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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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If Bungie elaborated on patch notes like Blizzard, then we wouldn't be having as many issues.

Honestly, though, the SC and weapon part nerf was so dumb and unneeded. Truly demonstrates that certain parts of Bungie do not play their own game. I cannot comprehend how a player of the game would administer those nerfs and say it's for the benefit.

They took away a direct source of SC and then they nerfed it again.
Well I was getting more SC in TTK than the 3x Strikes before it and I'm running only one class yet.


Has anyone seen any IB gear drop yet? I've played a load of game and not had any myself or seen anyone get any. I thought it was meant to be a reliable source of gear seeing as there's none at the vendor.

I think there is a better chance the higher your rank.


RIP, so who's on his account here:


Edit: My reaction getting farmed in IB this morning


WEIRD. Its him indeed.
PDX41 hype!


I used mine, but the Hawksaw is the gun for me. I have a roll with rull auto(I still feather the trigger like the Juju), Perfect Balance, and Rifled Barrel. It's got near perfect stability and insane range. Every IB match last night I was going 2.0+

Off topic...What's the general consensus with the Gunsmith now? Is everyone just working on their main after Rank 5? The First Curse will be mine next week and my alts are all level three so I can order 9 packages a week. I'm wondering if I just keep doing armsday on all chars because the Gunsmith gives a free legendary on rank up...


I'm not bothered by the strange coin/weapon parts nerf. It doesn't hamper my "progress" at all.

To put it quite bluntly, I don't get the crying over it at all. Maybe someone can explain it.

Were you not here during the great Weapon parts famine of HoW? People literally had no weapon parts due to re rolling and had to get creative in how to get more, which usually consisted of buying numerous amounts of the weekly Trials weapon from Brother Vance and dismantling them. It's why the Exclusion Zone and Gatekeeper checkpoints were so highly sought after at the time, people needed to farm glimmer to get more weapon parts.

People still haven't been able to recover from that dark time and now Bungie have nerfed the weapon part drop rate at a time when you need weapon parts for infusion and most likely to re roll your Exotic armour. This was obviously never, ever, going to go over well with people especially since weapon parts were already harder to come across than their armour variant for some reason.


Coolest Titan mark is from the raid. Love that thing.

Yep. This man knows what's up. I may forgo the extra 10% from the class item this week in IB just so I can keep wearing my Raid towel (skirt?).

HaWksaw? I thought it was HaCksaw. Weird. Probably everyone's autocorrect fixing it. I can only assume that Bungie's seaHawks love is to blame.


Had a great time running Defender last night. No Backup Plans is fun, but not as much of a gamechanger as I thought outside my bubble. I started with Weapons of Light, but the first time I got out-shotgunned in my own bubble, I flipped over to Armor of Light. Inside of my bubble, NBP gave me an Overshield on shotgun kills too. Helpful for if 2 or more people were in my bubble I didn't have to immediately dip back out to regain my Armor of Light buff. Quite handy.

Armor of Light, fyi, is strong enough to shut down Hammer Bros, Stormcallers and Swords! Don't come in my bubble! You're going to have a bad time!

Also, Invective. I love you. I'm sorry I ignored you Year 1.

I had a blast with Defender and NBP in a couple of games last night. It's not the killing machine that Sunbreaker is but I dare say I helped my team win a couple of close games by controlling "B" with a bubble + shotgun a couple of times.

Regarding Invective, I've just never been able to get comfortable with it in PVP. It always seems to take two shots for me to kill someone and that is one shot too many. I'm a Conspiracy Theory-D man all the way now (which also allows me to run Red Death in the primary slot).


Well I was getting more SC in TTK than the 3x Strikes before it and I'm running only one class yet.
Yep, I'm not too mad about the SC nerf, I was getting between 30~50 a week, without ever grinding for them. One thing to notice though is that a lot of them were from doing factions / repping up bounties / doing some patrol. If you spend all of your time only raiding and doing some PVP, I'm pretty sure your SC income is going to be WAY crappier than that...

The weapon parts nerf is just stupid, though, if only because it doesn't encourage players to try out new weapons.
I feel like we lost something with TTK, we're a bit back to those dark times where you would gain a new piece of gear and had to wait before using it, because of the mats needed to upgrade it / infuse it...


I used mine, but the Hawksaw is the gun for me. I have a roll with rull auto(I still feather the trigger like the Juju), Perfect Balance, and Rifled Barrel. It's got near perfect stability and insane range. Every IB match last night I was going 2.0+

Off topic...What's the general consensus with the Gunsmith now? Is everyone just working on their main after Rank 5? The First Curse will be mine next week and my alts are all level three so I can order 9 packages a week. I'm wondering if I just keep doing armsday on all chars because the Gunsmith gives a free legendary on rank up...

I keep leveling the gunsmith, because his loot table seems to have legendaries which aren't found in quite a lot of other places. I've gotten lots of extremely good guns from him, so yeah I keep going. I'm at 6/5/5 now.

E92 M3

Well I was getting more SC in TTK than the 3x Strikes before it and I'm running only one class yet.

Yeah, but what was the point of nerfing faction rank ups though? It hurt no one to have 5 SC in the reward package.

Yep, I'm not too mad about the SC nerf, I was getting between 30~50 a week, without ever grinding for them. One thing to notice though is that a lot of them were from doing factions / repping up bounties / doing some patrol. If you spend all of your time only raiding and doing some PVP, I'm pretty sure your SC income is going to be WAY crappier than that...

The weapon parts nerf is just stupid, though, if only because it doesn't encourage players to try out new weapons.
I feel like we lost something with TTK, we're a bit back to those dark times where you would gain a new piece of gear and had to wait before using it, because of the mats needed to upgrade it / infuse it...

Before the weapon parts nerf, infusion alone was a huge hamper to trying out new stuff. Always having to find infusion fuel is a hassle. With etheric light, it was one pop and you're good to go. Now with weapon parts on top of it, there is no reason to experiment.

That's why I said that the people who implemented these changes don't play the game or play it very casually like Deej (no offense to casual players). I don't want to support the Live team with microtransactions if they will be implementing changes that are against the community.


"To help launch Tess' new venture, we've awarded all Guardians 200 Silver, with an additional 200 Silver bonus being awarded to any user that logs into Destiny between August 13th and November 30th. "

So we already got the bonus 200. lol

Not getting Carlton then.
I keep leveling the gunsmith, because his loot table seems to have legendaries which aren't found in quite a lot of other places. I've gotten lots of extremely good guns from him, so yeah I keep going. I'm at 6/5/5 now.

Cool. I'll do the same. Minus the PVP HC on all three. Just the main for that thank you very much!


I used mine, but the Hawksaw is the gun for me. I have a roll with rull auto(I still feather the trigger like the Juju), Perfect Balance, and Rifled Barrel. It's got near perfect stability and insane range. Every IB match last night I was going 2.0+

Off topic...What's the general consensus with the Gunsmith now? Is everyone just working on their main after Rank 5? The First Curse will be mine next week and my alts are all level three so I can order 9 packages a week. I'm wondering if I just keep doing armsday on all chars because the Gunsmith gives a free legendary on rank up...

How many shots to kill though? Dat low impact...

Armsday = the real source of weapon parts now?
The problem with weapons parts nerf is that they threw another gate in front of an already elaborate system of gates. So lets go through the scenarios of the possible nerf motivations..because Bungie doesn't feel the need to explain shit.

1. Players are infusing weapons too quickly. Ok sure, but being able to infuse often is a good thing. This allows weapon experimentation and the ability to pull more weapons up to your current light level (LL). If the infusion rate was tied to maximizing LL, then maybe I could see the issue, but LL is already gated by RNG, and infusing already has a gated currency, Legendary marks. Reducing weapons parts throws more RNG on top of RNG, one of the biggest blunders of Y1

2. Players were abusing vendor ranking via material exchange. Well what way do you want it Bungie? You nerfed rep across the board in Y2, so vendor ranking is slow as fuck through organic play. You have to rely on the material exchange that Bungie added for Y2 for any decent vendor rank progress. That seemed like a moderately fair trade ( I prefer the Y1 method of bounties and NF personally) This scenario is even more puzzling by the fact that Bungie increased the rep gained by exchanging weapons parts

3. Players were able to min/max MoL leveling, and dismantling by collecting a stock pile of MoL, blue weapons and armor, and methodically and tediously swapping in and out gear to level them with MoL to return back some MoL and weapon parts. This is my guess for the nerf. That one god damn Reddit post where a player did this. Half of the responses were, "that seems like a waste of time...but more power to you." Who did this harm? If you want to spend hours of your time in Destiny to farm MoL to increase vendor rank, then have at it. That was a legitimate grind. It was by no means some easy exploit like the loot cave or a chest farm glitch. It is no different than players who spent hours on end running the Valuable Target patrols in Y1 to farm rep.

This is an all too familiar feeling and it is really slamming the brakes on the Y2 honeymoon period. We complained about Y1 issues, Bungie seemingly listened, implemented sweeping changes in Y2 to rectify the god awful grinds and RNG on RNG on RNG systems... and now they are starting to patch it back in the Y1 direction. WTF? Are all Y2 positive changes gone, of course not. But this absolutely befuddlement and frustration at arbitrary changes in patch notes that seem to do nothing but artificially prolong the game and grind is absolute horseshit. Especially alongside of the, "hey buy emotes to fund a constant stream of new content from our live team." Fuck that. Don't say that you need more money to extend content offerings while at the same time hindering your player base from enjoying the content you just released at a premium price. Stop making your game feel bigger through RNG and grind and keep the content coming. Or you know, just pocket the cash and keep patching your game back into the Y1 abyss. You already got that Metacritic rating you wanted so who the fuck cares now right?
I had a blast with Defender and NBP in a couple of games last night. It's not the killing machine that Sunbreaker is but I dare say I helped my team win a couple of close games by controlling "B" with a bubble + shotgun a couple of times.

Yep. If I put a bubble on a point, ain't nobody capping it until my bubble goes down. Fortunately, most of the Year 2 supers don't autodestroy my bubble and me.
  • Hammer bros try to come inside, but I can tank a hammer with my Armor of Light.
  • Stormcallers can't touch me either. Their TTK is slower than Invective to the face.
  • Voidbow shots can't go inside or tangle me from outside.
Only Year 1 supers are hard counters. So my bubble often lasted until it went down, which is nice.

Luke, if you're reading this, Defenders in PvP should still be looked at! ;)

Regarding Invective, I've just never been able to get comfortable with it in PVP. It always seems to take two shots for me to kill someone and that is one shot too many. I'm a Conspiracy Theory-D man all the way now (which also allows me to run Red Death in the primary slot).

Conspiracy Theory is great when you're not in the bubble. The Rangefinder perk really is brutal. But once you're in a bubble, the ability to rapid fire is great for tearing up people when multiple people run into your bubble. But the biggest part is never running out of shotgun shells. I'm running increased shotgun ammo on both chest & boots. I spawn with 14 shells and never run out the whole match.
How many shots to kill though? Dat low impact...

Armsday = the real source of weapon parts now?

It's like the Juju. A three pull. The benefit is how fast you can toss out bullets. It has the HYPESCOTCH feel I like. Sure, I can two pull on Red Death and my Hakke PR, but this just feels right to me. Honestly, in 2.0, it's about comfort. I've noticed this a lot. What works for me doesn't work for everyone. It's exciting!

OMG Puma, we are so close to Trials. Rene can't run Friday night but I will be on brotha :D


Once you have all the class specific exotic weapons (that we know about, at rank 3), is there any reason to keep ranking up your gunsmith rep on your alts if your main is 5+ for the first curse? Anyone know?


Once you have all the class specific exotic weapons (that we know about, at rank 3), is there any reason to keep ranking up your gunsmith rep on your alts if your main is 5+ for the first curse? Anyone know?
Nobody knows, but as was said in this page, it's worth it for the legendaries alone.
It's also some easy 4 MoL and 4 SC to get, in those dark ages of the nerfs... ^^
Once you have all the class specific exotic weapons (that we know about, at rank 3), is there any reason to keep ranking up your gunsmith rep on your alts if your main is 5+ for the first curse? Anyone know?

I asked the same thing. Seems like folks are still leveling him for the legendary drops he gives. It also seems like there's some weapon type you can only get from him. Honestly, outside of the PVP one, all of them are easy enough to do this week.
There's a warden in the cell? Like the wizard at the ToM quest? Ok that we can do

Yup there will be three Wardens, you can kill the Wardens that don't correspond to your sword element. Get Alak-Hul low, kill the Warden that correspond with your sword and quickly finish off Alak-Hul (within 30 sec of each other). You don't have to get the killing blow on either the Warden or the boss, but you have to get at least one shot in.


Once you have all the class specific exotic weapons (that we know about, at rank 3), is there any reason to keep ranking up your gunsmith rep on your alts if your main is 5+ for the first curse? Anyone know?

Not sure.... I'm going until rank 10 with my main... just in case.


Nobody knows, but as was said in this page, it's worth it for the legendaries alone.
It's also some easy 4 MoL and 4 SC to get, in those dark ages of the nerfs... ^^
I never order legendaries from him. I've ordered maybe 3, only one of which I've ever even shot. No room on my characters and am always capped on marks anyways. So, if I'm not planning on ordering anything.. I guess it's not worth it.


I never order legendaries from him. I've ordered maybe 3, only one of which I've ever even shot. No room on my characters and am always capped on marks anyways. So, if I'm not planning on ordering anything.. I guess it's not worth it.
Nah I was referring to the legendaries you get from ranking him up. :)
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