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Mafia [Werewolf] - Have you joined the lynch mob? Sign-up to play!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


Reading the other thread, I sure hope that I will not be sharing the inside of a Tauntaun or something else with another player. Would make my chance of survival quite small.


I've been vicariously reading the other thread - one person put 'logic and trick' ost from Phoenix Wright and i had that playing while i was reading the entire thread. Can't wait for ours to start!


I'm not playing, but I am following the other thread. It actually makes me wish for an addon that shows what posts are new since the last time you viewed the thread. And one that plays that Phoenix Wright song while I read.


I'm not playing, but I am following the other thread. It actually makes me wish for an addon that shows what posts are new since the last time you viewed the thread. And one that plays that Phoenix Wright song while I read.

If you click the orange circle next to the thread name it jumps to the first unread post.


Just resent confirmation messages to the two people I'm missing. Since this is the third day since I sent them, I'm going to give them until tonight. If they don't reply, I'll send out messages to the backups and hopefully start the game tomorrow or this weekend.

Thanks so much for your patience, everyone!
Just resent confirmation messages to the two people I'm missing. Since this is the third day since I sent them, I'm going to give them until tonight. If they don't reply, I'll send out messages to the backups and hopefully start the game tomorrow or this weekend.

Thanks so much for your patience, everyone!
Thanks for keeping us updated MattyG.

Day 1 just ended for the Animal Crossing crew. Being one day behind wouldn't be too terrible. It'll balance out anyways with shorter days and such.


The two people we were waiting on ended up being unable to play, so I just sent PMs to the next two people on the backup list.

I also accidentally posted this in the Animal Crossing thread. It's the like the ghosts attacks all over again except by mistake.

EDIT: And there's 22/23 confirmations! If I get the 23rd tonight, I'll try to get the thread up around midnight. If not, I hope to have it up early tomorrow. It just depends on how my day goes and when I'm around my computer.


The two people we were waiting on ended up being unable to play, so I just sent PMs to the next two people on the backup list.

I also accidentally posted this in the Animal Crossing thread. It's the like the ghosts attacks all over again except by mistake.

EDIT: And there's 22/23 confirmations! If I get the 23rd tonight, I'll try to get the thread up around midnight. If not, I hope to have it up early tomorrow. It just depends on how my day goes and when I'm around my computer.

Stupid ghosts. Not that we awesome survivors know what that's like.


What you all don't know is that MattyG's game and mine are designed to intertwine and comingle. There will be Star Wars people visiting Animal Crossing World, and vice versa. Thanos dies at the end.


What you all don't know is that MattyG's game and mine are designed to intertwine and comingle. There will be Star Wars people visiting Animal Crossing World, and vice versa. Thanos dies at the end.

Thermal Detonate that town from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Be honest Karkador, how much time did you spend finding appropriately themed images to use for this game?


I was so close. SO CLOSE.

This is your time, Timmy!


Stupid ghosts. Not that we awesome survivors know what that's like.



The two people we were waiting on ended up being unable to play, so I just sent PMs to the next two people on the backup list.

I also accidentally posted this in the Animal Crossing thread. It's the like the ghosts attacks all over again except by mistake.

EDIT: And there's 22/23 confirmations! If I get the 23rd tonight, I'll try to get the thread up around midnight. If not, I hope to have it up early tomorrow. It just depends on how my day goes and when I'm around my computer.

Can't wait!
Yup. And technically you shouldn't be talking about game stuff outside of the thread at all.

2. Unless your Role PM explicitly allows you to do otherwise, discussion about this game must be strictly confined to this thread.

Go to sleep, hobo.



So in the animal crossing one we can't discuss during nights, meaning three whole days?


That's normal for Mafia/Werewolf. At night, everyone in the game goes inactive while the moderator(Karkador) does his stuff. If you have a question about something like this during a Night phase, you should PM Karkador for an explanation. During the day, you can still PM him, or ask in your game's thread. I asked a LOT of questions in the previous game, as Crab and others can attest to. You shouldn't do it here though, just in case.

We're not trying to be jerks, it's just one of the rules of the game to maintain integrity.

Edit: I should add that if it's an urgent question, you can also PM Crab, and then as a last resort, MattyG.


Bahaha excited. I last watched the star wars movies about 15 years ago so I'm very rusty...maybe i can use this as an excuse to watch them again. Since i can't remember anything it will be like this first time!
Bahaha excited. I last watched the star wars movies about 15 years ago so I'm very rusty...maybe i can use this as an excuse to watch them again. Since i can't remember anything it will be like this first time!
As long as you remember that any knowledge of the Star Wars franchise will only prove to be very marginally useful at best. Still, maybe being one with the force will improve you instincts and deduction skills.


Alright everybody, here's the deal; for the last week, I've been in Florida visiting a friend. We've been staying at his mother's house on the east side of FL due to his father's illness and death on Wednesday. Today, we went two hours west to his sister's apartment, and will be driving all the way back up to my house in Maine tomorrow.

I was going to post the thread tonight, but it turns out that his sister doesn't have WiFi at her apartment, so all I have is my phone. There's no way I can properly format it on my phone, so I'm going to either have to do it on the road and post it from somewhere with WiFi when we stop, or post it when we get to Maine early Sunday.

I know you're all eager to get started, as am I. The last week has been very hectic, but I appreciate everyone's patience with me. I hope it ends up being worth it! I'll keep you all updated tomorrow on my progress and how things are looking in terms of ETA on the thread.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Can't you ask crab to set up the formatting for you and then paste it into your phone so you can make the thread?



It's 4AM here, so I'm going to bed, but role PMs will most likely go out tomorrow afternoon. I hope you all like the direction I'm taking it, can't wait for you all to find out your roles and get the game started proper!
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