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Capcom representative : Street Fighter V would never ship on Xbox One

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Know what? I have the same thought processes.
Sure I reckon that Sony has learned to write a contract since the PS1/2 days, Crash :(, but I can't imagine Capcom not trying to weasel out of this. Like instead of going Ultra, super whatever they'll just release 6 asap with minimal effort. I don't think they will but I'm pretty sure someone somewhere within Capcom’s upper brass is trying to figure out how to do it.

Capcom's upper brass is probably more concerned with games that make them money.



You can stream it from your Windows 10 PC to the Xbox One.

Boom, problem solved.

Deadset there is some delusional people, I have a x1 but will be purchasing a ps4 I'm the near future because of this

Also sf is heavily reliant on inputs, good luck with stream lag
So... Sony can't do anything if Capcom decide to cut sf v early and quickly make sf6 for multiplatform even if its use the same asset and just tweak the mechanic a little bit?


So... Sony can't do anything if Capcom decide to cut sf v early and quickly make sf6 for multiplatform even if its use the same asset and just tweak the mechanic a little bit?

why would they want to?

Using the same assets? That were basically funded by sony would be disingenuous
Makes sense then. At least there is another Street Fighter coming, albeit as an exclusive. Just strange that Capcom wouldn't want to fund one of their biggest IPs, alongside it being one of the most well recognised fighting title.

where have you been? even konami is going mobile yet they own ips like mgs and castlevania.

capcom has so many ips yet where are they this gen?

boyes worked in capcom, so there's probably that as well.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
So... Sony can't do anything if Capcom decide to cut sf v early and quickly make sf6 for multiplatform even if its use the same asset and just tweak the mechanic a little bit?

If Capcom wants to ruin their business relationship with Sony, I think ultimately nothing can stop them from doing so. They may not feel like doing that, though



You can stream it from your Windows 10 PC to the Xbox One.

Boom, problem solved.

These are among the types of games (competitive fighting) I'd least like to play via streaming. Would rather drag my desktop out to the living room than live with that solution.


So... Sony can't do anything if Capcom decide to cut sf v early and quickly make sf6 for multiplatform even if its use the same asset and just tweak the mechanic a little bit?

I'm pretty sure contracts prevent that.
Sony probably own the assets too.


Well I suppose it's not a real exclusive but still ( am I doing this right?)

It's a shame to see a game with such a history be stuck down. It must have been costly for Sony. Sf iv came out on absolutely everything
Well I suppose it's not a real exclusive but still ( am I doing this right?)

It's a shame to see a game with such a history be stuck down. It must have been costly for Sony. Sf iv came out on absolutely everything

sony didn't fund this to keep it from going to xbone.


How big do you think SFV is going to be gaf? SF IV sold big but it was on 5 platforms while SFV is going for 2 only. Is 3-4 million a fair expectation or do you think it would sell more?
How big do you think SFV is going to be gaf? SF IV sold big but it was on 5 platforms while SFV is going for 2 only. Is 3-4 million a fair exception or you think it would sell more?

Depends on what the DLC is like, depends on if there is an arcade version, too many variables involved. They'd better learn from xTekken and UPS4 if they even want to make it out of the gate this time round.


So... Sony can't do anything if Capcom decide to cut sf v early and quickly make sf6 for multiplatform even if its use the same asset and just tweak the mechanic a little bit?

I really don't think they would do that. Doing this will just force Sony and MS to move their exclusive deals money away from Capcom since they can't trust them. I'm pretty sure Capcom doesn't want this to happen.


If you think that Sony paid capcom to keep it off the Xbone then do you think Ono was completely bullshitting us (multiple times ) when he said that Capcom would not invest into the game until 2018?
What a vile statement. Like its filled with hate. I wonder if they were paid extra to make that statement. LOL. Stayin' classy there.


This sounds much more like a Titanfall situation than an RE4 situation, but I suppose there's always a chance.

It's pretty much exaclty like the Dead Rising 3 situation, MS invested in that game's development and so it was an Xbox one exclusive. DR3... Another Capcom title.
It's pretty much exaclty like the Dead Rising 3 situation, MS invested in that game's development and so it was an Xbox one exclusive. DR3... Another Capcom title.

In a few years we'll see I guess. Could see them including DR3 in when they make another sequel someday,before this gen ends. Same with SF5, Capcom have a long history of goign against their word with exclusives. XBox and PlayStation are neck and neck in North America, and unless that changes Capcom is gonna be watching both very closely. In my opinion their exclusives aren't really a done deal. Unless its a blow out in North America and one platform runs off with this.


Junior Member
If you think that Sony paid capcom to keep it off the Xbone then do you think Ono was completely bullshitting us (multiple times ) when he said that Capcom would not invest into the game until 2018?

I dunno, I just thought it was weird that he said "No SFV until 2018" in late August... then had a playable version of it a few months later at Sony's conference.

Maybe they're just really fucking fast at working on games over there at Capcom.


I dunno, I just thought it was weird that he said "No SFV until 2018" in late August... then had a playable version of it a few months later at Sony's conference.

Maybe they're just really fucking fast at working on games over there at Capcom.

Maybe they already had some preliminary work done before the Sony money came in. SFV was definitely going to happen either way, just not very soon without the extra funding.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I am not a fighting fan, but this is just sad.

Best thing to do is just accept it and move on. We could get into the blame game, but fact of the matter is that all of the companies do this stuff, so it is not fair to demonize Sony alone if you are not going to blame everyone else. They are just doing deals they think they need to stay ahead....

I guess if anyone we should blame Capcom for making the deal since it is there franchise, and they are alienating a big portion of their fan base by making it exclusive.

Either way though, it just sucks :/
Are Street Fighter players really tied to any one platform? Seems to me they go where the game is (or where it's best). More casual fans, though, might miss out but the game wouldn't exist without Sony involvement soo....


They should've been specific from the beginning... this is pretty big news

...but it was stated clearly and was obvious from the beginning.

From the very first unveil, it was clear it was a Sony funded title. Some people just ended up seeing what they wanted to see rather than the reality. Like Bayonetta 2.


I dunno, I just thought it was weird that he said "No SFV until 2018" in late August... then had a playable version of it a few months later at Sony's conference.

Maybe they're just really fucking fast at working on games over there at Capcom.

The first reveal footage was not that far along. He had two characters and some things looked rough. Many things were changed when you compare the new stuff we got today and the first reveal.


Omg the balance of salt and schadenfreude in this thread is immaculate.

Both consoles can watch sf5 on twitch. I think many of those on both sides here gettn all e motional over sf5 would really have more fun just spectating anyway. It's hard game. You'd spend too much time arguing on gaf to get good and you will/would quit in 2 weeks. Seriously tho just watch it on twitch and you can argue about who paid for what at the same time.
How big do you think SFV is going to be gaf? SF IV sold big but it was on 5 platforms while SFV is going for 2 only. Is 3-4 million a fair expectation or do you think it would sell more?

3-4 million sounds about right. And a lot more income in DLC.

I think this cross-play with PS4 is going to significantly boost the PC sales.
In a few years we'll see I guess. Could see them including DR3 in when they make another sequel someday,before this gen ends. Same with SF5, Capcom have a long history of goign against their word with exclusives. XBox and PlayStation are neck and neck in North America, and unless that changes Capcom is gonna be watching both very closely. In my opinion their exclusives aren't really a done deal. Unless its a blow out in North America and one platform runs off with this.

So European and Asian countries which are being dominated by PlayStation are somehow less relevant? It is already a blowout globally.


I dunno, I just thought it was weird that he said "No SFV until 2018" in late August... then had a playable version of it a few months later at Sony's conference.

Maybe they're just really fucking fast at working on games over there at Capcom.
I assume they had pre-production of the game done, with a running prototype. But coulnd't fun the production because Capcom had a limited budget and prefered to invest until 2018 in higher priority, cheaper or more profitable games (MH, RE, rehashed ports, etc).

But then Sony steps into the fray, paid its development. Keeping it exclusive means shorter and cheaper development, and with Sony's money they could add extra teams to their outsorced dev army.

We have credible rumors saying the game is planned to release with 16 characters. So maybe in their original plans wanted to include more characters, stages or game modes but in order to release it even before they moved some of them to future DLC or game updates.

This would explain to release the game 2 years earlier.


Are Street Fighter players really tied to any one platform? Seems to me they go where the game is (or where it's best). More casual fans, though, might miss out but the game wouldn't exist without Sony involvement soo....

Very much correct. I've followed it from SNES to PSX (lol) to Saturn to Dreamcast and so forth. In fact, until the Anniversary Collections late into the PS2's life, Playstation was considered to the *worst* place to play any of Capcom's 2D fighters.


Junior Member
I assume they had pre-production of the game done, with a running prototype. But coulnd't fun the production because Capcom had a limited budget and prefered to invest in higher priority until 2018 cheaper or more profitable games (MH, RE, rehashed ports, etc).

But then Sony steps into the fray, paid its development. Keeping it exclusive means shorter and cheaper development, and with Sony's money they could add extra teams to their outsorced dev army.

We have credible rumors saying the game is planned to release with 16 characters. So maybe in their original plans wanted to include more characters, stages or game modes but in order to release it even before they moved some of them to future DLC or game updates.

This would explain to release the game 2 years earlier.

I just hope it ends up being the game they intended to make, and not just what they could whip up in time to hit that new closer release window.
But instead of what Sony did with TR in the 90's rottr is only timed. This here is different.
Yeah, this is Sony funding a game that wasn't funded and wouldn't have been made for years. They should've released it on Xbox too, the evil greedy fucks.

And I love your mention of ancient Sony atrocities to really hammer home their evility.
I just hope it ends up being the game they intended to make, and not just what they could whip up in time to hit that new closer release window.
Such concern that Sony is going to rush them by funding the game. It truly is a tragedy that Capcom won't get 3 more years to polish it up.
So European and Asian countries which are being dominated by PlayStation are somehow less relevant? It is already a blowout globally.

And yet the XBox is selling quite well here in America. To just ignore the sales is beyond ignorant. The thing is you only see domination when the market in America is not this way at all. Noone even knows who's going to win the console war here in the states,Sony has a 700,000 unit lead,that is peanuts man. Capcom are watching,you can bet on that. LOL. In a few years I wouldn't be surprised to see this game release on X1 and Nintendo's next platform,if things continue as they are for the X1, and if Nintendo are the old Nintendo of old,pre N64 era. Capcom are just doing lip service for Sony right now. If you look at their history they don't always hold true exclusivity to one platform.


I just hope it ends up being the game they intended to make, and not just what they could whip up in time to hit that new closer release window.
Well, it's how game development works. As an example, Zangief (and maybe more chars) was initially thought to be included in Street Fighter Alpha 1, but as usual some stuff happened during development, and instead of delaying the game they decided to move Zangief to Street Fighter Alpha 2.

It's something normal that happens in all companies. Don't worry, it will be a great game.


Isn't the PlayStation controller better for fighters than the Xbox controller anyway? I know sticks are considered definitive for most hardcore fighting game enthusiasts, but I mean between traditional game controllers. Something about better D-Pad I think?

The Dualshock 4 sticks are the worst sticks of any controller on the market. The build quality alone is awful.


Omg the balance of salt and schadenfreude in this thread is immaculate.

Both consoles can watch sf5 on twitch. I think many of those on both sides here gettn all e motional over sf5 would really have more fun just spectating anyway. It's hard game. You'd spend too much time arguing on gaf to get good and you will/would quit in 2 weeks. Seriously tho just watch it on twitch and you can argue about who paid for what at the same time.

Hey!! I would have played enough to at least beat my nieces for another month!!!

The one that is 14 beat me in Xrd a month back.....I'm a bit proud of her but I'm devastated that she owns me...and I'm not telling when the younger one beat me...At least I beat the 10 year old still....someone Please help me. I suck :(


This is what I don't understand. Is the series not doing well or something?
Series is doing great, but Capcom is a Japanese videogame developer.

Console game budgets are in the shitter for these guys, mobile/gachapon is where their business is at.
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