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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread


tagged by Blackace
Guessing SFIV/SFV newbies or protagonists from lone games that performed poorly (Gene/Asura) barely made sense then, be real with y'allselves.

I made a much longer post about this before but yeah, fans seem to have a real difficulty shaking the need for series reps, which is presently and historically has never been how they approached character selection, and there certainly hasn't been evidence of Capcom pushing for that sort of thing from higher ups.


Or that they'll take an opportunity to rehaul his moveset to something more fitting for the character, like how many of the veterans have received. And let's be real, Magneto needs it a lot more than characters like Iron Man even did. UMvC3 was a step in the right direction, though.

I've no doubt X-men will be DLC, Magneto specifically though? I'm not sure, but he'd be right after Wolverine for me in series importance.
I'd put Sentinel behind Wolverine as #2 in terms of iconic Marvel characters.


i'm still wondering whos gonna be capcom side dlc

'cuz outside of returning chars like vergil/wesker what new chars could they put in thatd have that DLC marketing value that arent fron RE or DMC
I would despise Mike Evans a lot less it was just honest and said "We can't use the X men due to legal shenanigans" because everyone knows that's the case but he wants to pretend the X men weren't important and the game is perfect

How do you think Marvel would've reacted if Capcom straight up said "Your favorite characters are gone because of corporate politics"? Any chance of post-launch support would be dead.


I have no fucking clue why those losers are in the game

I have to imagine it's cause they're just Marvel 3 expats
The Marvel 3 expat reasoning is boggling because those 2 are the least popular marvel 3 expats. If they wanted to copy paste some filler from mvc3 to pad out the roster they could've chosen:
a) Trish and Viper (to cater to waifufans)
b) V.Joe and Amaterasu (small zoner + animal archetype but with more popular chars)
c) Vergil and Phoenix Wright (Make more than a few fans happy)

They probably didn't pick c) because that's a guaranteed high selling dlc bundle, but not picking b) just baffles me


Junior Member
Guessing SFIV/SFV newbies or protagonists from lone games (Gene/Asura) barely made sense then, be real with y'allselves.

I made a much longer post about this before but yeah, fans seem to have a real difficulty shaking the need for series reps, which is presently and historically has never been how they approached character selection, and there certainly hasn't been evidence of Capcom pushing for that sort of thing from higher ups.

This series should be a celebration of marvel AND capcom. I want to see new characters from games that have come out since marvel 3 (asura) and niche picks like Gene. Marvel 3 did a great job of having fan favorites, people from modern capcom franchises, and crazy out of left field picks.

It's really crazy to me they aren't even trying to promote their new stuff with this game. Where's Leon or Jack Baker? Where's Rashid? At least the Marvel side makes more sense.


In all honesty this game will probably under perform. The talk around the game isn't too positive. I looked at how Kinda Funny & Easy Allies looked at the game after E3 and frankly they seemed underwhelmed. Dragonball FighterZ being there and looking great didn't help. A lot of people's favorite characters (including myself) happen to be X-Men characters, well they ain't there. That's a big deal. This all comes back to Capcom and how they've been treating their franchises.
I'm pretty sure gameplay is the primary reason both GnG reps are in. I don't like that reason, but it makes sense. Same applies to Nemesis and Spencer. Nobody else plays anything like those guys.
The Marvel 3 expat reasoning is boggling because those 2 are the least popular marvel 3 expats. If they wanted to copy paste some filler from mvc3 to pad out the roster they could've chosen:
a) Trish and Viper (to cater to waifufans)
b) V.Joe and Amaterasu (small zoner + animal archetype but with more popular chars)
c) Vergil and Phoenix Wright (Make more than a few fans happy)

They probably didn't pick c) because that's a guaranteed high selling dlc bundle, but not picking b) just baffles me

Dude I dunno! Maybe they want to make another GnG game or Arthur is actually real and keeps running around their office naked so they stuffed him into the Skylanders Portal/that closet from Narnia and he just showed up in the game and Firebrand followed him in



Why? Marvel knows that everyone knows the real reason for the series' stable's exclusion

Then also we talked with Marvel very closely about their future roadmap, about what's gonna be happening. Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther. You know what I mean?

Look I can understand why you can't talk about the X men's exclusion honestly, but pushing the "X-men is a relic of the past" narrative is a huge insult to both the series legacy and the fans. Especially when Logan is one of the most critically acclaimed super hero movies ever made
Gamespot hit up with that OS apparently.

[Michael's quote, "I never wanted to look at it again. It's super--no, okay. It is disgusting," was said in jest, which doesn't quite carry through into a written transcript.]
Guessing SFIV/SFV newbies or protagonists from lone games that performed poorly (Gene/Asura) barely made sense then, be real with y'allselves.

I made a much longer post about this before but yeah, fans seem to have a real difficulty shaking the need for series reps, which is presently and historically has never been how they approached character selection, and there certainly hasn't been evidence of Capcom pushing for that sort of thing from higher ups.

That's exactly how the series always was.

Jin, Strider, Captain Commando, Hayato, Ammy and Spencer weren't super popular, but that didn't stop them from being selected. MVC3 easily had the most diverse roster of just about every VS game next to TVC.

Outside of Hunter and Jedah, there's literally no surprise to the Capcom side. The Vs series always included obscure characters to throw people off in a good way. They could've just brought Firebrand back. They didn't need both him and Arthur.


Capcom fucked up somewhere though and they deserved to get flamed for it. At PSX when they revealed this game people couldn't have been more excited, even a few months after the reveal people were so excited. How did we go from that hype to this?


As in "Heathcliff"
I legit lol'ed this dude's obsession with Skullomania is hilarious.

I don't really get any obsession with Skullomania? what made him special in term of moveset?

I've been going back to the story demo every few days and I'm finally getting used to LPHPLKHK, I hated it at first but now I'm liking that every character has extra normals compared to 3. I also like that there's still a universal launch combo sequence, I'm dyyying to get into training mode and see what's possible on characters with more than 300 health.

Despite that I dislike story mode because the enemies have way too low healths but I still play the demo occasionally to keep myself refreshing with the game. I'm getting used to four buttons attacks, despite I highly preferred LMHS. Like you, I started to appreciate that they are getting more normals and special moves like Cap America, Thor, etc.

Hopefully I would able to do very well with MVCI since I foresee that it might be tough for me to adjust back to four buttons after three games with LMHS.


The casual reaction doesn't surprise me. Whatculture made a video on the game talking about the leaked roster a couple days ago and weren't too thrilled.

Then you've got Two Best Friends (Woolie and Matt's channel) that played through the demo and made fun of the models and voice acting. Those guys seem more hardcore than most but I suspect most of their audience is casual.

The only positive responses from casual channels so far had been Maximilian and surprisingly Angry Joe. Maximilian, while being the biggest content creator for casual FG fans, is himself a hardcore FG and Marvel fan so him loving it would be obvious.

Angry Joe on the other hand was really surprising. He disliked the anaemic package of Marvel 3, despised the 9 month turnaround cashgrab that he said was UMvC3, admits that the graphics in the story demo are not upto par, yet after finishing it, preordered the $200 version from GameStop because he said he had fun playing the story mode, and Capcom putting a story mode is one of the lessons he'd hoped they'd take after marvel 3. He's a big superhero movie buff so if a half assed attempt at story mode can win over a guy like him, then this game might sell a bunch of copies to casuals outside of the internet forum/fgc echochamber.


I would despise Mike Evans a lot less it was just honest and said "We can't use the X men due to legal shenanigans" because everyone knows that's the case but he wants to pretend the X men weren't important and the game is perfect

I think "despise" is a bit extreme and where it crosses the line in terms of constructive feedback. I know you don't like the answers, but if you said that you would be out of a job, and/or Capcom would lose their contract for throwing Marvel under the bus. I don't envy them having the task of fielding those questions.

Yes I'm sure that all 3 GnG fans are stoked to see their characters back

Well, I'm one of them! I'm sure there are more, but may not be posters here. Sorry you don't like them, but just as you grew up with Magneto and Wolverine, so did I playing GnG.
In all honesty this game will probably under perform. The talk around the game isn't too positive. I looked at how Kinda Funny & Easy Allies looked at the game after E3 and frankly they seemed underwhelmed. Dragonball FighterZ being there and looking great didn't help. A lot of people's favorite characters (including myself) happen to be X-Men characters, well they ain't there. That's a big deal. This all comes back to Capcom and how they've been treating their franchises.

I'm fairly certain it will underperform. When your demo isn't very well received and the main reception of your E3 trailer is that it looks like an ugly mess, and the main source of positive reception is from pro-FGCers who the majority of people don't know, it's not looking good.

Everyone I've talked to about this game outside of FGC circles only notices how bad it looks and how much better other modern fighting games are aesthetically.


Capcom fucked up somewhere though and they deserved to get flamed for it. At PSX when they revealed this game people couldn't have been more excited, even a few months after the reveal people were so excited. How did we go from that hype to this?

I think a big issue was the hype. When the news dropped people were estactic. "OH YEAH THE RETURN OF MAHVEL BAYBEE!". Then we were met with a lot of mediocrity until the gameplay started hitting this E3 really. But even then the gameplay isn't enough to save the other lacking aspects
So I was just two pages back reading that interview, and the whole time im reading it, I'm thinking ".....Yep, Neogaf is going to tear this interview apart."

Like... I couldnt even believe what I was reading. Some of the answers that were given was like WOW. And the character issue (magneto)... I dont even know what to say on that. He basically just said "Stop crying, you didnt really like the character anyway, try someone new". I'm just in shock.

As far as the general roster, I'm still fairly optimistic. You guys gotta remember that the file leak list was created MONTHS ago. There was definitely room to add in more characters.


It's hyperbole, not sarcasm. The face is bad, but it's not that bad.

Dante's face is definitely THAT bad though. So are his animations and effects

That interview and the comments in the other thread did a good job of convincing me to avoid this game day 1 until I can get the game and 3 season passes for 40$ during a steam summer sale 2 years from now
As far as the general roster, I'm still fairly optimistic. You guys gotta remember that the file leak list was created MONTHS ago. There was definitely room to add in more characters.

If your characters assets aren't at least functional 6 months before a game launches, you have some serious deadlining problems on your hands.


Capcom fucked up somewhere though and they deserved to get flamed for it. At PSX when they revealed this game people couldn't have been more excited, even a few months after the reveal people were so excited. How did we go from that hype to this?

1st the Roster was leaked
2nd it was confirmed
3rd the story demo and unfinished graphics
4th only 3 months left...meaning very little change


As in "Heathcliff"
The latter part is probably from being mad about the face from the beginning. Probably knew it would be an issue and no one wanted to do anything and now here we are with the game getting kicked around for bad stuff like that.

It's especially more of an issue if the game stays at only 4 female characters. Like damn put a bit more effort in.

That's why I'm very curious about Monster Hunter? Is it going to be female, male or Felyne? It's so surreal that we are going to get Monster Hunter in Marvel vs Capcom after being declined to include in MVC3 and UMVC3.

What if we are going to have more female characters that haven't leaked YET?


You guys should be nicer to Arthur. :[ That's like, Capcom's most iconic 8-bit character next to Mega Man. Firebrand does seem like a bit much for the launch roster but like others have said, characters like him and Spencer would probably hard to sell as DLC later and I'd definitely rather have them than not have them.

I know there are other characters that probably should've been prioritized but I don't think complaining about what we do have is reasonable.
Capcom fucked up somewhere though and they deserved to get flamed for it. At PSX when they revealed this game people couldn't have been more excited, even a few months after the reveal people were so excited. How did we go from that hype to this?
I wonder the same thing.
They showed the wrong trailer, it should have been a gameplay one...
The look is somewhat bland but at least the gameplay seems to be fun.


And for a second there I thought they would acknowledge fan criticism

Man, you've said suspect shit in this thread. I think you need to take a step back and calm down. It's a damn videogame.

No you stupid fuck, I like Magneto because he's MAG-FUCKING-NETO I don't give half a shit that Nova has a tridash now because I didn't watch 4 movies about Nova growing up. I don't love Wolverine because he has a dive kick, I like Wolverinr because he's the fucking Wolverine. This is why I hate pros other than Jwong. They see characters as nothing but balls of hitboxes and numbers. Remember how I said I was going to hold a public execution by guillotine? I wonder if they'll let me bring it to EVO

It's hard to read sarcasm through text, especially when said sarcastic statement is partially true.

Context is everything. The way he said it and immediately moved on was a moment that was, to me, saying, "No, but seriously."

Did anyone catch when he said "it is called infinite for a reason?" I swear i chuckled and said to myself, "Yes. Infinite DLC".

Why do people complain about character DLC as continued support? I would spend a fuckton of money if it meant I could get SoulCalibur 5 supported beyond the first year. If it meant that I could have Tekken 7 supported for several years with characters.

How many Marvel 3 fans wanted EXACTLY this for Ultimate?


Junior Member
No you stupid fuck, I like Magneto because he's MAG-FUCKING-NETO I don't give half a shit that Nova has a tridash now because I didn't watch 4 movies about Nova growing up. I don't love Wolverine because he has a dive kick, I like Wolverinr because he's the fucking Wolverine. This is why I hate pros other than Jwong. They see characters as nothing but balls of hitboxes and numbers. Remember how I said I was going to hold a public execution by guillotine? I wonder if they'll let me bring it to EVO
Dude, chill.


As in "Heathcliff"
I honestly thought we were in Community for a moment.


Many people gave up on Roster speculation once Ryce leaked the roster. Now here we are with Ryce's leak potentially being incomplete with more characters, and we still are clueless with DLC characters unless it's Meios and Winter Solider.

Daily reminder of Marvel's absurd pettiness:




I know Capcom isn’t to blame for the lack of X-Men characters, but they shouldn’t have to lie through their teeth abut it.

They can't just throw Marvel under the bus. That's how businesses are. If you are going to throw them under the bus then you are going to lose the relationship and partnership. I don't think they are that stupid.

I'm surprised that She-Hulk is right there.


That's why I'm very curious about Monster Hunter? Is it going to be female, male or Felyne? It's so surreal that we are going to get Monster Hunter in Marvel vs Capcom after being declined to include in MVC3 and UMVC3.

What if we are going to have more female characters that haven't leaked YET?

Would definitely be for the better if that's the case.

You guys should be nicer to Arthur. :[ That's like, Capcom's most iconic 8-bit character next to Mega Man. Firebrand does seem like a bit much for the launch roster but like others have said, characters like him and Spencer would probably hard to sell as DLC later and I'd definitely rather have them than not have them.

I know there are other characters that probably should've been prioritized but I don't think complaining about what we do have is reasonable.

Arthur is fine, Fire brand tho....
In all seriousness it's just the easiest franchise to look at for needing a cut for someone else. Especially when you look at other fan favorites like Vergil.


Skullomania wasn't my favorite Street Fighter EX character, but he was definitely top5. My favorites were all the edgy characters like Garuda, Kairi, Shadow Geist and Doctrine Dark so it speaks a lot when a goodball like Skullomania stuck with me.

Think of him as Dan in a superhero/luchador outfit. He's inspired from Kamen Rider and La Parka, and his moves have a comedic twist to them. While he has a joke-character like design/personality, he isn't a joke character in gameplay or canon. I don't know how he was in the tier list because I was a kid playing the games casually then.

Personality wise, the closest I can think of is Mumen Rider from One Punch Man. A really average guy that acts brave and faces danger because he had a really big heart. But Skullo isn't so much of a joke because in one of his endings he takes down Shadaloo.

Plus he had a raging demon which involves him and his opponent in a bunch of random situations including enjoying a tea party together. That's the only move of his I still vividly remember.

TLDR: Skullomania is a better pick than half of the Capcom roster they chose for this game


On the topic of Skull-O-Manina: If they could get just one really weird/obscure/meme character like Skull-O-Mania, Howard/Scrooge McDuck, or Trump MODOK I'd be won back instantly

Edit: for those wondering: No I do not plan on bringing a guillotine to EVO, asking Peter to lay in it, and executing him publicly.


"If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions." - Peter Rosas

"Your modern Marvel fan, maybe they don't even remember some of the X-Men characters, but they know some of the Guardians characters or Black Panther. You know what I mean?" - Michael Evans

Both of these guys can fuck right off with that bullshit. You don't want to acknowledge that Marvel CLEARLY told you to not use X-Men characters? Fine. But don't feed me these heaping piles of bullshit.


Both of these guys can fuck right off with that bullshit. You don't want to acknowledge that Marvel CLEARLY told you to not use X-Men characters? Fine. But don't feed me these heaping piles of bullshit.

I don't think Michael Evans or Combo are actually the problem tho. They clearly have to play word limbo to justify Capcom Japan's decisions. S-Kill had the same issue.
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