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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread

I mean... Risero (mind his language) has every right to be frustrated right now. As i just stated, the guy just basically told every Magneto fan to get over it and try someone new... Like... wtf were you thinking with that answer?

EDIT: and to tell them that they can simply play with Nova because he has a 8 way dash...

Like are we serious right now? Please tell me all about how someone resembles modok for me.... Than youll understand how Magneto players feel atm.


This game has really made everyone deflated and humorless.

On the topic of Skull-O-Manina: If they could get just one really weird/obscure/meme character like Skull-O-Mania, Howard/Scrooge McDuck, or Trump MODOK I'd be won back instantly

Edit: for those wondering: No I do not plan on bringing a guillotine to EVO, asking Peter to lay in it, and executing him publicly.
Aww now I have to cancel my Vegas tickets.


I mean... Risero (mind his language) has every right to be frustrated right now. As i just stated, the guy just basically told every Magneto fan to get over it and try someone new... Like... wtf were you thinking with that answer?

Sure, being frustrated and angry. Fine.

Joking about violence (more than once)? Not so fine.
"It's something I really can't comment on right now," Ong said. "We haven't officially released the roster. Let's just say we think our fans will be pleased with what's being announced. And what we talked about earlier with games-as-a-service, we certainly expect Marvel vs. Capcom to be that. There's going to be content released over time. We're not seeing this as a one-off that ships this fall; it's a service that goes on for years. Therefore, if you look at it, content and new characters are going to be dropped over time, and I think fans will be happy with what's going to be dropped, not just in September but going on from there."


Modern Marvel fan: "Who is this 'Magneto' you speak of?"

Anyone who threatens violence over a video game is mentally unstable and should take a step away from their computer for a few days.


As in "Heathcliff"
I would despise Mike Evans a lot less it was just honest and said "We can't use the X men due to legal shenanigans" because everyone knows that's the case but he wants to pretend the X men weren't important and the game is perfect

Business politics 101

1. you can't throw your partner under the bus because it would damage the relationship and partnerships.
2. Sometime you can't really being so truthful with the information because it always stay behind the scenes and it's not a place for customers to know. Fortunately we know what happened behind the scenes but you can't just blame it on Capcom.


Why do people complain about character DLC as continued support?
I don't think the problem is DLC per se because we all want DLC especially for this game. It's more so of the fact that they are putting the most anticipated and beloved characters that arguably should be in the base game behind an additional paywall. For example Sigma & Black Panther are DLC, a lot of people would argue that they should be in the base roster over a few characters.


I mean... Risero (mind his language) has every right to be frustrated right now. As i just stated, the guy just basically told every Magneto fan to get over it and try someone new... Like... wtf were you thinking with that answer?

EDIT: and to tell them that they can simply play with Nova because he has a 8 way dash...

Like are we serious right now? Please tell me all about how someone resembles modok for me.... Than youll understand how Magneto players feel atm.

And it's an answer directly aimed at someone who has played the previous games.

The heck kind of an answer is that for a Marvel/X-Men fan?


Modern Marvel fan: "Who is this 'Magneto' you speak of?"

Anyone who threatens violence over a video game is mentally unstable and should take a step away from their computer for a few days.

I have no doubt that the X-Men are still popular. But, if I were Capcom trying to choose a roster for the game, the Marvel side would look just like it does now.

I would choose X-Men/FF characters as DLC since I know they're more popular with the hardcore fanbase and people would pony up for them. You could also use them to generate excitement for the game after its launch period.


As in "Heathcliff"
I mean... Risero (mind his language) has every right to be frustrated right now. As i just stated, the guy just basically told every Magneto fan to get over it and try someone new... Like... wtf were you thinking with that answer?

Are you okay with someone making a death threats toward to a developer who had no control over this situation? never mind the fact that he made a death threat?


Junior Member
I have no doubt that the X-Men are still popular. But, if I were Capcom trying to choose a roster for the game, the Marvel side would look just like it does now.

I would choose X-Men/FF characters as DLC since I know they're more popular with the hardcore fanbase and people would pony up for them. You could also use them to generate excitement for the game after its launch period.
But given that the X-Men started the MvC franchise, I'm pretty sure Capcom would put a few in on Day 1 if they could.


Joking about violence is fine when the context of it revolves around me literally carrying a guillotine to Combofiend and holding a public execution that's their fault for thinking that my joke exists anywhere near the confines of reality. Who reads that somebody is coming with a guillotine and thinks I'm serious?

Who jokes about killing somebody over a videogame?

I don't give a damn the method you're using for a shitty joke.

But given that the X-Men started the MvC franchise, I'm pretty sure Capcom would put a few in on Day 1 if they could.

No doubt. But it wouldn't change the roster makeup much if I were choosing. Definitely wouldn't have all the xmen that are in Marvel 3. 1 or 2 at most.


>tfw your team was Haggar(Lariat)/Chris(M.Gun)/Doom(Rocks)

I don't even like Chris. Only picked him because his assist helped Haggar, if Haggar died Chris/Doom could zone and the THC with Haggar could one touch kill.

I really don't have any characters in this new roster that I like. Gamora could be main but I need to see how she plays first.
But given that the X-Men started the MvC franchise, I'm pretty sure Capcom would put a few in on Day 1 if they could.

Yeah - They talk about having match ups and interactions in the story mode that fans want to see. What about this?


I'd be so happy seeing this moment in story mode :(
Are you okay with someone making a death threats toward to a developer who had no control over this situation? never mind the fact that he made a death threat?

Thats another topic to be had, and I dont care about the man's mental health. I simply stated his anger towards what was said about his favorite character was justified. Throwing this in the mix and the man's personal issues dont concern me.


>tfw your team was Haggar(Lariat)/Chris(M.Gun)/Doom(Rocks)

I don't even like Chris. Only picked him because his assist helped Haggar, if Haggar died Chris/Doom could zone and the THC with Haggar could one touch kill.

I really don't have any characters in this new roster that I like. Gamora could be main but I need to see how she plays first.

Gamora has a lot of super interesting moveset potential with all the weapons she is proficient with in the lore. Maybe she'll have a hyper combo where she puts you in a guillotine and publicly executes you


Why do people complain about character DLC as continued support? I would spend a fuckton of money if it meant I could get SoulCalibur 5 supported beyond the first year. If it meant that I could have Tekken 7 supported for several years with characters.

How many Marvel 3 fans wanted EXACTLY this for Ultimate?
I don't know, tbh. The key question is "will there be enough content in the base game to justify a $60 purchase?" (Although, tbh who really buys games at launch for $60 anymore? Get an Amazon Prime membership or get on that Best Buy Rewards kick!)

So far I feel like the game may be a little short on characters at launch, and I understand the rationale with holding back some fan favorites for DLC. That being said, it DOES kinda suck if you're going to have to spend another $10 bucks or something just to get Wolverine. I'd have less of an issue with it if some of those fan favorites were in the base roster, with maybe some fan favorites sprinkled in with some more niche characters as DLC bundles. As of now it definitely feels like the Capcom side is trying to have more fan favorites (X and Strider are the two examples that come to mind) as opposed to Marvel.

I've played a lot more of the demo and while it's unpolished in certain areas and is obviously a BAD demo that does a poor job of introducing you to the characters and the world, the systems ARE fun. In particular I LOVE the Captain Marvel/Chun Li fight, mostly because of the way the characters work and it allows you to experiment a bit more due to it's length. If Capcom supports this game long term, which it sounds like they will, I seriously think that fans will mostly get what they want (eventually, anyway) in terms of characters.

That being said, they really better figure out their shit with the X-Men.


Junior Member
>tfw your team was Haggar(Lariat)/Chris(M.Gun)/Doom(Rocks)

I don't even like Chris. Only picked him because his assist helped Haggar, if Haggar died Chris/Doom could zone and the THC with Haggar could one touch kill.

I really don't have any characters in this new roster that I like. Gamora could be main but I need to see how she plays first.
You still have Haggar, going off of the .zip leak.
I don't know, tbh. The key question is "will there be enough content in the base game to justify a $60 purchase?" (Although, tbh who really buys games at launch for $60 anymore? Get an Amazon Prime membership or get on that Best Buy Rewards kick!)

So far I feel like the game may be a little short on characters at launch, and I understand the rationale with holding back some fan favorites for DLC. That being said, it DOES kinda suck if you're going to have to spend another $10 bucks or something just to get Wolverine. I'd have less of an issue with it if some of those fan favorites were in the base roster, with maybe some fan favorites sprinkled in with some more niche characters as DLC bundles.

That being said, I've played a lot more of the demo and while it's unpolished in certain areas and is obviously a BAD demo that does a poor job of introducing you to the characters and the world, the systems ARE fun. In particular I LOVE the Captain Marvel/Chun Li fight, mostly because of the way the characters work and it allows you to experiment a bit more due to it's length. If Capcom supports this game long term, which it sounds like they will, I seriously think that fans will mostly get what they want (eventually, anyway) in terms of characters.

That being said, they really better figure out their shit with the X-Men.
I wish Amazon Prime or Best Buy Rewards discounted digital pre-orders. It sucks getting left out. :(

>tfw your team was Haggar(Lariat)/Chris(M.Gun)/Doom(Rocks)

I don't even like Chris. Only picked him because his assist helped Haggar, if Haggar died Chris/Doom could zone and the THC with Haggar could one touch kill.

I really don't have any characters in this new roster that I like. Gamora could be main but I need to see how she plays first.
Wait to see all the reveals IMO.


As in "Heathcliff"
We were all wrong. To me, another SF rep, Black Panther, Venom, Loki, another RE rep (not Nemesis), and a Netflix character were a given. I don't think I've ever been more off about a roster in any game.

Well, Nemesis is actually a Resident Evil Rep, so you can't really dismiss that tho. Also Venom might make in the roster but I'm waiting for the official announcement first tho. Also Defender is getting MVCI special so it made me skeptical that we might get someone as well. I'm shocked that we didn't even hear any peep about third SF and Loki. I'm literally surprised with that.

"Naw man fuck Phoenix Wright and Juri with their alive franchises, unique play styles, and huge fan followings. Trust me guys the character who the fans really want it a racially ambiguous character from a 10 year old game that flopped horribly with both critics and sales that absolutely nobody remembers whose only redeeming gameplay quality is a glorified air dash"

"You sure Peter? Well I guess YOU are the community member here, you would know what the fans want. Alright guys add Spencer to the roster"

That's basically how it went down in my head

Well, Spencer have really unique archetype and he actually fits in Marvel Vs. Capcom. I don't really see any problem with him being in the game.

Hey, atleast they preserved that Firebrand and Arthur playstyles for all the GoG fans, amirite?

I'm very happy about it! :)

Gene and a Sengoku Basara character will never be in a MvC game. I'm willing to bet money on it

Throw Breath of Fire in your list, then you got the deal down. However, I do think Gene might have a legit shot at making in the roster via DLC since he's number two most wanted character and they already take a note on whoever are most wanted characters.

Yes I'm sure that all 3 GnG fans are stoked to see their characters back

Strange enough, I already counted more than my fingers and toes together so I guess you really underestimated the numbers ;)


Maybe she'll have a hyper combo where she puts you in a guillotine and publicly executes you


Man I really hope the leak with Frank, Haggar etc. is real. A 28 roster that's 34 by the end of the year feels like a lot less than a 32/38 roster for some reason, at least that way we'd be matching the Vanilla roster.


I don't know, tbh. The key question is "will there be enough content in the base game to justify a $60 purchase?" (Although, tbh who really buys games at launch for $60 anymore? Get an Amazon Prime membership or get on that Best Buy Rewards kick!)

So far I feel like the game may be a little short on characters at launch, and I understand the rationale with holding back some fan favorites for DLC. That being said, it DOES kinda suck if you're going to have to spend another $10 bucks or something just to get Wolverine. I'd have less of an issue with it if some of those fan favorites were in the base roster, with maybe some fan favorites sprinkled in with some more niche characters as DLC bundles.

That being said, I've played a lot more of the demo and while it's unpolished in certain areas and is obviously a BAD demo that does a poor job of introducing you to the characters and the world, the systems ARE fun. In particular I LOVE the Captain Marvel/Chun Li fight, mostly because of the way the characters work and it allows you to experiment a bit more due to it's length. If Capcom supports this game long term, which it sounds like they will, I seriously think that fans will mostly get what they want (eventually, anyway) in terms of characters.

That being said, they really better figure out their shit with the X-Men.

Yeah, I get the launch roster thing. I'm there day 1 because I'm already down with the gameplay and know that I'll get more characters I like.

TOTALLY get that. But people looking at them saying "years of support" like it's a bad thing? That's confusing to me. Those characters weren't going to make launch regardless, lol.


To play devil's advocate, "bringing a guillotine to Evo" is like saying "I wanna throw Bob Kotick off a plane". It reads more like a joke rather than an actual threat.

Now is it a joke in bad taste? Possibly. I just read it as a colorful way of expressing his frustration. I don't think he actually means any physical harm by it.

You still have Haggar, going off of the .zip leak.
Oh yeah forgot about that. Good call. But not holding my breath


I wish Amazon Prime or Best Buy Rewards discounted digital pre-orders. It sucks getting left out. :(
I'm with you on that. For my PS4 I'm largely a physical media owner, and sometimes I get games on PS4 as opposed to PC just because of the discounts available for physical media.
To play devil's advocate, "bringing a guillotine to Evo" is like saying "I wanna throw Bob Kotick off a plane". It reads more like a joke rather than an actual threat.

Now is it a joke in bad taste? Possibly. I just read it as a colorful way of expressing his frustration. I don't think he actually means any physical harm by it.



Well, Nemesis is actually a Resident Evil Rep, so you can't really dismiss that tho. Also Venom might make in the roster but I'm waiting for the official announcement first tho. Also Defender is getting MVCI special so it made me skeptical that we might get someone as well. I'm shocked that we didn't even hear any peep about third SF and Loki. I'm literally surprised with that.
Loki got me too. I thought he was lock especially when we head the roster was going to be MCU focused. Megaman has more reps in a MVC game than Street Fighter, that's crazy.


Strange enough, I already counted more than my fingers and toes together so I guess you really underestimated the numbers ;)

If the people of the thread will allow me to stop being a salty bitchy troll for a sec: GnG fans do honestly deserve something considering how long ago their last game was (which was just an ok 3D remake of GnG 1) especially how disappointing the cancelling of the reboot must've been. Even though I'll never enjoy anything from GnG other than the kick ass theme I can respect a fanbase that's been screwed by developers.

Now on to your regularly scheduled guillotine jokes


To play devil's advocate, "bringing a guillotine to Evo" is like saying "I wanna throw Bob Kotick off a plane". It reads more like a joke rather than an actual threat.

Now is it a joke in bad taste? Possibly. I just read it as a colorful way of expressing his frustration. I don't think he actually means any physical harm by it.

Thank you.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm pretty sure gameplay is the primary reason both GnG reps are in. I don't like that reason, but it makes sense. Same applies to Nemesis and Spencer. Nobody else plays anything like those guys.

Well, I think they are going to include many characters with varieties of archetype, unique movesets, etc. So I'm not really upset about the choices they made for the roster since I'm warming up to it. However, I think they actually save Wesker and Vergil as DLC because they would be a great fodders for customers to buy as downloadable characters.
Loki is really surprising. I mean, even if he wasn't playable...I would have at least expected a cameo of sorts in the story mode in Xgard (though maybe that could still happen, I guess)


I know this isn't the point you're making, but oddly enough, Bionic Commando (2009) has outsold any single Ace Attorney title.

Well that's because you could don't find an Ace Attorney game at the general dollar store.
I have no doubt that the X-Men are still popular. But, if I were Capcom trying to choose a roster for the game, the Marvel side would look just like it does now.

I would choose X-Men/FF characters as DLC since I know they're more popular with the hardcore fanbase and people would pony up for them. You could also use them to generate excitement for the game after its launch period.
I see where you are coming from. I do wonder whether the initial loss in sales will harm the game more than what they gain, though. For me and a lot of other Marvel fans, the real salt in the wound isn't that X-Men characters are left out, but that we're almost certainly going to have to pay for a copy/paste job of them from UMvC3. If they completely rework Storm from scratch to make her some kind of weather zoner, then that's interesting and I'm fine with it. But my hunch is that won't happen.
The game really has to sell for DLC to matter in the long-run.

I can see how holding fan favs like that seems like a good idea, but it's also pretty risky to do because that will likely convince them to stay away altogether.

Making a base game filled with many fans favs>>>>>>Holding most of the fan favs back for future DLC


I see where you are coming from. I do wonder whether the initial loss in sales will harm the game more than what they gain, though. For me and a lot of other Marvel fans, the real salt in the wound isn't that X-Men characters are left out, but that we're almost certainly going to have to pay for a copy/paste job of them from UMvC3. If they completely rework Storm from scratch to make her some kind of weather zoner, then that's interesting and I'm fine with it. But my hunch is that won't happen.

I think the presentation is going to harm the game more than anything else.


The game really has to sell for DLC to matter in the long-run.

I can see how holding fan favs like that seems like a good idea, but it's also pretty risky to do because that will likely convince them to stay away altogether.

Making a base game filled with many fans favs>>>>>>Holding most of the fan favs back for future DLC

There need to be a balance and from what we know go the roster. That balance isn't there


The game really has to sell for DLC to matter in the long-run.

I can see how holding fan favs like that seems like a good idea, but it's also pretty risky to do because that will likely convince them to stay away altogether.

Making a base game filled with many fans favs>>>>>>Holding most of the fan favs back for future DLC

Between the Marvel and Capcom sides they should have had more than enough characters to nail both the starting roster and DLC. This really shouldn't have been an issue.


Speaking of Mag-freaking-neto, there's one thing about him that puzzled me in MVC3. And I suppose the earlier games, but I haven't played them.

Where exactly did Magneto get a moveset like that? Because when I think "Magneto", I don't really think a hyperactive kung fu man with purple lasers, who ping-pongs across the stage to punch you in the face. Now Wolverine... he wants to claw you in the face, but Magneto? Shouldn't he, you know, be more of a keepaway character and be endlessly frustrating to get a hit on, but easy to handle once you get in close?

I mean, Magneto is what he is now, and if he does become DLC, I'd want Mahvel Magneto, too. Even if everything about his moveset just makes me wonder how that is supposed to represent Magneto's powers. Was he just last in line when they attached character archetypes to the Marvel characters?


Wright will get changed for the better. I don't think anyone liked the RNG gameplay before Turnabout mode.

Lytheros the biggest UMvC3 Wright fan I know of (besides I Heart Justice) and he wants and expects Wright to be way more straightforward
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