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I think Microsoft might surprise a bunch of people

For me it started when they cancelled Cry On, then Fable 3 got factories and robots (an industrial "fable" ?), Alan Wake got to PC, Mass Effect went to PS3, Rare cancelled Kameo 2 and Orchin adventures and made Kinect Sports 1-2 (unbelievable stuff) etc

Generally while 360 is my top system this generation for Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake. Witcher 2 etc, i dont see the same happining with xbox 720 at all

Why does that matter.


I think that it's pretty obvious that Microsoft wants XBox to be viewed as an entertainment platform and not a video game console. They want XBox to be the device in your living room that plays and streams movies and music, browses the internet, is a social hub, and plays games. They want wide appeal that extends beyond just the average gamer while still giving those gamers a reason to own the system with the a few big name exclusives. They will still be the platform to go to for Halo and Call of Duty. I don't think that Microsoft is too concerned about losing the hardcore market because they are a small part of the market, and many hardcore gamers will still buy the system for Halo, Gear of War, Forza, etc.

I think you're going to be surprised when they unveil it then.

Microsoft doesn't have room to fuck around like they did at the end of this gen of consoles. Even when they have stopped caring somewhat about putting out reasons for people to buy Xbox's over Playstations, they still had big exclusives like Halo 4 or Forza Horizon. I think they know that this is game time, and they don't want to lose the market to Sony, which looks like a cheetah ready to pounce at any second.

I think Microsoft is going to bring it when they unveil this thing.

Why does that matter.

For the Alan Wake part, I think it's because Microsoft is kind of giving less reasons to buy their console instead of a gaming PC when they do that. For the Mass Effect part, that was a total blunder on their part because that could have been another heavy hitter like Halo or Gears if they had made a deal with Bioware; but I'm not even sure if that was still viable with EA in the picture.
I think you're going to be surprised when they unveil it then.

Microsoft doesn't have room to fuck around like they did at the end of this gen of consoles. Even when they have stopped caring somewhat about putting out reasons for people to buy Xbox's over Playstations, they still had big exclusives like Halo 4 or Forza Horizon. I think they know that this is game time, and they don't want to lose the market to Sony, which looks like a cheetah ready to pounce at any second.

I think Microsoft is going to bring it when they unveil this thing.

I hope so. I still think that they are going to show off the new XBox as an entertainment hub, but maybe they will realize that they need big exclusives in order to get some traction and then keep it going.
For me it started when they cancelled Cry On, then Fable 3 got factories and robots (an industrial "fable" ?), Alan Wake got to PC, Mass Effect went to PS3, Rare cancelled Kameo 2 and Orchin adventures and made Kinect Sports 1-2 (unbelievable stuff) etc

Generally while 360 is my top system this generation for Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake. Witcher 2 etc, i dont see the same happining with xbox 720 at all

Literally years later.


I hope so. I still think that they are going to show off the new XBox as an entertainment hub, but maybe they will realize that they need big exclusives in order to get some traction and then keep it going.

I definitely share your concern, but after thinking about it for a while since the PS4 announcement, and remembering all that news about 4 new IP's in development, I kind of realized that Microsoft always has the big picture in mind, and I think they know that if they want to make the most money, they have to give people like us reasons to buy their console over a PS4.
People just assume Microsoft will continue down the same course early next gen that they've been on late this gen. But they won't. They'll have to reorient themselves with hardcore gamers because that's the crowd that buys consoles in the early years.

what exactly are Wii talking about?
I think Microsoft may have a harder time pulling out its next gen console than Sony. Sony's design seems more expensive now that 4 additional GB join the party but it also seems like it's a less complex, more straight forward design. I mean the SOC for the Durango involves CPU, GPU, esram, data move engines and probaby other stuff we don't know yet about and these could be responsible for the rumored low production yield.

Pure speculation from me of course... Even if I'm a Sony guy (always had a lot of respect for them) I wish Microsoft and Sony's systems end up neck to neck. If only because the gaming market needs MS's "muscles". Should MS fail with 720 they would probably pull out under investor pressure and I don't think Sony and Nintendo would weight much in front of Google and Apple.


No those would not count under "retail games". Also many of them have come to PC as well, including Mark of the Ninja which was really good. Trials is coming in march I believe and Fez is coming soon as well.

On an aside I tend to not count arcade/indie titles when we're in these exclusive arguments, just physical games. And yes that includes PSN games as well, I'm not biased.

If we take it to the lists then your argument falls apart.

Here are the facts, Kinect didn't stop MS from releasing it's top exclusive core games for the core 360 gamers.

Not only that they had console exclusives as well as a huge line up of XBLA and independent games.

The big multi-plats that the core play are largely supported by 360 gamers as well.

Micrsoft Released Kinect a little over two years ago and it is a silly argument to make believe that MS shouldn't support the peripheral that has sold millions.

So the moral of the story, no matter how many goal posts are thrown up to omit games that have been released MS has supported it's core fanbase as well as the casual.


And if I'm wrong then I'll be happy to buy a PS4 instead. Can't lose either way!

I will be sad though because Microsoft's exclusives are usually more western, which are the types of games I tend to prefer. (not always, I judge the game based on what it is but looking back most of my favorites after the PS2/Xbox/GC generation are made in Canada, the USA, or England) Not that Sony doesn't have some fantastic western, but that's mostly all that the Xbox brands are.
For the Alan Wake part, I think it's because Microsoft is kind of giving less reasons to buy their console instead of a gaming PC when they do that. For the Mass Effect part, that was a total blunder on their part because that could have been another heavy hitter like Halo or Gears if they had made a deal with Bioware; but I'm not even sure if that was still viable with EA in the picture.

Alan Wake was an expensive game and while I thought it was great, I don't think it was moving consoles definitely not 2 years after release. It makes sense to put it on their other platform to try and make more money.

Mass Effect 1 hit PS3 5 yrs after release and ME 2 hit a year after the 360 version. Microsoft payed for as much exclusivity as they could afford. EA wanted that PS3 money.


Unconfirmed Member
If there's anything that I have learned from this generation alone is that anything can happen in gaming and nothing should ever be written off until facts are out.


What are the must-have games that I can only play on a Microsoft console that aren't shooters? Beyond Lost Odyssey, I can't think of anything that caught my attention on Xbox 360 that was only available on an Xbox 360. If you follow the OP's thought process and assume they're going to "rededicate" themselves to the "core" gamer, I don't know what that means beyond fans of shooters.


Wait and see.

That said, the perception (a causal uninformed perception) is that Microsoft's heart may not be in this for another fight.

My bet is microsoft starts to focus more on phones, Windows 8, that sort of casual stuff. If anything we know Microsoft follows money. No matter what.


Listen man, times have changed and I am ok with a multi-media device box in the guise of the new Xbox, at the end of the day all I want is more exclusives(even if their are still on PC).

Can you seriously say that when it comes to experiences that are exclusive to the Xbox brand(something that gives Xbox fans the ability to boast about their console of choice) that the 360 was better(more diverse) than its predesscor in that regards? Yes, the 360 began great but it seemed like it tappered of three years ago. Yes, the Xbox was killed off earily but by God it seemed to fight to its very end.

Due tell. Are you pretending that because you believe that your preferred console was better that there arent differing opinions.

Are you pretending the 360 didn't have a diverse line-up, a long list of exclusives throughout it's 7 year gen?

Look we could go list war and show exclusive for exclusive but it doesnt matter, your preference is your preference. 76 million gamers bought the 360, millions upon millions supports their games, and the console is a success whether you ever play one game on it.

So just play whatever you want to play and and the core 360 gamers will still play what they play daily.


Alan Wake was an expensive game and while I thought it was great, I don't think it was moving consoles definitely not 2 years after release. It makes sense to put it on their other platform to try and make more money.

Mass Effect 1 hit PS3 5 yrs after release and ME 2 hit a year after the 360 version. Microsoft payed for as much exclusivity as they could afford. EA wanted that PS3 money.

I'm just looking at it from the long-standing view of the platform. What I mean is that when I picked up a PS3 last Summer, I didn't do it to replace my 360, but I did for the sole reason of playing the exclusives (and some Blu-Ray movie action) because of how many they had, and how varied they are.

If I had a PS3 at the beginning, would I have picked up a 360 instead? I don't know, I can't say but I'm guessing I probably wouldn't have. Little things like Alan Wake are like the PS3's Demon's Souls or Valkyria Chronicles. They're not heavy-hitters like Uncharted or Halo, but they all add up in the long run for people coming into the generation late.


That also takes away from motivation to buy or keep a 360. I don't know why people constantly use that poor argument. Exclusive means exclusive, not "exclusive if you pretend xbox is the only platform that matters!"

Yes I do, and no it's not. I get most xbox games but massively improved and I get great PC exclusives like the Total War series, Crusader Kings 2 (better than anything on any console in the last few years), and the upcoming huge kickstarter RPGs like Wasteland 2, Obsidian's game and Dead State.

You do not get most Xbox games on the PC. You definately don't get the biggest core exclusives on the PC.

But, you don't own a 360 and that's cool the PC is your preference but MS isn't competing with PC no matter how you spin it otherwise.

Console exclusives are games that matter to those who don't game on PC. Which is why Minecraft did 5 million on the 360 and literally doubled the money the publisher actually made on the PC.

Games like Witcher 2, which CD personally enhanced just for console, are great games that matter.

This is why Blizzard stands on stage at the Sony Presser and announces Diablo 3 for the PS4 as an exclusive.

They mean something to MS and Sony and to the millions of console gamers who don't game on the PC.
I really don't see much changing from this generation. Nintendo will still be able to ride on their popular IP's and handheld market. Sony will bring some known IP's from their exclusive library, while also putting out new IP's.(some of which that will do well while other flop)MS will pretend to be all about the games for about three years and go right back to shoving Kinect, more ads on XBL, and multimedia features down our throat.
I would tend to agree with you, but Sony seems to have their act together this time. I mean their event consisted mostly of games with actual, real gameplay footage instead of CGI bullshit like the PS3, so I think they're coming out to play this Fall.

Sony has released 4 systems total since 1994 and none of them had a worldwide release in the same season.

Sony only finished 6 million consoles behind MS starting a year later.

If/when Sony catches up to MS WW will be because of Japan where it doesn't matter when the last Xbox launched or will matter when the new one does.


So, with more money spent and more time given, along with close relationships with the industry technical titans' Epic and Crytek, I'm expecting MS to soon show off at least 1 or 2 first-party titles that are even more ambitious than the new Killzone and new Infamous PS4 games.
It's not more difficult to put out something more ambitious than the Killzone demo which looked like Call of Duty SciFi edition.


It's not more difficult to put out something more ambitious than the Killzone demo which looked like Call of Duty SciFi edition.

I think it looked cool, but I think there's definitely a lot of room for something more.

MS did with the 360 and Nintendo just did with the WiiU. Everyone has except for Sony.

There's always a first, but who knows they could still be behind the times.
I would tend to agree with you, but Sony seems to have their act together this time. I mean their event consisted mostly of games with actual, real gameplay footage instead of CGI bullshit like the PS3, so I think they're coming out to play this Fall.

This could be huge. Don't get me wrong I loved that Killzone demo, and infamous will be great, but I really expected Sony to blow me away with a new IP or two that was something different. Knack was cool, but didn't scratch that itch. I think Microsoft could make some big waves with the public if they showoff games that are new and exciting for more reasons than just being prettier, and you know they have a new Gears or Halo lined up to get those crowds' attention as well.

Then again we have to remember that E3 is still just a few months away, by which time Microsoft will have likely unveiled the Nextbox as well, so the whole game could change if Sony bring it then.

Sony didn't show a single game from a dev that I consider to be top tier. Polyphony, Santa Monica, and Naughty Dog were not there. The rumor is that The Last Guardian is a PS4 game now as well. So Sony held back.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
i fully expect some of the new xbox specs are different, vgleaks and everyone else are posting info from last year, also keep in mind someone tweeted superdae the specs of both consoles and his reply to the xbox specs were basically saying they are different now.

for games i fully expect a fable reboot now peter is gone.

Ryse from crytek will show up somewhere

PGR5 is rumored to be in works

and 4 new ips

this is just things we know aswell


I really don't see much changing from this generation. Nintendo will still be able to ride on their popular IP's and handheld market. Sony will bring some known IP's from their exclusive library, while also putting out new IP's.(some of which that will do well while other flop)MS will pretend to be all about the games for about three years and go right back to shoving Kinect, more ads on XBL, and multimedia features down our throat.
Why would MS start shoving Kinect in year 4 of the new console when Kinect will be included in the console on day 1? You are making no sense whatsoever.

Furthermore, if the content Microsoft puts out early on is successful and finds a big enough audience, why would they stop making games whatsoever?
I think it looked cool, but I think there's definitely a lot of room for something more.
It had great graphics. But it didn't look like something I haven't played already (I guess it's a good thing for people who like superscripted shooters?).


Sony didn't show a single game from a dev that I consider to be top tier. Polyphony, Santa Monica, and Naughty Dog were not there. The rumor is that The Last Guardian is a PS4 game now as well. So Sony held back.

I think Sony sees Guerilla as top-tier, but I think that their event was more of a tease of all their features, the controller, and what next-gen games will look like. I think E3 is going to be a big, big show for them.

With that said, Microsoft could make huge waves if they go all out at this event, or at least if they show off more stuff than Sony, especially new IP's and stuff.

It had great graphics. But it didn't look like something I haven't played already (I guess it's a good thing for people who like superscripted shooters?).

Exactly, not that that's always a bad thing, but yeah I agree.


It did? I am not much into the history of Xbox 360 sales and the public acceptance of the Kinect, but my understanding was always that the Kinect was mediocre technology which added little to games and therefore while a lot of people had indeed Kinect in their homes, few actually used it.

Could someone correct me here? Is Kinect that big of a deal?

Kinect is a huge reason got it's second wind and literally gained growth 6-7 years after the console was released. It's one of the reasons the 360 is close to overtaking the Wii in UK and may end the gen not far from the Wii in the US.

Not all games were a success but when you have a an optional peripheral thart broke the guiness book of records and 20+ million people own in in 2 years then it's kind of a big deal.

People can make up fake stats that people dont use the system, but you have 10 games that sold over a million copies when some hardcore games havent topped that lifetime.

Compare it to other motion control games in their height.

Kinect Sports sold over 5 million outselling Guitar Heros #1 selling game on the 360.

Harmonix the Devs of the Rock Band outsold every one of gthem with it's Dance Central title.

If you compare sales of Kinect games to Move it's no even a question of which is more successful.

But when you consider that a Kinect game on the shelves outsold Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword on the Wii with a Install base pushing 100 MILLION people you might understand why MS is creating Kinect 2.0.

Not a big deal to some, but even Sony is trying to double up on Move and it's new cam.
Why would MS start shoving Kinect in year 4 of the new console when Kinect will be included in the console on day 1? You are making no sense whatsoever.

Furthermore, if the content Microsoft puts out early on is successful and finds a big enough audience, why would they stop making games whatsoever?

It had great graphics. But it didn't look like something I haven't played already (I guess it's a good thing for people who like superscripted shooters?).

Who said they would stop making games?

Who said Kinect 2.0 won't be there day one?

I'm simply saying their approach to next generation won't change much from the current.
It doesn't matter if Sony doesn't have a worldwide launch. The next Xbox will not be popular in Japan so Microsoft should simply conceded to Sony there. A lot of people feel that the European market is pro Sony as well. The most important thing for Sony is to not give Microsoft a head start in NA.
Alan Wake was an expensive game and while I thought it was great, I don't think it was moving consoles definitely not 2 years after release. It makes sense to put it on their other platform to try and make more money.

Mass Effect 1 hit PS3 5 yrs after release and ME 2 hit a year after the 360 version. Microsoft payed for as much exclusivity as they could afford. EA wanted that PS3 money.

Microsoft doesn't seem to mind games going to PC if they don't have to fund them (Though I think they published Alan Wake PC in Australia.)Mass Effect 1 is crazy because unlike ME2 where it was clear they payed for a 1 year exclusivity, they straight up published the first one with the intent of it never leaving 360/PC.
Alan Wake was profitable on PC in two days which I'm sure lead to American Nightmare being released earlier.


Who said they would stop making games?

Who said Kinect 2.0 won't be there day one?

I'm simply saying their approach to next generation won't change much from the current.
Next-gen dynamics will be completely different than 360's. Kinect will be there day one in every box, as opposed to the necessity of pushing newly launched Kinect in 360's sixth Holiday season. Furthermore since Kinect is in every box, you don't have to focus development of your game around the need to sell the device itself, even if you might use some of its features to enhance your game.
After Kinect Star Wars, I'm sure every MS exec is fully aware controller-less gaming simply doesn't work, that's why they gave up an pretty much didn't release anything around Kinect since then.

So suggesting MS will ditch 'core' games in favor of Kinect after 3 years makes no sense whatsoever.
Next-gen dynamics will be completely different than 360's. Kinect will be there day one in every box, as opposed to the necessity of pushing newly launched Kinect in 360's sixth Holiday season. Furthermore since Kinect is in every box, you don't have to focus development of your game around the need to sell the device itself, even if you might use some of its features to enhance your game.
After Kinect Star Wars, I'm sure every MS exec is fully aware controller-less gaming simply doesn't work, that's why they gave up an pretty much didn't release anything around Kinect since then.

So suggesting MS will ditch 'core' games in favor of Kinect after 3 years makes no sense whatsoever.

As far as I'm concerned, MS has already ditched the 'core' gamer. IMHO


As far as I'm concerned, MS has already ditched the 'core' gamer. IMHO

Because they're focusing on the Nextbox.

And with that said, they definitely did a better job with the 360 than they did with the Xbox at the end. Halo 4 and Forza Horizon seem to be awesome games.


As far as I'm concerned, MS has already ditched the 'core' gamer. IMHO
Then your prediction should be at least "lol they will flood the market with casual crap out of the gates" if you think so. Predicting the next-gen Xbox to be the carbon copy of 360 in every regard shows any lack of forethought before typing the message.

I might as well go with "PS4 will have no interesting games for the first 3 years, after that they'll pick up some momentum and also try to push Move 2.0 without any success". Or "WiiU will focus so hard on waggle minigames, than Nintendo will release MarioKart and a bunch of fitness games and it'll sell like crazy".
It doesn't matter if Sony doesn't have a worldwide launch. The next Xbox will not be popular in Japan so Microsoft should simply conceded to Sony there. A lot of people feel that the European market is pro Sony as well. The most important thing for Sony is to not give Microsoft a head start in NA.

Again when the PS3 was revealed they said Spring 2006 which was delayed.


What are the must-have games that I can only play on a Microsoft console that aren't shooters? Beyond Lost Odyssey, I can't think of anything that caught my attention on Xbox 360 that was only available on an Xbox 360. If you follow the OP's thought process and assume they're going to "rededicate" themselves to the "core" gamer, I don't know what that means beyond fans of shooters.

It doesnt matter what your opinion of 'must have' games are. But, it's clear what the top core franchise that the 360 core games play and support are the games MS released.

As long as MS supports it's core fanbase then that's all that matters.


Lost Odyssey was a me-too game that had little chance for commercial success from the outset, MS would be wise to avoid such titles in the future.


Lost Odyssey was a me-too game that had little chance for commercial success from the outset, MS would be wise to avoid such titles in the future.

No, that's the wrong idea. When you build up a diverse library of exclusives, you give people incentive to buy your console in the future.


Lost Odyssey was a me-too game that had little chance for commercial success from the outset, MS would be wise to avoid such titles in the future.

Lol. A me-too game made by the creator of Final Fantasy. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Still one of my all-time favorite RPGs this entire gen from any system.


Lol. A me-too game made by the creator of Final Fantasy. Couldn't be farther from the truth. Still one of my all-time favorite RPGs this entire gen from any system.

I wish I could have loved that game. I thought it was going to be the game that hooked me on JRPG's. I had it the midnight it released.
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