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I've been drinking 1 liter of diet cream soda per day

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I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?


Water is not wet!
I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?

Where is this calorie free cake?

The reason i drink diet soda is because i like drinks with carbonation and i dont like sugary drinks. ill take sparkling water over diet soda but its harder to find and more expensive.
You will be fine. Studies show that aspartame is safe. Kidney stones are not a guarantee from drinking a lot of soda. At least you are putting some kind of fluid in your body. Do what makes you happy.


I know, people laugh when I tell them I'm addicted but its true. every day when I get home from work I down a 2 liter bottle for the rest of the night plus what I drink at work. when I go out to eat its normal to go through 4 to 5 glasses of soda. thankfully diet Pepsi no longer has aspartame but I know its still not good that I drink as much as I do.

It's sad, man. I feel bad for you.

Often addictions are easier to kick if you replace the activity with a slightly more meaningful version of said activity. For instance, try getting really into smoothie-making. Adding meaning (eg preparation, a process) will help you forget about soda while filling up the gap.

Or just try weaning off it a little bit at a time. Find a store with a smaller bottle size and buy that instead. Lie to your brain about it, deny that there's any difference. Then ultimately try to downsize even more.

Tough situation. I'm lucky to not be addicted anything in a hardcore way.

This TED talk about addition is really good.

ill take sparkling water over diet soda but its harder to find and more expensive.

This is true and ridiculous.

Problem solved.


Does the diet varient of any soda brand not taste like complete shit compared to the original? Soda is soda--it's going to be bad for you no matter what. Why not at least have it taste good?
I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?
Not only are there people that like that garbage, but people obsess over diet soda. Makes no sense to me.


Just get out of the habit of drinking sodas. If you find regular water boring, add some lemon or lime juice to it.


I've been drinking 2L of coke-zero on a daily basis, OP. Not dead yet! Seem to be perfectly healthy actually, I go to the gym on a regular basis, drink at least the same amount of water and have probably lower bf% than most people.

So long studies haven't proven that aspartame is super bad for you I don't really care.

I don't understand the constant consumption of diet soda. Do people that like cake find sugar free cakes to eat all day instead of food and convince themselves its OK because at least it's not cake?

I used to drink a lot of regular coke, coke zero is quite similar in taste. I've had regular coke again and now it tastes overly sweet to me, I dislike it. Seems like a silly argument to make anyway.
Does the diet varient of any soda brand not taste like complete shit compared to the original? Soda is soda--it's going to be bad for you no matter what. Why not at least have it taste good?

Not only are there people that like that garbage, but people obsess over diet soda. Makes no sense to me.

I rarely drink any soda anymore but I find that I actually like the taste of diet coke more than regular coke.


It's so, so dumb when people don't realize that Type 1 is not preventable but Type 2 generally is preventable. Do people really not understand the difference when you tell them you have Type 1?

If the amount of times people have asked me to explain it is any indicator, people have no idea what the difference is. What's even more scary is the amount of people that seem to think injecting me with more insulin is what they should do if I collapse due to hypoglycaemia.


I've been drinking 2L of coke-zero on a daily basis, OP. Not dead yet! Seem to be perfectly healthy actually, I go to the gym on a regular basis, drink at least the same amount of water and have probably lower bf% than most people.

Sorry, "bf%" is in no way an indicator of health, and "low bf%" is probably unhealthy. 1. Your guts can be rotting (exaggeration) but your muscles and skin can be healthy. 2. One's body needs fat. It is an important part of a living organism.

Not saying you're not healthy, but it's a bad indicator to use.


Here's an idea: drink a real, non-diet cream soda once a week(not a liter, have a can or a bottle). It will be your reward for being good to your body, and think about how satisfying it would be. If you're just mindlessly drinking it by the liter then you're not enjoying it. It feels "good" but that's just a bodily response at this point.


I drink enough diet soda to make the OP look like a lightweight. When I die, you can donate my body to science and study it for the answer to this question.
You and me both, man.

1 liter of diet soda a day? Child's play.
I'll drink massive amounts of diet soda as well, no tooth decay (just shotgun it to the back of my throat), no fat gain, blood work has always come out fantastic, no kidney stones, only notice that I have to go to the bathroom a few extra times in the hours afterwards. If I'm going to have a vice, I can think of worse ones to suffer with.

I've been drinking 2L of coke-zero on a daily basis, OP. Not dead yet! Seem to be perfectly healthy actually, I go to the gym on a regular basis, drink at least the same amount of water and have probably lower bf% than most people.

So long studies haven't proven that aspartame is super bad for you I don't really care.
See, I'd want to see a study done on guys like you and me for Aspartame and it's effects on health. There's always these dubious, poorly quantifiable indicators that diet soda is "bad for you" and I don't seem to suffer from any of the symptoms - you probably don't either. Gut health is the only issue that has my interest piqued as a guy who would prefer all his nutrients to be absorbed and cultivated as mass.


Lol, I'm drinking one 1.85l bottle of Diet Cherry Coke every day.

To the OP: don't worry about it. If you enjoy it then keep drinking it. Life is too short, you might end up giving it up, making yourself miserable and then get run over by a bus the next day.

I've been diabetic since I was five and have regularly been drinking it since I was a kid. I'm now 44 years old so have been drinking it for nearly 40 years.

Strong healthy advice right there...


I was drinking 1-2 liters of diet soda a day for a period of time. Broke a carb addiction and lost a good bit of weight. I did significant damage to my teeth though, fillings fell out and I had to get a root canal & crown put in a tooth. Something to keep in mind. This stuff will wreck your mouth.


Sorry, "bf%" is in no way an indicator of health, and "low bf%" is probably unhealthy. 1. Your guts can be rotting (exaggeration) but your muscles and skin can be healthy. 2. One's body needs fat. It is an important part of a living organism.

Not saying you're not healthy, but it's a bad indicator to use.


Unless you're constantly staying below 8% body fat, that's a non-issue, and lower body fat percent is almost universally healthier. It also has absolutely nothing to do with fat intake, so one's body needing fat to synthesize hormones is still unaffected.
It baffles me that the word 'diet' makes people think it is good for them. You are addicted. It is harming you.

Try going cold turkey, there is nothing wrong with plain water. Put a slice of lemon in it if you must.


It baffles me that the word 'diet' makes people think it is good for them. You are addicted. It is harming you.

Try going cold turkey, there is nothing wrong with plain water. Put a slice of lemon in it if you must.

I don't think anyone here is arguing that it's good for you. It's just less bad than drinking regular sodas.

There have been months where I've gone without drinking any, but I honestly felt no different.


I used to drink 12–18 cans of Coke a week, up until a few months back. Did it for a year and a half, and drank at the least 6 cans a week for about 7 years. Looking back, I was pathetic. I literally needed the stuff and would constantly be anticipating my next can -- I was desperate.

Now, I tend to stick to water only. I have way more energy and feel a lot better, to say the least.
People are being intellectually dishonest, or simply really lazy, with their "well, I found one study..." or "different studies say different things, therefore we know nothing" - there are ways in research to assess the contribution of individual papers to a body of literature and weigh the results appropriately. This isn't an exception, but the entire basis for how epidemiology works - no individual study proves anything, but a large group of studies asking similar questions using varying methodologies can allow triangulation around certain findings and recommendations. Epidemiology studies are not intended to be "the latest and greatest" fallacy, but more of an exercising in solving a puzzle over a long time period.


I managed to wean myself off drinking soda regularly. I only have it now as a mixer when drinking alcohol.

One thing I can recommend as previously stated on this thread, switch to drinking fizzy water instead. Doesn't taste too great but you get the same fix effect. I did this for a couple of months and then pretty much stopped drinking it altogether.


3 two liter bottles a week doesn't seem like much really.

How are you health wise? If you're feeling good and in generally good health just keep doing what you're doing and be happy with your cream soda because you know what kills a lot more people than soda... stress, sadness, and depression.
That's about three 2 liter bottles a week. This has aspartame in it of course. I need to know once and for all if this will kill me. I've done reading on it and the research is wishy washy....does anyone work in a science field or research that can write something that sounds smart so i can be at peace of mind?

One of the big anti-diet soda bullet points is that it's just as bad as regular soda! But then you read the article and it's about how the sweetness will affect your taste buds making you want to eat more food and sweets. BUT IF I DONT DO THAT, if i control myself and don't let my taste buds take over, then how could it be just as bad? a Soda can is 200-250 calories of high fructose corn syrup which is horrible sugar. There's no calories in diet soda. The only concern is if aspartame gives you cancer or other long term disease. I need to know if that's bs or real.

Don't worry. In College I was drinking ~2-4 liters a day during senior year. Sunday's had a guarantee of 4 liters. Best shape of my life then.

Been getting yearly checkups, doctors always say I'm healthy. I still go through phases where I'll drink 2 liters a day for a week or three. I also work out a lot though, so don't just use other people's success to justify your own. Keep track of your body and make sure you're not affected.


It's particularly hard to quit drinking diet soda when there's no substantial research showing why it's not good for me. When you throw poorly defined adjectives towards diet soda like bad and unhealthy, it's hard to swallow when I don't suffer from any of the supposed drawbacks you get from infographics like this:
Every single one of the studies referenced on this graphic was a epidemiological study on a generally unhealthy population, confusing correlation with causation. So, we say diet soda is bad for you. I believe it to some extent as well, especially in some of the quantities discussed here, despite no personal detriment or research that tells me what or why it is bad for me. Diet soda is marketed to people who we would consider to be unhealthy so why should we be surprised when the research shows that people who drink diet soda are generally unhealthy?

Examine.com has a nice aggregate of cited studies and led me directly to this:
and this:
So they are building a library of research on diet soda and it's health effects - and with 63 cited studies the best we have is an increased risk of tooth decay?

Which is why I really hope they do start doing studies on people like me who will drink 2 liters of diet soda a day for a few weeks at a time. I'm a male in his early thirties with no history of obesity or heart problems and an extremely active lifestyle. Too many of these studies are done on unhealthy populations in their 50's through 60's that don't control for preexisting health conditions or even calories.

I'd say the best arguments against diet soda so far are that it may cause tooth decay and it's more expensive than tap water.


I drank a Diet Coke a few weeks ago after years of not drinking soda. All I did for like 3-4 days after was think about having another one. It's addictive as hell. They real test will come when you try to stop drinking it.
Do you need a study to know it is bad for you?

Don't worry. In College I was drinking ~2-4 liters a day during senior year. Sunday's had a guarantee of 4 liters. Best shape of my life then.

Been getting yearly checkups, doctors always say I'm healthy. I still go through phases where I'll drink 2 liters a day for a week or three. I also work out a lot though, so don't just use other people's success to justify your own. Keep track of your body and make sure you're not affected.

Don't worry. I used to smoke 2-4 packs a day. Sunday's a guarantee of 4 packs. Haven't gotten lung cancer yet.
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