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Predict: 2016 in Gaming


- Ratchet & Clank PS4 flops hard despite being a solid release (so does the movie)
- The Last Guardian is an awesome game
- We will be able to change PSN names to some degree in 2016
- PS2 emulation fades out pretty quickly
- Gravity Rush 2 ends up a surprise hit both critically and commercially

- Crackdown, Halo Wars 2, and Sea of Thieves are all delayed to 2017
- Gears 4 ends up much better than expected and is a GOTY contender
- Recore is a surprise hit
- Forza Horizon 3 comes out and knocks everyone's socks off
- Scalebound underwhelms but that doesn't stop GAF from praising it because Platinum

- There's a surprise swan song game for Wii-U that releases in the Fall
- NX comes out holiday 2016
- We see the NX before E3
- Pokemon Z is a "surprise" announcement and the 3DS' lone notable release in the second half of the year
- Nintendo generates a TON of excitement with the NX


Neo Member

  • Will be well-received by critics and die-hards, but will ultimately flop due to high prices ($499.99 for Oculus/Vive, $399.99 for PSVR) and inability for average consumers to try before they buy.
The Last Guardian

  • Most critics will love it for its emotional story (ugly dog griffin monster survives, boy dies saving it) but average consumers will cry about how short it is and how little replayability there is. Will sell well enough to be considered a mild success.

  • NX will be unveiled at E3, Holiday 2016 release announced but will slip back until mid-2017.
    Star Fox Zero will be a flop and only really liked by the furry community.
    Zelda U will be announced as a launch game for NX, surprising no one.
    Splatoon 2, new Mario 3D game (Galaxy 3, perhaps) and new Metroid game also announced as launch titles for NX.
    Pokemon Z announced as series 20th anniversary title. Character plays the son/daughter of Red and explores Kalos to start, with Kanto available after. Game takes place 20 years AFTER Red/Blue/Green and shows the progress/aging of the region. (I really want this to happen now, haha)
Other stuff

  • No Man's Sky release date pushed back to coincide with PSVR launch. Game will receive average reviews and sell OK.
    Horizon: Zero Dawn will be pushed back to 2017.
    The Division will be fun, but ultimately shallow.
    FFXV will arrive and be considered one of the best in the series, but classic fans will still piss and moan about the "boy band" aesthetic of the characters.
    Gears of War 4 will be a flop.
3. Oculus, Vive, and PSVR - Not one of them will have sales reach 8 million units by the end of 2016 (8 million number to reference Kinect, which sold 8 million in 60 days)

LOL if ether of the first generation VR headsets sells 8 million units life time sales it was be a phenomenal success story. People seriously need some perspective when it come to sales expectations for VR.
LOL if ether of the first generation VR headsets sells 8 million units life time sales it was be a phenomenal success story. People seriously need some perspective when it come to sales expectations for VR.
Doesn't Sony themselves expect around 1.5 million sales by the end of the year? 8 million would be crazy haha
1. Some Games Will Come Out

I know, I know, but bare with me here. In the year 2016, something is going to come out. Hell, maybe even more than one thing might come out. I know you're probably looking at me like I'm crazy, but just trust me.

2. Some Games Might Be Good

It's going to be even harder to hear this, but some of the games that come out this year might actually be decent. Decent enough for you to spend your hard earned $59.99 on. Maybe it will be one of those games coming out that I mentioned before? Who really knows.

3. Some Games Might Be Bad

We can't have good without bad. I'd love to say no games will be bad, but sadly at least one game will be bad. 2016 will feature bad games.
kinda douchebag post man...
Could have just skipped the thread


Uncharted 4 will be considered as the best in the series, and a better overall game than The Last of Us but with not as good of a story. It'll have a controversial ending.

Mass Effect, Horizon, The Last Guardian, Zelda, Scalebound, Nier, Red Dead Resomething, Half-Life 3 all make 2016, which will be regarded as the best year of this generation.

I'll finally own a current Gen console.
My only prediction, Sony will hit and miss on some things, but have more hits than misses, and ps4 will hit 70 million consoles shipped by 2016.

And one more, Nintendo will disappoint hardcore gamers, but make good money again.


1. FF15 still not come out

2. No Man's Sky is dissapointing, boring and repetitive

3. the NX is dumb

4. VR continues to be all hype with no results

5. Zelda re-revealed as NX game with 2017 release date

6. New Diablo 3 expansion announced at blizzcon

7. New WoW expansion does nothing to really reinvigerate the game, will be the same cycle as every WoW expansion cycle

8. God of War with norse or egyptian mythology is anounced


Microsoft will announce all future first party games will come to PC in addition to Xbox One.....exclusively on the Windows Store.
LOL if ether of the first generation VR headsets sells 8 million units life time sales it was be a phenomenal success story. People seriously need some perspective when it come to sales expectations for VR.

You're probably right. Updated my post to 3 million, which could still be considered safe in some respects.


The Last Guardian will have an ending where neither the boy or the griffin dies.

Sony will announce the PS4 Slim.

Another kickstarter campaign will be launched and announced during E3.

FFXV will outsell Persona 5.

Okami sequel announced.
After 223 post

Mainstream = Success Niche/HC = Entusiats/Slow Burn Hedging = maybe I don't know possibly For = I think it's going do well but I don't know, I like the tech Against = it will Bomb/Flop after the niche market no one else will buy

I tracked the PSVR predictions

In 2012 something there was a famous thread about who'd win the next console war. If it proved anything it's NeoGAF sucks at predicting things...
Sony/Microsoft have largely revealed their hand for 2016.

What I'm looking forward to hearing about the most (of which we don't know anything yet):

1. Nintendo NX reveal + launch details

2. Third party release plans. I suspect more third parties will go the route of Fallout 4 where they reveal it months, instead of years, before release. We shall see, but so far there hasn't been a whole lot announced for the end of 2016.


Horizon: Zero Dawn will come out in 2016.
The Last Guardian will come out in 2016.
I will, finally, buy a PS4 in 2016.



Firewatch will release Q2 2016 to positive reviews & little sales.

TombRaider will release either Q2 or Q3 for PS4 due to poor sales on PC and Xbox.

There will be no news/updates about Cyberpunk 2077. Delayed?

Total Warhammer will be received poorly by fans.

Sanctum 3 announced.

VR will continue to carve out a small corner of the market as it gains interest.

Steam Machines will slowly grow in popularity as new hardware becomes available.

No Man's Sky will be a beautiful & impressive, yet sterile game.

Last Guardian delayed.

Konami fucks people over in some way, shape or form.

As Cloud Imperium Games continues to collapse various lawsuits will slowly be brought against the company.

Youtube Gaming will continue to be dead.

Zelda delayed.


Life Is Strange
season 2 announced.

38 Million raised for Dota 2 international.

Black Desert Online
releases Q1 with little sales, reworked into F2P by end of the year.

WoW continues to bleed subscribers.

Squadron 42 & Star Citizen continue to be delayed.


1. FF15 still not come out

2. No Man's Sky is dissapointing, boring and repetitive

3. the NX is dumb

4. VR continues to be all hype with no results

5. Zelda re-revealed as NX game with 2017 release date

6. New Diablo 3 expansion announced at blizzcon

7. New WoW expansion does nothing to really reinvigerate the game, will be the same cycle as every WoW expansion cycle

8. God of War with norse or egyptian mythology is anounced

It's confirmed as a Wii U title at least, if anything it will be cross-platform. But since your prediction is that "NX is dumb," I'm guessing you don't care much about what happens with Zelda. ;)


Uncharted 4 Will be better than Uncharted 2 but not The Last of Us. (at least in story) 92-93 metacritic and wins many GOTY awards (not over 200 like TLOU though)

The Last Guardian Slightly divisive being far from perfect, but will be absolutely loved by those who enjoy it. Will be regarded as something special down the line.

Horizon Will be delayed

Dark Souls 3 Will be better than 2, worse than 1 (about same quality as BB). Will review slightly worse due to Souls fatigue.

Mirrors Edge Will be mechanically excellent like the first but the open world structure will hurt it.

Call of Duty New game will have a surprisingly solid campaign but a shit MP. People will quickly go back to Black Ops 3.


  • The PS4 will outsell the Xbox One more most of 2016
  • Assassin's Creed will release an new game in 2016
  • Call of Duty will release a new game in 2016
  • Uncharted 4 will be delayed again
  • There will be an new Remaster of an old game.
  • Troy Baker will be voice acting 5 or more different AAA titles in 2016
  • Hackers will continue to dos online servers just to get headlines in 2016
  • E3 2016 will be LEGENDARY!!!
  • Ubisoft will release a game that looks nothing like earlier trailers.
  • An PC port of an console game will recieve complaints from PC gamers.
  • Blurry screen shots of an long rumored game will be leaked online..in 2016.
Gaming in 2016: there's games that I like, there's games I don't like, there's some postponing, there's some surprises. 1080p vs 720p and 30fps vs 60fps is still hot potatoes. And indies are not games, according to huge number of blindly ignorant so-called gamers.

Also new Final Fantasy. Maybe. Hopefully.


  • VR will have a very low start. Too expensive, just a few games and game designers still don't get how to solve the issues and how to adapt the games to this new platform. It will need a few years before going mainstream but will start having a small community of fans.
  • With all the great exclusive and multiplatform games that is going to receive this year, PS4 will break all sales records in 2016. Will surpass PS2 and Wii at the same point of their lifetime.
  • NX will suck and like WiiU mostly only some Nintendo fanboys will buy. Less powerful than PS4, will have a tablet-like gamepad like WiiU, but this time it will work as portable console and Nintendo smartphone games will work there. Like in WiiU, some 3rd party ports are announced for launch but won't get third party support other than people who supported 3DS, who will make for its gamepad.
  • Most Nintendo mobile games will fail hard but some will do a good job specially in Asian markets where Dena is strong.
  • Even if they are going to be very good games, haters will hate The Division, and will suffer really bad reviews from gaming journalists who will copy impressions from others and will feel the need to continue the hate cascade as did with The Order and other Ubi games because want to be cool guys.
  • Press and general people will complain because a game made by a dozen guys (No Man's Sky) is repetitive and boring. They expected it to have more content than Destiny, GTAV and The Witcher 3 combined.
  • People complained because Ubisoft every year did a certain thing. They won't do it this year and people will complain because of it.
  • Scalebound has really poor sales and mixed reception in reviews: Platinum fanboys say it's GOTY and other people say it's another poor copy of Bayonetta but with dragons and DLC elements.
  • Even if it's going to be a weak open world games Nintendo fanboys will put Zelda in their GOTY lists due to tokenism as they included Mario Maker this year even if it's a poor copy of the Little Big Planet idea but filled with nostalgia thanks to the Mario IP.
  • Sony announces Titanfall 2 with PS timed exclusive DLC and bundle in E3, same deal than Destiny 2 that they announce just after that. GoW and Crash (by Sony) games are announced there at E3. Sony wins E3 mainly due to other things, some of them surprising.
  • The Last Guardian will dissapoint hard, but hipsters will call it GOTY, even if average players will prefer Uncharted 4, Deus EX 2, Street Fighter V and Horizon.
  • Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge, Dreams, Final Fantasy XV, Quantum Break and Gears of War will have a Metacritic around 75. Decent or good games but mixed reception.
  • Star Fox will fail hard in both sales and reviews.
  • Recore will be delayed to 2017, and cancelled next year even if they never announce it was cancelled.
  • Games like CoD or Battlefield drop their single player campaign, move most of their content to DLC and get their worst sales and reviews ever.
  • Capcom will announce Resident Evil 7. As hardcore fans did when RE 3, 4, 5 and 6 (or with any DMC) were announced, will say that the new one sucks and that the previous one was great.
  • The only VR platform with decent adoption is PSVR, the others get residual sales.
  • Half Life 3 releases as Steam, Steam VR and Steam Machines exclusive, but Steam VR and Steam Machines fail so hard in sales that they release it in consoles, with PSVR support.
-Recore will be delayed till at least the end of 2016
-Sea Of Thieves will be delayed till 2017
-Gears Of War 4 will be delayed till 2017
-The Last Guardian will be praised for "feels" but will have mediocre gameplay that is hated by many
-Ni-Oh will be delayed
-Scalebound protagonist will be re-designed
-Halo Wars 2 will be delayed
-Fable Legends will come out to a collective "ok"
-Konami makes tons of money off of Pachinko and Mobile games, GAF gets collectively angry
-New models of both the X1 and PS4 are announced
-NX is announced and is weird and stuff
-Quantum Break is either Order 1886 or Max Payne 4: Za Warudo Boogaloo
-343 lead staff gets quietly shuffled
-Dead Rising 4 will be revealed
-Whatever Casey Hudson is working on gets shown


No Man's Sky launches with Playstation VR

FFXV releases, is pretty good. (80s meta)

A demo for FFVII REMAKE becomes available this year

Kingdom Hearts III is still not out but we do get a release date, light saber keyblade.

The Division flops

Watch Dogs 2 is shown off

Tomb Raider releases on PS4, has better first month sales than when launched on XBO

Nintendo Launches the NX, Zelda is a launch title

New models for XBO and PS4

it's the year of the JRPGs

That game you've really been looking forward to will not come this year, but that obscure title your friend has been waiting for will, and then you will start to question life at a level deeper than you thought possible.

- NX releases in November 2016 with Zelda. A new 3D open world Mario game announced for 2017. Zelda a contender for GOTY and gets the NX a decent start with the core audience, but isn't wildly popular like the Wii due to lack of casual hook.

- NX fully BC with both 3DS and Wii U.

- NX power roughly equal to Xbox One, but with less RAM.


- Uncharted 4 releases to much critical acclaim. With a 4.5 year dev cycle, it's the most ambitious ND game to date and the longest Uncharted game. First two month NPD sales > 1 million. GOTY contender.

- At least one of the following will be delayed until 2017, possibly both: TLG & Horizon.

- VR releases in late 2016 and is Sony's main holiday push, similar to MS and Kinect in 2010. Releases to pretty good success as the new novel thing for the holidays, but really doesn't start taking off until holiday 2017 when prices come down and more software is released (similar to how MS had record breaking year following Kinect).

- RIGS resonates with the core e-sports crowd, and Zindagi games rumored VR sports title resonates with the casual crowd. Dreams is the minecraft-esque killer app title for VR when it releases, which may not be 2016.

- PS4 gets an official price drop to $299 late in the year and maintains the highest sales in NA. Globally, begins to increase the lead against XB1 by over 2:1 ratio.

- E3 2016 cannot match 2015. Not too many surprises, but expect them to close the conference with the next God of War by Sony Santa Monica.


- Following a strong lineup for 2014 & 2015, I feel this will be a pretty "down" year for Microsoft, in terms of content and sales.

- Gears 4 gets delayed. E3 2015 showing was disappointing, it's a new studio, and they really need to bring Gears to the next level to keep the franchise and IP relevant. Rushing the title to meet a 2016 target would be unwise.

- Quantum Break & Scalebound are decent, but ultimately do little to push Xbox Ones.

- I hope MS has a strong showing at E3 2016 in order to garner more excitement for the platform in 2017 beyond. I think this E3 will be critical in seeing just how committed Microsoft is to the platform.


I think this E3 will be critical in seeing just how committed Microsoft is to the platform.

I agree. Unlike pervious years you can tell what MS lineup will be, but we don't know what they have 2017. Everything they showed over the last couple months are TBD 2016. Not to say things can't be delayed. When they showed Crackdown we knew that was 2016. We have no idea what they have for 2017
I agree. Unlike pervious years you can tell what MS lineup will be, but we don't know what they have 2017. Everything they showed over the last couple months are TBD 2016. Not to say things can't be delayed. When they showed Crackdown we knew that was 2016. We have no idea what they have for 2017
Do we actually know that Crackdown 3 is 2016 though? All information has just listed the multiplayer portion of it to be 2016, nothing about the SP. But yeah, 2017 is going to be a weird year, both Sony and MS have so many games that we already knew about for 2016 that 2017 is guaranteed to be different at least.
Nintendo: NX unveiled by March, launches in November. Has Ps4 comparable hardware. Zelda and Mario will be launch titles but the lack of third party support and price will ultimately prevent the system from outselling the Ps4. Lots of Nintendo titles will be shown off for 2017 (Metroid, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Splatoon) . Public opinion will ultimately be divided. Nintendo fans will love it and people who aren't Nintendo fans will be indifferent.

Microsoft: Xbox sales fall further behind PS4. XBL usage and sales will grow among the current user base but MS will see a decline in new XBL membership/sign ups. Only two MS 1st party titles will chart in NPD the entire year. Minecraft and Gears of War 4. Quantum Break will be 2016's The Order: 1886. Halo Wars 2 will be worst selling game in Halo franchise. Sea of Thieves will receive GotY nominations but won't sell. After finishing 3rd behind PS4 and the NX in holiday sales, coupled with an overall year of sales futility in comparison to the competition, the next Xbox will become a topic of conversation for some.

Sony: PSVR will launch in September, will have the biggest launch lineup of any Playstation system ever and will ultimately outsell the NX (for 2016) and be a huge success outpacing Vive and Rift. PS4 will continue to outpace everyone and sales will be close to 50 million by the end of the year. Sony drops PS4 to $249 to push VR adoption as well as counter the NX launch. The Last Guardian will release in November, won't quite live up to the hype but will still be an excellent game. Uncharted 4 will be the best Uncharted game to date and win several GotY awards. Horizon and GT Sport both hit their 2016 release dates, both sell extremely well, and both are critically acclaimed games of their genres. Rise of the Tomb Raider gets lost in the flood, again.

Random games:
Final Fantasy XV will launch worldwide in late summer/early fall. It will be the best game in the series since 12 and one of the best games of the year.
Final Fantasy VII: Episode 1 will get a release date of March 2017
Deep Down resurfaces at E3, looks amazing, and gets a release date.


Do we actually know that Crackdown 3 is 2016 though? All information has just listed the multiplayer portion of it to be 2016, nothing about the SP. But yeah, 2017 is going to be a weird year, both Sony and MS have so many games that we already knew about for 2016 that 2017 is guaranteed to be different at least.

I think they said there will be a beta in the Summer. I mean the game has been the development for at least 3 years. I think has 3 different studios working on it
Sony: PSVR will launch in September, will have the biggest launch lineup of any Playstation system ever and will ultimately outsell the NX (for 2016) and be a huge success outpacing Vive and Rift.

Lol, PSVR is nothing more than an accessory to the PS4 and will not do any better than the Move. It'll get a push for the first couple of months after launch but Sony won't care after that.
Lol, PSVR is nothing more than an accessory to the PS4 and will not do any better than the Move. It'll get a push for the first couple of months after launch but Sony won't care after that.

I think it'll do substantially better than the Move.

I don't think it'll be the best selling PS launch, but I'm thinking more in terms of a Kinect-like success but on a global scale instead of just being wildly popular in the US like Kinect was. It will give PS4 a second life and appeal to a new market/demographic, and allow PS4 sales to continue moving higher.

Kinect pushed a LOT of Xbox 360's, elevating the console to its highest highs despite the Xbox 360 being in a stage of its lifespan where sales SHOULD have declined.

I suspect this will happen with PS4 sales as well. The difference is that the Wii was seen as revolutionary, Kinect was also seen as revolutionary, but Move was seen as reactionary. It did things the Wii already did years ago (better, mind you, but it didn't have the wow factor). VR really hasn't been a commercial product yet, and won't until 2016. PSVR will be seen as the "revolutionary" product, and I think it'll have far better legs than something like Kinect because I feel the experience is much more meaningful.
VR: Ouya levels of failure

Nintendo NX: Controls more like a game pad that the WiiU pad but still had a screen. Games are loaded via the control on a solid state device / cart. The controller is its own thing. It can play games and be used to control games on the console. The games the gamepad plays will be scaled down. The console will be significantly more powerful than either Xbox One or PS4.

2K/Rockstar: Announces new Bioshock and Bully 2

WB IE: Monolith will announce a new IP for the game that is very similar to Shadows of Mordor but set in modern times. WB Montreal will show its Suicide Squad game. TT games will show an actual licensed Lego Minecraft game. Maybe Xbox One exclusive.

Bethesda: Expect more than a few announcements as they start pushing their publishing wings a little further. Fallout 4 season pass will disappoint.

Ubisoft: Assassin's Creed 2016 will tie into the movie being released in december and thus pre Ezio Italy, not rumored Japan. This will be make or break for the series.

EA: The Sims 4 comes to consoles. EA will announce a Star Wars single player game that's like Assassin's creed with light sabers, and an RTS. Look for a very early announcement of a future Dead space. Nothing new on Mass Effect

Marvel: the first Marvel Interactive games will get announced.

Atari, AMD, and Sega will change owners.
- NX launches for $350. It is underpowered compared to other nearly 3 year old consoles. Most people scratch their heads and continue buying PS4.
- Uncharted 4 underwhelms but still a GOTY contender
- Yooka Laylee 2017
- Zelda and Mario also 2017
- VR will be the next Kinect with less sales. The tech isn't ready. It'll sell anyway for awhile of course and get a lot of "8" review scores because that's how these things work.
- 1TB HDD for both consoles will be the standard
- Redder Deader A Love Letter to Everything Better announced. Title is quickly changed due to hate mail and death threats.
- Red Dead Reflection also announced (remakes to release before the new Red Dead)
Casey Hudson working on Halo RPG. With story by Joseph Staten

MS you have the fucking pieces just do it!

Casey Hudson is working on Hololens isn't he? Joseph Staten has stated multiple times he doesn't really want to work on Halo anymore. Though they have stated they want to basically annualize Halo so we will probably see something new Halo related get announced in 2016. Vanquish: Halo Edition developed by platinum. Do it.


Final Fantasy XV will continue the series tradition and split the fanbase in half. It'll be the best Final Fantasy ever made while simultaneously being a piece of shit.

Horizon: Zero Dawn will be delayed into 2017.

Dark Souls III will come out to a worse reception critically than Bloodborne and the original Dark Souls. It will be a better game than Bloodborne though.

Star Ocean V will still be Star Ocean and people will complain about it.

Mass Effect Andromeda will be delayed into 2017.
Casey Hudson working on Halo RPG. With story by Joseph Staten

MS you have the fucking pieces just do it!

As awesome as that sounds, I'd rather have Casey work on a new IP. I hope they have him working on a (console) game, and not just all Hololens stuff.


1) Naughty Dog does it again
Uncharted 4 is a loving send off excelling at both critical and commercial levels. A spoiler for their new ip will go unnoticed.

2) Horizon: Zero Dawn becomes the next big thing
Guerilla delivers on both open world and WRPG goodness. Robust world full of lore and wonders. Is that full motion picture movie rumblings I hear? Guerrilla Games will never make another Killzone. Cambridge maybe.

3) PS4/XB1 slims are revealed and priced at 299$
Inevitable really. PS4 will somehow be as small as PS2. XB1 similar to 360. Both Holiday 2016 before Horizon and whatever MS' holiday exclusive is.

4) Nintendo makes a console pair better than WiiU/3ds
I know. I know. Kind of obvious. But we literally know nothing about their next attempt at gaming. Should be interesting. Expecting lots of second screen functionality and talk between devices ala PS4/Vita.

5) Current Generation crosses 100m shipped
Obviously don't have XB1 numbers anymore, but I'm willing to guess we have something like 37m+20m+13m as of 2015. Not too difficult a task. 30m in 2016 is do-able. Especially with PS4's/XB1's lowered price points, new peripherals and hardware revisions.


Gold Member
Lol, PSVR is nothing more than an accessory to the PS4 and will not do any better than the Move. It'll get a push for the first couple of months after launch but Sony won't care after that.

Nah, VR is the future
outside of gaming
Sony will stick with it.
VR is actually projected to "bomb" guys...Neither Sony nor Rift expect huge sales unless people start going crazy for preorders and they know they have a hit product like Nintendo did. Just wanted to point that out that VR initial goal likely isn't to be the new Wii, but to be a successful alternative to traditional gaming.

I'm sure Oculus and Sony would love for it to be, but they have modest expectations.


Gold Member
1. Some Games Will Come Out

I know, I know, but bare with me here. In the year 2016, something is going to come out. Hell, maybe even more than one thing might come out. I know you're probably looking at me like I'm crazy, but just trust me.

2. Some Games Might Be Good

It's going to be even harder to hear this, but some of the games that come out this year might actually be decent. Decent enough for you to spend your hard earned $59.99 on. Maybe it will be one of those games coming out that I mentioned before? Who really knows.

3. Some Games Might Be Bad

We can't have good without bad. I'd love to say no games will be bad, but sadly at least one game will be bad. 2016 will feature bad games.

Because of your avatar I imagined Stephen A Smith saying this stuff

It really enhanced the experience
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