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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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So this iron banner gear is only level 280? The fuck is the point besides this wolf cape I'm going to get?

I thought they would at least be raid level? 290? Something
So, bets on hard raid unlocking as late as December.....?

Also, have they confirmed if Trials will be a weekly event like it was back in HoW or a more timed one like IB?


Wow just had my best round ever at 4.0k/d and 28 kills. The lack of a meta is benefiting me a lot as a Red Death user. I seem to be surviving a bit longer and its allowing more escape time in fights I can't win 1v2 and 1v3. My Ruin Wake is also the best machine gun I've ever used, crazy good.


All these IB trains are killing me because I'd much rather be playing destiny than at work. Hope some of you are still playing when I get home...
are you still playing IB? can i join?

I stopped about two hours ago but I'd be up for more games later tonight if people are around for it. How long will you be around? Seems like a lot of people are still raiding tonight.

I don't know if it is still the case, but last iron banner if you turned in bounties the day after they were offered, you no longer had access to that day's bounties if they were the same as the ones on the previous day.

The ones they were talking about were the Weekly bounties which presumably are only available once per IB per character. They give a lot of base rep so turning them in late in the week will have a huge tempered buff but also means it'll be slower to rank up initially.

Personally I don't expect to do anymore IB once Trials launches so I might as well get while the getting's good. Mainly looking for the Hunter cloak and the pulse rifle but I'd also be interested in getting an all Bad Juju Sunbreaker 6-man team going, just for the lulz.

edit: Drizzay is playing IB? Wut? :p

Mistakes were made. A few non-Gaf friends sent me invites while I was cleaning my Vault. It was actually a Gaf-free train until ZW #1 and #2 joined at the end.

My tolerance for IB is 100% determined by lag. Honestly it doesn't feel much different to me from regular Crucible in terms of competition. I can't stand 6v6 but it can be a fun social experience w minimal sweatiness.


So this iron banner gear is only level 280? The fuck is the point besides this wolf cape I'm going to get?

I thought they would at least be raid level? 290? Something

The value of rewards isn't strictly tied to light level. In fact, the light level of any specific legendary+ item is essentially meaningless in the long run, given infusion. Perks and stats are the real value and these are potentially some of the strongest PvP weapons available.
So, bets on hard raid unlocking as late as December.....?

Also, have they confirmed if Trials will be a weekly event like it was back in HoW or a more timed one like IB?

I'm guessing November. If it takes as long as december and the raid is just a harder version with no differences, it'll be a huuuge mistake for bungie


This is some bull loot crap. Killed Daughters and Oryx with 3oC all i got was 2 shard each kill. Was hoping something would be at the post master but nada.


The value of rewards isn't strictly tied to light level. In fact, the light level of any specific legendary+ item is essentially meaningless in the long run, given infusion. Perks and stats are the real value and these are potentially some of the strongest PvP weapons available.
Nah my problem is I'm at 286, I don't get high level blues from court of oryx, nightfall gives me strange coins and strikes aren't doing much for me either even if I sit in there for 5 strikes, sometimes completing them by myself because you know lolrandoms
I was hoping to grab something good from iron banner so I can finally hit the raid this weekend, I rescheduled my weekend photo shoots and everything. ..eh whatever, I'll get there eventually

Ahh top of the page embarrassing vent

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