoman rule, but some never left).

The majority of Israelis have immigrated to the country after 1948 though.
In all the excitement I forgot the tiny detail that my sister is currently in Israel. What a time to pick for her first holiday there. Holy shit...


How the hell the 'world community' have allowed this situation to go on for so long is both amazing and fucking sad.
If the settlements continue to expand as they have been do any of you see the UN taking a more proactive role in this? What would it take for intervention? Not counting sanctions, I cant see sanctions against Israel going well for any nation.

UN intervention ?

Please tell me you aren't serious ?

Same UN that worked so amazingly well in Ruanda, Somalia , Syria and dozens of other places ?

And I wonder how many countries would be willing to send their soldiers not to some backwater country with demoralised army but agains tier A equiped , well trained and motivated army.
Everytime a Palestinian throws a crumpled paper at the Israeli angry at being given so little of the room, the Israeli throws a rock in retaliation and erases the boundary and extends it 2 inches further every time.

Can You give us strict number how many people need to be killed on Israeli side before airstrike is justified ?
Because obviously You seem to think that attack ineefectivenes makes it virtually not happening.

So please tell us what needs to happen before rocket attack is counted as valid reason for response.


Will this shit ever stop?

Only if the US Government quit vetoing every UN resolution regarding Israel/Palestine. As long as the Israeli government are sheltered from active international intervention by the the US, they will continue to act with impunity in the face of international condemnation.

And I wonder how many countries would be willing to send their soldiers not to some backwater country with demoralised army but agains tier A equiped , well trained and motivated army.



In all the excitement I forgot the tiny detail that my sister is currently in Israel. What a time to pick for her first holiday there. Holy shit...

She will be fine as long as she knows where nearby shelters are, and gets to one when she hears the siren. though it might ruin her holiday
And yet when Hamas fires rockets at a nursery it doesn't get a thread on NeoGAF...
Rather than make the thread, you point that out here?

Most of the rockets fired from Gaza seem to fall short, miss their target, or do little damage compared to an IDF airstrike. How many were injured at this nursery? I'm not trying to dismiss how serious it is to have rockets fired at a nursery but you didn't say that the rockets hit the nursery or that anyone was injured.
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