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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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For the purposes of PvP, 303 is basically the same as 310. I really doubt the 7 attack will change the shots to kill in IB and Trials. Given what it took to get ToM, I would recommend that you wait until an exotic primary engram drops for you and it turns into a 310.

A 303 exotic will infuse with a 310 exotic to become 308 exotic.

This calculator is pretty good: http://mattaltepeter.com/destiny/

To get to 310 you'd need to infuse with a 308 or higher primary legendary or exotic, and then infuse with a 310 legendary or exotic.

Don't worry I'm sure Bungie/Acti will be happy to charge you $20 for a sex/Race change sometime soon.

guess i'll wait then. thanks


Well after restarting the PS4, putting it into rest mode, and cycling my router and modem, I'm still stuck at 0% completion for the update. Not sure why this (and slow ps4 DL speeds) are still a thing in 2015... Wanted to check out the new dances, maybe do some IB on my only day off of school and work for the week. :/
So, I wake up to 40 new pages (50ppp) and LTWood banned? What happened DGAF?

Read the patch notes,as usual it's 1 step forward 2 steps back. *sigh*

edit: Drizzay is playing IB? Wut? :p
Nightfall needs to be special again.

(Buff or strange coins or marks) on top of a potential exotic/legendary drop.

Idk, something other than 1 single drop. Sometimes I get 1 more or 1 strange coin on top of whatever legendary buy I don't count that as a second drop
I've made a huge mistake. Although the one upside of turning them in early is that you'll have more games played at a higher rank for potential drops and faster alt leveling buff.

It seems really fast to rank up. Bounties are very easy which is great, they don't make you play in goofy specific ways. Play normally and you'll get them. Got my Hunter to rank 2.5 in 13 games, should hit rank 4 tomorrow. Then it's hammer time!

I don't know if it is still the case, but last iron banner if you turned in bounties the day after they were offered, you no longer had access to that day's bounties if they were the same as the ones on the previous day.


"Drops have been increased as matches are supposed to be main way of acquiring loot"


Problem with Iron Banner (aside from being exclusive to Control) has always been the unusual amount of lag.

Is it any better this time?

Of the 13 games I played only one was truly obscene Iron Lagger of old. There was still a consistent stream of wtf moments but definitely felt better overall. Maybe I was just lucky today.

All games were played in a fireteam of 4-6 people but I think we were all American. Not sure how much international teams account for crazy lag.


Of the 13 games I played only one was truly obscene Iron Lagger of old. There was still a consistent stream of wtf moments but definitely felt better overall. Maybe I was just lucky today.

All games were played in a fireteam of 4-6 people but I think we were all American. Not sure how much international teams account for crazy lag.

are you still playing IB? can i join?


It's quite fascinating how game has been out for over an year and most of playerbase still have no fucking clue how Control plays.


Ok, first noghtfall done. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be actually. The warsat part is ridiculous as the Captains one-shot you with their blinding blasts. Even the arc corridor was bullshit this time. lol

Anyway, raid, anyone? Last one of the week.

1. Silver
2. Math

I'd like to join if there is space

PSN: Josh-Shiki
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