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NHL Off-Season 2014 |OT2| - Dan Cleary


I see the Islanders making it, but all those other teams are question marks.

Detroit can't possibly be that injured again, with healthy Z and Datsuyk + guys and some younger guys from last season up on the roster full-time I think they'd be set.


You see the Isles making it over the Blue Jackets after the last 2 years?

To be fair...
The Isles are now fairly stacked up front offensively, and guys like Reinhart should finally be up on the team bolstering their defence. Combine that with league average goaltending and we're looking at at least 30 less goals given up in comparison to last year.

They should do okay.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I was wondering if I should...

Calculate quality of play after winning/losing a fight (either with play immediately following fighting majors, or with play during the majors are being served)

Calculate the quality of play after receiving a major hit, with and without a turnover (separated stats)

Im only thinking of doing the first out of curiosity, second is actually interesting because depending on the hit we can effectively map what teams play better or worse when angry when not apparently visible... trying to make the intangibles tangible, i guess.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
You see the Isles making it over the Blue Jackets after the last 2 years?
Isles have had really terrible goaltending these last few years. Even with average goaltending, they should get a huge boost and a lot of their big talent youth are starting to come up. Wouldn't be surprised if this was their breakout year. I expect the Jackets to do well too, but it all depends on how Bobvrosky plays, and how well Johansen continues to develop.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I kind of hope the Canucks tank for McDavid. That Miller signing might've thrown a wrench into that though.

... That reminds me, I have no idea who our new GM&Coach are. Can anyone remind me? LOL


True. Better than anything else we've been discussing for the last 3 months. When do we start making our season predictions?

And most importantly, how does he feel about water bottles?
Indeed. I'll take a pointless hockey discussion over anime or whatever boring movie is in theaters now anyday.

I kind of hope the Canucks tank for McDavid. That Miller signing might've thrown a wrench into that though.

... That reminds me, I have no idea who our new GM&Coach are. Can anyone remind me? LOL
This isn't a group project in school, smelly. Do your own research.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I imagine teams that are out of the playoffs by the deadline will be unloading a lot of players to help their chances at nabbing McDavid or Eichel.


Also Red, sorry to burst your bubble but Suter doesn't have sheltered minutes.

In order from highest to lowest, here's the top10 in biggest percentage share of their own team's defensive zone starts at even strength. (e.g. Shea Weber was on the ice for 51.1% of the Preds defensive zone starts)

1 Shea Weber D Predators 51.1%
2 Roman Josi D Predators 49.8%
3 Ryan Suter D Wild 47.5%
4 Dan Girardi D Rangers 47.0%
5 Ryan McDonagh D Rangers 46.9%
6 TJ Brodie D Flames 45.5%
7 Jay Bouwmeester D Blues 45.4%
8 Drew Doughty D Kings 44.7%
9 Alex Pietrangelo D Blues 44.4%
10 Travis Hamonic D Islanders 43.8%

Dem shutdown pairs. Weber-Josi, Girardi-McDonagh, Bouwmeester-Pietrangelo.

They're quoting the wrong stat to illustrate that point though. I'd argue team-share zone start is much more illustrative of their role on the team. Yes, Suter plays a lot of offensive minutes. BUT he also plays a TON of defensive minutes, see above. he just plays a ton in general. :lol
*insert hamonic gif*
Rare pic from Smelly/TUSR's anime party



I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Seemed like a lot of things went wrong all at once for the Canucks last season, hard to believe they'll be that close to the bottom again.

T.M. MacReady

You see the Isles making it over the Blue Jackets after the last 2 years?

Everything they said is right, with a competent goalie, this team can win.

In fact, the HAVE TO, since they gave the pick that could be Connor McHockey to Buffalo if they dont.


Ryan Miller surprised me with how average he can be. It's like he thrives with bad defense.

Vezina next year
Funny guy! Canucks don't have bad defense, though. No. No, they have bad offense.

Miller could be good. He was definitely a different goalie in St. Louis - who knows how he'll do under the Canucks system.


Seemed like a lot of things went wrong all at once for the Canucks last season, hard to believe they'll be that close to the bottom again.
And now we'll need a lot to go right all at once. Zero players in their prime. So Miller will have to recapture his former glory or something close to it, the Sedins will have to make sweet sweet hockey chemistry with Vrbata, Shinkaruk and/or Horvat and/or Corrado will have to emerge as solid NHL contributers, Bonino has to make us forget about Kesler, and Kassian has to become a legit NHL power forward.

Failing that, a wonderful, sexy lottery pick.
His stats are historically and unexpectedly(?) mediocre against low shots and there is a looot of data to back that.



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
And now we'll need a lot to go right all at once. Zero players in their prime. So Miller will have to recapture his former glory or something close to it, the Sedins will have to make sweet sweet hockey chemistry with Vrbata, Shinkaruk and/or Horvat and/or Corrado will have to emerge as solid NHL contributers, Bonino has to make us forget about Kesler, and Kassian has to become a legit NHL power forward.

Failing that, a wonderful, sexy lottery pick.

Basically this.

Also, Jensen.
In other news, have a little self-respect Crazed, come on.


This team has made me lose all respect for everything.

Detroit can't possibly be that injured again, with healthy Z and Datsuyk + guys and some younger guys from last season up on the roster full-time I think they'd be set.

Here is the problem though, our D still sucks, Howard can be shaky, oh, and we have been saying we can't be more injured than the year before for the past 2-3 years. So of course I'm expecting both D and Z to have season ending injuries toward the beginning of the year since that is how the trend seems to be going towards right now. This will be the year that either the kids will take that next step and really show they are the future of this team, or they will go through a slump and we go crashing down... along with Holland's job, which I'm OK with.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly my opinion about the Leafs is that its not so much the team, more about the systems.

I refuse to believe the team is actually that god awful defensively and in terms of possession just based on players alone.
Not so much the team?! So you want Orr, McLaren and hell we'll trade for McClement back?
I hope Cleary is rated a 50 or lower in NHL 15. Serious question though, NHL comes out the same day as Destiny, where am I going to find time to play both?!?!


I hope Cleary is rated a 50 or lower in NHL 15. Serious question though, NHL comes out the same day as Destiny, where am I going to find time to play both?!?!

My NHL 15 pre-order on Amazon currently says it will arrive a week after release. But I was given complimentary express shipping on my game orders, so I'm not sure if I should trust the shipping time estimate right now.


Not so much the team?! So you want Orr, McLaren and hell we'll trade for McClement back?

Getting a proper 4th line is nice but thats not whats going to really dramatically change the team.

Wasn't McClement a really good fourth line centre?

Why do you guys hate him so much, because Carlyle overplayed him?

He was playing up to 16-20 minutes some nights and he is a complete offensive blackhole.


Wasn't McClement a really good fourth line centre?

Why do you guys hate him so much, because Carlyle overplayed him?

Well he was an adequate PKer but he didn't really contribute offensively at all, and I believe doesn't have good possession numbers. It was either one thing or the other of Carlyle overplaying the top line because we didn't have a 4th line that could make an impact, or overplaying the 4th line for god knows what reason.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't McClement a really good fourth line centre?

Why do you guys hate him so much, because Carlyle overplayed him?
Part of it is the fact he was played too much. However, I still don't want him back if he isn't able to handle 5 on 5 not able to do much on the PK.

Getting a proper 4th line is nice but thats not whats going to really dramatically change the team.
I think it would do wonders if other teams aren't focused on Kessel all the time. Dude had zero gas and no donuts at the end of the season. Booth, Santorelli, Frattin, and the others should provide more offense than the people we let go.
I won't be surprised either way if the Leafs make the playoffs or miss. They have the pieces, just need the direction. Who knows how Carlyle will be this year. I think the top 5 seeds in the east are pretty much settled, Boston, Tampa, Montreal, NY, Pittsburgh.

My team all but forgotten now :(

Oh well probably for the best, we do best when everyone expects us to miss...lol

Probably will but I'm going to hope for some magic......


Unconfirmed Member
Getting a proper 4th line is nice but thats not whats going to really dramatically change the team.

He was playing up to 16-20 minutes some nights and he is a complete offensive blackhole.

Well he was an adequate PKer but he didn't really contribute offensively at all, and I believe doesn't have good possession numbers. It was either one thing or the other of Carlyle overplaying the top line because we didn't have a 4th line that could make an impact, or overplaying the 4th line for god knows what reason.

Part of it is the fact he was played too much. However, I still don't want him back if he isn't able to handle 5 on 5 not able to do much on the PK.

I think it would do wonders if other teams aren't focused on Kessel all the time. Dude had zero gas and no donuts at the end of the season. Booth, Santorelli, Frattin, and the others should provide more offense than the people we let go.

Oh I just remember thinking he was a good signing when the Leafs first signed him, I knew he was good on faceoffs and thought he was a good PKer. Not sure how much offense you should expect from your fourth line centre.

I do remember Carlyle overplaying him, but that's not really McClement's fault.


Anyone play Diablo 3 on consoles? How is it? I've been thinking of getting the Ultimate Evil edition that'll be coming out this month.

Also, I didn't mind McClement. He played too much but as lamaroo said, not really his fault. I have to think his 53.6% faceoff percentage played a role in him getting more ice-time when all the other centers have below 50% faceoff percentage.


Also, I didn't mind McClement. He played too much but as lamaroo said, not really his fault. I have to think his 53.6% faceoff percentage played a role in him getting more ice-time when all the other centers have below 50% faceoff percentage.
If he takes 10 FOs in a game, you're looking at, at most, one additional win over other centers. Not worth it unless he brings more to the table. If he was up around 60%, then sure.

Btw whatever happened to Steckel? I feel like the moment he put on a Leafs jersey his career was over.
And now we'll need a lot to go right all at once. Zero players in their prime. So Miller will have to recapture his former glory or something close to it, the Sedins will have to make sweet sweet hockey chemistry with Vrbata, Shinkaruk and/or Horvat and/or Corrado will have to emerge as solid NHL contributers, Bonino has to make us forget about Kesler, and Kassian has to become a legit NHL power forward.

Failing that, a wonderful, sexy lottery pick.

Everything has to go right in order to just make the playoffs. If they play just okay they'll be a bubble team. Maybe Phoenix, Nashville, Edmonton, and Calgary will overachieve and drop us to lottery range.

Willie might favour a more up-tempo system instead of shot-blocking Torts, so Miller should see a few more shots. Plus, an antsy Lack should motivate him.
Best Buy has a Wii U Basic with Skylanders, Nintendoland, and Mario Kart 8 for $240 tomorrow. Maybe it's finally time to jump on the Wii U train. Going to need a portable HDD though for the extra storage.
Best Buy has a Wii U Basic with Skylanders, Nintendoland, and Mario Kart 8 for $240 tomorrow. Maybe it's finally time to jump on the Wii U train. Going to need a portable HDD though for the extra storage.

You would need the portable hdd for storage with either WiiU model. My phone has more storage, lol. Great deal. We'll meet you in Mario Kart 8
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