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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread


Between the Marvel and Capcom sides they should have had more than enough characters to nail both the starting roster and DLC. This really shouldn't have been an issue.

And that's where all this shit begins and ends. Capcom making things that wouldn't have been an issue in the past and making them issues now.
Speaking of Mag-freaking-neto, there's one thing about him that puzzled me in MVC3. And I suppose the earlier games, but I haven't played them.

Where exactly did Magneto get a moveset like that? Because when I think "Magneto", I don't really think a hyperactive kung fu man with purple lasers, who ping-pongs across the stage to punch you in the face. Now Wolverine... he wants to claw you in the face, but Magneto? Shouldn't he, you know, be more of a keepaway character and be endlessly frustrating to get a hit on, but easy to handle once you get in close?

I mean, Magneto is what he is now, and if he does become DLC, I'd want Mahvel Magneto, too. Even if everything about his moveset just makes me wonder how that is supposed to represent Magneto's powers. Was he just last in line when they attached character archetypes to the Marvel characters?

the zaniness of 90s Capcom mixed with the hands-off nature of 90s Marvel, I guess.

Oh and I guess it was also to fit Marvel characters into the established move structures of the sf games
There need to be a balance and from what we know go the roster. That balance isn't there

Between the Marvel and Capcom sides they should have had more than enough characters to nail both the starting roster and DLC. This really shouldn't have been an issue.

I couldn't agree more.

Between this potential leak, the overall presentation of the game, 1/2 of the game's antagonist and another fan fav behind a paywall, I would really like to know why they think these are good ideas.

Capcom's goodwill has been all but extinguished at this point...and it almost seems like they don't care. Evans said they care about their fans in that interview, but....

I just want this game to have a chance at having longevity. I can lab it up all day with these games, but I'm not just looking at it from my perspective right now.


I still don't get why Sigma is DLC. Can somebody explain that one to me, cause it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Also, since they used a lot from UMVC3 then how come the roster isn't bigger? Can somebody also explain that to me.


What does your source say on the dataleak? Weren't you the one that said Frank West was the 28th character?

My source is on the same page as Ryce and I in that the datamine leak is most likely real but my source hasn't directly heard anything about it. He's 100% positive Ant-Man is in the game though, it's possible he's now part of the first DLC pack?

As for Frank I had heard about him from a separate source and he was the only character I had heard about that wasn't mentioned in the 27 characters I was shown so I was pretty sure he had to have been the final one on the Capcom side, but with Zero in the game it's pretty obvious that either a) the 28 character leak is incomplete or b) Zero was the missing character, not Frank. Currently leaning toward the former for the same reasons as everyone else.
We know that there will be 6 new DLC characters by the end of the year, but is that how they're planning all the seasons? I forgot if we're getting 6 characters a year or if we could get 12, 24, etc. a year


As in "Heathcliff"
I really don't have any characters in this new roster that I like. Gamora could be main but I need to see how she plays first.

So far from what I see with the pictures, she looks like a character that are going to use a lot of weapons. She had dual laser guns, sword, and a huge laser. I would love it if she's going to be one of amazing newcomer that would make her inclusion worthwhile.


Man I really hope the leak with Frank, Haggar etc. is real. A 28 roster that's 34 by the end of the year feels like a lot less than a 32/38 roster for some reason, at least that way we'd be matching the Vanilla roster.

I really hope so but I'm concerned that it might ended up as a fake.


As for Phoenix Wright changes I'm a huge fan of his implemtation in UMvC3 and I wouldn't want to see it butchered. There can be some changes (hopefully in the form of buffs and accommodations to the 2v2 system) but I'd hate to see such a faithful tribute to the Ace Attorney series stripped down to some basic character attacking with speech bubbles or whatever. That's the main reason I've never really wanted him in Smash, I just don't know how it could do him justice the same way UMvC3 did.


Junior Member
I still don't get why Sigma is DLC. Can somebody explain that one to me, cause it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Also, since they used a lot from UMVC3 then how come the roster isn't bigger? Can somebody also explain that to me.



Speaking of Mag-freaking-neto, there's one thing about him that puzzled me in MVC3. And I suppose the earlier games, but I haven't played them.

Where exactly did Magneto get a moveset like that? Because when I think "Magneto", I don't really think a hyperactive kung fu man with purple lasers, who ping-pongs across the stage to punch you in the face. Now Wolverine... he wants to claw you in the face, but Magneto? Shouldn't he, you know, be more of a keepaway character and be endlessly frustrating to get a hit on, but easy to handle once you get in close?

I mean, Magneto is what he is now, and if he does become DLC, I'd want Mahvel Magneto, too. Even if everything about his moveset just makes me wonder how that is supposed to represent Magneto's powers. Was he just last in line when they attached character archetypes to the Marvel characters?

I think if you look at MSH and CotA, he's not really ping-ponging across the screen. He uses magnetic powers to make cool looking attacks and supers. Then they gave him an airdash in XvS, and that's all she wrote.


As in "Heathcliff"
Loki got me too. I thought he was lock especially when we head the roster was going to be MCU focused. Megaman has more reps in a MVC game than Street Fighter, that's crazy.

Man, if you told me to expect three Mega Man characters in MVCI before the announcement, I wouldn't even believe you. Yet, now we have three Mega Man characters. I'm very thrilled that we finally have good choices of characters. I would thought that Loki would be a perfect trickster character with some visual tricks but I guess it might be too much.

Wright might make a DLC pack but I don't think he'd play ANYTHING like he did in 3. I'm thinking he'd have a completely different moveset.

I would be okay with it if he's going to be hilarious but very good character in the game.
I think the presentation is going to harm the game more than anything else.

100% this.

Casuals don't care too much that X-Men are gone, as they're missed mostly by the legacy players.
Casuals don't care that the game is 2v2, because that still means tag team superhero action.
Casuals don't care too much about the meh roster, because they're going to see Ironman fighting Captain America and think "Wow, this looks a lot like the movies".

They will care, however, if the game's graphics aren't impressive. A casual can see Chun's face and instantly write off the game. Hell, who knows how many sales Capcom lost from that one 3 second clip alone?

The graphics are the single biggest problem with the game right now for Capcom's bottom line, and little can be done to fix that outside of a delay.
My source is on the same page as Ryce and I in that the datamine leak is most likely real but my source hasn't directly heard anything about it. He's 100% positive Ant-Man is in the game though, it's possible he's now part of the first DLC pack?

As for Frank I had heard about him from a separate source and he was the only character I had heard about that wasn't mentioned in the 27 characters I was shown so I was pretty sure he had to have been the final one on the Capcom side, but with Zero in the game it's pretty obvious that either a) the 28 character leak is incomplete or b) Zero was the missing character, not Frank. Currently leaning toward the former for the same reasons as everyone else.

Was your separate source trustworthy before?


I saw someone post about hating Mike so I wanted to say something regarding that. Its not right to hate Combofiend or Mike for defending the decisions that have been made; they're just doing their jobs and following orders. But everyone is allowed to be upset with Capcom and Marvel Games over the roster and the lack of polish and quality in the builds we've seen. Same thing goes for the accessibility and readability changes (which really disappoint me because its evident that those changes originated from the perspective of "How can we can MvC easier for non-fighting game players?" which ignores dedicated MvC fans).

So let's not target get personal and target specific people. (For all we know Combofiend argued for 3v3 and lost that argument in a meeting room in Capcom USA's offices.)


Was your separate source trustworthy before?

I don't know how much I should say but he's from a really similar position to my main source so yeah, I'd think so. He only mentioned a handful of characters to me and, while none of them were particularly shocking, Frank is the only one who hasn't shown up yet.
I don't know how much I should say but he's from a really similar position to my main source so yeah, I'd think so. He only mentioned a handful of characters to me and, while none of them were particularly shocking, Frank is the only one who hasn't shown up yet.

Okay, not trying to get anyone in trouble/discovered but just making sure


Wright will get changed for the better. I don't think anyone liked the RNG gameplay before Turnabout mode.

Lytheros the biggest UMvC3 Wright fan I know of (besides I Heart Justice) and he wants and expects Wright to be way more straightforward

His current moveset is fine, they just need to make sure his pre turnabout modes aren't 100% booty. He should be like Frank where even before his upgrades he is still a viable character


As in "Heathcliff"
I still don't get why Sigma is DLC. Can somebody explain that one to me, cause it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Also, since they used a lot from UMVC3 then how come the roster isn't bigger? Can somebody also explain that to me.

I don't know for sure but I have a feeling he wasn't a fighter in story mode so he might lack the moveset since they only had his model for the story mode since it seems to focus on Ultron mainly. Sigma is just a tool for Ultron to merge and conquer the worlds.

I hope that the roster isn't complete so we might have more characters than we previously thought.
Just read the GamesIndustry article about how Marvel games have changed over the years. The way and context of how he spoke about X-Men characters all but confirms them as DLC.

Not that nobody saw that coming, anyway.


Loki and Daredevil will probably be the first round of DLC. Is what I would say if this game's roster hasnt been the the nosy unpredictable I've ever seen in terms of obvious inclusions


My major disappointment with the roster isn't the Capcom side or the lack of X-Men & Fantastic 4 on the Marvel side. It's the lack of creativity on the Marvel side. MVC3 launched with 7 X-Men characters (Wolverine, Phoenix, Magneto, Sentinel, X-23, Storm, & Deadpool). Now if they can't be in the game that sucks and most will be disappointed. There is an opportunity there though to introduce new characters. People love the netflix series, add Punisher and/or Daredevil, people loved Avengers & Winter Soldier add Loki & Winter Soldier etc. It's like they didn't see that.

My major disappointment with the roster isn't the Capcom side or the lack of X-Men & Fantastic 4 on the Marvel side. It's the lack of creativity on the Marvel side. MVC3 launched with 7 X-Men characters (Wolverine, Phoenix, Magneto, Sentinel, X-23, Storm, & Deadpool). Now if they can't be in the game that sucks and most will be disappointed. There is an opportunity there though to introduce new characters. People love the netflix series, add Punisher and/or Daredevil, people loved Avengers & Winter Soldier add Loki & Winter Soldier etc. It's like they didn't see that.

You seem upset.
Are you upset because you wanted this character in the game?
Because you want this character in the game, are you going to buy his DLC?
Did you know that buying DLC makes money?
Did you know that Capcom's goal is to make money?
Does it make sense to you now?
Black Panther requests + Black Panther movie + need for marketing opportunities later on= Money from DLC

And Winter Soldier might be in the game, for all we know.

Its weird that there's only Thor and no defenders when both of those properties have big projects coming out this year. Is Cloak and Dagger this year or next year?


Despite defending Risero for his comment, I don't think Combo or Mike should be hated on either, because as you guys have mentioned, their hands are tied.

What I don't get is why no journalist is grilling the Marvel games team, especially the guy who said "Oh we want to put AAA games out on the console space" around the time Spiderman was revealed. Just ask them if they consider this a product as an accurate reflection of the quality Marvel is targeting.

Like do they consider this just a filler or B-title? It wouldn't surprise me if they look at this as "a game that licenses Marvel characters" rather than as a Marvel game. Then again they've said in the past that they respect the MvC franchise and when they announced that they want to make serious console games everyone asked for a new MvC so someone in that company had to give a shit right?
Did someone seriously try to argue the x-men character aren't well known by modern marvel fans? Maybe to the niche of comic only readers who live under a rock and are younger then 15.


You seem upset.
Are you upset because you wanted this character in the game?
Because you want this character in the game, are you going to buy his DLC?
Did you know that buying DLC makes money?
Did you know that Capcom's goal is to make money?
Does it make sense to you now?

Still kinda fucked up to lock the only brother out as DLC


One more post regarding the interview.

Aside from the roster and their character models, the UI and HUD seems to be styled after mobile games deliberately. The interview backs that up with all the readability statements. Its a huge bummer to see many aspects of MvC3's identity be thrown out in favor of stuff a focus group would prefer, IMO.

At the end of the day, those people will pick up the game and trade it in to GameStop after a month. The folks that will keep playing the game and will be buying DLC are going to be the dedicated Marvel players. It baffles me that they are not targeting that group first.


As in "Heathcliff"
One challenge might be in choosing which characters will go in the game. While the full roster for Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has not been confirmed as yet, the series' fanbase has been vocal about the initial absence of staple characters from the X-Men and Fantastic Four universes. To hear fan forums tell it, Marvel is withholding Wolverine, Dr. Doom, and the like as part of a dispute over the movie rights to those franchises with 20th Century Fox.

"It's something I really can't comment on right now," Ong said. "We haven't officially released the roster. Let's just say we think our fans will be pleased with what's being announced. And what we talked about earlier with games-as-a-service, we certainly expect Marvel vs. Capcom to be that. There's going to be content released over time. We're not seeing this as a one-off that ships this fall; it's a service that goes on for years. Therefore, if you look at it, content and new characters are going to be dropped over time, and I think fans will be happy with what's going to be dropped, not just in September but going on from there."

How far are you looking forward in terms of keeping Infinite relevant to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and even the Netflix universe? You've got Black Panther and you've got the Captain Marvel, but there's no Iron Fist, and he just had his own series and he's a character I'd like to see return. How close are you trying to stick to MCU/Netflix and how long do you want to do it for?

Michael Evans: I think there's infinite possibilities there.

Great work on that pun.

Michael Evans: What we can announce at this point in time is just the 2017 character pass, which we've talked about. We've already come out and said, "We're gonna support this game with six new characters in 2017." So they're all gonna come out this year. So those are six characters and six premium costumes. Beyond that we don't have any announcements at this time. But it is called Infinite for a reason.

I wonder what would be final numbers of the foster?


How far are you looking forward in terms of keeping Infinite relevant to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and even the Netflix universe? You've got Black Panther and you've got the Captain Marvel, but there's no Iron Fist, and he just had his own series and he's a character I'd like to see return. How close are you trying to stick to MCU/Netflix and how long do you want to do it for?

Michael Evans: I think there's infinite possibilities there.

Great work on that pun.

Michael Evans: What we can announce at this point in time is just the 2017 character pass, which we've talked about. We've already come out and said, "We're gonna support this game with six new characters in 2017." So they're all gonna come out this year. So those are six characters and six premium costumes. Beyond that we don't have any announcements at this time. But it is called Infinite for a reason.

I wonder what would be final numbers of the foster?

Infinite of course, a never ending selection of characters that would make a Mugen game blush


As in "Heathcliff"
Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.


Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.

less than sf5 bc sf5 had mega high prerelease hype vs this game

its word of mouth afterwards was toxic, and mvci is far beyond that point already as well.
releasing in such close windows to injustice 2 as well probably hurts quite a bit??
If marketing is good and graphics are improved at all, 2M by the end of the year.

In it's current state, it'll probably sell at the same rate of SFV.

Phase 3

Neo Member
It's astounding how many people can't seem to at least understand Arthur's inclusion. I don't know about everyone else, but I've always considered the Vs. series a celebration of Capcom's entire history or, in other words, not just trendy characters of the last 5-10 years or exclusively overwhelmingly popular characters.

If they're going to celebrate Capcom as a company, Arthur makes more sense than a lot of characters because he's such a famous and classic character who serves to represent a very specific time period in Capcom's retro history. He's unique, iconic and has shown up in Capcom crossovers for years.

I understand Firebrand raising some questions, but complaining about Arthur in MvC is like complaining about Pit or Ness in Smash Bros. Not up to a whole lot these days but historically they're great choices. To be honest, I felt like UMvC3 had a really good roster in that regard. Great spread of characters across Capcom's history.

Anyway, let's show Arthur some respect, people. He's a real OG. Plus Arthur has had way more games than people realize--Ultimate GnG, which was incredible, a few mobile games and Maximo was essentially a GnG game so I'm going to lump that under the GnG umbrella.


Oh yeah, that interview really soured me on the name. I really wish that hadn't let the marketing team name the game.

Edit: The game will drop and disappear from most people's radar in a month. Its coming right after Destiny 2 with games like Shadow of War, Assassin's Creed, and Battlefront II following in October and November. 1.2 - 1.5 million copies shipped with the Capcom CEO later telling investors they made mistakes launching the game.


I'll never give up hoping Storm, Magneto, and Wolverine being in this game. Any other traditional Blue or Gold X-men are icing on the cake (Cyclops, Psylocke, Jean []It'll never happen again], and\or Gambit].

Never, and I'd personally pay whatever price they charge for them as DLC. Happily.


They BELONG there.


You seem upset.
Are you upset because you wanted this character in the game?
Because you want this character in the game, are you going to buy his DLC?
Did you know that buying DLC makes money?
Did you know that Capcom's goal is to make money?
Does it make sense to you now?

Did you know that characters he wants in the game make the game enjoyable?
Did you know that people play video games to enjoy them?

Anybody can be a condescending asshole, your ability to do it doesn't make you special


Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.

That sounds about right to me. For all the complaining on the internet it's still a game featuring one of the hottest cinematic properties around the world and a handful of the most prolific gaming franchises, less than 1 mil would be impressively bad.


Infinite support and infinite dlc with season like SF would be great... if they launch lineup is strong and this game doesn't tank out the gate.


That sounds about right to me. For all the complaining on the internet it's still a game featuring one of the hottest cinematic properties around the world and a handful of the most prolific gaming franchises, less than 1 mil would be impressively bad.

That could mean the end of the series. I want the game to succeed but Marvel and Capcom have done little to make me want to help it succeed

. Infinite support and infinite dlc with season like SF would be great... if they launch lineup is strong and this game doesn't tank out the gate.

Well the former of those to is already guaranteed


One more post regarding the interview.

Aside from the roster and their character models, the UI and HUD seems to be styled after mobile games deliberately. The interview backs that up with all the readability statements. Its a huge bummer to see many aspects of MvC3's identity be thrown out in favor of stuff a focus group would prefer, IMO.

At the end of the day, those people will pick up the game and trade it in to GameStop after a month. The folks that will keep playing the game and will be buying DLC are going to be the dedicated Marvel players. It baffles me that they are not targeting that group first.

The dedicated Marvel players can only do so much, that's the audience that supported Ultimate MvC3 but vanilla greatly exceeded it in the end because of the casual gamer. That's what Capcom wants, those pre-orders and day one sales getting more copies out the door.

They can always rework the game through patches or another "Ultimate" version down the line for the dedicated players. Right now yeah, it's definitely about getting the casual gamer to buy it regardless of whether they trade it in later, a sale is a sale.
I saw someone post about hating Mike so I wanted to say something regarding that. Its not right to hate Combofiend or Mike for defending the decisions that have been made; they're just doing their jobs and following orders.


In all seriousness though, I do agree to some extent - they likely aren't able to say what they want to say due to corporate shenanigans. I do think Combo's comment that characters are just a function is a legit horrible thing to say for this series in particular though.


That could mean the end of the series. I want the game to succeed but Marvel and Capcom have done little to make me want to help it succeed

Well the former of those to is already guaranteed

I mean, if this game is a flop I can see Marvel backing off on extended support.
Would it be a good idea for Capcom to have new characters cost money as DLC, but old characters would be free/reduced in price?

Not saying it would be something they'd actually do, but would it be a smart move?
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