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Mom calls cops on stranger choking her 7yr son, gets arrested (Up: bodycam footage)

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Full video was released, makes the cop look even worse.


The officer was rude, but I can't call it racism. There is a difference between rude and racist.
Photo of chief:


Literally racism and complete lack of regard for a child on video, but "it's not what is really is" according to the chief. I have little hope anything will come of this incident.
When the system is specifically designed to not give a shit about black life can't pretend that doesn't extend to police on the ground.

They give zero shits. We're all just vermin to them. They joke about us killing each other and are glad. More air for the white man to breathe.

When you understand that you understand how a grown man can choke a 7 year old boy for "disrespect" and have a cop accept that and find criticism about the child.

As for the police chief plenty of black men will defend white supremacy with their lives. That self hating shit. Always making fucking excuses in order to be accepted by his boys in blue.

Shit like this is why the Black Panther party was originally formed. It's getting out of hand. A god damned fucking seven year old child. If I did that to a white kid I'd be in cuffs immediately. Wouldn't matter what the kid did or didn't do.

I'm truly afraid of something like this happening to my daughter cause I'm not about forgiveness and holding hands and just going to church to whoop and holler.


Can't believe he's on "desk duty" and that the police chief says that the incident was "rude but not racist".

Sigh. This appalling and racist behaviour is bred and encouraged within the police institution. There needs to be a culture shift within police departments that stops them from protecting and covering up these bad apples. As the old saying goes "one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel" and it rings ever so true for most of American police force.
The officer was rude, but I can't call it racism. There is a difference between rude and racist.

I have to agree with the guy in the video. You have to ask why he was so quick to be rude to her in the first place and (apparently) not the guy when she hadn't been rude to him up to that point. It's hard to come up with another reason besides overt or subconscious racism. Maybe sexism. Entirely possible it was both.


The most upsetting part about every single one of these threads is the fact that America, yugely, doesn't give a shit about Blacks/Browns/ANYONE (*besides the wealthy and privileged*) that is on the opposite side of the law. Its hard to keep commenting on the heinous and truly disgusting. Knowing full well the outcome will be identical most of the time.

This behavior by Police is acceptable by the Country. Thats one ding. The next is that This behavior by police is ultimately 1000x fold more acceptable when its a brown person as the target. Thats ding two.

Our society is built on the idea that police are the enforcers, and if you find yourself at odds with them, you did just that, found yourself at odds with them. If you were abiding by law, you wouldn't have any issues! But we have countless examples of people being preyed on by police, and the logic still stands. No matter the out, drugs in the system, a previous record, being rude, etc. Its not that people justify it with those actions, the actions are already justified in their eyes, they just need a supplement that gives them a moral out to justify that predetermined bias. I think thats a third ding.

Its a problem that isn't going to be solved by black people speaking up. Which we can't even do, See Wallmart/Amazon. Everyone is fine with this reality for people and police. Its very unsettling. Why isn't everyone who wants to invade a country over civil rights abuse, demanding change from our own nation?

Americans generally feel that; If you break a law, you can be killed/maimed/abused. No due process, just that the officer is clearly the best judge of whatever the situation is. How do you even begin to address the culture that approves of this? It's almost as American as apple pie, or orange chicken.

Shits just.. amazingly defeating. Citizens aren't making much progress to hold police accountable, and citizens frankly don't seem to want to.
The most upsetting part about every single one of these threads is the fact that America, yugely, doesn't give a shit about Blacks/Browns/ANYONE (*besides the wealthy and privileged*) that is on the opposite side of the law. Its hard to keep commenting on the heinous and truly disgusting. Knowing full well the outcome will be identical most of the time.

This behavior by Police is acceptable by the Country. Thats one ding. The next is that This behavior by police is ultimately 1000x fold more acceptable when its a brown person as the target. Thats ding two.

Our society is built on the idea that police are the enforcers, and if you find yourself at odds with them, you did just that, found yourself at odds with them. If you were abiding by law, you wouldn't have any issues! But we have countless examples of people being preyed on by police, and the logic still stands. No matter the out, drugs in the system, a previous record, being rude, etc. Its not that people justify it with those actions, the actions are already justified in their eyes, they just need a supplement that gives them a moral out to justify that predetermined bias. I think thats a third ding.

Its a problem that isn't going to be solved by black people speaking up. Which we can't even do, See Wallmart/Amazon. Everyone is fine with this reality for people and police. Its very unsettling. Why isn't everyone who wants to invade a country over civil rights abuse, demanding change from our own nation?

Americans generally feel that; If you break a law, you can be killed/maimed/abused. No due process, just that the officer is clearly the best judge of whatever the situation is. How do you even begin to address the culture that approves of this? It's almost as American as apple pie, or orange chicken.

Shits just.. amazingly defeating. Citizens aren't making much progress to hold police accountable, and citizens frankly don't seem to want to.

If the answers and solutions can't be found outwards we must by necessity turn inwards for our solutions. Perhaps the better course of action would have been to not contact the police and deal with the man...privately. (through peaceful conversation of course.)


If the answers and solutions can't be found outwards we must by necessity turn inwards for our solutions. Perhaps the better course of action would have been to not contact the police and deal with the man...privately. (through peaceful conversation of course.)

Well. We've been doing that tho. It's a problem that we can't call police and have to avoid them. But it's a problem folks are all good with.

If a man is strangling your kid, it's not too far from mind that this person would be up for shooting you if you were on their property, or if they just claim they felt their life was in danger... And they'd likely Walk.

And let's hope no one had a criminal record.

I only call police if it's life or death for folks. Just a shame to not be able to utilize the police department.


A white police officer in Fort Worth, Texas, has been suspended without pay for 10 days following the release of a video last month showing him being violent toward three black women who were trying to report that a family member allegedly had been assaulted.

The officer, William A. Martin, violated policy regarding “discourtesy and inappropriate contact” during the incident, Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald said Monday during a press conference.

“Quite frankly, Officer Martin felt that he let me down,” Fitzgerald said. “We want to reassure members of the public that this is an isolated incident.”
10 whole days! That'll learn him.
Not shocked by the slap on the wrist.

The Kree

”Quite frankly, Officer Martin felt that he let me down," Fitzgerald said. ”We want to reassure members of the public that this is an isolated incident."

It's not an isolated incident. Your organization has been shitting on these people for hundreds of years. It was literally created for that purpose.
Oh wow. 2 of his paychecks will be cut in half. That'll teach him and others not to be racist, abusive, powertripping fuckwads.

Good Article. Broke it down. This is nuts and this guy at the very least should lose his job. Having watched the video, in no way do I think that he acted appropriately. At no point did she or her daughter threaten him. For the most part she even sounds calm and collected. She's upset at the very most.

Also who teaches this guy conflict resolution. Why don't you teach her not to pick litter, is not a very good thing to say to deescalate a situation.

Honestly, I don't feel like this guy is racist, at least not until we get more facts. What it does seem like some bullshit asshole, who woke on bed the wrong side and was going to take his anger out on the first person who annoyed him.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wow, ten days. #lawandorder

This shouldn't need to be said, but not all policemen and women are bastards. It is an institutional problem, but a solvable one. Acting like it can never change benefits nobody.

It could be solved, but that would require burning everything to the ground, plowing the ashes under and then salting the earth.
Damn, this is nuts. I thought she did the video a great disservice with all the cursing and other references, but this is outrageous what the cop did, wow. Just angry that what will be lost in the craziness of what happened here is all the vulgarity and anti police commentary (because you do know that's really what the news will be reporting on, and it's going to be treated like this big false equivalency about how both sides need to do this or that yada yada yada).

Instead of allowing the police officer's actions to speak for themselves while not distracting too much away from the shame of his reprehensible actions, I'm afraid that girl did the video a tremendous disservice by essentially, whether she realizes it or not, acting as a shield for that cop.

Two Words

Damn, this is nuts. I thought she did the video a great disservice with all the cursing and other references, but this is outrageous what the cop did, wow. Just angry that what will be lost in the craziness of what happened here is all the vulgarity and anti police commentary (because you do know that's really what the news will be reporting on, and it's going to be treated like this big false equivalency about how both sides need to do this or that yada yada yada).

Instead of allowing the police officer's actions to speak for themselves while not distracting too much away from the shame of his reprehensible actions, I'm afraid that girl did the video a tremendous disservice by essentially, whether she realizes it or not, acting as a shield for that cop.


Tagged as I see fit
So...what about the guy that CHOKED A 7 YEAR OLD?

If that were my child, I'd probably be in prison at the very least.


Lmao @ "he felt like he let me down." Oh boo hoo. Sounds like an attempt at getting one to sympathize with the shithead cop. It probably worked.
Why are american police so utterly shit? Is it the people who do it? The culture.

I can't imagine this happening so regularly in any other place in the developed world
Why are american police so utterly shit? Is it the people who do it? The culture.

I can't imagine this happening so regularly in any other place in the developed world

A culture hostile to minorities that goes back hundreds of years, poor hiring standards, and mighty, politically powerful unions that block & undermine most efforts to hold police accountable. But the system was designed that way, its no accident at all.


A good half of this country's thought process is, "They're the police. They can do no wrong, because they're the police." That's without even bringing race into it.
Damn, this is nuts. I thought she did the video a great disservice with all the cursing and other references, but this is outrageous what the cop did, wow. Just angry that what will be lost in the craziness of what happened here is all the vulgarity and anti police commentary (because you do know that's really what the news will be reporting on, and it's going to be treated like this big false equivalency about how both sides need to do this or that yada yada yada).

Instead of allowing the police officer's actions to speak for themselves while not distracting too much away from the shame of his reprehensible actions, I'm afraid that girl did the video a tremendous disservice by essentially, whether she realizes it or not, acting as a shield for that cop.

I actually read a great article about this line of thinking. The idea that, in the moment, people expect you to be subservient, take the abuse, and not speak up and believe that some how that'll effect change. If you think the police officer's actions speak for themselves then you haven't seen this guy's defenders. There are people with in the force that think his suspension is too harsh.

In the words of the police chief who issued the statement yesterday the officer:

Neglected his duty
Failed to observe and effect department procedures
Used excessive force
Was disrespectful
Failed to thoroughly investigate the offence he was called out for

But she should have just kept her mouth shut, right?

Why Not

Within that phrase sits a sense of entitlement and privilege fed and nurtured by centuries of patriarchy and white privilege that meant one white man automatically supported the other white man at the expense of an justifiably aggrieved mother.

That's why that white officer of the law barely dealt with the reason he had been called to the scene -- the suspected assault of a child - and instead turned the full weight of the authority vested in him by the city of Fort Worth on the black child's mother, focusing all his scorn and outrage on her.

And that black mother reacted exactly as any other mother -- and most fathers -- would react at being asked that outrageous question. She got angry. Which, if you watch the video, was pretty clearly the officer's intent in goading her.


Body-cam footage was released. I'm too pissed off already to watch it.


IMPORTANT. For the very first time you are seeing the body cam video of Officer William Martin of the Fort Worth Police Department grossly harassing then brutally assaulting a mother and her family after SHE called the police on a white man in the neighborhood who choked her 7 year old son.
Now, with this video, we learn:
1. The neighbor admits to assaulting child - FWPD declines to charge neighbor
2. When the previously seen FB live video ends officer Martin uses excessive force to get 19y/o to answer his question twisting her handcuffed arms above her head
3. Officer Martin is seen kicking handcuffed 15y/o seconds after she attempts to wiggle into his car without the use of her hands.
4. We now know Officer Martin has a history of excessive force including misuse of taser in 2013 against black boys at Dunbar High School and that even that report references previous history of excessive force
5. We now know Officer Martin falsified his affidavit on this incident to justify false charges against Craig family.
Body cam video
- This footage shows for the first time officer Martin speaking with neighbor who admits to grabbing child by the neck and forcing him to pick up litter.
- Footage also shows what happens when Brea Hymond's phone is taken by Martin. He demands her age and when she doesn't give it he takes her handcuffed arms and twist them above her head in a display excessive force and use of pain compliance.
- He brags that he is recording to but his is in HD. #InjusticeInHD
Martin False Affidavit
- Before the facebook live video went viral Martin complete this affidavit for the magistrate judge that arraigned Craig and her two daughters. In order to justify false charges he lies about several facts clearly proven false by his body cam video. Martin states while he was handcuffing Jacqueline Craig, Brea Hymond pushed him. Brea Hymond never approaches Martin as she stands at a distance recording the incident. He further states Craig pulled away her arms and actively tried to resist arrest. This never happens.
- He also states Brea Hymond pulled away arms resisting arrest, this never happened.
- He further states Jacqueline Craig refused to identify herself, which she is seen doing in the video.
Misue of Force Investigation 8/6/2013
- GO 504.01J(9)(d) – CED’s are prohibited from being used on any subject who attempts to flee or resist detention or arrest.
On 5-24-13, at approximately 0151hrs, Officer Martin deployed his taser to stop a fleeing subject.
Improper Taser Use Report -
- Officer Martin was the only one of six officers responding to black males on the roof of Dunbar HS to inappropriately deploy his taser in apprehending the students. Most supervisors justified the misuse of weapon, one captain spoke up and described the misuse and referenced Martin's history of use of force issues.
- Captain Edwin Kraus states "Officer has to know that suspect is armed to qualify to use taser under d(1). Under d(2), just being in a "tactical disadvantage" does not appear to authorize taser use in this circumstance because suspect was just running and was 25 feet away during the 1st missed deployment, and about 23 feet away when taser made contact while AP was fleeing. The incident also does not fit the requirement listed under d(3). Please take appropriate action based upon officers' history concerning use of force issues."
- https://assets.documentcloud.org/…/electronic-control-weapo…
Page 20 recommendation 26 adopted by FWPD
Martin IA Statement - establishes these weapons shouldn't be deployed at fleeing suspects
- "The W/M stated that a child had thrown a piece of trash in his yard. The W/M approached the child and grabbed his arm and told him to pick up the trash. When the child refused, the W/M grabbed the child by the back of the neck and demanded that the child pick up the trash."
This admission to officer Martin has been repeatedly denied by the FWPD.
The FWPD declined to refer charges concerning the neighbor to the the District Attorney.
- "I used my foot to push the younger daughter's legs inside the vehicle so that I could shut the door"
And this cop is already back on the streets patrolling that very same neighborhood.


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