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Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
That's me sorted.


I laughed until I counted up to three legit paths for bingo on that card.


I've decided to punish myself and propose a new bingo game.

The object is to collect a single bingo before the end of a week starting with the Switch Presentation.

I give you ultimate punishment:


Some Nobody

Junior Member
I've decided to punish myself and propose a new bingo game.

The object is to collect a single bingo before the end of the week, starting with the Switch Presentation.

I give you ultimate punishment:

Bottom three rows feel doable, but before the end of the week? I dunno. Not unless devs just start announcing Switch ports left and right.
I'm sure this has probably been brought up before, but it just struck me that NES and SNES Virtual Console games on the Switch could be really cool - especially 2-player simultaneous titles.

Since each JoyCon is a controller, imagine playing games like Contra III: The Alien Wars, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Super Mario Kart, Super Bomberman, Double Dragon II, Life Force, Jackal, etc. on the go. Should be great!


2nd thread, 2 days, so much hype inside... Today and tomorrow will be very long days and nights.

That's me sorted.


This is the worst case scenario I could ever think of. The good thing of being pessimistic, is that you never get disappointed, it's impossible for Nintendo to do worse than this.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
My hype is satiated. I'm excited in the sense that it's a new toy, I like Nintendo produced and developed hardware, I know in the grand scheme of things the system will have earned its value by the end of its life cycle, and yeah. I've said it countless times, but even in a worst case scenario (read: Wii U) I personally find a Nintendo system earns its price via the unique and exclusive software it accumulates.

I guess the Wii U and the current status of gaming have just tapered my expectations. I couldn't give much of a shit about the portability of the Switch. I'm not opposed to it at all, I just don't care and won't use it much. I have low expectations from the hardware capabilities based on logic derived from Nintendo's portable goals and likely low market price. I'm not 100% confident in the software: I don't think third parties will care, but I also don't really care about ports at all since I won't buy any of them when I have a high end PC and PlayStation 4.

What I care most about is Nintendo's own software and exclusively published/acquired library demonstrated and appealing to me. As stinking as the Wii U's launch window was it was stuff like ZombiU and Pikmin 3 that elevated the experience for me. I want to see things like that. I want that thrill and excitement that I'm picking up a nexus to interesting software to hit, since my interest in the hardware itself is trivial. I'll get one at launch anyway because Zelda, but showing of ports, the odd unappealing third party exclusive, is going to be lukewarm to me. It won't deter the Switch from being my Zelda port launch hardware, but it'll impact how much I really care. And I'm not so selfish that I don't recognise a lot of what I personally don't give a shit about will actually matter to others. Value is ultimately subjective, and it's dumb for me to pretend to be someone else.

Sadly, as noted, I can't watch the stream. It's at 3:00pm in Australia and I'll be at work on a day I absolutely cannot take off. I can read updates at work between my clients but otherwise there's not much I can do. Coupled with the Wii U's utterly disastrous E3 reveal and my generally tapered expectations, I'm still excited in the sense that (again) it's a new toy, but I don't feel an incredible rush or anything.

It'll get revealed. I'll buy it. I'll have some fun. Let's see what the future has in store.


Cant take it anymore :D feeling like a 6 year old before christmas, nintendo magic^^

Dont know if I can watch it, its at 5 am -.-

Mr. Freeman

Neo Member
Plz give us Metroid, plz give us F Zero, plz give us Eternal Darkness.

Reality: No Zelda at launch, New Super Mario U Switch, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon.


What would you say is "not fucking it up"? I would say they already have by making it a Japanese conference. It's going to completely ruing the flow.

I completely disagree here.
People need to realize that English (while of course being a lingua franca) is not the official and only language in the world.
I'd say that to most people watching the event, it will be just as "flow-ruining" to watch it in English than it is for you to watch it being dubbed from Japanese. (there might be a couple of grammar issues with that sentence, sry)

Calm down, accept the otherness of different cultures and enjoy the freaking show, man! :)


The conference being in Japanese and suited to Japan time makes zero difference to me. It's the sweet sweet reveals that I'm excited about, location and language is irrelevant.
My hype is intensifying because of the recent post in the older thread about Aonuma spotted at Nintendo NY. I'll be doing what I need to in order to be one of the 250 on hand there for the conference Thurs night, preferably within the first 25-50 or so. I wish to shake that man's hand, and hope fully have the privilege of pre-ordering the console and some accessories/software from Nintendo NY immediately following the presentation. Not holding my breath for that last part though since it might seem unfair, but not really since I'm betting they'll be getting somewhere in the realm of 1500-2000 units at launch (that's roughly the number of Wiis they had. They did not get in quite that many WIi Us


I'm sure this has probably been brought up before, but it just struck me that NES and SNES Virtual Console games on the Switch could be really cool - especially 2-player simultaneous titles.

Since each JoyCon is a controller, imagine playing games like Contra III: The Alien Wars, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Super Mario Kart, Super Bomberman, Double Dragon II, Life Force, Jackal, etc. on the go. Should be great!

Except neither player will have a d-pad and you're missing the one of the shoulder buttons of the SNES.
People have a problem the conference is in Japan? It's like you always have to kill the fun and look for something to nitpick on. Just enjoy the games revealed. It's worldwide and it'll be in English for us.


The conference being in Japanese and suited to Japan time makes zero difference to me. It's the sweet sweet reveals that I'm excited about, location and language is irrelevant.

I like how it gives it a nostalgic feel, when all we knew was that video games came from Japan and that was it.

We'll get a TreeHouse stream anyway so it's fine.

-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"

-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"
Now THESE are actually reasonable predictions. I can definitely see them happening


I don't understand the "still shit" on XenobladeX.
Is it because it's a "troll bing card" and XenobladeX being shit is part of the biggest trolls around ?



-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"

That's no prediction. That's pretty much a constant. One of them not happening means you're in some alternate universe shit.

-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"

If a Monster Hunter is announced:
"Is there any reason the Switch WON'T dominate Japan?"

If no Monster Hunter is announced:
"Is there any reason the Switch WILL dominate Japan?"


Except neither player will have a d-pad and you're missing the one of the shoulder buttons of the SNES.

I'm pretty sure there are two shoulder buttons on the edge of the joycons that connects to the tablet. That way, you have two shoulder buttons when holding it sideways


I don't understand the "still shit" on XenobladeX.
Is it because it's a "troll bing card" and XenobladeX being shit is part of the biggest trolls around ?

It's just a funny bingo card. It's not really a meaningful commentary.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know what the secret mutton on the bottom of the left JoyCon is yet?
With Xbox One there's an app that allows you to order pizza online. I would guess this is Nintendo's answer to that.



-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"

- Mods will be busy AF

Fixed that for you, since it sounds like it'll be a hell of a week for you guys.
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