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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I drink enough diet soda to make the OP look like a lightweight. When I die, you can donate my body to science and study it for the answer to this question.
You're correct, but most people in the thread aren't recommending that he needs to replace his diet soda intake with orange juice. Water is clearly the way to go.

Well yeah, water would be the best option, but OP was wondering if a liter of diet soda a day was eventually going to give him cancer and kill him lol.

All this "I'd be worried about diabetes" and "your teeth are going to fall out" shit is ridiculous.


That Diet Soda sneaks on in without the calories but then your bodies natural detectors think it's sugar so it invites it into the sugar area. Think of a celebrity impersonator, they still get into the VIP area behind the velvet rope. Then your body gets confused and tells your fat cells to turn the fake sugar into fake fat.

It's not your bodies natural detectors, your pancreas will only secrete insulin in response to raised levels of actual sugar. Artificial sugar is nothing like it except that it fits the same slots normal sugar fills in your tongue's taste receptors and YOU think it taste's like sugar.

Otherwise how would your body know if you were consuming a shitton of sugar or just sucking on the same small peppermint constantly triggering sweet receptors in your mouth if it relied on the taste alone. It knows when you eat sugar because that sugar spikes your glucose when it's digested and insulin is secreted in response, not because there's a sweet taste on your tongue.
So a 160lb male would have to drink 375 12 ounce cans of Diet Coke, in a short period of time, to get the same dosage of aspartame that the rats received. That's 35 gallons.

The water would kill you first, in other words.

Again, you can cut back and lower your small chances of bad stuff, should you want. The fact is though, that you're probably getting way more carcinogens from other sources.

Diet Soda as you know makes you hungry. Count your calories and you'll be absolutely fine unless you find the hunger too hard to deal with.

What people don't often get is that what worked for them in their own diet isn't a magic bullet that will work for everyone. For some being hungry is the hardest part of dieting, so they need to stick to foods and habits that promote a feeling of fullness. For some the hardest part is giving up something they really like, and diets that require this are the hardest to stick to. If they can happily switch a vice for something that is much better for them (as the OP seems to be able to) then they're doing just fine. For some people that's easier than abstaining completely.

Diet Soda can help slimming and weight control, only as part of a calorie controlled diet.

It's right there on every can.
It's not your bodies natural detectors, your pancreas will only secrete insulin in response to raised levels of actual sugar. Artificial sugar is nothing like it except that it fits the same slots normal sugar fills in your tongue's taste receptors and YOU think it taste's like sugar.

Otherwise how would your body know if you were consuming a shitton of sugar or just sucking on the same small peppermint constantly triggering sweet receptors in your mouth if it relied on the taste alone. It knows when you eat sugar because that sugar spikes your glucose when it's digested and insulin is secreted in response, not because there's a sweet taste on your tongue.

People who measure their insulin levels all the time don't seem to notice much difference, and many of them would love to be able to spike their insulin levels by just drinking a diet soda.



Enjoy your soda, op.

Nose Master

I generally try to avoid anything besides water that has zero calories. You shouldn't be eating shit that has flavor and taste but has zero calories, imo.


The number 1 ingredient in Soda is water. The majority of soda is water.
The ones that have Caffeine can make you dehydrated. It is a diuretic and increases urine production.

Also OP, don't overdo it. You can drink it like once a week or something.


Irrationality GAF on the case, I see. No, aspartame in that amounts wont kill you. The caffeine content in the Coke will become more dangerous than aspartame would be. Daily safe consumption of aspartame can be reached with, what, 7 or 8l diet coke? That would be WAY too much caffeine and a bit too much water before aspartam is becoming a concern.

BUT maybe all the studies are wrong, and that ONE badly conducted study got it right all along! Quick, tell it to every country which approved aspartame as safe for consumption!

I drink enough diet soda to make the OP look like a lightweight. When I die, you can donate my body to science and study it for the answer to this question.

Seconded. I JUST decided to stop drinking diet coke, not because I think it is unsafe or because it is bad, but because it is not cheap to drink 2*1.75 a day or even just one and open some other (PLUS add 2-3 l natural water consumption daily on top of it). I realized that just going towards green tea or coffee will be much, much cheaper in the long run. Here is to hoping I can endure life without the Dark Gods of Aspartame!


I say if you;re going to drink that much of an artificial sweetener, at least make sure its natural like drug store grade stevia or something.
have you had cream soda before? Finding a diet version of it was a holy grail for me and i finally found it. It tastes so good

Duder, cream soda tasting "so good" is not a great reason to drink it in copious amounts. I like cream soda. A lot. I also like cigarettes. I don't consume either because I don't want to adversely effect my health for a few minutes of moderate enjoyment.

Disclaimer: I'm not comparing the carcinogenic potential of cigarettes to diet soda.
I just drink sparkling natural mineral water without anything else mixed in on its own. Is this bad for you too? It's carbonated right ?


Won't kill you but it'll probably contribute to various health issues.

Common sense. Lower your intake - replace with tea or maybe carbonated water if you crave the fizz.


Diet soda is a completely neutral drink...it's like drinking water. There's nothing bad about it at all. It has 0 everything.

You should know that sugar alternatives like aspartame and sucralose are probably THE MOST SCRUTINIZED ingredients in all food.

They've been trying as hard as they can to find something bad about sugar alternatives for like 20+ years and they have found nothing bad about them.

So OP, you'll be fine.


Will aspartame give you cancer? Probably not.

Is diet cream soda a highly process product? Yes -> you should lower your intake and substitute it with fresh fruit and water instead.

Will diet cream soda kill you? Probably, eventually.

Are you overweight or obese? What is the rest of your diet like?

Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I could find plenty of "yes's" so I guess there's never going to be a definitive answer.

Basically, if you look hard enough, almost everything can kill you.

Except Broccoli.

Actually, you are going on a misconception. Meta-studies, which is explained in the video, are a study of various studies all organized and cataloged on basis of evidence, and the overwhelming evidence is that it is harmless, and can be an aid to weight loss.



Doesn't carbonation also screw with your bones too, making them more brittle over time?
No, colas contain phosphorus (phosphoric acid) which drains calcium from the bones. It's the job of the kidneys to maintain appropriate levels sodium, calcium, phosphorus etc. in the blood stream.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Seconded. I JUST decided to stop drinking diet coke, not because I think it is unsafe or because it is bad, but because it is not cheap to drink 2*1.75 a day or even just one and open some other (PLUS add 2-3 l natural water consumption daily on top of it). I realized that just going towards green tea or coffee will be much, much cheaper in the long run. Here is to hoping I can endure life without the Dark Gods of Aspartame!

The money argument, I totally get. Good luck!


I mean it's not necessarily as bad as regular soda, but you should definitely try and get off of carbonated drinks like this. I was someone who drank almost 2-2.5 liters of Pepsi/Coke per day regular. It did a number on my body, whether it was addiction to caffeine, the sugar really gave me issues like insulin resistance, the high calories meant I gained a lot of weight.

I had to cut it cold turkey and haven't looked back in maybe 5 years now. The first couple of months, I think I dropped 35+ pounds. Just water for me, very rarely something else (smoothie, skim milk with protein powder) etc. I don't have any of the skin issues, am in the prime of my life physically etc.


This is not true. Caffeine wont make a drink net negative on water intake. A large misunderstanding.
It's hard to say. I mean, each person is different. If I drink a lot of mountain dew, I urinate a lot and the urine becomes concentrated after a while. Sort of yellowish. That's the first sign of dehydration.


A quick google search of aspartame and insulin sensitivity as you guys suggested has me a little shook. I'll try to lower it down to one 2 liter bottle a week but i don't think i could ween myself off it completely.

Like, the ideal healthy lifestyle is to eat 95% naturally/organically occuring food products. So perhaps have a couple of glasses of soda a week.

You should be taking in non-concentrate fruit juices (but not too many of them), full-fat milk (bad in some ways but has great fats and protein), insane amounts of fruit and veg (as many colours as possible per day), loads of nuts and seeds, only lean and non-fried meat, but preferably eggs instead of meat or a quorn/synthetic substitute because meat causes issues, too.

You should, in contrast be eating very rarely - ie once or twice per week - sweets, sodas (incl. diet - so many problematic and artificial chemicals), fatty/fried foots, etc.

Of course, this is near-impossible, because our brains fucking love fatty and sugary stuff.

What I do is I get out of the habit of buying these things. If you buy them, you will consume them. So stay away from the shops/haunts you might frequent or pass by often, so you stop enabling yourself to eat bad.

My weakness is toast. With too much butter on. Christ, I eat so much of it. Aside from that, pretty healthy guy.

All I ever drink is water and milk.

Every day.


Super good for you

This is not true. Caffeine wont make a drink net negative on water intake. A large misunderstanding.

It will make you pee more and get dehydrated, but only if you have a lot of it. Probably equivalent 4-5 cups in a row. It's not a myth but it's exaggerated greatly.


I drink enough diet soda to make the OP look like a lightweight. When I die, you can donate my body to science and study it for the answer to this question.

me too, one day during work about a month ago I drank 4 liters of diet Pepsi...during my 8 hr shift. it's an addiction that I'm trying to kick but its surprisingly hard.


Diet cream soda isn't really any better than regular cream soda. Don't fall for the marketing of the prefix 'diet'. 6 liters a week of that is absolutely not healthy dude. Cut back if not cut it out altogether, for your health.



I know, people laugh when I tell them I'm addicted but its true. every day when I get home from work I down a 2 liter bottle for the rest of the night plus what I drink at work. when I go out to eat its normal to go through 4 to 5 glasses of soda. thankfully diet Pepsi no longer has aspartame but I know its still not good that I drink as much as I do.
The number 1 ingredient in Soda is water. The majority of soda is water.

Yeah man, but all that sodium and caffeine... shit will turn you into a dried prune!

I could find plenty of "yes's" so I guess there's never going to be a definitive answer.

Basically, if you look hard enough, almost everything can kill you.

Except Broccoli.

Oh yes. And if you look hard enough, vaccines give you autism.


Yeah man, but all that sodium and caffeine... shit will turn you into a dried prune!

No, it won't. The water content outweighs the diuretic effect of the caffeine. On top of that, people become resistant to caffeine over time, to the point that it basically has no effect what so ever.


Used to adore Cream Soda and drink it frequently until I decided to significantly decrease my sugary drink and food intake couple years ago. Now I struggle to finish one can because it's disgustingly sweet. Diet or Regular it doesn't matter, shit is still bad for you.
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