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Microsoft: Xbox One leading sales in US since price cut, nearly 10 million sold-in

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- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.

LOL that's dirty
So all the outlets are reporting it that MS have sold 10 million Xbox ones in the same breath as the ps4 having done it months ago.

MS have stuffed the channel, 7 million in stores compared to 5.5 to customers.

So they are maybe at 8 million to customers compared to 10 million in stores.

Lies and spin.

You're surprised the press is being misleading about an MS statement? Glad to see a lot of people aren't falling for it.


While it's easy to parse the PR and find caveats galore - nearing 10m shipped, leading for the past two weeks in the US - it's nice to get an update on shipments and the price cut had a marked effect. Now to see what it translates to in terms of end user sales and whether it's sustained over the holidays.

...actually that's a lot of caveats.

It's nearly as caveat riddled as their PR statement for Halo 4.

The best-selling [Microsoft Studios title] ever [in the U.S. market] when looking at [sales during each respective launch year].


This month's NPD thread is going to be depressing as hell with no creamsugar and Aquamarine out of the picture :(
I heard Aqua posted once after her banning before she requested the resuming of her ban.

I'm STILL holding on to the hope she's gonna do the same for the NPD thead. One post before she poofs again like a sales-age Mary Poppins.



- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.

Gold lol


Is the xbox one still selling better than 360 at this point of its life? If it drops below those numbers than x1 is in trouble if it stays above its fine. Just because the ps4 is selling like gang busters doesn't mean the x1 is a failure yet.


Junior Member
This is probably all they intend to sell in this quarter, nothing impressive.

If they can't outsell the PS4 at $349, (soon to be $329) with 2 games bundled and big releases like SO and MCC they might as well just quit.

SCEA isn't doing a very good job with the PS4, they should be more aggressive when it comes to bundles,etc, this is a key market and pretty much the only place where the XO still stands a chance.
Sony is kind of walking to the park in the US market. I think they have an enough to do the market deal this year after Density.

I feel Sony allowing it calm down otherwise we should have see more marketing deals, maybe because they felt on the auto-pilot moment and let see how dominant really is.
If Microsoft wants to know why I have no interest in giving them my business it is their ongoing reliance on duplicitous and deceitful PR. I don't care how far the price drops. I want my money going to a company that doesn’t feel the need to lie to my face just because they backed themselves into a corner with their own bad choices.


So all the outlets are reporting it that MS have sold 10 million Xbox ones in the same breath as the ps4 having done it months ago.

MS have stuffed the channel, 7 million in stores compared to 5.5 to customers.

So they are maybe at 8 million to customers compared to 10 million in stores.

Lies and spin.

They are brilliant.

They knew *exactly* the kind of reports that would go out by reporting the "nearly 10 million" number.


Look at the sales charts for some evidence, though: The console IS selling very, very well.


Microsoft has been the king of manipulative PR statements this generation so it's no surprise they knew how to play the media here.

Does Sony have anything to pull them through November?

"Pull them through" haha.

Yes, they have the $399.99 GTAV+TLOU bundle that's everywhere.

I heard Aqua posted once after her banning before she requested the resuming of her ban.

I'm STILL holding on to the hope she's gonna do the same for the NPD thead. One post before she poofs again like a sales-age Mary Poppins.


I will believe anything :(


Gold Member
Deserved it ? As if it was a special effort for MS, a company benefiting from nearly monopolistical situations in OS and Office tools, with billions in cash reserves...

They are trying to save the XB1's ass, and what they're doing here is only costing them the price of a drop of water.

You're right. Xbox one should fail because Windows and Office have been successful.

What the hell are you even talking about?


They're talking about a single region for a period of two weeks and all they have to talk about is how many consoles retailers have taken from warehouses rather than customers actually handing over cash for them which actually means they're losing more money than usual as they lose money on each machine.

Yeah, I can see why they'd be pleased about that.


"Pull them through" haha.

Yes, they have the $399.99 GTAV+TLOU bundle that's everywhere.

I will believe anything :(
the only way they could outsell MS is if they out shipped them for Black Friday, which I doubt they will. Both Consoles have ridiculous prices and both will sell out. MS has been selling like crazy for the past 2 weeks.


I thought that Creamsugar was joking about not posting? He used the email tag to hide a /Joking comment.

I thought he said he lost his source or something?

I was banned during that time so I was unable to be in that NPD thread controversy.

It was hilarious though after that Michael Pachter prediction. So many broken hearts ;P

blakep267 said:
the only way they could outsell MS is if they out shipped them for Black Friday, which I doubt they will.

Dude, they already have tons shipped everywhere.


Why? How are you pulling that out of air?

I can tell you for a fact that's nonsense too because we've actually had this debate with many other GAFers when they say 'competition is good.' And it's never, ever about the "quality of the competitive products." Not even once in the literal decade+ I've been having that argument on GAF. It's always some starry eyed wishy-washy stuff about how the companies do better for consumers when someone is breathing down their neck.

You have to be the first person I've ever heard interpret it that way, and it's a very convenient interpretation.

What does this even mean? As I said in my post:

When people say "competition is good"? Yeah, there is in the sense that it means options, and people will tend to choose what they like. I don't even understand what you're disagreeing with.


It's hyperbole.

But yeah Xbox was never king, even in the X360 days. The Wii ate both PS3 and Xbox 360 for lunch.

And even then the PS3 came back and won second place.

I thought he said he lost his source or something?

I was banned during that time so I was unable to be in that NPD thread controversy.

It was hilarious though after that Michael Pachter prediction. So many broken hearts ;P

Dude, they already have more shipped.

He said he was joking in his quote thing.

At least I hope he was.
So like, this is with the $50 price drop through the holidays and bundles sometimes of 2 games right? Isn't this devaluing the product. Who is going to buy this console when there is no pack in and its back at $400? Aren't consumers just going to say "I'll wait until its $300?"

But hey whatever it takes to try and claw back a bit, even though this is an announcement meant to confuse the gaming press and noninformed folk alike. I can't wait for the announcement when they actually sold to consumers 10m units and the ensuing confusion.
People need to realize that Sony isn't worried about losing 1 or 2 months NPD in US. They're playing the long game. PS4 is still selling extremely well, and after December the XB1 will be back up to $399, then Sony has The Order and Bloodborne to push in February and March.

There's simply no reason for them to do anything drastic. Their TLOU + GTAV bundle will still like hotcakes.

Nelson pls.

Congratulations to Majors team for making the playoffs...


I thought he said he lost his source or something?

I was banned during that time so I was unable to be in that NPD thread controversy.

It was hilarious though after that Michael Pachter prediction. So many broken hearts ;P

Dude, they already have tons shipped everywhere.

shipped in the US?


If Microsoft wants to know why I have no interest in giving them my business it is their ongoing reliance on duplicitous and deceitful PR. I don't care how far the price drops. I want my money going to a company that doesn’t feel the need to lie to my face just because they backed themselves into a corner with their own bad choices.

You serious? ALL companies use PR spin. That's not exclusive to MS.


So all the outlets are reporting it that MS have sold 10 million Xbox ones in the same breath as the ps4 having done it months ago.

MS have stuffed the channel, 7 million in stores compared to 5.5 to customers.

So they are maybe at 8 million to customers compared to 10 million in stores.

Lies and spin.

People were estimating them to have been at 5.5 million sold to consumers 3 weeks ago. There is no way they sold 2.5 million consoles to consumers in 3 weeks. So, if we are going by the 5.5 estimate, they have almost as many boxes in stores as people that actually own one.


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.
Does Sony have anything to pull them through November?

GTA5 and Far Cry 4 co-marketing, GTA5/TLOUR bundles, possibly a super good value Black Friday bundle.

Honestly, it's gonna be close. I'm still expecting Playstation to take December, but November is all kinds of exciting!


What does this even mean? As I said in my post:

When people say "competition is good"? Yeah, there is in the sense that it means options, and people will tend to choose what they like. I don't even understand what you're disagreeing with.

Because like I said, it doesn't mean what you're saying and in debates it never does. You're the first person I've ever heard say that in my decade here, and I've had this discussion a billion times.

The reason it's convenient is because it's such a mealy-mouthed interpretation (and almost certainly incorrect interpretation of its use) that it can be twisted to mean anything to anyone. What makes the competition worthy? Why does there have to be a second viable option if most people dislike it? What is the point of even saying it?

Whereas when someone says "competition is good" in the traditional interpretation - which is everyone else but you - at least it means something. They're arguing for the opposite of a free market system, but they want that because they believe competition breathing down each other's necks motivates each other. There's at least some viable arguments to be had there.

mrklaw said:
I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

Who cares. What does it matter how some people celebrate haha


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

A culling is sometimes useful. Let there be meltdowns, however they may fall.
Im amazed at how people still care about whether the consoles are sold in to retailers or to customers. Microsoft cares about one thing, sold in to retailers. After that it is the retailers problem. They are paid regardless. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only really care about that. Retailers order what they forecast will sell. Third parties care more about what is sold through to consumers, because it gives them a better idea of what they can sell of their games. Sold in or sold through is not all that different as retailers wouldnt order anything they couldnt turn.


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

Dread? Dread you say? Sir. There are those that feed off that emotional release. Don't worry. I'm sure Bish's got this :D


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

If it happens I'm fully expecting a tweet diarrhea from Greenberg like last December.
This is probably all they intend to sell in this quarter, nothing impressive.

If they can't outsell the PS4 at $349, (soon to be $329) with 2 games bundled and big releases like SO and MCC they might as well just quit.

SCEA isn't doing a very good job with the PS4, they should be more aggressive when it comes to bundles,etc, this is a key market and pretty much the only place where the XO still stands a chance.

November will likely go to MS with a decent margin(unless GTAV bundle is insanely successful), December will be more interesting.

Sony doesn't need to win the US at all costs like MS does. If they can remain very competitive over the holidays without an actual price drop they have done well.


Im amazed at how people still care about whether the consoles are sold in to retailers or to customers. Microsoft cares about one thing, sold in to retailers. After that it is the retailers problem. They are paid regardless. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only really care about that. Retailers order what they forecast will sell. Third parties care more about what is sold through to consumers, because it gives them a better idea of what they can sell of their games. Sold in or sold through is not all that different as retailers wouldnt order anything they couldnt turn.

Uh. You're forgetting about something very very very important. You see, retailers by those fancy consoles. Yet you need the consumer to own those to purchase games. See where this is going?


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

Even if Microsoft manage to win November and December, it'll only be in the US. Worldwide, the PS4 will still probably sell more than the Xbox One for both of those months and thus the gap will still increase.

It's basically how the PS3 ended up outselling the 360 even though every month Microsoft sold a ton more 360s than PS3s in the US.
I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

Dreading? You have the wrong idea. Take a seat, grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.
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