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[Digital Foundry] New Scorpio Spec Leak: ESRAM Gone, GPU Features Revealed

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Im confused.

Xbox one uses a virtualised environment. Therefore can use any cpu it wants to from jaguar upwards? This is why ps4 pro did not use puma due to cpu timings may effect the running of the game. As ps4 ps4 pro not virtualised.

Plus Phil himself said it would all be balanced system. A jaguar in the scorpio is not balanced.



Regardless of numbers, I have a feeling this will sell very well in comparison to the Ps4 pro.

Microsoft will market the shit out of it. People don't even know the pro exists.

Hyperbole can be an effective way to make a point.

Not in this case, though. You just sound ridiculous.
It's the same system they announced at E3.

Do people really not understand that?

We've had a hype cycle since then to build expecations beyond what was realistic. People said even then that a "true 4k" console wasn't going to come out of this project unless the console ended up being extremely expensive, but people ate up marketing, and built expectations based on vague tweets and fanboy swirling, and now you've got dissolution setting in.

People could have been realistic all along, and you wouldn't see a reaction like this, but that isn't the internet way.


Still impressive to me, and makes $399 seem likely as well. Also looking forward to seeing if it's using Vega and if so how much extra performance per clock that nets over Polaris.
Can you show this marketing? Has there been any marketing since last E3, when the Pro wasn't even announced?

This thread is weird.
brah you look that up. The presentation was basically a video talking about true 4K and pixels, and PR from MS tweeted a bunch of stuff since then. Do research b4 you think people are making stuff up.


Im confused.

Xbox one uses a virtualised environment. Therefore can use any cpu it wants to from jaguar upwards? This is why ps4 pro did not use puma due to cpu timings may effect the running of the game. As ps4 ps4 pro not virtualised.

Plus Phil himself said it would all be balanced system. A jaguar in the scorpio is not balanced.

there was no way in hell they planned to bump the CPU by 4x along with the GPU. The plan was never truly balanced.


I don't see how Microsoft outsells Sony here.

With Sony's exclusives outshining Microsofts, Scorpio was supposed to be a "Game Changer." A bit disappointed since I was hoping for a 4K Console. =/

System specs can't be changed at the drop of a hat. Do people not understand this? Final spec was more than likely finalized months ago. You and everyone else should expect what is outlined in the white papers, which fall in line with what was announced at E3.


Nothing in this article confirms no Zen why are people running with it lol

Straight from DF themselves on the "leak"

The whitepaper we've seen - dated to just after Scorpio's E3 reveal - only confirms no ESRAM, boosted L2 cache and support for memory compression technology. Beyond that, all we have to go on is Microsoft's stated 320GB/s bandwidth, eight CPU cores - plus a motherboard rendering strongly suggesting 12GB of GDDR5 memory. How the final spec will shape up remains to be seen


We've had a hype cycle since then to build expecations beyond what was realistic. People said even then that a "true 4k" console wasn't going to come out of this project unless the console ended up being extremely expensive, but people ate up marketing, and built expectations based on vague tweets and fanboy swirling, and now you've got dissolution setting in.

People could have been realistic all along, and you wouldn't see a reaction like this, but that isn't the internet way.

Here's what I don't get: at E3 they say "6tf", then we have a leak from literally a month later that says "6tf" and people flip out. Has MS ever backed off that 6tf number, or said it might be higher? People keep talking about "marketing", and I'll admit that I may have missed it, but I'm not remembering any marketing that said "it's way better than the pro!" or anything. The one thing you can point to is Stinkles's comment, but he fairly quickly contextualized that so it's weird to hang on to it too strongly.
If the report is true then what is the selling point to entice the Playstation market? Or even people on the fence?
It's worth noting that the PS4's success wasn't on the back of its exclusives, which took a few years to get into gear. Rather, it was the reputation it had of being the better console to play AAA multiplatform games in terms of resolution and frame rate. Subsequently, I expect Scorpio's marketing to focus on it providing the better 4k experience for AAA multiplatform games out of the two 4k enabled consoles.

Whether that would work, considering the PS4 Pro's marketing and tepid sales, is a whole other kettle of fish.
Whoa! Watching now.

Edit: Just finished. About what I was expecting, but I fear there are going to be a lot of disappointed fans. Seems like a slightly more powerful PS4 Pro. Their approach even seems pretty similar to what Sony is doing with the Pro, considering they still maintain there will be no Scorpio-exclusive titles.

Why did anyone think their strategies wouldn't be different?? I've never understood this...

Their language, when you cut through some of the nonsense, is almost identical.


If the console can do Native 4k and supports high end VR...what are they lying about? Does every single game they ever release have to support it with ZERO acceptance for a group of people to not call them "LIARS!!!"


My interpretation of attaching the label "True" to 4K gaming and claiming it can do true 4K resolution and saying the device will produce the highest quality pixels ever seen is that they used that label, that specific language, and that choice of words in order to present Scorpio as a native 4K device with no compromises in achieving that resolution.

If Digital Foundry's information is accurate, then the Scorpio will be a product with non-native 4K games that rely on rendering techniques to achieve a 4K image. It's ok if you don't see it as a lie.


It will be a 4k console, just more like the pro. In the end, both are "sort of" 4k consoles, just like now ps4 and xbox are both sort of 2k consoles.

That's what I mean.

PS4 Pro really is 2K upscaled to 4K with 30 fps on average.

Was hoping Scorpio would be a game changer in that fact and be a true 4K console.



”This will really bring the most powerful console you've ever seen," Greenberg told the crowd in Mexico City during the Xbox FanFest, as per Game Transfers. ”It will bring these really true 4K, really incredible visual games that we've never seen before on the console."

That's the only direct quote I see in that article. Nowhere does he mention the PS4 Pro (note that what I initially responded to said the marketing claimed "a magnitude better than what you are getting from the Pro"). And yes, they keep using "true 4k" because, as quoted later:

Greenberg also only confirmed that first-party titles will run natively in 4K resolution

How is any of this out of line with what we're seeing in this document?


Junior Member
Actually, I noticed that the details have changed slightly. Specifically the little snippet mentioning VR has been removed.

Im confused.

Xbox one uses a virtualised environment. Therefore can use any cpu it wants to from jaguar upwards? This is why ps4 pro did not use puma due to cpu timings may effect the running of the game. As ps4 ps4 pro not virtualised.

Plus Phil himself said it would all be balanced system. A jaguar in the scorpio is not balanced.


Why are you confused? This is all correct. Seems highly unlikely Scorpio will use the same old xb1 jaguar cores. But it's also possible, it will not be pure zen cores.


Felium Defensor
Nothing in this article confirms no Zen why are people running with it lol

Straight from DF themselves on the "leak"
There will be a mass shortage of crow if MS pulls a Zen out of their E3 magic hat this year.

I really wanna know if they are still implementing a VR solution at launch for Scorpio though. Albert Penello, please confirm/comment on this since we know you're reading this thread.
Here's what I don't get: at E3 they say "6tf", then we have a leak from literally a month later that says "6tf" and people flip out. Has MS ever backed off that 6tf number, or said it might be higher? People keep talking about "marketing", and I'll admit that I may have missed it, but I'm not remembering any marketing that said "it's way better than the pro!" or anything. The one thing you can point to is Stinkles's comment, but he fairly quickly contextualized that so it's weird to hang on to it too strongly.

As far as I know, the 6tf number (Or even slightly lower at times, I thought someone said 5.8 at some point) has been the commonly cited number. That said, 6tf, isn't necessarily enough to be pushing 4k without compromises and 30fps tops. I think what people hoped would be that the CPU would be more powerful, as that seems to be the bottleneck in a lot of areas for games (A more "balanced" system), and since that isn't being substantially improved, it seems like the same bottlenecks will be there. So toss that on top of a system that would be on the edge of 4k anyway, and you've got people saying the sky is falling.

But as far as I can see, and I think what you're saying, this doesn't sound much different from what was suggested last E3. Perhaps people are just becoming more realistic with their expectations. I've always said, and continue to believe, MS's games will be 4k, but 4k variable resolution, like some of their recent titles have been on Xbox One with 1080p. They can then say "true 4k", but scene to scene, you may or may not be getting 4k. It'll be a compromise to get what they want out of the tech.
Why did anyone think their strategies wouldn't be different?? I've never understood this...

Their language, when you cut through some of the nonsense, is almost identical.
There was a decent number of Gaffers that assumed that Microsoft would drop support for the vanilla Xbone and push for Scorpio exclusives.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
This leak is not a beast for me.Hope to see a new cpu(kill jaguar) and a beast monster.But maybe ms is dropping the specs to put an affordable price of 400-450$ for not going to expensive with the ps4 pro.And that's an error the scorpio must be fight alone in his market and not fight in the price with the ps4 pro.

Go for all or nothing ms with the scorpio don't nerf the specs for the price.


As far as I know, the 6tf number (Or even slightly lower at times, I thought someone said 5.8 at some point) has been the commonly cited number. That said, 6tf, isn't necessarily enough to be pushing 4k without compromises and 30fps tops. I think what people hoped would be that the CPU would be more powerful, as that seems to be the bottleneck in a lot of areas for games (A more "balanced" system), and since that isn't being substantially improved, it seems like the same bottlenecks will be there. So toss that on top of a system that would be on the edge of 4k anyway, and you've got people saying the sky is falling.

But as far as I can see, and I think what you're saying, this doesn't sound much different from what was suggested last E3. Perhaps people are just becoming more realistic with their expectations.

Oh, I completely agree that this isn't pushing 4K for all games. It's just not happening. I suspect they'll have 4K first party games, because it's important for them to showcase that capability, and they've already claimed that.

It's just that we all knew this. Yeah, MS said "True 4k", but that's a meaningless buzzword, and we (should) all know that. They provided actual verifiable performance numbers that made it obvious what this thing was.

I guess I'm just saying that if there was going to be a freakout over the "true 4K" thing it should have been then, not now, because nothing's changed.


So, wait, people on GAF are saying the power difference is similar to PS4 to Xbox One, so it's inconsequential? It felt like when those consoles launched, GAF went out of its way to tell me how much better the PS4 was and how that extra power made all the difference.

Why is it different now?


To summarise. No matter what CPU it ends up with, it's still gonna be at least a whole PS4 again more powerful than the PS4 Pro. That's significant, no matter which way you cut it.


If you've got Zen, you're not going to need to interpolate your animation from 30-60fps.

Needing to interpolate your animation has no bearing on what CPU you need. You can have a 100 core CPU and you may still want to do optimizations like this to push further. Having a Zen CPU or not doesn't stop devs from pushing more and using things like interpolate techniques


So, wait, people on GAF are saying the power difference is similar to PS4 to Xbox One, so it's inconsequential? It felt like when those consoles launched, GAF went out of its way to tell me how much better the PS4 was and how that extra power made all the difference.

Why is it different now?

In the end it's not. It never was, but this is gaf, so...


My interpretation of attaching the label "True" to 4K gaming and claiming it can do true 4K resolution and saying the device will produce the highest quality pixels ever seen is that they used that label, that specific language, and that choice of words in order to present Scorpio as a native 4K device with no compromises in achieving that resolution.

If Digital Foundry's information is accurate, then the Scorpio will be a product with non-native 4K games that rely on rendering techniques to achieve a 4K image. It's ok if you don't see it as a lie.

That's because it isn't a lie. Period.

The system is capable of true 4k games. They will probably focus on that. They shouldn't, and wouldn't, force all other studios to comply.

My gaming PC is a true 4k native machine that is more powerful than the Scorpio will ever be. It will still have/see games that it can not run at 4k/30 (let alone 60, come out for it..although lowering settings in the future will probably easily hold 4k). There are even PC games being released that use checkerboard settings.

The Xbox Scorpio being "compromised" is based solely and completely on the Software and whether or not it is developed to be natively 4k. If someone, even Microsoft, develops one or ten games that aren't Native 4k...but still delivers true 4k games they aren't lying, and they aren't compromising anything.

The PS4 Pro is also a true 4k capable machine. The games have to be developed to that, or they have to be patched to run at that resolution.

The arguments are absolutely anal and ridiculous. The specs, according to DF, match exactly what was talked about in the past. Can things change? Sure, but saying the system is capable of true 4k is in no way a lie...and holding them to 100% of games have to be native is on you/others...not any other person, or Microsoft.


What? PS4 pro is weaker than Scorpio still.

Vegeta finds a way to get stronger than Goku but Goku always comes with one step ahead and new technique. I guess you could say these are the games and the one year earlier launch.
MS is doing a very bad job this gen. From the xbox one announcement to cancelled exclusive games and now this if it is true. I don't think they will recover this gen like the PS3 did, I will just hope they step up next gen


Ok but DF isnt the be all end all. Until we get actual real confirmations, its all speculation.

Sure, but Eurogamer/DF really doesn't come out with bunk rumours. There's a lot still up in the air in terms of final specs, but I have zero doubt that the document in question is legit.


You've posted this what, four times now?

DF made clear why they think Zen is very unlikely. That is all.

Which is why they will do the very unlikely thing. Gonna save some bomb to drop at E3.
Albert won't be coming to this thread if they don't have something in their sleeves.


You've posted this what, four times now?

DF made clear why they think Zen is very unlikely. That is all.

And this is what DF said why don't you include it since it's straight from DF

The whitepaper we've seen - dated to just after Scorpio's E3 reveal - only confirms no ESRAM, boosted L2 cache and support for memory compression technology. Beyond that, all we have to go on is Microsoft's stated 320GB/s bandwidth, eight CPU cores - plus a motherboard rendering strongly suggesting 12GB of GDDR5 memory. How the final spec will shape up remains to be seen
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