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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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I've tried and tried to run a normal Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (The Taken King) strike, but it never finds anyone, and after a few minutes of waiting puts me in the strike by myself. (With a 30 minute countdown, which it boots you out of after no one joins.)


Facilitating some DGAF love - looking for four experienced King's Fall raiders to help a pair of Bungie vets through an Oryx kill (just Oryx) tonight at 9:15 PST, on PS4.

1) Bungie dude 1
2) Bungie dude 2
3) ??
4) ??
5) ??
6) ??

I'll help coordinate.

I'll go

Edit: shit, too late D:
Do you have a 310 Gjallarhorn?

If yes, you are experienced
If no... No.

Ive seen flayer drop doing Vanguard, pretty sure someone earlier today in my GAF striketeam got one. Reddit post confirmed it drops in all modes as well. Cba to find the link but yeah.
Vanguard, yes. But from the directive lvl 20 strike? I've been all over GAF, GameFAQs, Reddit and Bnet looking for hard confirms that it drops in normal but so far, nadda. There was one person who claimed they got it from the directive but the Internet looked up his history and he'd only played Vanguard/Heroic playlists since TTK.

This is serious business!

Also, congrats to everyone who got their mantle. I'll be joining you soon.


Nah, there is still more to it. There are kiosk items that have not unlocked yet, which require TTK and Old Huger completion. We're assuming getting the final 3 fragments will unlock that final part(s) of that quest-line.

Hoping it's a special version of the Regicide mission.

If thats the case and not just a bug affecting the whole questline, why does the trophy pop up which have the text saying "Complete "The Old Hunger" quest" if its not completed?

Deku Tree

Really? Thought it was over when I got the trophy.

Pretty sure it is I even got the achievement "Hunger Pangs" - Complete "The Old Hunger" quest.

Edit: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/157245258/0/0
Scroll down and see help forwarded it.

IDK I thought there was more but it's classified... I have the trophy too... No idea.

Nah, there is still more to it. There are kiosk items that have not unlocked yet, which require TTK and Old Huger completion. We're assuming getting the final 3 fragments will unlock that final part(s) of that quest-line.

Hoping it's a special version of the Regicide mission.

Yeah that's what I thought too. this must be a community guess though, other than the kiosk items I don't know of other concrete datamined info.
Sounds good - did I get everyone's PSN ID right?

1) Bungie dude 1
2) Bungie dude 2
3) SlenderBeans (GAF: SlenderBeans)
4) ruthlesbarbarian (GAF Death Jr.)
5) xplicitone (GAF: xplicitone)
6) final_spyder (GAF: Chums Knifeblade)


Who are these mysterious Bungie dudes, and is this their first Oryx kill?


Man the sword quest gives me bad memories of year one destiny. I guess it's good this thing is almost OP because duck this shit.

Of course I'm talking about the farm materials kill 10000000 guys with an element nonsense. I'd rather them just put me on a timer and make me wait for 2 hrs cuz that's how long this shit takes. And the material drop is so rare it feels like you HAVE to put your mind to it and purposely farm, instead of naturally playing and getting so material along the way. With this drop rate no one would have exotic swords yet if you did that

Seeking those materials makes you see how sparse they really are. Maybe 4 around in an area at once or so. Stupid sensor still marks them even after you pick them, just giving that little extra kick in the nuts if you think you can speed through this somehow


According to the tracker I don't have Calcified 35. It seems its from the poison chest. I've opened that chest twice already, once with interloper buff and another with bladedancer super activated. What gives?


IDK I thought there was more but it's classified... I have the trophy too... No idea.

Yeah that's what I thought too. this must be a community guess though, other than the kiosk items I don't know of other concrete datamined info.

Personally i think there's a new quest at 50/50.
But whatevs :p

Deku Tree

So if Destiny and Halo 5 make a lot of money with the MT plus free DLC model this will continue... If not then next year will have a different pricing model.
If thats the case and not just a bug affecting the whole questline, why does the trophy pop up which have the text saying "Complete "The Old Hunger" quest" if its not completed?

IDK I thought there was more but it's classified... I have the trophy too... No idea.

Yeah that's what I thought too. this must be a community guess though, other than the kiosk items I don't know of other concrete datamined info.

Community guess / expectations. Given the type of hidden stuff in TTK, it's not crazy to assume that the quest has more to it. It might just be getting the 3 fragments from heroic raid to unlock those items. If this is a bug, then Bungie have not talked about it.


So if Destiny and Halo 5 make a lot of money with the MT plus free DLC model this will continue... If not then next year will have a different pricing model.

Destiny and Halo 5 is very different on a core level.
Destiny is all about building YOUR character, looks, gear and whatnot.
Unless they made some changes to Halo in that department, you just control a "dude".
Sounds good - did I get everyone's PSN ID right?

1) Bungie dude 1
2) Bungie dude 2
3) SlenderBeans (GAF: SlenderBeans)
4) ruthlesbarbarian (GAF Death Jr.)
5) xplicitone (GAF: xplicitone)
6) final_spyder (GAF: Chums Knifeblade)

And thanks everyone - appreciated.



Faction gear. Just saw a dude wearing one. Gotta be level 25 to get it.

Hope they put that perk into other gear.

Faction Class Armor (Titan mark etc.) have a perk that allows it to be used in combination with exotic Armor.
You can wear an exotic class item with exotic gear? Neato.

Not that I'm aware of. 1 exotic on the left (weapon) and 1 exotic on the right (armor)

If you have any of the faction exotic class items, you can wear them and an exotic piece of armor at the same time. Does not work with the CE exotic class items.

According to the tracker I don't have Calcified 35. It seems its from the poison chest. I've opened that chest twice already, once with interloper buff and another with bladedancer super activated. What gives?

Tracker can be glitched sometimes, make sure you refresh it and also double check on destiny ghost hunter to be sure.

Did you actually see the calcified fragment pop up on your screen?


I'm wearing the DO exotic on my Hunter. Don't see myself taking it off anytime. I'm gonna be doing the same on my other guardians when I get the NM exotic mark and FWC exotic bond. I will infuse those exotics to 310 like I'm doing with the DO cloak.

Wanna help me with Shield Bros strike for Chaperone?


I'm wearing the DO exotic on my Hunter. Don't see myself taking it off anytime. I'm gonna be doing the same on my other guardians when I get the NM exotic mark and FWC exotic bond. I will infuse those exotics to 310 like I'm doing with the DO cloak.


Logging in now


If you have any of the faction exotic class items, you can wear them and an exotic piece of armor at the same time. Does not work with the CE exotic class items.

Tracker can be glitched sometimes, make sure you refresh it and also double check on destiny ghost hunter to be sure.

Did you actually see the calcified fragment pop up on your screen?
Why is my post being quoted when it specifically states only factions exotics work?
My highest rank faction is only level 7...

Level 25 is never gonna happen.

It's not that hard, if you have lots of motes, heavy ammo synths, etc, you can donate them to the faction for rep.

Keep in mind that level 25 does not simply give you the exotic class item. It only gives you the quest, that requires completing of 10 heroic strikes and 10 crucible wins, along with a certain number of kills in both playlists while wearing the factions' class item, shader and emblem.


Been out of town for a week, got back today looking forward to getting some Destiny time in, only to find that our internet is fucked, and the earliest a guy can come out is Tuesday. <sighs>
Facilitating some DGAF love - looking for four experienced King's Fall raiders to help a pair of Bungie vets through an Oryx kill (just Oryx) tonight at 9:15 PST, on PS4.

1) Bungie dude 1
2) Bungie dude 2
3) ??
4) ??
5) ??
6) ??

I'll help coordinate.

If you're not filled up if I'd be more than willing to help. :)
Edit: seems I missed my chance. :/ if you need a slot filled you know where to find me.


If you have any of the faction exotic class items, you can wear them and an exotic piece of armor at the same time. Does not work with the CE exotic class items.

Tracker can be glitched sometimes, make sure you refresh it and also double check on destiny ghost hunter to be sure.

Did you actually see the calcified fragment pop up on your screen?

I don't remember seeing it, but this tracker was off. I've checked another and I do have the interloper fragment. The one i don't have is scent of the worm which makes sense as I never did that one. I'll do it tomorrow, then I only need fake Crota and the Raid.


Came across this guy a week ago. I honestly like the NM cloak over my DO cloak. Though I am not going to grind out 21 ranks for it on my Hunter. Fuck that. I'm not swimming in motes or other things to turn in for rep like many keep suggesting.




Yup. More fun to just afk at his doorstep and pay him a visit every 10 minutes or whatever than running strikes for the 1000000000th time.

Bungie please revert coin.

Yeah the strike playlist is becoming stale. I might just PvP, or do other CoO and then visit Draksis or the Gate lord inbetween.


Vanguard, yes. But from the directive lvl 20 strike? I've been all over GAF, GameFAQs, Reddit and Bnet looking for hard confirms that it drops in normal but so far, nadda. There was one person who claimed they got it from the directive but the Internet looked up his history and he'd only played Vanguard/Heroic playlists since TTK.

This is serious business!

Also, congrats to everyone who got their mantle. I'll be joining you soon.

i for sure have gotten an imago loop from doing echo chamber via the director. I don't see why the flayer cloaks would behave differently.


Yup. More fun to just afk at his doorstep and pay him a visit every 10 minutes or whatever than running strikes for the 1000000000th time.

Bungie please revert coin.
I'm planning to just do that. Farming strikes is getting old. So sick of seeing the same strikes. I am honestly missing Omnigul. I freaking miss her, man!
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