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Microsoft: Xbox One leading sales in US since price cut, nearly 10 million sold-in

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Because like I said, it doesn't mean what you're saying and in debates it never does. You're the first person I've ever heard say that in my decade here, and I've had this discussion a billion times.

The reason it's convenient is because it's such a mealy-mouthed (and almost certainly incorrect interpretation of its use) that it can be twisted to mean anything to anyone. What makes the competition worthy? Why does there have to be a second viable option if most people dislike it? What is the point of even saying it?

Whereas when someone says "competition is good" in the traditional interpretation - which is everyone else but you - at least it means something. They're arguing for the opposite of a free market system, but they want that because they believe competition breathing down each other's necks motivates each other. There's at least some viable arguments to be had there.

I think you're off base. If you don't understand why someone saying "competition is good" would mean it's good to have options, and it tends to mean the more chances for good offerings the better, I can't help you.


Uh. You're forgetting about something very very very important. You see, retailers by those fancy consoles. Yet you need the consumer to own those to purchase games. See where this is going?

stores dont buy what they dont think they can sell.


WOW it is a new spin strategy?

It is the "Coming Soon" working for MS.

- How much Xbones did you sold?
- 10 million soon
- Soon?
- Yeah we be sold soon 10 million consoles
- Soon 10 million consoles will be in the consumers hands?
- Well in the retail
- Wait is it shipped?
- Not. Sell in to retailers.

Soon? Next week? Next month? End of Year? It is soon.


You're right. Xbox one should fail because Windows and Office have been successful.

What the hell are you even talking about?

Simply pointing out that throwing money at bundles, price cuts etc... is not something that should give MS praise deservings. It's a minimum effort for them


Dreading? You have the wrong idea. Take a seat, grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.

Yeah I'm gonna get front row seats. I say let them enjoy themselves, there's a lot of XBO fans who took the last year as some indictment of their tastes. So they have some fun. Microsoft did a great job with the deals this year, they're insane. That was some active courting of consumers, and so in a sense it's a good thing. Shows a sign that consumers want it, but at a certain price. Maybe it'll mean we'll get to a permanent $349.99 quicker. If it wasn't for the ID@Xbox parity nonsense, I'd have one too right now.


Im amazed at how people still care about whether the consoles are sold in to retailers or to customers. Microsoft cares about one thing, sold in to retailers. After that it is the retailers problem. They are paid regardless. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only really care about that. Retailers order what they forecast will sell. Third parties care more about what is sold through to consumers, because it gives them a better idea of what they can sell of their games. Sold in or sold through is not all that different as retailers wouldnt order anything they couldnt turn.

Actually no. MS does and has to care about sell through. If the product does not sell to consumer they will have less shipment next quarter, or worst have negative shipment like Wii U early on.

stores dont buy what they dont think they can sell.

Yes, because negative shipment of a product hasn't happened before in the history of retail. /s


Im amazed at how people still care about whether the consoles are sold in to retailers or to customers. Microsoft cares about one thing, sold in to retailers. After that it is the retailers problem. They are paid regardless. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only really care about that. Retailers order what they forecast will sell. Third parties care more about what is sold through to consumers, because it gives them a better idea of what they can sell of their games. Sold in or sold through is not all that different as retailers wouldnt order anything they couldnt turn.

MS doesn't benefit from sold in though. For every unit thr retailer sells, The console maker makes money. For every unshipped one, rhe console maker could lose future sales, or be forced to buy it back. Retailers don't just blindly buy merchandise, without a catch or if sales expectations don't meet a certain number.


Exclusive look into Microsofts PR department:


Yo.. these guys can fuck people up..


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

I'd be shocked if MS did not win November. Jury is out on December. Unless the price drop goes global ASAP it's looking like Xbox One will be NA-centric console for its lifespan.


Im amazed at how people still care about whether the consoles are sold in to retailers or to customers. Microsoft cares about one thing, sold in to retailers. After that it is the retailers problem. They are paid regardless. Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo only really care about that. Retailers order what they forecast will sell. Third parties care more about what is sold through to consumers, because it gives them a better idea of what they can sell of their games. Sold in or sold through is not all that different as retailers wouldnt order anything they couldnt turn.
Nah, they actually only really care about how many people buy their console and that they get as many games as possible and get xbox live and subscribe to other services cause thats the way money is made in the console market in the first few years.
Plus, there is no way in hell they are making any sort of profit on a console sale with the deals they are offering


Gestault said:
I think you're off base. If you don't understand why someone saying "competition is good" would mean it's good to have options, and it tends to mean the more chances for good offerings the better, I can't help you.

Even if we just discuss it for you alone - since you're one of the lone cats who uses this interpretation, that's just the reality - it doesn't make sense. One system dominating does not eliminate the options others had. It's silliness. Even when PS2 was absolutely smacking the Xbox and GCN, people still had the option to buy those systems and love them. I adored my GCN, for example. And the offerings on it were phenomenal.


Forgive me if this was already brought up but...

"The response to this wave of blockbuster game releases and new bundles has been amazing, and sales have skyrocketed since the new price took effect on Nov. 2. Compared to the previous week, Xbox One sales in the US have more than tripled"

Of fucking course they tripled their sales. They announced the holiday price cut on Oct 27th. Sales of the console would have dropped dramatically that week and then picked up majorly once the price cut hit.
Well, it would be rather embarrassing if they were still being outsold with the price cut and bundle deals, so I can't say I'm too surprised at this announcement.

I wonder if we'll ever get sold-through numbers again. It's also kind of amusing to me that they had to "pre-announce" that they've sold-in 10 million to retailers since it hasn't actually happened yet.

Problem is, they are announcing the numbers they have shipped for the holidays as part of their total shipped numbers...before the holidays are even in full swing...They are not going to be able to announce sold through numbers cause it could be 3 months before they actually sell the approx 3 million to customers that they have shipped this quarter...And this quarter is always the biggest shipment of the year.....

Do you think in January or February that Microsoft is going to make another PR statement saying they sold 10 million consoles to consumers? No way, they can't go backwards. Next total sales numbers they share will be when they make their next big quarterly shipment...


You serious? ALL companies use PR spin. That's not exclusive to MS.

The old 'Sony too' defense. Actually Sony have done nothing of the sort for a long while, microsoft takes every opportunity to lie and play dirty, another reason I will never buy an Xbone or anything from MS.


Gold Member
MS doesn't benefit from sold in though. For every unit thr retailer sells, The console maker makes money. For every unshipped one, rhe console maker could lose future sales, or be forced to buy it back. Retailers don't just blindly buy merchandise, without a catch or if sales expectations don't meet a certain number.

Retailers also try to not over order because that also costs them money. Most of the time they only order what they believe that they can sell, because returns are also costly.


I'm dreading November NPD. All signs point towards a likely MS win, and the inevitable and perhaps understandable emotional release from some people could get messy.

I'm looking forward to the reaction by certain folk in the media the most really :D Should be amazing either way

Hell if PS4 wins somehow still then we will also have a lot of people saying something along the lines of 'it's not fair" "They don't deserve it"


Gold Member
If they are channel stuffing I haven't seen it, at least in the Best Buy, WalMart and Target in my area only target had 1 single Xbox one unit in stock over the weekend. Ps4 was more abundant. No I didn't ask the attendants, but in previous visits they all had better stock


Even if we just discuss it for you alone - since you're one of the lone cats who uses this interpretation, that's just the reality - it doesn't make sense. One system dominating does not eliminate the options others had. It's silliness. Even when PS2 was absolutely smacking the Xbox and GCN, people still had the option to buy those systems and love them. I adored my GCN, for example. And the offerings on it were phenomenal.

You're describing a completely different set of conclusions than what was actually contained in my posts, and you're laboring this point of "I've never heard it before" so hard, I don't even know what's going on with you.
ps4 have been selling like crazy without a killer app, just wait until bloodborne comes out, the amount of pc gamers buying a ps4 just for that game will be insane i imagine

I doubt bloodbourne will be a killer app. The order has a better chance but it's really UC4 that will be the one.
You serious? ALL companies use PR spin. That's not exclusive to MS.

Yes I'm serious. Not every company sends executives here to blatantly lie about specs. And there is a difference between PR that puts a nice face on things and PR that is intentionally deceitful. MS has proven time and time again how little respect they have for me as a customer and the inevitable result is my own disrespect for them as a business.


You're describing a completely different set of conclusions than what was actually contained in my posts, and you're laboring this point of "I've never heard it before" so hard, I don't even know what's going on with you.

Just agree to disagree. Boring now.


- Hey Major Nelson, I saw your tweet about selling 10m xboxes in the US. That's amazing, well done!
- well..actually that 10m is world wide, not just the U.S.
- oh. Well still, selling 10m is a great achievement. That's a lot of happy consumers
- well..we haven't actually sold them all to consumers yet. We've shipped them into stores ready to sell to people.
- oh. Ok I'm sure those shops will sell them soon. Still, shipping 10m out to stores takes some doing, eh?
- well..we haven't actually shipped 10m yet. We will soon though
- oh ffs.

The perfect resume.
dont you mean every pr department?

The response to the sheer notion of MS doing well is pretty entertaining.

Hehe very true. I hear spin classes are good for your health!

Anyway, the reason people are having fun with this is because of all the caveats to this particular press release. If Microsoft just straight out had great news some people would be in denial but I would have no qualms with congratulating them for a job well done. This is very obviously getting in early because they lost this months NPD.

I'll congratualte them when they win November.

TK Turk

WOW it is a new spin strategy?

It is the "Coming Soon" working for MS.

- How much Xbones did you sold?
- 10 million soon
- Soon?
- Yeah we be sold soon 10 million consoles
- Soon 10 million consoles will be in the consumers hands?
- Well in the retail
- Wait is it shipped?
- Not. Sell in to retailers.

Soon? Next week? Next month? End of Year? It is soon.

Much post. Great entertain. Would read again.
3x the week where they announced a price cut for the next week.

This, this is something people seem to ignore....3 times the sales of the week where everyone was waiting a week to buy an xbox one because they knew the price would drop...

It is fantastic PR.....


You're describing a completely different set of conclusions than what was actually contained in my posts, and you're laboring this point of "I've never heard it before" so hard, I don't even know what's going on with you.

Then rewrite what you said, because this is what you said:

Gestault said:
If you don't understand why someone saying "competition is good" would mean it's good to have options, and it tends to mean the more chances for good offerings the better

I'm sure you have a magical special interpretation that is unique for you and no one else on Earth too for this as well, but what this means is you're arguing that the phrase indicates

1. "Competition is good" means "it's good to have options"
2. "Competition is good" means "more chances for good offerings."

Neither requires competition. And competition being good or bad has nothing to do with that.

The only thing that's going on with me is I'm reading your arguments and getting more and more bemused trying to parse out your actual point.


ps4 have been selling like crazy without a killer app, just wait until bloodborne comes out, the amount of pc gamers buying a ps4 just for that game will be insane i imagine

My thoughts exactly, all the Dark Souls PC players will be coming off of a steam sale from November get addicted the crack that is Souls series and look at Bloodborne saying: "IN MY VEINS NOW".

Yup I see it having that impact.
these are like those NFL stats where they say a player rushed for most yards at a night game when it's raining between the time of 8-9 o'clock


Forgive me if this was already brought up but...

"The response to this wave of blockbuster game releases and new bundles has been amazing, and sales have skyrocketed since the new price took effect on Nov. 2. Compared to the previous week, Xbox One sales in the US have more than tripled"

Of fucking course they tripled their sales. They announced the holiday price cut on Oct 27th. Sales of the console would have dropped dramatically that week and then picked up majorly once the price cut hit.

Oh I'm sure plenty here spotted exactly the same thing. We'll find out in the NPD if we get any numbers. Shame we won't get Octobers actual numbers so see how it did against the months before and in light of this deal coming up.


Retailers also try to not over order because that also costs them money. Most of the time they only order what they believe that they can sell, because returns are also costly.

Depends on the deals being offered really. They will consider investment buys too - i.e. buy more stock now at cheaper price with advantageous return agreements.

MS is very likely offering retailers very good terms right now to encourage them to stock up on the high end of expected sales over a longish period.

Xbox sales in the US ain't that bad - the consoles will shift for sure over time.

I'd imagine they'd find it a lot harder to encourage investment and forward buying outside US but you never know.
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