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Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Really wanna see the new 3D Mario. I love 3D World so very much, but I think the desire for a more exploration-focused game is very valid. If they got two player coop working on top of that then I'm pretty hype. A two-player "64-like" 3D Mario game would be pretty huge I think. Having it at launch would be very cool, too.



-Arguments over whether the 3D Mario game is a real 3D Mario based on whatever arbitrary metric is used
-A vague mention about the Nvidia hardware creates a major debate because of a tortured reading about the phrasing used
-A major feature sounds really good and then shortly after the video or right before launch turns out to be extremely limited to the point of being self defeating for no logical reason
-At least one page of people drawing absurd conclusions in both directions about graphics/performance using compressed stream footage
-"New IPs - where are they?" or "(New IP) - Is this going to revolutionize the genre because Nintendo made it?" threads less than an hour after the stream ends
-"Where was (franchise)?"

I would be disappointed if one of those wouldn't turn out true.


Here's mine from a couple days ago, it's a bit conservative and I'm not skilled at photoshop, so deal with it:



Do you think the CEO of Nvidia will be at the presentation? What if he shows up just to talk about the Switch specs!

Rösti;228064950 said:
Reposting my bingo card for the new thread.



January 13, 13.00 JST.

Sooooooo good and well made Bingo card, Rosti!


Rösti;228065130 said:
With Xbox One there's an app that allows you to order pizza online. I would guess this is Nintendo's answer to that.

If it does not allow hot ramen delivery I will be severely disappointed.


If a Monster Hunter is announced:
"Is there any reason the Switch WON'T dominate Japan?"

If no Monster Hunter is announced:
"Is there any reason the Switch WILL dominate Japan?"

Don't forget threads asking if any/every exclusive third party game is actually multiplatform. So it would be:

"Monster Hunter is coming to PS4 as well right?"

In this hypothetical.
Except neither player will have a d-pad and you're missing the one of the shoulder buttons of the SNES.

The d-pad thing you have a point. I suppose I hope they come out with JoyCons with D-Pads on them as well, but who knows for certain.

As for the shoulder buttons, when held horizontally the sides that would fit into the Switch are hiding L & R buttons. Here's the schematic from the patent:

I completely disagree here.
People need to realize that English (while of course being a lingua franca) is not the official and only language in the world.
I'd say that to most people watching the event, it will be just as "flow-ruining" to watch it in English than it is for you to watch it being dubbed from Japanese. (there might be a couple of grammar issues with that sentence, sry)

Calm down, accept the otherness of different cultures and enjoy the freaking show, man! :)


Nintendo needs to embrace it Japanese heritage. They need to be proud of what they are and where they are from. Everything being a US centric is a tad tiring, to be honest.

If the Switch really catches on, I hope that Japanese devs will shower it with games. And publishing them in the West too, subs are a lot cheaper to do than dubs (one would think at least) so shouldn't be too hard?

I hope that we start getting more and more subs for Japanese dubs, it is annoying to get English dubs for everything. I am not an English speaking person so I am used to read subs in about everything, it is not hard. And it helps to develop your reading skills too!


Cuningas de Häme;228065288 said:

Nintendo needs to embrace it Japanese heritage. QUOTE]


I want it to be a console based on japanese games.

Skyrim Switch doesn't interest me at all
The d-pad thing you have a point. I suppose I hope they come out with JoyCons with D-Pads on them as well, but who knows for certain.

As for the shoulder buttons, when held horizontally the sides that would fit into the Switch are hiding L & R buttons. Here's the schematic from the patent:

Knew it. Fuck, they've thought of everything.


To me this event being in Japan is first and foremost a confidence boost for an industry that has been in a lethargic state as of late.


Cuningas de Häme;228065288 said:

Nintendo needs to embrace it Japanese heritage. They need to be proud of what they are and where they are from. Everything being a US centric is a tad tiring, to be honest.

If the Switch really catches on, I hope that Japanese devs will shower it with games. And publishing them in the West too, subs are a lot cheaper to do than dubs (one would think at least) so shouldn't be too hard?

I hope that we start getting more and more subs for Japanese dubs, it is annoying to get English dubs for everything. I am not an English speaking person so I am used to read subs in about everything, it is not hard. And it helps to develop your reading skills too!

I've said it before but the place Nintendo actually has an opportunity to capture third party support is Japan so it absolutely makes sense to lean into that. If they have managed to get a lot of this party support it probably makes sense to do it in Japan and show as many as those games as possible.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
What would you say is "not fucking it up"? I would say they already have by making it a Japanese conference. It's going to completely ruing the flow.
His predictions for the conference:
The show will last 40 minutes.

There will be zero mention of specs.
Price will be high (as in $250+)
1080p will be said at least 17 times
There will be no mention of Minecraft
Talking heads video saying how creative Nintendo are with their ideas. No actual games from those people though.
15 minutes spent on Just Dance.
Imagine that, in Japanese.

Joke aside, the Japanese 3DS reveal trailer showing all upcoming games was easily the best we had. The "Wii want to play ad" showing the 2 Japanese guys was super effective portraying a foreign/new piece of technology. Japanese 3rd party support for the system will most likely be huge. And as others said, it's their heritage. No offense to NOA or NOE, but they are distributors. Nintendo is Japan.


I've said it before but the place Nintendo actually has an opportunity to capture third party support is Japan so it absolutely makes sense to lean into that. If they have managed to get a lot of this party support it probably makes sense to do it in Japan and show as many as those games as possible.

But didn't anyone tell you that no one cares about Japan anymore? /s

I still can't believe people are talking about the event being hosted in Japan as if the world must cater to their English-speaking comfort to not have to listen to a dub, instead of not complaining about it like every person who watches any other conference in non-English-speaking countries.


There could be so many information about the hardware unveiled, but all we want are games.

I have the feeling I have seen enough of the console with that teaser trailer in October, I need the games. If the games are good, I will buy this console.
The d-pad thing you have a point. I suppose I hope they come out with JoyCons with D-Pads on them as well, but who knows for certain.

As for the shoulder buttons, when held horizontally the sides that would fit into the Switch are hiding L & R buttons. Here's the schematic from the patent:
Errh those are the sliders that hold the joycon in place, there are no Buttons on that side.


Does Pokken have a chance to release for Switch?! I'm seeing the reviews and footage for the first time and that is what I want in my life: Gengar fighter.
Please be a region-free console, please please please.

I've always thought region locking was shit, but this time around it'll actually affect me.

I'll moving to Japan in February and I'll be in Tokyo for the Switch launch, so I was hoping to preorder a Japanese console so I could pick it up and play it with friends on launch night rather than wait for a NTSC one to be mailed to me.

Also I'd like to still be able to import English copies of games that require language to properly enjoy. Some games I'd be fine with buying in Japan (Smash, MK), but I'll want to play story-heavy games in English. A region-free console would really be helpful in this regard.


Junior Member
Sony and Microsoft were also killed. They were killed by Nintendo's third-party support, who had matured.
It was actually easier to find that image of Killer Queen than I expected. I could have gone with the manga version, but I really like what the anime did with Killer Queen's eyes. The funny part is that I didn't decide to incorporate Bites the Dust until about 3/4 of the way into re-making my bingo card.


Preorders don't generally open when nobody knows what the prices or SKUs are going to be.

EB Games Australia has them up with placeholder prices of $999AUD, you don't have to pay the whole cost obviously, just a $50 deposit. I'm sure they'd let me preorder a ps5 if I asked.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Wasn't the length of the presentation leaked or announced somewhere? (perhaps just rumoured?)


How many different streams will Nintendo have, anyway? There's the Japanese one and the US one. Are there any for Europe?

And yes, I have an alarm set so I can get up to see it at 5am here. It's silly to do that, but what the heck, I'm curious enough to want to see it live.


It seems pretty likely, but it hasn't been rumored at all.

God I really hope so. Guess it's up to Namco but seems like a no-brainer.

I'll be watching amazon.uk closely after the presentation, first time I'm going to (attempt) pre-ordering a console via amazon, hopefully successfully!

Anyone have some experience with amazon pre-orders, Day 0? For PS3, PS4, XBOX or WiiU?

How many different streams will Nintendo have, anyway? There's the Japanese one and the US one. Are there any for Europe?

And yes, I have an alarm set so I can get up to see it at 5am here. It's silly to do that, but what the heck, I'm curious enough to want to see it live.

Oh doing the same brother, not silly at all. ;)


I don't understand the "still shit" on XenobladeX.
Is it because it's a "troll bing card" and XenobladeX being shit is part of the biggest trolls around ?

The writing of the game is a joke. And there's Tatsu. And the UI is garbage.

Too bad because the rest of the game is awesome.

Jamie OD

Does Pokken have a chance to release for Switch?! I'm seeing the reviews and footage for the first time and that is what I want in my life: Gengar fighter.

I think so. It would be weird for no console follow up if the arcade version is still adding new fighters.
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