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Digital Foundry: PS4K / Neo spec leak is genuine, dev kits on their way to devs

Why does Digital Foundry always come after the fact? with the same information as the previous source? Something isn't right about these follow up pieces, just strike me as a "me too" articles. If you have the info as you claim, publish the info not this we are waiting for second sources and the second source never materialize, just hey we can confirm "kotaku" or giantbomb, not our 2nd source confirmed.
Just boxed up my launch PS4 and traded it into Amazon. Now I wait. :)

$200 or so at Gamestop or Amazon at the moment.
As long as those values hold through the launch of the PS4K I'll be happy. I want to box up my PS4 and take it in to BestBuy on the PS4K launch day, not have to trade it in well in advanced and be without for a while.
Polaris 10 was demoed running Hitman 1440p at 60 fps. I don´t know how that compares to other graphic chips.

We don't know what the graphics settings were. Many mentioned that it was all ultra settings but we have no evidence. Assuming it was in fact ultra settings 1440p, 60fps then that is Fury X level.

I am NOT saying PS4K neo has a Fury X level chip with 8+ teraflops of compute performance because we know its not. But thats what Hitman running ultra settings at 1440p 60fps equates to. What we do know is that 2304 shaders at 800-1000mhz and "improved GCN cores" all point to Polaris 10... and Polaris 10 is 14nm finfet and highly efficient,


It would be awesome if this thing was called PS NEO.

I'm such a sucker for console launches and I need this in my life.

PS NEO updates for NMS and Uncharted please.


It would be cool if Sony took the lead and not mandate but encourage all the Sony WWS to deploy NEO patches for all of the 1st & 2nd party games.

It has been discussed in the Giantbomb thread but have you noticed how little we've seen with Sony's 2016 lineup? It leads me to believe they're all getting worked to be shown off as titles that fully use the upgrade the Neo hardware provides and they'll be shown off running and looking even better at E3.


This is just crazy, lol. I'll be sticking with the PS4 OG for the next few years as originally planned. I'm glad people will have options, but I like my systems to last at least around 5-6 years or so. I'm good.
"On top of that, while the documentation says that the hard drive will remain the same (Sony has several in circulation, so we assume it means 2.5-inch laptop drives generally) there are no indications of any changes to the Blu-ray drive. This is surprising, as we would have assumed that Sony would take this opportunity to support the new UHD 4K movie standard, supporting standard 50GB discs along with 66GB and 100GB variants. For now it seems that developers are set to stick with 50GB of storage."

What the fuck?! No BDXL (100GB/128GB)??? Are they insane?

Huh? Releasing a 4K PS4 and not including UHD bluray support? That's the one thing I thought would drive sales of this thing in a similar fashion to the PS3's success.

Naw, that can't be true. Not buying it. What would be the point of releasing a PS4K without 4k support?
I'm just going to assume that the documentation doesnt mention it either way because they're still nailing those details down and they're irrelevant to games, since games will still have to use the same normal bluray discs across both PS4s. Developer dev kits wouldnt need UHD bluray players since theyre keeping games on a level field. The final product will have one, though. It must.

And when it does, it better have dolbyvision support since Sony is making progress in that area.

Seriously though. Sony is about to kill its golden goose. No mid-cycle upgrade has ever worked with consoles, there's absolutely no reason to think this will be any different. Average players won't like the price, more committed gamers will be naturally pushed towards the PC.

Pay $800 in one generation (plus $2-300 for PS+) for 2 consoles or pay the same for slightly less than elite PC hardware that will do a better job?

I have a day 1 PS4 but haven't been thrilled with the offerings so far. Some good stuff but the best games I've played on it are Resogun and TLOU:R. A day 1 defender clone and a last gen port. This is my cue to exit console ownership, sell my PS4 and focus solely on PC gaming. And in the 1 year I've had my pc, I've played exponentially more and better games, and payed far less for them. It's no contest at this point.

I just traded my PS4 in and will preorder the new hardware as soon as possible. Glad you like your PC, but I have no desire to build a gaming rig.


Why does Digital Foundry always come after the fact? with the same information as the previous source? Something isn't right about these follow up pieces, just strike me as a "me too" articles. If you have the info as you claim, publish the info not this we are waiting for second sources and the second source never materialize, just hey we can confirm "kotaku" or giantbomb, not our 2nd source confirmed.
Nothing wrong with that as long as they clearly name and link to the original source (which they do in the first paragraph).


Yes. Games releasing in late September are also supposed to be getting a patch to add support so there is now the thought that FFXV will receive a Neo update. Games can also ship earlier than that with a Neo mode included so that they're ready when it comes out.

Has anything else been said about this Neo mode?, wonder what are the prerequisites are, minimum resolution and FPS?
Dev kits going out now don't need UHD.

Right ok, but devs do need a concrete spec to work towards, a mention of the UHD support would allow devs to focus on a hardware target set in stone.

According to the article, there is no mention at all regarding UHD support, which is a little concerning since it also mentions the HW can come out in less then a year.

You could be right though, and this could still change. I really hope it does, even if it takes a software update to make it happen.
Now is the perfect time for MS to make the more powerful "One.5" or "Two" The rival cards are on the table.

It would be interesting to see how the market reacts to suddenly having the Xbox being the more powerful console after 3+ years of being the underdog in that area. Then again GAF told me that 99% don't care about these things so I don't know.

If the multiplats start being superior on the upgraded Xbox I would definitely consider maybe jumping ships. Damn... so much to think about and look forward to :)


I'm actually kind of bummed the PS4K info was leaked.

I would have loved to see Sony drop this at E3, and watch everyone completely lose their shit (especially Microsoft). It would have been fun to experience!
I just don't get it. WHy fuck over the loyal people that bought the base PS4 and come out with this new iteration?

Come on. Do you complain each time Apple release a new phone? The fact that a ton of people switched their allegiance from MS to Sony this gen shows how 'loyal' people are.

What this argument boils down to is people being pissed because technology moves on and a company is able to release a product that both technically and financially they were unable to do 3 years back.

Which effectively boils down to people throwing their dollies and dummy (pacifier for the yanks) out of the pram because it's not fair that other people can have better stuff than them.


Better looking and running games would be nice, but those specs seem to little of an upgrade to really accomplish anything significant. I guess they could have slightly better IQ mostly.


such a shit tier business move if you ask me, like i get it from their point of view on the surface, they want to adopt the incremental mobile model... but game consoles are not seen as a necessity like phones/tablets, which are essentially pocket PCs and are woven into the 21st century's technological dna... average person doesn't need a $400 game box every 2.5 years... this is not a sustainable model for consoles imo. thats not even touching on all the potential bad will / negative backlash it creates. already having your customers calling your product PSPoor on the internet is not beneficial.


So where are we all?

I'm at number 3 right now.

My cycle is from 2->2.

such a shit tier business move if you ask me, like i get it from their point of view on the surface, they want to adopt the incremental mobile model... but game consoles are not seen as a necessity like phones/tablets, which are essentially pocket PCs and are woven into the 21st century's technological dna... average person doesn't need a $400 game box every 2.5 years... this is not a sustainable model for consoles imo. thats not even touching on all the potential bad will / negative backlash it creates. already having your customers calling your product PSPoor on the internet is not beneficial.

I'm with you on this but at the same time this will be a huge turning point for this industry. If you are the majority this ends now but if it works then everyone will do this (still doesn't solve the fact that would be 100x harder to sell early consoles to casuals) if it fails Sony loses every single ounce of goodwill they built in the last 3 years and the idea is dropped forever. If you get lucky then maybe other console manufacturer gets the reward of not adopting this strategy.


No 4K Blu-Ray drive? Haha, worthless box then. The release of this thing is probably the biggest unforced error in the industry since the PS3 at this rate.

Well, to be honest, it does not say that, it says 'no changes' to the current drive. Maybe the current drive is already sufficient for UHD/4K combined with the new hardware. #paging jeff_rigby ;) My interpration is that developers will be stuck to 'regular' bluray discs because of file size limits that are enforced by sony.
Called it

Wasn't the first one though, I think

Do I get a Tag or something?

I'd say the former since there are several times more 1080p capable sets than anything else at the moment, and a shift in that tendency would be quite rare during what remains of this gen.

Just look at those 'nos' on that thread. Amazing.
It'll be fun to.. well nvm.


Ah, yes, because apparently the world around me is on fire and I'm crying tears to extinguish it. I'm saying don't be a dick to other people in the community until it's justifiably so. But clearly you, too, aren't capable of such level-headedness.

It was a joke, calm down dude you're taking this shit way to serious.


Neo Member
Why does Digital Foundry always come after the fact? with the same information as the previous source? Something isn't right about these follow up pieces, just strike me as a "me too" articles. If you have the info as you claim, publish the info not this we are waiting for second sources and the second source never materialize, just hey we can confirm "kotaku" or giantbomb, not our 2nd source confirmed.

Because writing DF-quality article takes more time than GiantBomb-quality article.


Has anything else been said about this Neo mode?, wonder what are the prerequisites are, minimum resolution and FPS?

The only thing I read was that in terms of framerate it either has to match or exceed the standard PS4 version. It sounds like they're free to go wild outside of that but I guess we'll see.


Now is the perfect time for MS to make the more powerful "One.5" or "Two" The rival cards are on the table.

Actually they should just wait 6 months and put this 6 months development time into a box which is more powerful than the PS4K ;-)

(Would be the smart move)


I'm not a super technical guy by any means, so you could be completely right. I just know with the initial rumors here on GAF, Sony was weighting a slight CPU bump to sell at $399 or a completely new CPU for $499...according to the rumor, of course.



I'm sure they COULD do whatever they wanted..and may have been offered access to future CPU tech...but everything is always rumor...that $100 CPU upgrade could have been mentioned in passing, or as an estimate by a Sony guy...maybe when they finally sat down with AMD it was realized that a change of cores might cost $200 when passed to the consumer...

Things change in the development process ALL the time (for example the PS4 moving to 8GB of RAM at seemingly the 11th hour because the proper modules became available)...
cant see MS NOT reacting to this i mean xbone is weak enough as is ... now theres gonna be 3? stronger consoles ? i dont believe it

I agree man, i can't see that happening neither. But the fact is that the only leaked stuff so far about Xbox is a slim model with better Wifi. Who knows, maybe MS is really waiting this one out and to see what happens. How people react to PS4K and probably Nintendo and all that. Judging by what MS has said they don't seem in a hurry, but of course it's also possible they are keeping things from the public until E3.

But if not, it should be quite interesting to see how Xbox One's going to fare with two 'big dogs' of systems releasing.
Why does Digital Foundry always come after the fact? with the same information as the previous source? Something isn't right about these follow up pieces, just strike me as a "me too" articles. If you have the info as you claim, publish the info not this we are waiting for second sources and the second source never materialize, just hey we can confirm "kotaku" or giantbomb, not our 2nd source confirmed.

Yes, shame on them for wanting to retain some semblance of journalistic integrity in the age where anyone with access to a keyboard can and do pretend to be 'a journalist'.

Daffy Duck

Ubisoft will be trailing games using live action footage and claiming it to be running on Neo hardware, the downgrades will be glorious.
Right ok, but devs do need a concrete spec to work towards, a mention of the UHD support would allow devs to focus on a hardware target set in stone.

According to the article, there is no mention at all regarding UHD support, which is a little concerning since it also mentions the HW can come out in less then a year.

You could be right though, and this could still change. I really hope it does, even if it takes a software update to make it happen.

Movie playback should be no concern to devs .
And sony won't allow devs to use disc that bigger than 50gb.


Stage: Get the most out of my bad purchase and after being burned 2 times in a row (Vita and vanilla PS4) take a hard look at PC gaming and if it suits my taste better than PlayStations.

Here's precisely where I'm at.

I'm about ready to bounce from console gaming.


It's a GTX 970 but in a fixed box. Should be pretty glorious.
Is this the Wollan of times past?????

Basically the same CPU with a higher clock? How is that supposed to make the games run at higher framerates?
Where is this coming from all of a sudden? Perhaps I should just buy a 6700k and run all my games at 1080p or 4k 60fps on my embedded GPU because the CPU is so important for framerate all of a sudden.

Let's be clear here, the main reason for a major framerate uplift in 99.9% of games is a better GPU.
I'm actually kind of bummed the PS4K info was leaked.

I would have loved to see Sony drop this at E3, and watch everyone completely lose their shit (especially Microsoft). It would have been fun to experience!

I'm certain Microsoft and other companies already knew about this before the leak.

My question is how did it leak so fast and with as much details as we have seen? Either Sony has horrid security or this is intentional.
Pretty much. As soon as it is official the og ps4 trade in value will drop
Which is why either Sony needs to subsidize retailer trade in programs to keep the value up or retailers need to do it themselves. If I can't get at least $200 for my PS4 towards a PS4K close to launch then I'm just not even going to bother getting one and I'll just start buying all of my multiplats on PC.


All I know is, my release day Playstation consoles of the past have generally lasted 3-4 years (except for the PS1, which barely made it a year). So, if there is a relatively good trade in value, I'm down for this. Better than buying another of the same system, as far as I'm concerned.
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