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Microsoft: Xbox One leading sales in US since price cut, nearly 10 million sold-in

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"playing" dumb? unpossible
People were estimating them to have been at 5.5 million sold to consumers 3 weeks ago. There is no way they sold 2.5 million consoles to consumers in 3 weeks. So, if we are going by the 5.5 estimate, they have almost as many boxes in stores as people that actually own one.
Yeah, we know what they've sold in the USA up to the end of September, and we know that the console is pretty comatose over seas except for the UK. So unless they started selling X1 consoles at an unprecedented speed these last few weeks, I don't see how their sell through numbers could be close to their "soon to hit" sold in numbers.
If they are channel stuffing I haven't seen it, at least in the Best Buy, WalMart and Target in my area only target had 1 single Xbox one unit in stock over the weekend. Ps4 was more abundant. No I didn't ask the attendants, but in previous visits they all had better stock

This really doesn't mean much, the Best Buy I was just at had 60+ X1's behind the counter.


3x the week where they announced a price cut for the next week.

Right. "Compared to the previous week" is the measure. I'm reminded of how XBO sales doubled the month after Kinect was un-bundled - thus returning it to its prior sales pace, since that prior month was suppressed.

There was surely a similar effect in place, with sales dropping the week before the price cut.

This is....not a particularly useful PR.


It's only been 12 days, so it's not yet over. Black Friday can easily turn the situations around.

i dunno man, there's like some $329 deals out there now with multiple games and sometimes even gift cards

this is some cutthroat price cutting. If Microsoft doesn't win November, they're never going to win a month then lol


I wonder how much Microsoft is even selling these units to retailers for. It's gotta be at under $300 a piece at this rate.


i dunno man, there's like some $329 deals out there now with multiple games and sometimes even gift cards

this is some cutthroat price cutting. If Microsoft doesn't win November, they're never going to win a month then lol

Somewhat off-topic, but I wonder if Nadella has to approve of major campaigns like this.

I mean, a $50 price cut on 3M consoles sold in Nov+Dec = $150M. Not to mention all the other promos.
Great stuff MS. From E3 2013 I knew you guys shit yourselves right when you announced the price. It always comes down to price for the main stream people buying consoles. About time you lowered it under the console that's more powerful.

Now watch as the USA is taken back.


i dunno man, there's like some $329 deals out there now with multiple games and sometimes even gift cards

this is some cutthroat price cutting. If Microsoft doesn't win November, they're never going to win a month then lol
I think they probably win it but if they don't there will be serious gnashing of teeth at MS while Sony will probably start wondering just how long they can keep higher price.

MS has gone more or less all out in US it feels like with bundles and deals. It'll be a real blow for them if they don't take November.
WOW it is a new spin strategy?

It is the "Coming Soon" working for MS.

- How much Xbones did you sold?
- 10 million soon
- Soon?
- Yeah we be sold soon 10 million consoles
- Soon 10 million consoles will be in the consumers hands?
- Well in the retail
- Wait is it shipped?
- Not. Sell in to retailers.

Soon? Next week? Next month? End of Year? It is soon.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Great stuff MS. From E3 2013 I knew you guys shit yourselves right when you announced the price. It always comes down to price for the main stream people buying consoles. About time you lowered it under the console that's more powerful.

Now watch as the USA is taken back.

Tell them!!!
The 2nd half of the month will have to be a complete turn around from the first half in order for Sony to take November NPD.

Which is possible with Black Friday but don't be sure MS doesn't take November yet.

Well, we don't really know how much the Xbone outsold the PS4 in the last 2 weeks. They could be really close.

Still, I expect Microsoft to take November. If they don't, I think the war is over.
Well, we don't really know how much the Xbone outsold the PS4 in the last 2 weeks. They could be really close.

Still, I expect Microsoft to take November. If they don't, I think the war is over.

I actually have a pretty good idea.

And yes Sony can 100% for sure still win November. Im just saying its still too early to call it.
I am happy to say I am a new xbox owner. got my AC bundle at bestbuy for $315 after using the movers coupon and got 1 year of live free. Sold the AC code for 43 bucks. great deal
The 2nd half of the month will have to be a complete turn around from the first half in order for Sony to take November NPD.

Which is possible with Black Friday but don't be sure MS doesn't take November yet.

The vast majority of sales will happen after Thanksgiving. A sales leads of less than 100k is meaningless when final sales for the month could be near 1m for both systems. The PS4 bundles haven't even launched yet. Right now 349.99 Xbox One's with a couple games are being compared to 399 PS4's with no games. There is more incentive for perspective PS4 buyers to wait until Black Friday.


I hope XBox One has a monster holiday and I think it might.

I'd assume a lot of those shipped numbers are stockpiles for Black Thursday/Friday though.

Walmart's crazy Halo MCC bundle has a one hour guarantee even. That's not to say MS isn't likely trying to get just as many units to guarantee tons of sales at Target and Best Buy, those companies just aren't making the promise.

It's a really good idea and I hope it works out.
At least a company is providing some sort of sales guidance.. even if it's somewhat ambiguous and covers only one of its markets. 10 mil shipped is nothing to sneeze at though for the 'second place' console. The big question is does this mean that sold-thru numbers still aren't good because MSFT isn't reporting them explicitly?

Side note did we ever get confirmation that Sony's 10 mil figure was sold-thru? I think it was just checking.


I've been trying to figure out the benefit to announcing before they hit 10m sold, rather than when they hit it. If they are really selling quickly, it wouldn't be a long wait to issue the PR. This formulation might be telling:

As we head into the busy holiday season Xbox One led generation 8 console sales in the US for the past two weeks. Shortly, we will have sold in to retailers more than 10 million Xbox One consoles.
I can't tell if they were the top selling console for each week of the past two weeks, or only for the two weeks combined (meaning, sales dropped back down week 2 but they still came out ahead when added to week 1). If it's the latter, it would explain the PR coming out before they hit 10m shipped - sales were so front loaded into the first week of the cut that by the time they hit 10m shipped, MS would not be able to say they were the top selling console for the past X weeks. They had to issue the PR while that line was viable.

Or not. Just another way the PR is really squishy.


This made me think about when was the last time they used sold to customers numbers and I was thought it was March but it's much worse. They haven't updated the 3m+ sold through number since January. They really must not be too happy about it if they haven't said anything in 10 months.


Great stuff MS. From E3 2013 I knew you guys shit yourselves right when you announced the price. It always comes down to price for the main stream people buying consoles. About time you lowered it under the console that's more powerful.

Now watch as the USA is taken back.

Sure going to be a long fight considering they are about 1m behind.
I actually have a pretty good idea.

And yes Sony can 100% for sure still win November. Im just saying its still too early to call it.

Ah, cool! So did they decently outsell the PS4 since the price drop?

I think Microsoft deserves to win November. They have the better holiday game lineup and have put more effort into pushing the Xbone.


I've been trying to figure out the benefit to announcing before they hit 10m sold, rather than when they hit it. If they are really selling quickly, it wouldn't be a long wait to issue the PR. This formulation might be telling:

I can't tell if they were the top selling console for each week of the past two weeks, or only for the two weeks combined (meaning, sales dropped back down week 2 but they still came out ahead when added to week 1). If it's the latter, it would explain the PR coming out before they hit 10m shipped - sales were so front loaded into the first week of the cut that by the time they hit 10m shipped, MS would not be able to say they were the top selling console for the past X weeks.

Or not. Just another way the PR is really squishy.

I just think it's to head off NPD numbers tomorrow.


I've been trying to figure out the benefit to announcing before they hit 10m sold, rather than when they hit it. If they are really selling quickly, it wouldn't be a long wait to issue the PR. This formulation might be telling:

I can't tell if they were the top selling console for each week of the past two weeks, or only for the two weeks combined (meaning, sales dropped back down week 2 but they still came out ahead when added to week 1). If it's the latter, it would explain the PR coming out before they hit 10m shipped - sales were so front loaded into the first week of the cut that by the time they hit 10m shipped, MS would not be able to say they were the top selling console for the past X weeks. They had to issue the PR while that line was viable.

Or not. Just another way the PR is really squishy.

Simpler explanation GhaleonEB. NPD is tomorrow. Someone pointed that out to me earlier haha


I've been trying to figure out the benefit to announcing before they hit 10m sold, rather than when they hit it. If they are really selling quickly, it wouldn't be a long wait to issue the PR. This formulation might be telling:

My guess is they needed something to get out ahead of tomorrow's NDP.


I hate shipped numbers. Hate them. Give me sold through or give me nothing.

That said, it's about time Microsoft put out some positive PR, they've been deathly silent the past few months. Kind of miss the loud and boisterous MS.
Without a doubt.

October doesnt mean much though, since November and December are usually the most important months.

Here is something we have discussed before, but I will bring it up again. Let's say (and I'm not predicting this) Microsoft wins November and December by a total of like 200,000 units. That would make for great PR, it would be good news, but it would basically balance out the lead that Sony built in September and October (assuming Sony wins October)....

The gap would remain the same as it was at the end of August, with Microsoft having to cut the price and bundle as many as 2 games just to stay even with Sony the last quarter of the year....

The only ground they are gaining is the ground they lost in September and October.....and at a very large cost to their bottom line. I know, I know, infinite war chest, bottomless piggy bank, but it's still a business, and those are some very aggressive and costly decisions they had to make to just stay even the last quarter of 2014...

Microsoft has got to just trounce Sony these last 2 months, to really cut into the gap in their all out assault on North America, and make these agressive moves really pay off, even at the costs I mentioned...And there is still the rest of the world, where Sony continues to dominate and MS isn't cutting the price...

The real battle is going to be after the holidays, when sales numbers decline, the price drop is over (I think it will be permanent due to "overwhelming response"), and new software is released in 2015....

I don't think Sony cares if they lose 2 months to MS this year, especially is they don't lose by much, didn't have to cut the price, and continue to dominate worldwide. They would still have a great selling console that has held it's value and sales at it's launch price...

100k win in favour of MS for Nov.

50k-75k in favour of MS for Dec.

That's how I see it playing out the next 2 months.

And that would simply make up for the difference that Sony gained in September....


I've been trying to figure out the benefit to announcing before they hit 10m sold, rather than when they hit it. If they are really selling quickly, it wouldn't be a long wait to issue the PR. This formulation might be telling:

I can't tell if they were the top selling console for each week of the past two weeks, or only for the two weeks combined (meaning, sales dropped back down week 2 but they still came out ahead when added to week 1). If it's the latter, it would explain the PR coming out before they hit 10m shipped - sales were so front loaded into the first week of the cut that by the time they hit 10m shipped, MS would not be able to say they were the top selling console for the past X weeks. They had to issue the PR while that line was viable.

Or not. Just another way the PR is really squishy.

It's simple. They need some spin before NPD tomorrow.


Or not. Just another way the PR is really squishy.

Could be as simple as wanting to get some leading positive PR out before the big Black Friday sales. The release of these numbers has become marketing aimed at both investors and consumers.

edit: And yeah, potential negative news from NPD coming up


Here is something we have discussed before, but I will bring it up again. Let's say (and I'm not predicting this) Microsoft wins November and December by a total of like 200,000 units. That would make for great PR, it would be good news, but it would basically balance out the lead that Sony built in September and October (assuming Sony wins October)....

The gap would remain the same as it was at the end of August, with Microsoft having to cut the price and bundle as many as 2 games just to stay even with Sony the last quarter of the year....

The only ground they are gaining is the ground they lost in September and October.....and at a very large cost to their bottom line. I know, I know, infinite war chest, bottomless piggy bank, but it's still a business, and those are some very aggressive and costly decisions they had to make to just stay even the last quarter of 2014...

Microsoft has got to just trounce Sony these last 2 months, to really cut into the gap in their all out assault on North America, and make these agressive moves really pay off, even at the costs I mentioned...And there is still the rest of the world, where Sony continues to dominate and MS isn't cutting the price...

The real battle is going to be after the holidays, when sales numbers decline, the price drop is over (I think it will be permanent due to "overwhelming response"), and new software is released in 2015....

I don't think Sony cares if they lose 2 months to MS this year, especially is they don't lose by much, didn't have to cut the price, and continue to dominate worldwide. They would still have a great selling console that has held it's value and sales at it's launch price...
Console sales. Serious business.
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