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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters



Started up my pre-load (1.5 hour/55gb download wow). Now to hope there is a way to unlock it with a VPN or something tonight.


In all this excitement, I forgot to post the most recent wall of shame:


Also, Jesus that topic was up for less than a month.
also also Rhaknar what the heck

On that note. Thanks to Rhaknar for gifting away the MvC:I code(EDIT: ModBot). Initially I couldn't get the game due to tight budget and now thanks to him I'm actually pre-loading.
Pretty excited to check the game out.

The Versus games have been on the PSP a few times, and the PS3 twice. So you are right in that regard ( forgot about Extreme and just remembered Full Boost). Still, fighting games should evolve, even if the original games didn't have it, that's not always a good enough excuse for future titles.

What I'm trying to say is Capcom gets flak in that area, and rightfully so. But all developers should, because these dudes are out there missing simple shit.

You don't even need to look at Gundam Versus. Even Tekken is ass backwards in that regard. The game doesn't even have a tutorial, the Arcade mode is pretty much in name only and Tekken Bowl has become DLC.
I heard that Uniel[st] has a great tutorial. A small developer putting every AAA fighting game dev to shame is nuts, if true.


Just came across this Spencer/Nova tech on Twitter and excuse me what the fuck at that ending

Did Spencer execute his Level 1 Hyper while tagging out, while also inputting Nova's Level 3 while tagging in, with the Level 3 connecting at the end of Bionic Maneuvers to continue a combo?

What the fuck
We have learned that cinematic hypers kinda Freeze your other character in motion and after it is over they continue what they were doing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Started up my pre-load (1.5 hour/55gb download wow). Now to hope there is a way to unlock it with a VPN or something tonight.

If you're downloading means you activated it which would mean you are past the VPN phase?
On that note. Thanks to Rhaknar for gifting away the MvC:I code. Initially I couldn't get the game due to tight budget and now thanks to him I'm actually pre-loading.
Pretty excited to check the game out.

You don't even need to look at Gundam Versus. Even Tekken is ass backwards in that regard. The game doesn't even have a tutorial, the Arcade mode is pretty much in name only and Tekken Bowl has become DLC.
I heard that Uniel[st] has a great tutorial. A small developer putting every AAA fighting game dev to shame is nuts, if true.

I hear Uniel did right by the FGC in many ways. Really wish that sort of love would spill into other, bigger games.


We have learned that cinematic hypers kinda Freeze your other character in motion and after it is over they continue what they were doing.

I figured that much was the case but what I'm kinda baffled about is how he managed to input both Hypers while Spencer was seemingly in his tag-out state. Considering you can't tag in during cinematic supers that seems like a big deal.


As in "Heathcliff"
On that note. Thanks to Rhaknar for gifting away the MvC:I code. Initially I couldn't get the game due to tight budget and now thanks to him I'm actually pre-loading.
Pretty excited to check the game out.

Man, that was awfully nice of him doing it for you!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Really? I was able to unlock SFV early after preloading it by using a UK VPN. I thought this might be the same way.

Wait I thought you were talking about VPNing the region lock thing on the cdkeys version, my bad.

Man, that was awfully nice of him doing it for you!

It was just a giveaway and he won it. If anything he should thank the RNG gods.


Haven't followed either of the big two in a long time so I'm kinda surprised. They kept it from him for so long. How did Flash lose the symbiote?

He was attacked by FBI with special weapons that separated the symbiote from him. It got away and attached itself to an ex-army and villain Lee Price, before being separated from him and later stolen by Eddie.


I've been just lurking in all the MvC:I threads but I figured I would just pop in and say that I am pretty excited for this game. Hopefully the PC version has a sizable player base.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Oh I didn't know you could do that for the CDKeys version, would have saved me $10 :)

It's against the TOS and most people don't risk it. I'm not even sure if it works so don't try and then blame uncle Rhaknar for it not working.
My schedule is bus ass

Game unlocks at 11
Gotta hit the sack because I gotta go to work and before that deal with clients
So I can maybe wake up at like 7 and play until 11
But that's like only a whopping 4 hours, half of which is taken by attending to my dog, doing my freelance job, and general writing
THEN I'll get home at 6, but I gotta take the pupper out, so that's at least 630 until I can get some real time in.

That's not so bad actually but fuck me I just want Wednesday to come so I can spend an entire day with the game.


My schedule is bus ass

Game unlocks at 11
Gotta hit the sack because I gotta go to work and before that deal with clients
So I can maybe wake up at like 7 and play until 11
But that's like only a whopping 4 hours, half of which is taken by attending to my dog, doing my freelance job, and general writing
THEN I'll get home at 6, but I gotta take the pupper out, so that's at least 630 until I can get some real time in.

That's not so bad actually but fuck me I just want Wednesday to come so I can spend an entire day with the game.
11 what time zone?
I've been just lurking in all the MvC:I threads but I figured I would just pop in and say that I am pretty excited for this game. Hopefully the PC version has a sizable player base.

I am also excite. Though I'm more concerned about the mod scene now that it's confirmed the game has Denuvo


I hope I can get into this one. I love this series but MVC2 I didn't have any consoles to play it (by the time the remaster came out, I was too far behind and got exposed) and MVC3 I spent most of it eating Wolverine combos with a side of Wesker all day errday....so MVC1 is the only game in the series I was even mediocre at lol. Hopefully the few "casual" stuff added are the entry point I need.
Im too poor due to unexpected bills so the wait will probably kill me. Time to be the biggest stream monster for the next couple of weeks.
Just gotta wait till 9 so I can BRING THE PAIN!
OR not since Chris is doodoo in this game

As a Pad warrior, I'm wondering if any of you guys using pads will change the button layout from the default. I'm considering switching LK and HP so that pressing double punch is easier and the Magic Series hopefully feels more natural (still got Ultimate stuck in my head). Probably gonna switch L2 and R2 around as well.

What do you guys plan on doing?


hawkeye's gimlet is some sick anti-reality stone tech

gonna be a good way to punish people spamming it in the early days


Yeah. SFV ran great pre-release and then it all went to shit on release day.

Netcode for SF5 has been consistent throughout its life and all the betas. What went to shit release day were the servers. This game isn't using Capcom servers. And it makes sense this netcode would be better since it's almost two years after SF5 came out and they've had time to make changes to the Kagemusha engine they use for rollback netcode.
Hold the fuck up this guy like 4 pages back just called MvCI incomplete recycled trash and then praised Tekken 7 in the same sentence.

Yes, MvCI is a bit of a trainwreck, but T7 is just as bad, it not worse.


So....what if the next season is UMvC3 veterans?

Could even out the sides that way. 4 Capcom veterans and 2 (non X-Men probably) Marvel characters.

Wesker, Vergil, Akuma, Hsien-Ko, Iron Fist, She-Hulk or Task?


As in "Heathcliff"
So....what if the next season is UMvC3 veterans?

Could even out the sides that way. 4 Capcom veterans and 2 (non X-Men probably) Marvel characters.

Wesker, Vergil, Akuma, Hsien-Ko, Iron Fist, She-Hulk or Task?

If I had my way with veterans for first season of 2018. It would be like this

She-Hulk, Wolverine, Wesker, Phoenix Wright, Akuma, Ammy
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