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PlayStation Now Subscription Program: All The Details


Gold Member
Also, I forgot. Sony must provided a FREE streaming service for PS3 titles you already own.
It's not too difficult to implement. Just check the trophy list and unlock that particular game for streaming. For free.
This would be a way to offer backward compatibility.
But they won't probably do it.

So basically, borrow a game, unlock a trophy, and then Sony gives you the streaming version for free? Never gonna happen.
Those blog posts make me cringe.

"180 for an entire year?! Blasphemy! It's too expensive. That's like 3 whole new games!"

180 is less than a one-week paycheck with 40 hours at a Burgerking.


Also, I forgot. Sony must provided a FREE streaming service for PS3 titles you already own.
It's not too difficult to implement. Just check the trophy list and unlock that particular game for streaming. For free.
This would be a way to offer backward compatibility.
But they won't probably do it.

Trophies don't determine whether you own the game or not nor does it pay for the bandwidth and infrastructure costs of running and streaming the game.

This fascination with PSNow being the "answer to backwards compatibility" is completely missing the point of this service.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Yeah, this too.
In example, if you want try FFXIII and XIII-2, probably you'll take a month just to complete those titles.
But...as you said, you can buy them for 20€ NEW on any Gamestop.

Or simply the rent of a single game each time. Maybe putting a 30 days limit on it.

Yeah but something like Ni no Kuni I might want to grind on 1 hr a week over the year. Maybe they could bundle it by the hour (pay as you go), so I could pay a one-off £10 for X hours of any games in the library and I can just top up as any when.


Okay wow people are bitching about the price when it's basically Gamefly prices with zero waiting and 100+ games at your finger tips instead of one at a time. I'm convinced there is no reasonable price point Sony could possibly strike without massive whining.

Welcome to gaming!

If you have interest in more than a few of the games it's actually a pretty amazing value. Unlimited instant access to a full library of games is a far better deal than what Gamefly offers and it's cheaper.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I would MUCH rather these games get remastered so I can play them on PS4 at 1080p/60fps and not have to worry about streaming issues.

I have decent internet, but the lag was terrible when I played the beta.


Yeah, I know. Well, rent is not really a thing here in Italy (I mean, of course there will be some store practicing it, but not where I live), but I'm sure they can put a check (maybe a disc check? They did it for the upgrade from PS3>PS4 titles, so even if PS4 is not capable to read games, there's a system to recognize each game I think) on each game.
Of course if you own the game on PSN, there's no problem.

The upgrade program involved publishers having to provides codes in the game case for the upgrade.


don't want to deal with monthly fees, streaming gaming with slow adsl, having games removed and all that. if psn is an alternative service then okay, if it becomes the ps5 then no.

Agreed. If the PS5 goes cloud based, then I might have to stop console gaming altogether
(or move to Xbox/Nintendo as a primary, gross)
painful as that might be. My internet speeds aren't nearly fast and reliable enough to support that kind of distribution.
I guess the pricing is not too bad as an "all-access" option.
But honestly, I hope PSOne and PS2 games can eventually be played locally on the PS4 and not just through PSNow if/when they're added to the service.


Seriously, PS Now is NOT their "backwards compatibility solution" at all. I'm interested in this and I have a PS3 and tons of games, because it includes games I don't own. Other people are probably more interested because they never had a PS3 to play any of those games.

This is not backwards compatibility. This is not "on top of PS+", this is a completely separate service that costs Sony real money every second a player operates it.

I also don't think this is what "PS5" will be. Look at how well PS4 is doing, think they want to throw that in the trash?


sony said:

don't want to deal with monthly fees, streaming gaming with slow adsl, having games removed and all that. if psn is an alternative service then okay, if it becomes the ps5 then no.

I have a beast of an internet connection and love the idea of this service on a subscription basis, but if it was to become the PS5, I would be out as well. A monthly commitment is fine as the side order to my main course, but there's no way in fuck that I'm just having fries for a meal.


Eh, TV series are alot easier to watch than to play a game though and your save files are gonna be tied to the PS now version of a game.

If I'm watching a show on netflix and it gets pulled before I get a chance to finish it, I can pick up the blu-ray version and start directly on the episode i left off on.

If i'm playing MGS 4 and it gets pulled half way through it, I need to get a physical copy and start from scratch
PSNOW has traditional saves in the cloud. If you bought a physical copy of MGS4 you should be able to continue where you left off.
I think the price is pretty good.

I personally thought they would announce this at their CES press conference tonight. Will they have any Playstation announcements there?
So wait, is $19.99 a month good or bad? I could buy a year of this service with my pocket book and not even flinch.

I would say it's expected. Neither good or bad. Did anyone honestly think they would get less than gamefly for "unlimited-limited" games? If this gets down to $12/month for a yearly sub I will definitely be all in, or if they add a only the PSN games you "own" for $4-$6 a month I will bite.


Also, I forgot. Sony must provided a FREE streaming service for PS3 titles you already own.
It's not too difficult to implement. Just check the trophy list and unlock that particular game for streaming. For free.
This would be a way to offer backward compatibility.
But they won't probably do it.

The system could be easily exploited.

And streaming games is not free for Sony.
I'd be more interested if the 44.99 option were for a whole year or 6 months, not 3 months. On top of PS Plus at that.

I'm sticking with Gamefly for now. Then again, I'm probably not the target audience since I still have my PS3 and don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon.


As someone who only got a PS3 last year and missed most of the major exclusives, I'd be pretty interested in the service. But without offering the Uncharted games, GoW, MGS4, Demons Souls, etc., it seems to be aimed at a fairly small slice of people who are dedicated enough to pay a regular fee, but not enough to have played the majority of the games in which they're interested on the list already.
I think the price is right considering it gives unlimited access but expensive for those players who will use this service as a side activity. For those players I think a better option would be buying a certain amount of hours that can be used on the entire library.


This is the closest thing to SEGA Channel since it went away. Also the price is pretty similar. I believe SEGA Channel was 15 in the mid 90s which with inflation would be over 20 now.
I think the price is too high for steaming of last gen games. I'm also not convinced that Sony can provide high quality streaming services judging by their track record with PSN.

I think something more along the lines of $50 for the year is more like it, sort of like a PS+ sub. I'm also not the target audience for this as I never go back and play older gen games, so I may be off base.
EDIT: @TriggerHappy

This will combine into the trophy list of your current games, but they have no DLC so you can't get any DLC trophies so it will fuck up trying to go for 100% anyways

Thanks. I don't care about going for 100% trophy hauls, although I like to go for the odd Platinum. I can probably abandon a bunch of my unfinished games and rely on picking them up again through PS Now just to finish them off.
Way too expensive, I think.

I still own a Ps3 so this is irrelevant, but I think this should enable me to play my digital titles for free on the Ps4. I dont see this having many people subscribing, since you can get a PS3 for around 100€ (the price of 6 months here), and most of the games nowadays for 5-20€.
If you have interest in enough titles, this actually doesn't sound too bad. The main problem is that many people won't have a strong enough internet connection to stream.


I'm fine with this just that I wish.....
I didnt have all the games I already won for it that I immediately wanted to play
other then that im ok with it. 200+ games

I have about 115 PS3 games and not counting the games that are already on the list that I have for the Xbox360



are people actually wanting to play the streamed PS3-version of TLOU instead of the PS4-version?

what foolery is this?

Well, not all of us have a PS4. Until the PS4 has games that are must haves for me personally, I'd like to be able to play TLoU on my Vita (PSNow) and not spend $400. ;)

I could buy a PS3 and TLOU, but that would still cost more than the $20 to play through it one month on PSNow.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Price seems OK. Crucial will be how this portion of the library grows over time.

I kind of wonder if a subscription would only be possible with older games... thinking here more in the context of future PS4 game streaming. I guess by the time they add PS4 game streaming there'll be plenty of older PS4 games that could be candidates for this though.


Yeah, no thanks. Too expensive for the type of user I am

More or less can see the value for people who in 3 months want to play as much old games they can.

I am the type of guy that plays somewhat recent releases and spends much time on each game til I finish it, so I tend to not play that much games in 3 months (thats why I dont have PS Plus also)

I would dig Now if I could rent a PSone or PS2 game, with prices similar to Netflix, experience and be done with it. Then again, I probably would prefer to pay a little bit more for the classics and have them in my hdd


Yeah I misinterpreted what you were saying. Sony needs to focus on rolling it out to more non ps devices.

They also need to focus on making sure controller input won't be a problem. PC and mobile will probably be fine but do Samsung tvs have bluetooth?


That's way too expensive, in my opinion. I'd pay $50 per year at most. Even $20 per month is too high. Why? Well, how many games could anyone reasonably play and complete in a one month plan? Even in a three month span, you're looking at maybe enjoying 3 to 5 titles at most. Just jumping around between titles in order to try everything would be stupid. Where's the fun in that?

Adults with full time jobs and/or a family can't really make use of this. It's fine for kids and teenagers, but that's it.

I have a butt load of PS3 and PS2 games. When my original 60 GB PS3 died for the third time, I bit the bullet and bought a new slim PS3. Now I have three Playstation consoles I have to keep around to play everything I have. I'm going to cry rivers of tears if my PS2 and PS3 die. RIVERS.


"The subscription service will be available first on PS4 across North America, and will come to other PlayStation Now enabled devices in the future."

Europe always gets the short stick on services. Once again.


So wait, is $19.99 a month good or bad? I could buy a year of this service with my pocket book and not even flinch.

Price has a different value to everyone, but the closest service one could potentially compare this to is Gamefly. I hit up Gamefly's prices just to confirm and this is how it stands:

Unlimited rentals (1 game out at a time) - $15.95/month USD
Unlimited rentals (2 games out at a time) - $22.95/month USD

PS Now
Unlimited rentals (access any game on the list at any time with no restrictions) - 19.99/month or $44.99/three months ($15/month basically)

So while PS Now's monthly subscription is a bit more expensive than Gamefly's, its 3 month plan is on par. If you've got good internet (based on speed or bandwith caps), and any interest of any of the games on the list, then yeah I'd say PS Now subscription is a decent value. You also do not need to have Playstation Plus to access it.
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