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Politco: White House rattled by McCarthy's spoof of Spicer

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It needs to be Alec Baldwin's Trump just being utterly subservient and infantile around Rosie O'Donnell's Bannon. Lean into both his fear that that people see him as Bannon's puppet and his revulsion at seeing himself kiss Rosie O'Donnell's ass. Have him address her exclusively as daddy.

Can someone tweet this to Baldwin? I'm sure he'd be game AND he's got sway with Lorne Michaels


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Rosie needs to kiss Donald, there needs to be eroticism

Oh man this would probably hit so close to home for a lot of those bigoted assholes and even Bannon couldn't spin the imagery in his favor at that point. He's proud of being compared to Satan and the like but being portrayed by a woman kissing his male boss would probably a blow to his ego and image.


Can someone tweet this to Baldwin? I'm sure he'd be game AND he's got sway with Lorne Michaels

It would mean that he has to kiss Rosie. Think about that. I'm sure actors and actresses can put up with the craft and all but I do wonder sometimes.


Ehh...Not a big fan of the idea of Rosie Bannon kissing Alec playing Donald.

Could be too easily and idiotically spun by Trump as Rosie secretly having a thing for him.

I'd much prefer they just kick him right in the balls by turning Trump into Bannon's stooge.
I don't expect SNL to push things any farther just because the Spicer skit bothered Trump.

If anything, they'll shy away and dial it back.


I don't expect SNL to push things any farther just because the Spicer skit bothered Trump.

If anything, they'll shy away and dial it back.

The Spicer skit is probably their biggest success this season outside of David Pumpkins, and Baldwin is hosting this week, but you think SNL will start dialing it back?


Nah, kissing puts them on equal footing. They need to maintain the power dynamic that Bannon is the power behind the throne and Donald is the puppet king or child.

Bannon needs to nurse Trump.

I'm sure they could find ways to include more... submissive acts. Maybe Daddy Bannon needs a nice foot rub after a hard day writing Donald's speeches. Really trigger Donald's germaphobia.


It's crazy that SNL's portrayal of his administration could be one of the most effective ways to change it.
Uh, why do you expect that?

SNL doesn't feel like it's their job to 'attack' any specific politicians. They just want to be funny.
Lorne Michaels, the creator and executive producer of SNL, told Parade this week that ”fundamentally we're non-partisan,” but there are growing pressures inside the satire world to wage a comedic war on Trump in the election's final weeks.

Michael Che, a host of SNL's ”Weekend Update" segment, spoke about the balancing act — and the criticism aimed at SNL after Trump's stint as guest host last fall — in a July appearance on ”Late Night With Seth Meyers," himself an SNL alum.

”People got mad at us for having Trump on the show, but it's like, he's supposed to be on a comedy show. That's where he's supposed to be," Che said.

The hosts of Weekend Update even went out of their way to defend Trump.
”You know, like let's not pretend that this guy is a mutant, you know, and he's the most evil, racist, mutant piece of crap that ever walked. Listen, there's probably somebody in your building way worse than Donald Trump, and you buy bagels from him, and it's fine. You know what I mean?"

”It's strange. They're both super smart people and super hardworking people," Jost said before Che chimed in, ”And you can't deny that. So like, that's what bothers me, when people make it seem like, ‘You know what? I'm smarter than Donald Trump.' Like no, you're not, all right?"

Here's an article from a dissatisfied Rolling Stone writer practically begging SNL to go on the attack last September:
Go into full attack mode on Trump. With only a few episodes before the election, subtlety won't make an impact. So from your cold open until the ten-to-one sketch, center everything on the Republican candidate.


SNL doesn't feel like it's their job to 'attack' any specific politicians. They just want to be funny.


The hosts of Weekend Update even went out of their way to defend Trump.


Here's an article from a dissatisfied Rolling Stone writer practically begging SNL to go on the attack last September:


None of that suggests pulling back.


SNL doesn't feel like it's their job to 'attack' any specific politicians. They just want to be funny.


The hosts of Weekend Update even went out of their way to defend Trump.


Here's an article from a dissatisfied Rolling Stone writer practically begging SNL to go on the attack last September:


I think a lot has shifted post-election. Pre-election, when he was seen as having no shot at winning, there was an impulse to lean towards civility, partly out of a desire to "go high" and partly out of a desire to try to lean against any notion of Trump resisting the results. Seeing the outcome actually come out for Trump though has radicalized a lot of people away from that.

Also, nothing is funnier than knowing that the skit you're watching is psychological torture for the president, and imagining how he's reacting!


SNL doesn't feel like it's their job to 'attack' any specific politicians. They just want to be funny.


The hosts of Weekend Update even went out of their way to defend Trump.


Here's an article from a dissatisfied Rolling Stone writer practically begging SNL to go on the attack last September:

Except every week they seem to attack him harder than before. And.. they ARE a business after all.. so I seriously doubt they're going to deliberately alienate a large chunk of the population who voted for him by making political affiliations outright.

Their actions contradict the idea that they think he's smart and doesn't deserve to be roasted.


SNL doesn't feel like it's their job to 'attack' any specific politicians. They just want to be funny.


The hosts of Weekend Update even went out of their way to defend Trump.


Here's an article from a dissatisfied Rolling Stone writer practically begging SNL to go on the attack last September:


All your links are from last September. Whatever can be gleaned from those interviews is meaningless now that we have seen several actual shows in the Trump era. You are suggesting that SNL will dial back their satire because the Trump admin has reacted negatively to it, which is absurd on its face and not supported in your links even if they were still relevant.
I don't disagree that the articles I linked are outdated, as times have changed since then, but they do offer a glimpse into the general mindset of SNL. It just doesn't seem like they feel their role is to be attack dogs in the political world.

That said, I am with you guys - I hope they do intensify these 'attacks;' I'm just not getting my hopes up for it.


I don't disagree that the articles I linked are outdated, as times have changed since then, but they do offer a glimpse into the general mindset of SNL. It just doesn't seem like they feel their role is to be attack dogs in the political world.

That said, I am with you guys - I hope they do intensify these 'attacks;' I'm just not getting my hopes up for it.

The things you quoted don't really support what you are saying though. Lorne Michaels saying they are fundamentally non-partisan doesn't meant they don't or won't go on the "attack" when they feel it's warranted. It's just a reminder that they aren't a show with an inherent political agenda. And the quotes from Jost and Che just read like warnings not to underestimate or mischaracterize Trump. I don't know what that had to do with your point at all.


I don't disagree that the articles I linked are outdated, as times have changed since then, but they do offer a glimpse into the general mindset of SNL. It just doesn't seem like they feel their role is to be attack dogs in the political world.

That said, I am with you guys - I hope they do intensify these 'attacks;' I'm just not getting my hopes up for it.
But the considering the political landscape was snapped in half during the election, no, I don't think this still offers a glimpse into the mindset of SNL. And as I mentioned before, their actions contradict everything you quoted from September.
I don't disagree that the articles I linked are outdated, as times have changed since then, but they do offer a glimpse into the general mindset of SNL. It just doesn't seem like they feel their role is to be attack dogs in the political world.

That said, I am with you guys - I hope they do intensify these 'attacks;' I'm just not getting my hopes up for it.

Think about why they had Kristen Stewart host last week. Does she have a big movie coming out? Anything to promote? Or did SNL just bring her on because Trump is obsessed with her? I honestly think that SNL is writing their political sketches right now for an audience of one.


@CNN calling out Spicer's Kellyanne bullshit on twitter atm.
Does nobody not remember Back when Hartman and Hooks played The Clintons where the police showed up for a domestic abuse report. Bill didn't want to press charges.

That was 25 years ago. Never heard from the left about SNL being unfair to the Clintons.


Does nobody not remember Back when Hartman and Hooks played The Clintons where the police showed up for a domestic abuse report. Bill didn't want to press charges.

That was 25 years ago. Never heard from the left about SNL being unfair to the Clintons.

They went after Chelsea Clinton's lack of attractiveness as a teenager too. It makes random Facebook posts about Barron seem like nothing.

They also had a man (Will Ferrel) play Janet Reno, America's first female attorney general, and the big "joke" was that she was such a manish (read lesbian) woman that they had her literally busting through doors to enter a room.


I'm picturing Trump watching SNL like Chancellor Sutter watching Gordon Dietrich's parody show in V for Vendetta and it makes me so happy


Unconfirmed Member
It needs to be Alec Baldwin's Trump just being utterly subservient and infantile around Rosie O'Donnell's Bannon. Lean into both his fear that that people see him as Bannon's puppet and his revulsion at seeing himself kiss Rosie O'Donnell's ass. Have him address her exclusively as daddy.
Yes. And a kiss. There has to be a kiss, sear it into Donald's brain.

Also, "did you see it, did you see how big it was? The biggest" "are we talking about your crowd or something else?" "I've seen bigger"


Trump is weird. He doesn't want his people to "look weak", but puts them in positions to only look that way.

It gives him an easy out if he needs to drop them.
Trump can say the person he fired was weak/bad for the country AND he can play it up as him being a decisive leader who deals with problems like that quickly.
It's really win-win for Bannon who has a Dorito wearing a Pomeranian as the figurehead for this exact purpose when his policies go pear-shaped, except Trump can't be fired and just has to take the public lashings over and over wand will have an endless supply of soulless morons to fire.

Game Guru

I don't disagree that the articles I linked are outdated, as times have changed since then, but they do offer a glimpse into the general mindset of SNL. It just doesn't seem like they feel their role is to be attack dogs in the political world.

That said, I am with you guys - I hope they do intensify these 'attacks;' I'm just not getting my hopes up for it.

SNL only makes fun of politics when there is something in politics to make fun of. If Trump actually started acting like the President of the United States should for a week, Alec Baldwin would be able to take a week off from SNL and we would have a short reprieve from the madness of Trump in real life.


Are you joking

He single handedly made them culturally relevant for the first time since the 90's

Um, Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression had a noticeable effect on the 2008 campaign. More so than Baldwin's Trump so far / she managed to utterly destroy Palin in the public eye in an astonishingly effective way.

Watching those clips even now makes me laugh.


Question from an uninitiated: who are these sources that constantly leak how Trump and his staff are feeling? Feels like they should be cracking down on that, shouldn't they? Not that I mind that they seemlingy aren't.
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