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I think Microsoft might surprise a bunch of people



MS as a company is sucking for quite some time...keeping launching products no one buys....win8, windows phones/tablets....etc...


No, what happened was a lot of the top management of the Xbox division like Peter Moore and J Allard left or were moved around the organisation around 2008. For what reason I don't know why, but these guys had been pushing new games ever since 2001. There was never a drought of new ideas beforehand. My opinion is that MS saw the success of Wii and wanted a piece of that pie. Since then the management has been pushing the brand towards a more casual oriented direction, having seen the successes of Wii. And have also been thriving off past success (Halo, Gears and Forza). Some of the few new IP s released since this change in management direction like Alan Wake were commissioned well before the changes occurred. Is it any coincidence that Bungie also decided to pack their bags around this time? What could cause them to do that besides finding fundamental problems with the new direction of Microsoft? They seemed to have a good thing going.

I have very little confidence in the "new" MS. They have done absolutely NOTHING to prove they have a dedication to new gaming experiences.

You're stretching extremely hard with the Bungie angle.

They wanted to be independent for a long while. They left MS in 2007, which is before the point in time you are basing your conjecture on.


MS as a company is sucking for quite some time...keeping launching products no one buys....win8, windows phones/tablets....etc...

Xbox 360 begun brilliant with Kameo, Alan Wake, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Gears, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, XNA for Indies etc

And then everything crumbled down

Cry On cancelled, Lost Odyssey 2 nowhere to be found

Fable 3 has factories and robots and lost all magic, Alan Wake moved to PC

Rareware started making ... Kinect Sports games .... !!!!

They also killed XNA and Indie developers

Generally MS has lost it for a while now, even if they come up with a stronger system they will have to come up with at least a good Fable or RPG to make me even remotly consider getting one

Especially now that PS4 has so many things and RPGs coming for it


MS as a company is sucking for quite some time...keeping launching products no one buys....win8, windows phones/tablets....etc...

If you want to put it that way, the same thing is happening with Sony. Walkman is dead. HDTVs not comparable to nor competing with Samsung/LG/Panasonic. ereaders collecting dust and beaten by tablets and Amazon Kindles. Apple Macbook Pros and Acer/HP computers sell, not Sony Viaos. No one owns a Sony smartphone. DJ headphones + speaker systems are not flying off the shelves. No one buys camcorders. Nikon/Canon/Pentax dominate camera lenses.

The only thing left is gaming.

PS Vita looks like its nearing its end as Sony treats it like an unloved child. If the PS4 doesn't sell, this is the end of Sony, so that's why Sony is putting all its eggs here. However, I remember clearly how many times Sony lied about PS2 (some polygons number that dwindled month after month before launch) and the PS3 (removing software features, backwards compatibility, 2 hdmi/3ethernet ports). Sony is going back to what made their previous two systems successful which is hype machine. That's why I'm choosing to be skeptical what they're saying until they actually release the product.

If you walked into a Sony Store recently, no one is in there. Sony has no identity outside of Playstation.

How quickly the times changed and how sad it is. 3 decades ago this was not a case. Sony was a company that basically grew Japan to a high-powered economy after WW2.


If you want to put it that way, the same thing is happening with Sony. Walkman is dead. TVs don't sell. ereaders collecting dust and beaten by tablets and Amazon Kindles. Apple Macbook Pros and Acer/HP computer sell, not Sony Viaos.

The only thing left is gaming.

If you walked into a Sony Store recently, no one is in there. Sony has no identity outside of Playstation.

Yeah but Windows 8 and stuff...


Can you link to announced sales figures showing Forza 3 sold more than 2.4 million copies in the US?
I suspect he's looking at the Chartz numbers (nobody announces sales figures any more, silly)... which are more than likely in the ballpark in terms of volume for North America, but it's a rather meaningless stat because they're factoring in console bundles. As far as I'm aware GT5 was only ever bundled with PS3s in Europe.

So as far as individual sales of the unbundled games are concerned, it's reasonable to assume that GT5 sold more. That's also kind of a meaningless stat seeing how Turn 10 released 3 Forza titles and Playground released a 4th while Polyphony just trotted out GT5 and its trimmed-down Prologue edition.

Both racing franchises are equally established and viable in North America. GT still commands more notoriety in light of how few and far between those releases are... and that's probably deserved. GT is also still the class of the field in mainland Europe.

Especially now that PS4 has so many things and RPGs coming for it
Oooh... this is exciting. I LOVE RPGs. What RPGs have been announced for PS4 already?
Apart from "unnamed Final Fantasy title" from Square Enix (aka the joke of the industry)?
Please say Persona 5. I sooooo want to play that game.


Generally MS has lost it for a while now, even if they come up with a stronger system they will have to come up with at least a good Fable or RPG to make me even remotly consider getting one

The point of the OP was to explain why they lost it. Seems as though you've ignored it. :(

Or maybe you're discounting it, but you don't feel the need to explain.

Oooh... this is exciting. I LOVE RPGs. What RPGs have been announced for PS4 already?
Apart from "unnamed Final Fantasy title" from Square Enix (aka the joke of the industry)?

Seems more like long-time Sony fan conjecture rather than based on any solid fact. The only RPG we know for sure is coming to the PS4 last I checked is The Witcher 3.


launching products no one buys....win8

Uh it's literally selling on par with 7, which was the most sold OS in history.

Office 2013 is fantastic, Server 2012 is a joy to work with, as well as Azure. On the mobile space they're latecomers, but on track to third place. They matured a lot and have a pretty unified vision across all products now.

I work with pretty much every major IT vendor and MS are fantastic partners, probably the most reliable major service provider nowadays. If we could we would totally ditch IBM for them, but unfortunately we are hostages to mainframe architecture (as basically everyone in banking) which is an IBM monopoly.

Does that reflect on their videogame business? Not necessarily, since it has been quite independent from the rest of the company before, but you sure as hell can't say the company is badly run, especially compared to junk-status-bonds Sony.


The point of the OP was to explain why they lost it. Seems as though you've ignored it. :(

Or maybe you're discounting it, but you don't feel the need to explain.

Seems more like long-time Sony fan conjecture rather than based on any solid fact. The only RPG we know for sure is coming to the PS4 last I checked is The Witcher 3.

I am looking at it from my perspective

I dont agree that MS will make a come back, because i think there will no longer have the games i care about, like a good Fable game and JRPGs

I agree with why they lost it, i just dont see xbox 360 happening again as far as the games i want are concerned

Of course i may be wrong and MS comes up with an amazing Fable, some JRPG and many epic games to counter FF 15 Agnes, Deep Down, a possible Demons Souls 2 etc

Will be glad if that is the case, i just dont see it though at all


A lot of people with a consumer tech and gaming focus have no clue how successful MS is with their other projects.

I have heard podcasts where people claim the 360 is the only thing making money for Microsoft.


Seems more like long-time Sony fan conjecture rather than based on any solid fact. The only RPG we know for sure is coming to the PS4 last I checked is The Witcher 3.
I didn't know about the official PS4 confirmation for Wild Hunt. That's pretty cool, at least.


I am looking at it from my perspective

I dont agree that MS will make a come back, because i think there will no longer have the games i care about, like a good Fable game and JRPGs

I agree with why they lost it, i just dont see xbox 360 happening again as far as the games i want are concerned

Of course i may be wrong and MS comes up with an amazing Fable, some JRPG and many epic games to counter FF 15 Agnes, Deep Down, a possible Demons Souls 2 etc

Will be glad if that is the case, i just dont see it though at all

Why would they need to counter games that are coming to their console?


Windows 8 is fine. People hate change. It overall is an upgrade, but I wouldn't pay full price for it.

The $15 + $40 purchases I've made are well worth their values.

What about it? Isn't it selling as well as Windows 7 was in the same timeframe? And Windows 7 had the big advantage of being a very pleasant upgrade from the Vista disaster.

I was being facetious about Windows 8. I used the Developer Build or Beta or whatever it was for months as my main OS, and would buy it if I weren't a poor bastard.


I suspect he's looking at the Chartz numbers (nobody announces sales figures any more, silly)... which are more than likely in the ballpark in terms of volume for North America, but it's a rather meaningless stat because they're factoring in console bundles. As far as I'm aware GT5 was only ever bundled with PS3s in Europe.

So as far as individual sales of the unbundled games are concerned, it's reasonable to assume that GT5 sold more. That's also kind of a meaningless stat seeing how Turn 10 released 3 Forza titles and Playground released a 4th while Polyphony just trotted out GT5 and its trimmed-down Prologue edition.

Both racing franchises are equally established and viable in North America. GT still commands more notoriety in light of how few and far between those releases are... and that's probably deserved. GT is also still the class of the field in mainland Europe.

Oooh... this is exciting. I LOVE RPGs. What RPGs have been announced for PS4 already?
Apart from "unnamed Final Fantasy title" from Square Enix (aka the joke of the industry)?
Please say Persona 5. I sooooo want to play that game.

FF13 was a joke, Bravely Default is amazing

FF15 Agnes has amazing art and world i like, so at least has one part of the equation covered, unlike the terrible art and tech world in FF13

So, we have

FF15 Agnes, which could be the return of amazing FF and art in the series

Deep Down, looks like an action RPG, could be just action with RPG elements, but i will count it, since i cant wait to play it, even if the RPG is light

Witcher 3, no comments there

Diablo 3, never played it on PC since i dont game online, but i will definitly get the PS4 one of it offers (most likely) and offline mode


Demons Souls 2 !!!!!!!! Need i say anything else ?

Level 5 RPG, they are confirmed as partners and well, all their games are on PS for years now, we know it is coming, the qeustion is when

Elder Scrolls 6 - If PS4 has best graphics it is the system i will play it on and seems from rumors so far it is better than Durango spec wise

So, all in all i am pretty hugly exited about PS4 RPGs and possibilities

MS better make a real and spectacular RPG out of Fable 4 if they want to have any chance at countering all the above (if that is even possible with just one game that has also been suffering huge downgrades in the latest installments)

Why would they need to counter games that are coming to their console?

We dont know if they are

Demons Souls 2 and Level 5 RPGs certainly arent

Square has a closer relationship with Sony, FF13vs is proof for that (even though it does not really exist :) )

Plus if PS4 is so much more powerfull, will be as good as exclusives to PS4 in my mind

Why pay 60$ for an inferior version of any game ?

That said, if MS brings a good Fable, the specs are a bit beefed up and they make Lost Odyssey 2 and Cry On, could still win this (considering Demons Souls 2 may never actually be made)


We dont know if they are

Demons Souls 2 and Level 5 RPGs certainly arent

Square has a closer relationship with Sony, FF13vs is proof for that (even though it does not really exist :) )

Plus if PS4 is so much more powerfull, will be as good as exclusives to PS4 in my mind

Why pay 60$ for an inferior version of any game ?

That said, if MS brings a good Fable, the specs are a bit beefed up and they make Lost Odyssey 2 and Cry On, could still win this (considering Demons Souls 2 may never actually be made)

Yeah Square Enix had a great relationship with Sony all through last gen, then FF13 was announced as multiplatform.(Versus is Vaporware until proven otherwise) All that was said of FF 15 is that it will be at E3, said nothing about exclusivity. Unless i missed that part. maybe Demon's Souls 2, we don't even know is coming out at all, and you know there is Dark Souls 2. "Deep Down" is rumored to be Dragon's Dogma 2. Who knows if that's actually the case, but whatever it is it was never said to be exclusive either.

As for MS's first party studios, it's been brought up a billion times( though people continue to dismiss or ignore it) that new studios have been opening in the past few years, and Lionhead is working on an new IP, described as "MMO like".

I'm not going to get into spec talk but i will say it's pretty silly to call a console "weak" before we have seen any games running on it, and even the specs that are out there aren't even confirmed as well as being a year old at that. Maybe others like to take rumors as gospel but i don't.


Yeah Square Enix had a great relationship with Sony all through last gen, then FF13 was announced as multiplatform.(Versus is Vaporware until proven otherwise) All that was said of FF 15 is that it will be at E3, said nothing about exclusivity. Unless i missed that part. maybe Demon's Souls 2, we don't even know is coming out at all, and you know there is Dark Souls 2.

As for MS's first party studios, it's been brought up a billion times( though people continue to dismiss or ignore it) that new studios have been opening in the past few years, and Lionhead is working on an new IP, described as "MMO like".

I'm not going to get into spec talk but i will say it's pretty silly to call a console "weak" before we have seen any games running on it, and even the specs that are out there aren't even confirmed as well as being a year old at that. Maybe others like to take rumors as gospel but i don't.

"MMO like" is the last thing i want to see TBH, that would be the final total absolute blow for xbox for me

One of the reasons i abandoned PC gaming and never looked back is MMOs

PS4 specs came out true, so i suppose there is merit to believe 720 specs

I doubt they are making a MMO though, would not sell well on consoles, though you made me very sad with that piece of news

PC is so flooded with MMOs, i wonder what would be the purpose of a console MMO

Hopefully they wont go that crazy way, consoles was the last frontirer of good single player gaming (that all masterpieces of old like BG, Torment etc were based on)


MS as a company is sucking for quite some time...keeping launching products no one buys....win8, windows phones/tablets....etc...

Windows 8 is currently on par with Windows 7 in sales, I guess no one buys Office either?

Sony is definitely not a company to be talking crap about product sales Playstation is one of their only divisions holding them up right now.


"MMO like" is the last thing i want to see TBH, that would be the final total absolute blow for xbox for me

One of the reasons i abandoned PC gaming and never looked back is MMOs

PS4 specs came out true, so i suppose there is merit to believe 720 specs

I doubt they are making a MMO though, would not sell well on consoles, though you made me very sad with that piece of news

PC is so flooded with MMOs, i wonder what would be the purpose of a console MMO

Hopefully they wont go that crazy way, consoles was the last frontirer of good single player gaming (that all masterpieces of old like BG, Torment etc were based on)

"MMO like" can mean a lot of things, maybe they are doing something similar to Destiny and it would have a persistent world. As for the specs, i don't remember hearing too much about 8 gigs of GDDR5 originally. Again maybe they will turn out to be true but i choose to wait for conformation as well as seeing actual games running on the console before jumping to conclusions. I remember years ago when the 360 was "Xbox 1.5".
You're stretching extremely hard with the Bungie angle.

They wanted to be independent for a long while. They became independentin late 2007, which is before the point in time you are basing your conjecture on.
Sorry I got my years wrong, but these things did all happen around the same time. Peter Moore left in July 2007, Bungie left in October 207, and J Allard shifted to Zune development in 2007 and away from the Xbox division altogether before leving MS a few years later. The point still stands. Around that time, October 2007, Bioware decided to get out of their publishing arrangement as well. Furthermore we know a flood of talent has left Rare and they are a totally different entity now. There was a massive shake up in MS in direction, management and partnerships.

You don't completely change your management structure unless you feel a change of philosophy is needed, and I feel the Wii was the disruptive force that caused that. Since that happened, MS's output has COMPLETELY changed

From 2001 till 2007 (6 years) Microsoft released the following new IPs
Amped, Fuzion Frenzy, Halo, Project Gotham Racing, Blinx, Mechassault, Rallisport Challenge, Brute Force, Crimson Skies, Grabbed By the Ghoulies, Kung Fu Chaos, Voodoo Vincent, Fable, Kingdom Under Fire, Phantom Dust, Sudeki, Conker*, Jade Empire, Forza, Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero*, Gears of War, Ninety Nine Nights, Viva Piñata, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Crackdown, Mass Effect and Shadowrun

MS were releasing new IPs and pushing new content all the time. It didnt stop, there was no four year drought on the original Xbox as they ramped up to the next generation.

From 2007 till 2013 (6 years) MS released the following new IPs
Lips, Scene it? Box Office Smash, Too Human, You're in the movies!, Halo Wars, Banjo Nuts and Bolts*, Ninja Blade, Alan Wake, Kinect Sports, Kinectimals, Kinect Adventures, Kinect Joy Ride, Dance Central 2, Gunstringer, Kinect Disney Land, Kinect Disney Pixar Adventure, Kinect Sesame Street, Kinect Star Wars,

* Including some first timers on Xbox from Rare

You'd have to be blind to see the complete and utter shift. Of course MS have been releasing plenty Halo, Gears and Forza games since 07 but besides a select few like Alan Wake which was in development since well before 2007 - there has been absolutely nothing delivered at core gamers. MS Game Studios are a COMPLETELY different company to the ones that first brought us the Xbox and the Xbox 360. Holding out hope tht something is going to change is called blind faith at best.
That'll no surprise me at all. But hell, the meltdowns would be delicious¡¡

Wouldnt surprise you? "Sure lets buy a company and let them post numbers 30 percent below their operating norm, and pay 100 percent for them!" Oh and EA board members the fiscal forcast for 2014 has been scaled back 80 percent :)

When pigs fly..


There's no way MS could acquire EA. It would completely destroy a huge amount of Sony's sales just in the casual market who only buy sports games. Madden, FIFA, and NBA as exclusives? No way in hell. Would be crazy.


I had the original Xbox and PS2 and loved them both equally. In fact I probably loved the Xbox more thanks to Ninja Gaiden, Gun Valkyrie, Halo and Morrowind. I also owned a 360 but sold it for a PS3 during 2009. There were just too many PS3 exclusives that looked awesome (and were), and the 360 seemed to really lack a diverse portfolio of 1st party games or exclusives that the original one had.

I really do hope MS returns to form. It's original Xbox form. I'd say that was a better period than the 360 period. I'm sure there is new core IP in development but I don't expect a reversal in direction when MS is searching for the casual and dudebro moneytree. I don't see MS's strategy as a weeding out of failed experiments, but rather a weeding out of things that don't make them lots of monies. Those are two very different things, unless you're the type to unilaterally equate cash flow with success.


But those "dudebro" games like Halo and Gears are almost always really fun though. Not to mention they have gotten a lot of deals with semi-independent developers that produce a lot of quality XBLA games.

I think Microsoft can definitely do better with their first party games, but I think we can't necessarily judge them on the tail-end of the Xbox 360's life-cycle. Microsoft is usually a lot more cut and dry with what they create for a console that's going out to the farm where all old consoles go. I'm pretty surprised we're getting a Gears game within 8 months of the next console's launch.


Yup, the console wars are definitely back.

I like the part where that one guy says because Sony first party doesn't appeal to him, that makes them average and bad from a design perspective.

Anyway, I think that MS will have a few surprises. But a lot of let downs at the same time. Kinect 2 being rumored alone is a let down. And I say that after giving Kinect a chance, I'm sure those that liked it will be pleased.. and there's nothing wrong with MS wanting to appeal to everyone. Afterall, both Sony and Nintendo are still keeping motion controls on their consoles.


I think MS will do something on par with Sony. I will be buying a ps4 first of course, but the gears franchise and Halo are both franchises I like as well. I seem to be the only one excited about Gears Of War Judgement. I like Baird, yeah I said it.


How funny would it be if something weird happened and Microsoft couldn't show the actual, physical console for some reason after Major Nelson talked shit on Sony? (not that there's even anything wrong with that; such a dumb fucking complaint from the PS4 event)

I think MS will do something on par with Sony. I will be buying a ps4 first of course, but the gears franchise and Halo are both franchises I like as well. I seem to be the only one excited about Gears Of War Judgement. I like Baird, yeah I said it.

I don't know if it's because I skipped 3 and I'm itching for some more Gears, but I agree that it looks cool.


How funny would it be if something weird happened and Microsoft couldn't show the actual, physical console for some reason after Major Nelson talked shit on Sony?

I did not hear this, when did he talk crap about Sony?
That was the one thing about Major Nelson, that dude doesn't talk crap about anything.


this is you 2 pages ago

PS3/PC = good
X360/PC = bad

so coherent. lol

Deep Down and FF15 Agnes (and Level 5, Demons Souls 2 etc RPGs) are not for PC

While Fable is

The argument was that PS3 has both many RPGs and many exclusives

While xbox has Fable that is both going to the worst and is on PC

To sum up

PS+PC and PS exclusives = good, because i get the best of both worlds on a single platform (like xbox 360 was this gen)

xbox/PC only = bad for xbox, i will just get the game on PC


I think that was kinda rude to say to be honest, but I have never really cared for major nelson anyways.

Not really rude or anything, but to me it spreads the FUD that a lot of the mainstream press was spreading whether it was unintentional or not. The whole (apparent) "need" to see the physical box of the console or else the whole event was pointless is such a baffling concept to me. You got to see more games than most expected and got to see a lot of the features the console will do as well as the interface of it, but none of that matters I guess because we didn't get to see rectangular box 4.


Deep Down and FF15 Agnes (and Level 5, Demons Souls 2 etc RPGs) are not for PC

While Fable is

The argument was that PS3 has both many RPGs and many exclusives

While xbox has Fable that is both going to the worst and is on PC

You're kidding me, right? Capcom hasn't said what Deep Down is or isn't on anything else, FF 15 doesn't exist ( in more ways than imaginable), and neither do any of the other games you mentioned.
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