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New screenshots of Doom [pissfilter is gone]


Gold Member
Quick question: who is making the game? Machine Games or id Software?

As far as I know it's all id, however Certain Affinity has been helping out with the multiplayer portion.

Edit: Oops, didn't realize so many people would respond so quickly, haha. I can also echo that while I like what I see, I would've loved Machine Games doing it. I can only imagine it would've looked darker and grittier then.


Wow, I fucking love this screenshot.





I wonder if this will have blood effects like wall and floor splatter? Changing those sterile, futuristic environments to fucking messes


id software


Wish it was Machine Games, ah well.

As far as I know it's all id, however Certain Affinity has been helping out with the multiplayer portion.

Edit: Oops, didn't realize so many people would respond so quickly, haha. I can also echo that while I like what I see, I would've loved Machine Games doing it. I can only imagine it would've looked darker and grittier then.


I wonder what Machine Games will do next. It'd be cool if they made a new Quake.


Oh shit I have 1886 in my PSN download queue from one of the flash sales last year when it was $10. The concept sounded cool so I did a blind buy. Wow wow I'm hyped as hell now.
Ha, I'd love to see a graphics impression thread from you once you played a bit of The Order 1886 - I imagine coming purely from last gen consoles to that game should be a fascinating experience.

@On topic: It looks like Doom! I still remember how absolutely frightening real the graphics looked in those game magazine reviews - especially for a PS2 owner at the time. I hope the gameplay and the campaign are at least somewhat exciting, because I don't know what kind of ground breaking features or elements they could add, to make this title more than a mediocre remake of Doom 3. Maybe I never understood what people liked about Doom (3) in the first place.


Gold Member
Across the console board? Or across the board board?

PC, PS4, and XB1. 60fps on all versions was mentioned in the GI article. 1080p was mentioned briefly, but wasn't specifically pointed out if it was across all platforms if I remember correctly. Sounded like it was, but I can't help but doubt that.

Edit: On the new hub article they mention 1080p on PC, which of course is expected. I'm sure it's safe to just assume it won't be on other platforms. If they say otherwise at some point, cool, but until then it's best not to assume. My apologies for even mentioning that!
PC, PS4, and XB1. 60fps on all versions was mentioned in the GI article. 1080p was mentioned briefly, but wasn't specifically pointed out if it was across all platforms if I remember correctly. Sounded like it was, but I can't help but doubt that.

Edit: On the new hub article they mention 1080p on PC, which of course is expected. I'm sure it's safe to just assume it won't be on other platforms. If they say otherwise at some point, cool, but until then it's best not to assume. My apologies for even mentioning that!

I think they will use a dynamic framebuffer similar to what was used on Wolfenstein TNO on consoles or Halo 5.


I wish it had more of the original Doom feel. I am not liking the Doom 3 atmosphere. If the devs bring the mindless action of original Doom, I am all in.


The cacodemons look so much better without the piss filter that I can't think of a sane reason why it was ever there in the first place.


Not the best looker for sure on screens, but 60 fps is what sells it for me and unfortunately that can't be shown with pics.


whoever thought that yellow filter looked good should be fired, still not digging the claymation look that is carrying over from the last doom but it looks fun and im glad id is going back to its roots rage was such a trainwreck and hope it doesn't have the day 1 issues that game had
whoever thought that yellow filter looked good should be fired, still not digging the claymation look that is carrying over from the last doom but it looks fun and im glad id is going back to its roots rage was such a trainwreck and hope it doesn't have the day 1 issues that game had

Whoa buddy.... Fired is a bit much :/

It's always a work in progress and the team listened and realized

Let's all just be happy, okay? :)
I've always been a huge fan of Doom (yes, even Doom 3), up to and including making my own campaign WAD for Doom 2. This, combined with what we've been told about the gameplay, looks very promising to me.


Too bad it'll probably be locked at 60fps for PC as well :/

idTech 5 (and I'm guessing 6) made some REALLY stupid decisions with how framerates worked.
does this game take place on a space ship again? why? hell is a much more interesting environment

Usually Doom takes a "descent into Hell format", where you start in a more human environment and the levels become more "hellish" and the gameplay more intense and difficult.

It's a tried and true format that works really well.
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