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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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I really wish another Democrat had gotten into the race and drowned Sander's campaign in it's infancy. Biden would have smushed his ass but tragedy struck with Beau. :-( Warren maybe. I dunno. Fuck this guy lol.
I want Barney to debate Bernie on CNN or something. He would massacre Bernie and it would be glorious and will be well deserved.


It really is sad. He got people passionate about progressive change on so many issues, and then he funnels all of that passion into whiney unproductive conspiracy-based attacks on people who have dedicated their lives to making his dreams actually happen.

Please Bernie, keep the party strong. You probably won't have any effect, but I don't appreciate your continued efforts to make the rest of my life significantly worse by putting Trump in the White House.


guys, bernie just wants a platform for his ideas, for our future. this is the one and only chance we'll ever have to make our future, the future of our children, more berniecratic. it's immensely important for every berniebro to have his or her vote cast and count, otherwise how will people know that we want the berniefuture to be our future? i think you're all being really unfair to him, like the media, the dnc and all h-dizzawgs supporters have been.
Canda's system is far more stable than ours due to the concentration.

Our system is built on banks dying and being mulched into other banks ad nauseum. This happens in large part because the banks are small and regional, and thus prone to huge issues if their local market crashes. But because the big ones over there in Canada are in so many cookie jars, that chronic instability due to the housing market doesn't exist.

This explanation of what causes instability in modern financial system is very flawed. The 2008/9 crisis would have still happened with more, smaller banks because inter-bank lending dried up. Eventually this would have crippled even solvent institutions. The Canadian banks weathered the last crisis because they had more capital and less debt than US and Euro ones. Ironically, they have become more risky while the rest of the world has required more reserves. Here's a recent story on this:

Wrong. All of your certainty comes from pledges older than the primary election cycle. Nothing is finished.

Everything is officially finished on June 7th and double finished on June 14th.

After that, he gets to go fuck himself.

"Vote for me or I'll burn this whole fucker down!" isn't gonna fucking work.
Wrong. All of your certainty comes from pledges older than the primary election cycle. Nothing is finished.

The election is over. Hillary will be the candidate. Bernie will never be president. Nobody will remember who Bernie Sanders is in 6 months. There was no revolution. None of Bernie's talking points will lead to drastic change in the Democrat party. Bernie will get no credit when some of his ideas become law in a few decades.



"Don't destroy the Democratic Party to satisfy the secretary's ambitions to become president of the United States" - Jeff Weaver.

It's a shame this advice only applies to Hillary Clinton.


Called it the guy is a dirty politician selling snake oil.
We may get a Trump presidency out of this but it was worth it for the "told you so"


I have a question. Since I'm Canadian I don't know the full details of how the US system works.

A lot of people in here are saying things like "If Trump wins, it'll be Bernie's fault" and acting like a non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing.

Which... is confusing, for a few reasons. Isn't the convention to decide the nominee? So why is it the end of the world that this guy doesn't want to give up till then? Especially since its only just two months away? Shouldn't that be how things are supposed to work? What makes this convention that important that things need to be decided months beforehand? Plus the republicans have their own fiasco going on, so I'm having trouble seeing why this is such a big deal.

Plus people are acting like Bernie is evil for going against the party. But my understanding is he was never really a democrat to begin with? He only went with them cause running as an independent would have gotten him no where?

A non-snarky explanation would be sincerely appreciated.

1) A non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing. A poilitical party only has so long to prepare for the election and get their message out. Any time wasted on anything else is a humongous burden.

2) The convention solidifies and finally decides the nominee; None of us care if he doesn't drop out. We do care that he is threatening what amounts to rioting and hatred at this event that has universally been built to unify and decide on strategies moving forward to win the election.

Basically, you may play a scrimmage game in practice versus teammates, but when its time to play another team... everyone on your team comes together and works together to win the game. The convention means the scrimmage is OVER. Time for the game versus the other side. Bernie is threatening to show up at the game and get on the floor and trip and foul his fellow teammates and start fights within his own damn team on the floor which will cause the refs to disqualify his whole fucking TEAM losing them the game...

This is obviously stupid. If you want to be upset with a teammate that dunked on you during your scrimmage fine.. Just don't kick them in the face while you are playing a game versus another team. That's self sabotage.

3) The republicans no longer have a fiasco. They hate Trump, but they realize its time to play the other team. The scrimmage is over and they know its time to play the real game. Even if they all won't endorse Trump, they agree to at least not kick him in the face anymore. Time to unite and win the game....

4) Yes people are upset with Bernie for trying to sabotage the party (team) from the inside. Even though he only joined this sports team because they had a chance to win games, once you join the team you are expected to act as a team member. If you didn't want to play for the team, you should have stayed where you were. But to leave your previous team and join ours, because your last one sucks, and then get to our team and start kicking teammates in the face is frowned upon. Hopefully you can understand why... No one wants to welcome someone to their team then watch the person work overtime to sabotage their chances at winning.

Sorry if the analogies suck. Im trying to paint a picture since not all gaffers are American.
Would be a more legit argument if the race wasn't already over. He can't win, he can just make Hillary lose.

Which does seem to be why he's trying to extract some concessions from the party itself. Obviously he's not gonna admit he can't win until the last possible minute, but I think he's trying to shape the convention to be closer to his campaign's ideas. Which, seems like an obvious thing to do.

And if a losing candidate trying to get more influence within a party (changing committee positions and potentially protests?) is that damaging to the leading candidate, it doesn't seem like the candidate was that strong in the first place.

But that's just me, I think "party unification" is kind of an overrated concept anyway, *shrug*. People who would suddenly vote for Trump instead of Hillary based on some things Bernie says probably weren't that enamored or motivated by her in the first place (see: that pros/cons trump vs. hillary jpg that gets posted)
All I see is a man trying to help his odds going into the convention. This is a dog fight, as it should be.

Please. As was said earlier in the thread, Ted Cruz had the decency to give Trump a clear run once it was clear he couldn't get a majority of the pledged delegates. Any time you can't even meet Ted Cruz standards, you should take a long look in the mirror.


As the days go by, I'm regretting voting for him more and more. Ugh. At this point I'm more curious what else he's gonna do.


I feel bad for the millions of reasonable Bernie supporters honestly. They are the majority, but the man and his people and Bernie Bro minority/subset are nothing but trash.


Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.

Shouldn't you be passing along that advice to the Bernie cult campaign?


Which does seem to be why he's trying to extract some concessions from the party itself. Obviously he's not gonna admit he can't win until the last possible minute, but I think he's trying to shape the convention to be closer to his campaign's ideas. Which, seems like an obvious thing to do.

And if a losing candidate trying to get more influence within a party (changing committee positions and potentially protests?) is that damaging to the leading candidate, it doesn't seem like the candidate was that strong in the first place.

This problem is this is more akin to burning your professors house down because he gave you some constructive criticism.

20 years ago.
Please. As was said earlier in the thread, Ted Cruz had the decency to give Trump a clear run once it was clear he couldn't get a majority of the pledged delegates. Any time you can't even meet Ted Cruz standards, you should take a long look in the mirror.

Yeah, who would have thought the biggest douche in the primary cycle turned out not to be not Ted Cruz, Jeb, or Rubio, or Christie. Very disappointing look for democrats.


Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.

But Bernie is above politics as normal i thought?

So he has a petty dispute with various politicians and would rather hurt the progressive agenda to get back at people.

So much for a positive campaign.

Nice try at spin tho.


So AMERICA-GAF this is all about forcing concessions from the Democrats?

I wonder if he is hoping for a VP offer from Hillary. I get the impression she hates him though...


Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

Was really hoping you would call a spade a spade on this one man...

So AMERICA-GAF this is all about forcing concessions of the Democrats?

I wonder if he is hoping for VP

No, you don't make this kind of threat if you think you have a chance at VP. There is zero chance she offers him VP after this. She can't. It would make her look AWFUL. And he just alienated the more level headed supporters of his anyway. She gains nothing from even putting him on her ticket now. This is a straight up zero fucks given molotov cocktail here.

You have to remember they have already offered him concessions. He could have started with that offer and negotiated, but instead.... Full on nuclear. There is no middle to Bernie Sanders, its his definition of purity, or nothing.
It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"

I'd never seen this before. But this is amazing.

I've gone from tacit support back in Jan to fuck you.
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