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Resident Evil 4, 5, 6 – Announce Trailer (PS4/Xbox One)


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Already own played and loved re4 on pc, but i havnt replayed 5 is ages so will buy

Surprised to see more love for 6 then 5, despite 6 being trash


The worst comes 1st while the best comes last...well, at least they saved the best for last.

I knew they would come on PS4 and X1 though.


Neo Member
Have 4 and 5 already on PC but I'm in! Can't wait to play through 5 in local coop again

I hope RE5 is earlier summer though, wish they would release them together in a collection too.
Try answering it.

I'll take a crack at it, but not to be hostile or anything. I think it's an interesting thing to think about.

I would personally argue that it's really based on how the game performs. It might be a 1:1 asset port from another platform, but I think performance and resolution can add enough to the actual experience of playing the game to classify it as a "remaster." For me, the fluidity of 60fps makes enough of a difference to be valuable to me, especially if these rerelease/remasters have that performance gain, and hopefully run at full 1080p resolution (less of a worry for me as the framerate, personally). In addition to that particular feature, I don't think I've loved controllers as much as the XB1 and PS4 controllers in terms of the ergonomic feel. I've found that falling back to a 360 or PS3 controller feels distinctively lower-grade to me, so that also helps with the feel of a game, especially if the framerate and resolution get upped. This certainly doesn't apply to all consumers, but I didn't really get any of the extra post-release content for the game, either, so if it's included, that is all stuff I didn't personally experience. RE5, however, I did buy the first DLC release, but none of the others. All of those factors would add up to what I'd classify as a "remastered" experience. Even if the graphical assets aren't given a huge update, I personally find enough value in just a framerate and resolution bump to justify the classification, with added bonus of having a better-feeling controller and new content to experience... But I only speak for myself.


This is a shitty anniversary product. I guess they are still scraping pennies to make Resident Evil 7. Capcom is such a disappointment.

They've been working on RE7 for years. Last we heard was in October that we'd be hearing more soon. C'mon, they announced an RE2 remake just 6-7 months ago, they're doing Umbrella Corps, and they released Revelations 2 last year. You really think they're doing everything else but RE7?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This is a shitty anniversary product. I guess they are still scraping pennies to make Resident Evil 7. Capcom is such a disappointment.

Revelations 2 and REmake HD released about a year ago, Zero HD literally released about a month ago, Umbrella Corps releases in a few months, RE4/RE5/RE6 HD release throughout the year, REmake 2 & RE7 likely will release next year, the third CG Resident Evil film releases next January, the final live-action Resident Evil film is also coming, they said a Resident Evil TV series will be announced closer to the final live-action film release (but no confirm if it is related to the live-action movies or something else, though we know this trailer was pitched to them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mB-pOOMbZM ), we knows there's a VR Resident Evil game in the works, Capcom have said there's unannounced products and games coming, some we may learn closer to Resident Evil's 20th anniversary date (which is March 22nd).


Very excited to play RE6 at 60 FPS on console, as that's what the trailer seems to indicate.

Disappointing that they're $20 each, though.


3 seperate games? That's...meh. But I don't really care with my RE Anthology with 1-6^^ (for only 30€) And every game on PC.


Never played any of them so I'm glad so many are coming to PS4! 1 & 2 have come/are coming, right? So is 3 going to come as well?


Revelations 2 and REmake HD released about a year ago, Zero HD literally released about a month ago, Umbrella Corps releases in a few months, RE4/RE5/RE6 HD release throughout the year, REmake 2 & RE7 likely will release next year, the third CG Resident Evil film releases next January, the final live-action Resident Evil film is also coming, they said a Resident Evil TV series will be announced closer to the final live-action film release (but no confirm if it is related to the live-action movies or something else, though we know this trailer was pitched to them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mB-pOOMbZM ), we knows there's a VR Resident Evil game in the works, Capcom have said there's unannounced products and games coming, some we may learn closer to Resident Evil's 20th anniversary date (which is March 22nd).

I wouldn't say VR resident evil is for sure.


RE4 will be mine again.

I'm still laughing at those release dates in reverse order of quality, no doubt aiming to squeeze some more sales out of the impatient people.


How remarkable. If this RE4 port is based off of the HD port for PC (which it probably is, given the x86 and all), then it is a port of a port of a port of a port.

Gamecube -> PS2 -> 360/PS3 -> PC (Ultimate Edition) -> PS4/XB1.

The PS2 version was never part of the port equation from the Wii onward. It's its own thing, frozen in time, thankfully never to be revisited.

Pretty much every port of RE4 is reverse-engineered from the GC original.
I don't know how to express my Joy for RE6 being on PS4
I've platinum vanquish and I can safely say that RE6 drew inspiration from vanquish.
Resident evil has the best control in the series and I cant wait to do some streams on ps4 and play with other beast misters on no hope :)

where can I pre-order the disc version (capcom, please hurry)
Any pre-order bonuses btw?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So are you gonna do it or not?

I thought kitchen wasn't Resident Evil?

Kitchen is not, it's a separate horror VR prototype. But in Capcom's big annual report they do, which talks about sales and titles to release in the next few years (The one where they mentioned series like Devil May Cry will be getting a new game or two somewhere in the next few years), they mention when talking about VR that they have a VR Resident Evil game in the works.


The article doesn't paint out the sentence, and I don't feel like reading the annual report again, but I read it myself when it released and they 100% mention that they're toying around with a VR Resident Evil game in it. If it ever see's fruition? Who knows? But they have toyed around with it, it seems.

EDIT: Grrr, I re-read it anyway since I remembered where the VR bit was. They mention they're working on an unnamed horror VR game specifically, but it's being made by the Resident Evil team is the exact context. But going by other word, it's not The Kitchen either.


No one cares if these games are graphically improved, or play better (60FPS) than their previously released console counterparts?

I'm a pretty big RE fan and I get the excitement, but if these aren't tightened up and looking better, I won't bother.
Well, the video is 60fps so we know that.


$20 each is pretty good IMO

It probably is, but RE4 at $20 in particular feels weird to me because of how many times it's been re-released at that specific price point.

Of course, RE4 is easily the best out of all three games, so it has that going for it. I'm just letting age dictate price for me for some reason.
I don't see myself buying RE4 again unless it's a full remake, and even that would be kind of pointless to me. I don't care much for 5 or 6 so I doubt I'll be getting those.
So the most interesting thing about all of this to me is what will this new version of RE5 be based on? RE4 will definitely be based on the semi recent Steam version and RE6 will also be based on the Steam version (it'll probably include the PC exclusive No Mercy mode but probably won't have the L4D2 characters). I would be shocked if this new version of RE5 was based on the PC version considering the sorry state Capcom has left that version in but it would be a crying shame if this new version of RE5 didn't include The Mercenaries No Mercy mode. IT'S SO GOOD!
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