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How Metal Gear Solid remasters should be done?


There have been rumors of Konami releasing Metal Gear Solid 1-3 on modern consoles. Do you think they should upgrade the graphics and gameplay or keep them as they are? Nowdays the line between remasters and remakes has been blurred so I don't know what to expect.

They shouldn't be changed much in my opinion. I really like how the games look (especially 2 and 3) so changing the character models would feel wrong. Big upgrades should be left for full remakes. The HD Collection (2011) still looks great. The updated textures are very faithful to the originals so they look almost exactly as you remember them. They should just fix some mistakes (low res splitter face paint and intro music sync in MGS3 etc.)and make the games 4K. Maybe also add HDR. The crouch walking and new aiming from the 3DS version of MGS3 could be added but they should be optional.

Also they shouldn't forget MGS4 and The Twin Snakes.
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1 makes sense but no point in remastering 2-3 yet again when they’re BC. I’d much rather see them put effort into porting MGS4 since there’s currently no way to play it without a PS3 or low quality streaming on PS NOW. It doesn’t run well on emulators because of the weird multi disc install setup either so Steamdeck or PC aren’t really options either.
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I finished MGS 2 last year and right now playing MGS 3. I'm probably going to get death threats for this opinion through PM but I must say those games didn't age well at all. Even if you improve clunky controls, levels are empty, claustrophobic and everything just feels outdated. Those games would need either a basic remaster (already exists, just port it to PC and newer consoles) with a fair, low price or a major overhaul.
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Change literally nothing, Just make a version you can buy and play natively on current systems.

Same here. It is more about accessibility for me. Same for the OG Resident Evil 1-3, Silent Hill 1,2,3,4, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis etc.

A full remake would take years.


Using the foxengine and the gameplay of MGSV, but unlike twin snake adapting the gameplay to the level design. Also improving level and gaming design (expanding the levels, more enemies, better AI...) but "honoring" the original design.

And of course, directed by Hideo Kojima.
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Kev Kev

Definitely use The Twin Snakes version as it is superior to the original gameplay wise. The original is still great, but it should be more consistent with MGS2 and 3, with a fully rotatable camera and all that. The style of MGS1 original would just be frustrating by todays standards.
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Gold Member
After twin snake it is better to leave the king in his grave, i would not survive a ff7remake treatment tbh...
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I liked the Monkey Island remake approach, where they did everything new, with more intuitive controls, but you could always switch back to the old version with that awkward interface and lacking audio.


"Subsistence" them again. Same games, but with some extra treats and modern graphics.

Throw in that third-person camera for MGS2, even if it slightly breaks the gameplay. At least it'd be a fresh way to experience the game, and you could turn up the difficulty.


No interest in replaying this saga unless it gets a major gameplay overhaul ala MGSV. I loved these games to death but they dont hold up.

I guess release the collection pc for those who care.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
It would be nice if they added some extra VR and Snake Tales-type missions, but I'm probably asking for too much.


I'd be happy for all four main games to be ported to PC, with 64bit support and DirectX12/Vulkan, that should future proof them.
That’s a good point they’re BC on Xbox except for 1 and 4 but PC is the future proof way to go especially with Steamdeck.
In a fair world Kojima would George Lucas every game which would release 2 years apart and end after 3 due to fatigue from everyone involved. Until then we’ll be treated to many changes that will bring about massive tears and in-fighting.

In this world it’ll most likely be a graphical update with the same gameplay.
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Who needs a remaster of those? 2 and 3 are already remastered and perfect, 1 is fine for what it is, and 4 is trash. There's nobody to remake them either, at least not with the quality that would be expected.


Shoehorn in every Unreal Engine 5 buzzword feature, add some goofy costumes for Snake that you can buy through microtransactions, constantly delay the release until 2026, and then sell each game separately at $70 a piece and it would be perfect remaster.


Who needs a remaster of those? 2 and 3 are already remastered and perfect, 1 is fine for what it is, and 4 is trash. There's nobody to remake them either, at least not with the quality that would be expected.
The old remasters are only 720p and can't be played on current consoles right now if you don't have the 360 version.

Definitely use The Twin Snakes version as it is superior to the original gameplay wise. The original is still great, but it should be more consistent with MGS2 and 3, with a fully rotatable camera anal that. The style of MGS1 original would just be frustrating by todays standards.
I think they should sell MGS1 and TTS remasters together. You could choose which one to play from the menu.
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I would remake them beat for beat from the originals, add some minor new areas/set pieces as long as it's in line with the original vision. Make sure Psycho Mantis investigates the players Playstation or Steam library to give some appropriate comments. Remove the joypad switch thing and have him call the player a monster if they play with m+kb and no controller attached.

Rather than the solids, I would re-imagine the MSX and NES games with modern gameplay mechanics, it would also add a lotta creative freedom for dialogue and story.

Manji Uzuki

Just port 1 with the vr missions, 2 substance and 3 subsistence with all the extras they had. Including 4 would be nice as well. Leave Twin Snakes buried. Its not only the crazy cutscenes but the gameplay breaks the game. I also like more the controls on 2 onwards but the first game was never designed for those and Twin Snakes shows that a lot


Not like Naughty Dogs selling a remaster at 70€

Angry American Idol GIF
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We don't acknowledge the existence of The Twin Snakes. 100% toilet water.

And at this stage of the game, I'd rather they remaster them. I'm only down for a remake if the original music is in all of the entries. The Twin Snakes makes me puke. Gameplay wise it was fine, but it missed on everything else that made MGS1 special.
While I enjoyed Twin Snakes especially the improvements brought over from MGS2, the cutscenes made me laugh.

You can tell the DMC guy did these.

Never saw it separated from the gameplay up to that point.

Looks like a Final Fantasy Summon
The Twin Snakes makes me puke. Gameplay wise it was fine, but it missed on everything else that made MGS1 special.
Twin Snakes was very fixable if it's core was treated as framework and improved upon. voice-overs and some cutscenes not withstanding. Everything that went wrong wasn't for technical reasons but sensitivity issues.
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Completely rebuilt from the ground up using all the current tech available and lessons learned since the games initial release. Not everyone cares about nostalgia so a simple remaster is silly. The game was designed around hardware limitations of its era, those don't exist anymore, so there is no reason to hold gamers hostage.
Just let me buy the classic. MGS1 is a masterpiece and should be left intact.
I think to appease the fans they should do both. The original running in 4k 16:9 with no other meaningful changes so as to preserve the original experience but also a totally rebuilt from the ground up version for the modern generation. I grew up in the 80s and 90s. I don't want to replay those games as they were.


Remaster shouldn't even exist, its waste of time like gta3(tough diff engine same or even worse assets) and gta5 remasters, do proper remake on new engine and new assets like lou1r, demon souls, shadow of colosus, mafia 1, diablo 2 or don't do it at all. Btw games are so old that maybe remade/reimagination like ff7r or re2 is needed.
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would probably screw it up trying to keep them 100% faithful to the originals, so just go crazy and do remakes like RE2 remake.

if it's good, it's good.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
1 Integral
2 Substance
3 Subsistence
all running at 4K 60fps

Nothing else is needed. I assume they would use the PC version of 1 & the PS3 version of 2/3 as a basis. I am completely fine with that. The bluepoint remaster got a few stuff wrong but was a great remaster overall. There zero chance we would get skateboarding mode or the mgs3 secret theatre in a PS5 version.


Not like Naughty Dogs selling a remaster at 70€

Angry American Idol GIF
Remaster - The "HD" version of a game.

Remake - A brand new game that closely adheres to the design and narrative of a previous game.

Reboot - A brand new game, with new design concepts.

Reimagining - Similar to a remake, only with far more liberties taken with respect to the design and narrative.


Gold Member
No, do not touch them. Just make good ports and give us as much extra content as possible.

Someday I really hope to be able to play every game in the series on a single console. 4 feels like it will never happen.

A port of 4 is the Bloodborne 2 of 10 years ago. Feels less likely every day and these rumors only solidify that. What a shame. Glad it's finally alright to emulate at least.


I think they should be lazy ports with upscaled resolutions and improved framerates. You know, like Super Mario All-Stars. And they should have a Switch release.
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