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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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And you aren't? lol.

Also, what are you talking about? Hamas doesn't have "navy seals" lmao.

Hes trying to make Palestinians seem to be on a more evel keel when it comes to the fight lol.. Sticks versus Gunblades.. not even remotely close.. if u watched that vid. they used predators which we developed and gave them prolly as gifts.. Not one IDF soldier would have even been in danger.. After this incursion i guarantee you tons of Palestinian civis will be slaughtered.


What by taking my money ? obviously im pissed off. Neither are you lol. Nor is the state of Israel a democracy so lets get that fallacy out of the way.

Were you this angry about US aid to Saudi Arabia when they went into Bahrain to stomp on non-violent Shia protestors?

Yes, whataboutism, but I particularly hate the "MY TAX DOLLARS" argument, like the US government doesn't spread the money around virtually everywhere.


Were you this angry about US aid to Saudi Arabia when they went into Bahrain to stomp on non-violent Shia protestors?

Yes, whataboutism, but I particularly hate the "MY TAX DOLLARS" argument, like the US government doesn't spread the money around virtually everywhere.

Ask Americans in a poll if the 234 billion in 6 decades was worth it.
Were you this angry about US aid to Saudi Arabia when they went into Bahrain to stomp on non-violent Shia protestors?

Yes, whataboutism, but I particularly hate the "MY TAX DOLLARS" argument, like the US government doesn't spread the money around virtually everywhere.
So my tax dollars have been going to shit countries for a long time so I shouldnt be angry if they are being sent to Israel to suppress native population for the last 60 years. Gotcha.


So my tax dollars have been going to shit countries for a long time so I shouldnt be angry if they are being sent to Israel to suppress native population for the last 60 years. Gotcha.

People should be angry about the concepts of security arrangements and pragmatic distributions of foreign aid and hope for their abolition in all cases, not just this situation.

Unless you think the money is actually being earmarked as "Kill Palestinian Children" money in this case, and is just "generically" bad otherwise.


People should be angry about the concepts of security arrangements and pragmatic distributions of foreign aid and hope for their abolition in all cases, not just this situation.

Unless you think the money is actually being earmarked as "Kill Palestinian Children" money in this case, and is just "generically" bad otherwise.

Lol... The guns, tech, tanks, and stuff we give them and you steal at the same time(which i don't understand why cuz we give u everything) they pretty much use it to kill children. No need to deny it its proven and the US citizen getting the living shit kicked out of him proves it.


Lol... The guns, tech, tanks, and stuff we give them and you steal at the same time(which i don't understand why cuz we give u everything) they pretty much use it to kill children. No need to deny it its proven and the US citizen getting the living shit kicked out of him proves it.



Just a reminder to all that remaining calm while discussing difficult issues is a virtue, and one that may save you from time away from NeoGAF.
On the other side, there was a thread about a guy being beaten for having a Israel flag where it was equated to someone having a nazi flag up. Gaf hivemind Zionist agenda indeed.

Shameful stuff in that thread but I'm not even surprised anymore.

Counted the posts until a moron would regurgitate the usual bullshit about antisemitism not really being hate against Jews. Didn't take long. As always.

Regarding BDS: I'll support economic sanctions against Israel but certainly not to the extent that it applies to sports, cultural, academic and scientific endeavours. Seeing Israeli scientists and scholars being banned from exchanges because they are Israeli is probably counter-productive on top of being unecessarily demeaning and generally dubious, to say the least.


Men V tanks, Mines, Jets, and Drones.. Ehh ye

Should the IDF purposefully handicap themselves to make the fight more "fair"? At the expense of Hamas operatives potentially entering Israel to commit acts of terror? Don't be silly.
Netanyahu government knew teens were dead as it whipped up racist frenzy

It took until the next morning for the police to connect the call to a missing persons report filed by the youths’ parents. In a meeting with Shin Bet officials that day, the teens’ parents listened to a recording of the phone call.

Bat Galim Shaar, the mother of Gilad Shaar, demanded investigators explain to her why gunshots can be heard in the background, and if this meant that her son was dead.

According to Bat Galim Shaar, police claimed the bullets were “blanks.” When the car used by the alleged kidnappers was discovered burned by a roadside, the Shin Bet told her no DNA was found. In fact, bullets and blood were present throughout the interior of the car. The Shin Bet had lied to the parents of the missing teens in order to stoke false hopes that their sons were alive.

“When [the Shin Bet] told me finally at 6:00am Friday that the army was on the job, I felt better — as if we were in good hands,” Bat Galim Shaar told Israel’s Channel 10. “I was naïve, I told everyone Gilad would be home before Shabbat.”

Having deceived the victims’ parents, Israel’s military-intelligence apparatus moved to conceal the truth from the general public, imposing a gag order that barred the country’s media from reporting on the sound of gunshots in the recorded call to police.

According to the text of the gag order, which was first published in English at Mondoweiss, the military had forbidden Israeli reporters from publicizing “All the details of the investigation” and “All details that might identify the suspect.”

Not only did all involved in the investigation — Netanyahu, the Shin Bet, the military — know right away that the three missing teens were almost certainly dead, they had identified the two men they believed were responsible for the crime little more than a day after it occurred.

To legitimize the military’s wider goals, they withheld this information as well.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Rockets, their debris, nearby explosions are hitting the homes of my family and friends who are Arabs, Russian-Orthodox and Jews in droves. They live in all parts of Israel, Tel-Aviv, Ramla, Rishon, and Ashdod.

My Facebook is riddled with statuses about shelters and taking cover behind large objects. Fucking scary.


Threatening 3 million people with rockets to get what you want is terrorism.

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Israel's own creation was on the back of some pretty heinous terrorism, although I'd doubt many in Israel would see it that way.

The Palestinians can't win. Lash out they get bombed and more land is stolen. Do nothing, and more land is stolen. The reasons they attack are probably a mix of understandable anger at their situation, genuine hatred of their 'oppressors', and the tactical decision to remind the world of their situation as the world only focuses on the issue when violence flares. Largely their attacks fail on a practical and tactical basis. It's counter productive but their attacks are not exactly without provocation.


Israel want this to continue forever/until the Palestinians are gone. They have all the power.

Should the IDF purposefully handicap themselves to make the fight more "fair"? At the expense of Hamas operatives potentially entering Israel to commit acts of terror? Don't be silly.

Don't be silly.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Israel's own creation was on the back of some pretty heinous terrorism, although I'd doubt many in Israel would see it that way.

The Palestinians can't win. Lash out they get bombed and more land is stolen. Do nothing, and more land is stolen. The reasons they attack are probably a mix of understandable anger at their situation, genuine hatred of their 'oppressors', and the tactical decision to remind the world of their situation as the world only focuses on the issue when violence flares. Largely their attacks fail on a practical and tactical basis. It's counter productive but their attacks are not exactly without provocation.

great post.


Dropping bombs that actually kill people is terrorism no ?

It's very simple, let me help you understand.

Israeli airstrikes are targeted at Hamas militants, not Palestinian civilians. Israeli airstrikes are made in response to Gaza rockets. Gaza rockets specifically target Israeli civilians.

One is an act of self-defense, while the other is not.
This just popped up on my Twitter feed. :(



Dropping bombs that actually kill people is terrorism no ?

Yes, Hamas have killed three people in 2012 with their rockets and they weren't military.
They were innocent civilians, and Hamas didn't aim to military personal or bases when firing those rockets.
They use violence to get what they want.

But the truth is, I know you meant the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.
Those airstrikes are aimed to bomb and kill terrorists, not innocent people.
Unfortunately Hamas doesn't have respect to innocent people lives from both sides, because they use their civilians as human shields by hiding their rocket launchers in schools, heavy populated areas with civilians and even kindergartens.
I.D.F reacted to terror to protect their civilians.


It's very simple, let me help you understand.

Israeli airstrikes are targeted at Hamas militants, not Palestinian civilians. Israeli airstrikes are made in response to Gaza rockets. Gaza rockets specifically target Israeli civilians.

One is an act of self-defense, while the other is not.

Sure thats the offical mandate.. but hey if we can kill one to 2 kids on the way all the better.. they will pick off and kill as ''collateral''. they will just terrorize every family ''searching for hamas terrorist'' bulldoze 20 more houses just for fun also.. plz cut the deceptive shit i know how Israel operates.


This just popped up on my Twitter feed. :(


This is horrifying and heartbreaking.

It's not even war, not that this would diminish the suffering, but knowing it's bombing impoverished people living under constant terrorizing and discrimination, makes it so much worse.

I wonder if there are gatherings on hills with coffees and snacks to watch over the entertainment, or school outings for kids to paint and sign the bombs, this time around.


This is horrifying and heartbreaking.

It's not even war, not that this would diminish the suffering, but knowing it's bombing impoverished people living under constant terrorizing and discrimination, makes it so much worse.

I wonder if there are gatherings on hills with coffees and snacks to watch over the entertainment, or school outings for kids to paint and sign the bombs, this time around.

Ye i know... israely people run into bunkers from shit rockets.. israel drop 100 pound bombs that wipe out blocks... ohh the horror and again ( our tech funding this)


Sure thats the offical mandate.. but hey if we can kill one to 2 kids on the way all the better.. they will pick off and kill as ''collateral''. they will just terrorize every family ''searching for hamas terrorist'' bulldoze 20 more houses just for fun also.. plz cuz the deceptive shit i know how Israel operates.

In my opinion, a child or an innocent civilian killed anywhere on earth is a giant painful loss.
Your conspiracy as if I.D.F "picks off" children just for the fun of it is a wild Incitement.
I.D.F before having any kind of airstrike drop off warning flyers to civilians to sway from Hamas areas for their own safety and broadcast warnings around the clock.

Bulldoze houses for the fun of it is Incitement too.
The houses searched were of Hamas leaders and terrorists which were packed with military capacity of weapons and ammo.


In my opinion, a child or an innocent civilian killed anywhere on earth is a giant painful loss.
Your conspiracy as if I.D.F "picks off" children just for the fun of it is a wild Incitement.
I.D.F before having any kind of airstrike drop off warning flyers to civilians to sway from Hamas areas for their own safety and broadcast warnings around the clock.

Bulldoze houses for the fun of it is Incitement too.
The houses searched were of Hamas leaders and terrorists which were packed with military capacity of weapons and ammo.

again smoke and mirrors cut the shit i see right through it.. But who was the 2 kids shot dead in cold blood by doing nothing.. or the kid getting his face kicked in (american citizen btw) ... and plz Israel dont give a flying fuk what happens to the kids they actually want them to get killed 1 less Palestinian = better ratios for population balance.. No need to sugar coat war crimes and blatant terrorism.. and did u see that bombing tweet.. ye the only target hamas while that bomb takes half the city block..


Gaza hospitals are struggling to treat the wounded due to the lack of medical supplies.

Gaza City - Dr. Ayman al-Sahbani rushed to attend to eight people, including two children, in the emergency ward of Al-Shifa hospital. With most suffering from shrapnel wounds, the injured came to Gaza's primary and largest hospital after an Israeli air strike hit eastern Gaza City.

"Thank [God] their injuries are minor," Sahbani, the head of the hospital's emergency services, told Al Jazeera.

As Israel continues to pound Gaza with air strikes - carrying out 50 bombings overnight and more throughout the day on Tuesday - Sahbani expressed concern about the capacity of the territory's hospitals to attend to the many injured.

As of early evening on Tuesday, at least 12 Palestinians had been killed in the Israeli bombardment. More than 80 others were wounded, according to a Gaza health ministry spokesperson, including more than 25 that had serious injuries.

All 12 beds in the hospital's intensive care unit were occupied on Tuesday. "Most of those people here have medical referrals and were supposed to be receiving treatment at outside hospitals," Sahbani said. "Now, we can't get them out, and we can’t find a space for new patients if the airstrikes intensify."

He added that the closure of smuggling tunnels between Gaza and Egypt - the main lifeline through which medical supplies were brought into Gaza during Israel's last major offensive in November 2012 - and the closure of the Rafah border crossing have exacerbated the problem.


Gaza also suffers from a shortage of medicine and medical supplies, Gaza's Health Ministry spokesman, Ashraf al-Qedra, told Al Jazeera. Gaza is completely missing about 30 percent of essential drugs, while 15 percent of the remainder is expected to be exhausted within days of an Israeli assault, he said.

More at the link


aka iby.h
In my opinion, a child or an innocent civilian killed anywhere on earth is a giant painful loss.
Your conspiracy as if I.D.F "picks off" children just for the fun of it is a wild Incitement.
I.D.F before having any kind of airstrike drop off warning flyers to civilians to sway from Hamas areas for their own safety and broadcast warnings around the clock.

Bulldoze houses for the fun of it is Incitement too.
The houses searched were of Hamas leaders and terrorists which were packed with military capacity of weapons and ammo.

How do you explain the bull dozing of homes in east Jerusalem?


Hamas Vows Revenge After Use of Human Shields Goes Awry

The events leading up to the strike offer an insight into the difficulties facing IDF forces in combating Gaza-based terrorism. It also provides a revealing glimpse into the way Hamas and other terrorist groups violate international law through the use of human shields. Israeli leaders have in the past referred to such tactics as a "double war crime": firing missiles at Israeli civilians, while using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Witnesses said an Israeli drone launched a warning flare prior to the strike, in a bid to allow innocent civilians to evacuate the area. Instead, relatives and neighbors gathered at the house to act as human shields, but shortly afterwards an F-16 fired a missile which leveled the building.

More at the link


Can we pause, for a moment, and imagine a Middle East without the major Western Powers in its hip/wallet pocket? (Yes, this cuts both ways)

That sounds like the beginnings of peace, right there.


Israel threads in this forum are a pain... Netanyahu did the most he could do to avoid this. There was basically no response for four days of barrages and the government tried to get the Egyptians to work for a truce. Hamas absolutely wants a pointless war that will change nothing, how frustrating.

Say what you will about Netanyahu, and I'm far from his fan, but his conservatism also means a disdain for military action. His years in power have been among the quietest in history for both sides. He's afraid to make peace but also afraid to make war. Hamas made it clear that they wouldn't stop until Israel gave them the fight they wanted, for pointless political reasons.
It's shocking how evil people can be. What the government of Israel is doing is not "self defense" - it is terrorism.

Forcing someone to act as a human shield may be a violation of International Law. But choosing to act as one is certainly not. You are insane if you believe that bombing the house, while knowing that innocent people are there, is justified and *not* terrorism.
Gemüsepizza;120098956 said:
It's shocking how evil people can be. What the government of Israel is doing is not "self defense" - it is terrorism.

Way too many violent people on both sides unable to find a way out of the vicious circle of death. I lost my hopes since the assassination of Rabin. This war will go on for the next 60 years.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Israel's own creation was on the back of some pretty heinous terrorism, although I'd doubt many in Israel would see it that way.

My Grandfather was stationed in Palestine just after the war ended. Jewish insurgents targeted British soldiers and civilians they didn't like (ex. King David Hotel Bombing, "The Sergeants' affair") and much of the insurgent groups' leadership formed the leadership of Israel for decades afterwards. He had a lifelong hatred of the Israeli government after that.


How do you explain the bull dozing of homes in east Jerusalem?

Once the court rules to take down a unlawful building, then it gets taken down.
It doesn't matter if a Jew or an Arab build it, There were Jewish homes taken down by curt order too. Something that is against the law in any democracy should not discriminate between gender, race, faith and so on.
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