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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster Discussion Thread


It's astounding how many people can't seem to at least understand Arthur's inclusion. I don't know about everyone else, but I've always considered the Vs. series a celebration of Capcom's entire history or, in other words, not just trendy characters of the last 5-10 years or exclusively overwhelmingly popular characters.

If they're going to celebrate Capcom as a company, Arthur makes more sense than a lot of characters because he's such a famous and classic character who serves to represent a very specific time period in Capcom's retro history. He's unique, iconic and has shown up in Capcom crossovers for years.

I understand Firebrand raising some questions, but complaining about Arthur in MvC is like complaining about Pit or Ness in Smash Bros. Not up to a whole lot these days but historically they're great choices. To be honest, I felt like UMvC3 had a really good roster in that regard. Great spread of characters across Capcom's history.

Anyway, let's show Arthur some respect, people. He's a real OG. Plus Arthur has had way more games than people realize--Ultimate GnG, which was incredible, a few mobile games and Maximo was essentially a GnG game so I'm going to lump that under the GnG umbrella.
Yeah, Arthur is a great character who absolutely deserves to be here. His return is one of the highlights of the roster for me. Ghosts'n Goblins was Capcom's first big franchise, and the Japanese MvC1 site even referred to him as "the face of Capcom in the '80s." Some people just have an aversion to short/quirky/goofy characters in fighting games.


The dedicated Marvel players can only do so much, that's the audience that supported Ultimate MvC3 but vanilla greatly exceeded it in the end because of the casual gamer. that's what Capcom wants, those pre-orders and day one sales getting more copies out the door.

They can always rework the game through patches or another "Ultimate" version down the line for the dedicated players. Right now yeah, it's definitely about getting the casual gamer to buy it regardless of whether they trade it in later, a sale is a sale.

That's understandable. But I feel they could still do a better job of balancing both priorities though. With better visuals, some base roster changes, and changes to mechanics (assists) instead of removing them outright I'm sure they could have still targeted both groups, IMO.


In all seriousness though, I do agree to some extent - they likely aren't able to say what they want to say due to corporate shenanigans. I do think Combo's comment that characters are just a function is a legit horrible thing to say for this series in particular though.

Yeah, he pulled that one right out of his ass. He totally ignored all the fun people have with those characters and how they've bled into t-shirt designs and stuff the community has made. There's no defending that statement.


Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.

It's not looking good. SFV had more hype and looked better pre-release. The thing that killed that game was the impressions of the final product. It's still at roughly 1.6 mil. Now MVC:I is worse off. It doesn't have as much positivity and goodwill, doesn't look all that great, and has heavier competition in the same genre.


Junior Member
Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.

Less than a million.


Okay, I'm curious with everyone's opinions here.

With so much negativity out there, so how many copies do you think would be sold? For me, I might be very generous and predict that 1.2M would be sold, but it's really depends on the reviews and mouth of words.

I'm going to agree, and say 1.2 million, as well. 1.1 at the minimum. This is looking to be another "Soulcalibur 5" incident, in my eyes, and I expect it to sell, as such. No matter how well the game may play in the eyes and hands of the FGC, a boring roster, lackluster presentation and little to keep the casual crowd satiated is going to hurt this game's bottom line.

And that's assuming the game doesn't get any more bad press than what it has now. For some, I'm thinking that not having at least BP (or any other PoC hero/heroine) on the base roster, for the sake of some diversity, is going to make it an easy target.


I'm going to agree, and say 1.2 million, as well. 1.1 at the minimum. This is looking to be another "Soulcalibur 5" incident, in my eyes, and I expect it to sell, as such. No matter how well the game may play in the eyes and hands of the FGC, a boring roster, lackluster presentation and little to keep the casual crowd satiated is going to hurt this game's bottom line.

And that's assuming the game doesn't get any more bad press than what it has now. For some, I'm thinking that not having at least BP (or any other PoC hero/heroine) on the base roster, for the sake of some diversity, is going to make it an easy target.
If there isn't a shakeup in the roster from what we know of leaks. They're definitely going to be seeing some shit over 4 female and the only black character being behind DLC.

Since it's especially bullshit when Marvel themselves have been making a big deal about diversity


Yeah, Arthur is a great character who absolutely deserves to be here. His return is one of the highlights of the roster for me. Ghosts'n Goblins was Capcom's first big franchise, and the Japanese MvC1 site even referred to him as "the face of Capcom in the '80s." Some people just have an aversion to short/quirky/goofy characters in fighting games.

One of the very few highlights for me. Very, very few.


That's understandable. But I feel they could still do a better job of balancing both priorities though. With better visuals, some base roster changes, and changes to mechanics (assists) instead of removing them outright I'm sure they could have still targeted both groups, IMO.

Indeed, if they go too far attracting the casual gamer they risk alienating the veteran who would normally support the game once they drop all this inevitable DLC on our faces.

I'm really going to miss 3v3 and assists, but the gameplay here at least has captured my attention with its own crazy stuff. Was it the right decision? I don't think so personally, but I'm going to give it a fair chance.


I always assumed Marvel would leverage their movies/cartoons to advertise for the game. Throw story sequences up (I think the action stuff looks pretty good), coupled in with some of the gameplay where you can't really tell how funky stuff like Chun looks.

If it does have a lot of single player content, then it'll review inline with pretty much every other fighting game out there, so reviews shouldn't be an issue unless they didn't get the message from SF5.

I think it'll meet their expectations. It's on three platforms, coming out around a time of a newish console, it'll have the holiday as well (something SF5 didn't have launching in February).


Looking that this game and then looking at SFV, you have to give the SFV team credit. They found a way to balance and diversity the roster with 16 characters all built from scratch. While the guys on MVC:I can't do that with supposedly 28 characters and using assets from the previous game.


Yeah, Arthur is a great character who absolutely deserves to be here. His return is one of the highlights of the roster for me. Ghosts'n Goblins was Capcom's first big franchise, and the Japanese MvC1 site even referred to him as "the face of Capcom in the '80s." Some people just have an aversion to short/quirky/goofy characters in fighting games.

I love Arthur and they did a real good job adapting his Moveset, same with Firebrand.
Looking that this game and then looking at SFV, you have to give the SFV team credit. They found a way to balance and diversity the roster with 16 characters all built from scratch. While the guys on MVC:I can't do that with supposedly 28 characters and using assets from the previous game.

you know shit is dire when you make launch SFV look good


I always assumed Marvel would leverage their movies/cartoons to advertise for the game. Throw story sequences up (I think the action stuff looks pretty good), coupled in with some of the gameplay where you can't really tell how funky stuff like Chun looks.

If it does have a lot of single player content, then it'll review inline with pretty much every other fighting game out there, so reviews shouldn't be an issue unless they didn't get the message from SF5.

I think it'll meet their expectations. It's on three platforms, coming out around a time of a newish console, it'll have the holiday as well (something SF5 didn't have launching in February).

You talking about that with a company that is known to have outlandish expectations. LOL!
I love Arthur and they did a real good job adapting his Moveset, same with Firebrand.
I agree on Arthur, but Firebrand was a huge disappointment. They have all of Demon's Crest to draw from. In that game, Firebrand has a massive move set, including spells. I really recommend a playthrough if you havent.


I think there's a few other things that basically guarantee it won't be SFV levels of bad at least (there's a story mode, XB1 release, they're advertising the combat as very casual friendly whether that ends up being the case or not).

One feature that I really hope is in the game but I'm starting to worry about is 4-player support like SFxT had. It seems like such a no brainer that would reach to a really wide audience but I think they probably would've mentioned that by now. :/


I agree on Arthur, but Firebrand was a huge disappointment. They have all of Demon's Crest to draw from. In that game, Firebrand has a massive move set, including spells. I really recommend a playthrough if you havent.

I mean I would have preferred Demon Crest Firebrand for sure and hopefully they did for this game (lol) but for OG Firebrand they did great for what they had to work with.


I love Arthur and they did a real good job adapting his Moveset, same with Firebrand.

I'm an Arthur main from 3, so I was pretty excited about his inclusion. Really didn't think he would make it at all. I'm a little sour that his golden armor still breaks though lol


From what I've heard Arthur is considered top tier internally at the moment, lol. I guess a combination of having a real dash and the new tag system making it easier for him to get coverage before his armor bursts if both characters are alive.


From what I've heard Arthur is considered top tier internally at the moment, lol. I guess a combination of having a real dash and the new tag system making it easier for him to get coverage before his armor bursts if both characters are alive.

I'd be cool with a top tier Arthur.
From what I've heard Arthur is considered top tier internally at the moment, lol. I guess a combination of having a real dash and the new tag system making it easier for him to get coverage before his armor bursts if both characters are alive.
Tell me what you've heard about how Dormammu plays and I'll believe you.


i think my fav part of the function thing is that even at a competitive level most people are character loyalists to a degree out of love for the actual character so it misses it's mark in trying to assign blame that way as well


An interview with Gamestop that was all types of nonsense and PR speak.
The fuck did you guys actually expect?

Don't tell me people were expecting they would confirm X Men characters at this point or talk about the negativity around the game.

Repeat after me: PR lip service gonna PR lip service.


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