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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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I just learned its all about rushing and disrespecting the other team.

Finish team showed me that just now.

It's quite different to be in pre-made of 6 and rolfstomp all over randoms through power of skillcap than doing solo matchmaking, and try to get team that understand importance of capping and not flipping spawns.

Also ffs matchmaking, why can't you give me fresh match instead of putting me into teams that are behind 10+k in score?
This x100. If you're good enough, you can grab the buff before/right as the second orge spawns.



Mrs. Harvey
I've beaten the whole team by at least 30 secs. Warlock jumps may be slowest but it covers a lot of air. I'm saying this as someone who has mastered skating recently.


What price drop? I bought the CE at full price.. I have nothing waiting for me.

I think it's for folks who already had Vanilla + TDB + HOW and bought the Digital CE which came with all of that plus the digital collector's cosmetics. So basically they were spending $40 on $20 worth of content.
I think it's for folks who already had Vanilla + TDB + HOW and bought the Digital CE which came with all of that plus the digital collector's cosmetics. So basically they were spending $40 on $20 worth of content.
Well I had all of that and I paid 40 for CE..Bungie needs to get me my package
As a Titan I can get the buff as soon as the 1st ogre is done spawning ;^)

As a hunter I can get the buff without jumping on a single platform and kill Oryx with my melee.

I've beaten the whole team by at least 30 secs. Warlock jumps may be slowest but it covers a lot of air. I'm saying this as someone who has mastered skating recently.

Titans feel slower if you're running increased height, with control there is nothing faster.


2nd top score in a row, gunslinger is still wrecking fools sitting on control points and I have this money ruin wake with rifled barrel and underdog, it just snipes.


Going on 10+ kill streaks and seeing your team still down big is just depressing. How are people so bad at PVP. At least try to get a flag dammit.

Yeah, just got done with a match where I got "On the Bright Side"

randoms are just too stupid...

Hiding when you are in a fire fight with only ONE enemy (gathering together, screw up your enemies' aiming in some cases and makes it harder to get kills).

Turning on full clash mode when we are in the lead, ignoring zones completely...

I shouldn't be getting triple kills with my primary and be the only guardian left standing in a firefight.


Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken, Loot is not broken


Fucking infuriating games in Iron Banner. I don't know why I bother with PVP. I want to reach through the screen and strangle these people.


I see IB is the same laggy shitfest it always is, fantastic. Nothing like shotgunning people in the face twice and it barely drops their shields.

Edit: Man I need to get into liquids IB trains or something, I usually do fine and can break even at the very worst in Crucible, but I'm just getting fucking wrecked in IB tonight


Fucking infuriating games in Iron Banner. I don't know why I bother with PVP. I want to reach through the screen and strangle these people.

It's fascinating how most people ignore controlling map [capturing zones] in Control and try win by just killing, but then suck hard in killing too.
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