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Fighting Games Weekly | May 19-25 | Started from the bottom, now he's there

Thought that was the one she's always using to link things after Mallet Smash? Or is that something else.

I thiiink she used standing lk for a bunch of combos, so that seems to be out? Lots of damage nerfs too. I guess we'll see once it's out.

Edit: No invincibility on her DP either anymore. I don't know. Seems harsh.
Well, Game Galaxy is in Antioch just south of Nashville, most stuff is there. There's a new GG location opening up at Rivergate(Goodlettsville) though, that's where MWC is gonna be. KiT is actually hosted at the ag center in Murfreesboro. That venue has just worked out incredibly well for us. Most everything is centered around Middle TN outside of Memphis tournaments.

I didn't even know there was stuff in Memphis. lol


I thiiink she used standing lk for a bunch of combos, so that seems to be out? Lots of damage nerfs too. I guess we'll see once it's out.

Edit: No invincibility on her DP either anymore. I don't know. Seems harsh.
It's the startup invincibility, not all of it. (Means you have to wake up with EX to reversal a meaty wakeup.)

No one really seems to have optimized combos in the arcade, though. Hopefully Ricky/Justin figure her out.
CountBlackule, you don't have to pick characters based off of looks you know. Maybe pick someone that fits your playstyle. Maybe you just like to complain but its exhausting that you don't recognize anything positive about the character you say you love so much.


Yeah, I don't think I've seen one Elena without asking myself "is she supposed to be played like that?".

It's strange seeing someone play only black characters, but then again people like Luffy only play female ones, so...
Feeling lied to yet?

Not really, still looking forward to trying her out. It's only two weeks now!

I just wonder what they're doing with all those nerfs. Was she really that dominating.. ? >.>
If so i want to know what aspect of her gameplay was so dirty to trigger this. And learn to enact said aspect on unsuspecting opponents~


Not really, still looking forward to trying her out. It's only two weeks now!

I just wonder what they're doing with all those nerfs. Was she really that dominating.. ? >.>
If so i want to know what aspect of her gameplay was so dirty to trigger this. And learn to enact said aspect on unsuspecting opponents~
Wouldn't be surprised if Combo was wrecking people internally with her. :p
You gotta see this dude IRL. He's black as pitch. If he chooses a white character the light would generate enough heat on his skin to melt his stick.
0-10 matchup against Seth.

CountBlackule, you don't have to pick characters based off of looks you know. Maybe pick someone that fits your playstyle. Maybe you just like to complain but its exhausting that you don't recognize anything positive about the character you say you love so much.
Sometimes, a person's playstyle is to pick a character who has appealing aesthetics. I would never pick an aesthetically unappealing character. I'm still waiting for BlazBlue to come out with its first appealing character.

Don't take me serious breh.

I learned him
Why not use Dudley, then?


CountBlackule, you don't have to pick characters based off of looks you know. Maybe pick someone that fits your playstyle. Maybe you just like to complain but its exhausting that you don't recognize anything positive about the character you say you love so much.

I wouldn't play a fighitng game if it didn't have a character that appealed to me visually. It's why I don't play BlazBlue
I havent paid much attention to the scene or esports or whatever you call it recently, I'm just going off of what I've been seeing online, and there's definitely less u2 users from super > ae2012

U2 is match up dependent, you see Sagat picking U2 when super was release because they were experimenting with it or trying something new. If you're playing online and not using a fireball character, Sagat would have no reason to pick U2 against you hence you will never see U2 used.


CountBlackule, you don't have to pick characters based off of looks you know. Maybe pick someone that fits your playstyle. Maybe you just like to complain but its exhausting that you don't recognize anything positive about the character you say you love so much.

Apparently I only play boss characters and strippers in almost everything.

So Capcom gave poison the anti venom?

Yeah she actually got slapped pretty hard, her fireball stuff was already strong so that buff is a little on the silly side. She actually lost 2 things that made her pretty derpy. *the trip cancel and the stupidly good j.HK*


Yeah she actually got slapped pretty hard, her fireball stuff was already strong so that buff is a little on the silly side. She actually lost 2 things that made her pretty derpy. *the trip cancel and the stupidly good j.HK*
You don't have to keep up the routine. :p
CountBlackule, you don't have to pick characters based off of looks you know. Maybe pick someone that fits your playstyle. Maybe you just like to complain but its exhausting that you don't recognize anything positive about the character you say you love so much.
I usually do like to choose characters off of design then if they have a weird play style I usually don't bother with them.

Choosing characters by design has helped me choose a couple good ones to learn so far though; Cammy, Fei (I always choose Bruce Lee clones), Cody, Abel, Vega.

I really like Guy's design, but his play style is so different that I never bothered to learn him.

Oni's the one character I learned only because I got BOPPED by him hard. I hate Oni's design, but those combos and damage are too much. What I felt was weird was that the Demon characters (Akuma and E.Ryu) had lower health because it came with their design and Oni seemed to escape that and kept insane damage output that the Demon characters had. Well his healths been nerfed in Ultra but I was surprised he didn't come with 900/950 to start off with.

Why not use Dudley, then?

I learned him since I like boxing characters.. but after seeing what Smug can do is kind of discouraging since I will never get that nice with Dudley lmao


You don't have to keep up the routine. :p

She's still going to be good, Solid A now at the least. That trip cancel was pure stupid, the j.HK clipped so many people out of the air and stuffed so much stuff it wasn't funny either. Losing the jump cancel on blocked ex reka sucked too

The reka cancel is ok but a little redundant, it does help giver her a little bit of burst damage she needed mid screen
Count sounds like a different (rational?) person when talking about the rest of the cast. I guess we all have our fanaticism (mine is food/cooking but is in my IRL world)

I am sure there is a DeeJay joke in there but I don't want to dog-pile.

Don't worry guys. In about 7 months, just in time for ver.2015, all you mothafuckas gonna get lost in da beet.



She's still going to be good, Solid A now at the least. That trip cancel was pure stupid, the j.HK clipped so many people out of the air and stuffed so much stuff it wasn't funny either. Losing the jump cancel on blocked ex reka sucked too

The reka cancel is ok but a little redundant, it does help giver her a little bit of burst damage she needed mid screen
jHK is still real good because of its insane angle, it just doesn't hang out there forever now. Trip/block cancels are pure stupid that no one should have except boss characters.
All this talk of maining low tier players makes me want to learn Deejay now just to see what it's like. Though I did try play Guy in SSF4 vanilla and he was low tier in that.. Even though guy is mid-tier now I preferred SFA3 Guy a lot (which is what he kind of is like in SFxT from what I've heard).


She's still going to be good, Solid A now at the least. That trip cancel was pure stupid, the j.HK clipped so many people out of the air and stuffed so much stuff it wasn't funny either. Losing the jump cancel on blocked ex reka sucked too

The reka cancel is ok but a little redundant, it does help giver her a little bit of burst damage she needed mid screen
I don't think I've seen even ONE instance of jump cancelled blocked ex rekka. I don't think I've even seen one blocked ex rekka go up the 4th hit. It really isn't that important, and I don't even think she could have used that for intriguing setups like Makoto could.

But yeah, would have looooved to abuse that j.HK. ^^
I'm also sad they fixed an apparent bug on Gouken that made it so his ex tatsu didn't connect properly on her: the guy I'm playing with a lot at work has been picking up Gouken lately, and it would have made for some nice moments. :D


jHK is still real good because of its insane angle, it just doesn't hang out there forever now. Trip/block cancels are pure stupid that no one should have except boss characters.

Oh I know it's still good. It's just not stupidly op good anymore is what I'm saying xD


All this talk of maining low tier players makes me want to learn Deejay now just to see what it's like. Though I did try play Guy in SSF4 vanilla and he was low tier in that.. Even though guy is mid-tier now I preferred SFA3 Guy a lot (which is what he kind of is like in SFxT from what I've heard).
I played a bit of Dee Jay. Essentially a shittier Guile in almost every way only he has a slide and a forward moving move that breaks FA (which is pretty useful). Pretty much every one of his moves gets stuffed on start up and his normals are no where near as good as Guile's.

Also amidst all this Dee Jay talk... am I the only who noticed the EX Criminal Upper change for Cody? I don't like that change AT ALL!


Guys, listen to the king

Sanford @SanfordKelly 1h
I've learned from so many losses that excuses only prevent you from further succeeding. You are in control of your own success...not capcom

Elena's changes look like they're trying to make a whole new character.

Overall damage and meter gain nerfs, specials a bit worse on block, Slide is a bit worse, DP's except for EX lost invincibility, cr.HP can't be cancelled (why u do dis), st.LK less + on hit so you can't link after and a plethora of other nerfs.

But hey, she got her walking speed buffed! ..

Was she really a threat of any kind in the arcade version?



Elena's changes look like they're trying to make a whole new character.

Overall damage and meter gain nerfs, specials a bit worse on block, Slide is a bit worse, DP's except for EX lost invincibility, cr.HP can't be cancelled (why u do dis), st.LK less + on hit so you can't link after and a plethora of other nerfs.

But hey, she got her walking speed buffed! ..

Was she really a threat of any kind in the arcade version?

I think they had some backdash/slide nerfs with added recovery in some of the post-Arcade test builds that didn't make it to live.

The problem with the Arcade version is that she's a character who really needs training lab time because she's got a lot of not-at-all obvious combos you need to use to maximize damage.


tagged by Blackace
I just started watching Assassin's Fist and it's even better than I thought it would be already.

The way they integrate the characters' moves from the games without making it look corny is an achievement. It helps that the fight choreography is great too.
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