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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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If Bernie thought it were so important to have 'neutral' members, his own selections wouldn't include people who've been attacking Hillary. This is just more of his constant hypocrisy, something is wrong unless he does it.

The whole "neutral members thing is bullshit, because he just wants more chairs friendly to him, but this:

Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank have both been aggressive attack surrogates for the Clinton campaign. Their criticisms of Senator Sanders have gone beyond dispassionate ideological disagreement and have exposed a deeper professional, political, and personal hostility toward the Senator and his Campaign

Is an accurate statement. Look, I like Barnie Frank, but he chose to take an open and aggressive stance in denouncing Sanders. Now that Sanders is in a position to make demands, he's getting the consequences of that choice. Perhaps Barnie should have been a little bit more restrained with what he said.

So Bernie in the end isn't a progressive then, and is self serving.

Bernie has a strong progressive record. He's self-serving though. The guy is a life-long politician, of course he's self-serving, right?

I still think things go according to plan. The DNC gives Bernie a few concessions, he endorses Hillary, and we unite for the general election. I doubt he's going to burn down the future for the progressive causes that he's dedicated his entire life to further.
Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.
Why should we chill? If Bernie is disruptive enough Donald Trump could win the presidency. This is a serious problem!


Jeez. I was once quite sympathetic to Bernie running through to the convention. But this is just petulant and childish.

The convention is in part to unify the party and before it even starts, he's making public enemies.

him and frank have had bad blood publicly before now. Frank came out against Sanders, so I get why Sanders doesn't want him to have a strong hand in the convention.

Looks like he's going to try to glass steagal the dodd-frank.


The whole "neutral members thing is bullshit, because he just wants more chairs friendly to him, but this:

Is an accurate statement. Look, I like Barnie Frank, but he chose to take an open and aggressive stance in denouncing Sanders. Now that Sanders is in a position to make demands, he's getting the consequences of that choice. Perhaps Barnie should have been a little bit more restrained with what he said.

Bernie has a strong progressive record. He's self-serving though. The guy is a life-long politician, of course he's self-serving, right?

I still think things go according to plan. The DNC gives Bernie a few concessions, he endorses Hillary, and we unite for the general election. I doubt he's going to burn down the future for the progressive causes that he's dedicated his entire life to further.

Threatening the convention if he doesn't get his way is not in anyway shape or form, furthering the progressive agenda.

You can try to spin it anyway way you like, but it is not.


It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"

Ha, damn those quotes are great.

He's a weak candidate for the GE.

He hasn't even been fully attacked yet, because no one really took him too seriously.

All it would take is a week of digging for the Republicans.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
How can Sanders supporters parse his opposition to Barney Frank? Crazy.

To be fair, there are only like 3 people in this thread agreeing with this.
It's probably the least amount of support i've seen for Sanders ever on neogaf OT.
I want to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe the best about him. But damn is he making it difficult. This is so shitty. He's putting so much at risk over an fucking purity contest.


The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

He needs to stay as long as possible. I hope he backs someone like Jill Stein after the convention assuming Hillary isn't indicted then and she picks him as her VP / running mate (if possible) so we get even more messaging out there. It would be great for that messaging to continue to be pushed into November.
All I see is a man trying to help his odds going into the convention. This is a dog fight, as it should be.
lol a "dog fight"

cross-posted from PoliGAF, so many Sanders supporters are gonna go into the convention expecting it to be this big epic fight like


Hillary wins comfortably on the first ballot



Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?
With this move Bernie if essentially saying "that's a nice convention you got there. It would be a shame is something happened to it". He's trying to create a chaotic environment which is the exact opposite of unity


Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?

Nope. The few people left that won't see this nonsense for what it is, happens to be the super niche "Never was gonna vote Hillary anyway" side. Honestly, he sort of helped her by dropping the facade that he cares about anyone but himself here. Now its inarguable that the guy is just firing wild.

She doesn't need him on the ticket, especially not after this.


The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

What a crock.
Threatening the convention if he doesn't get his way is not in anyway shape or form, furthering the progressive agenda.

You can try to spin it anyway way you like, but it is not.

In his warped mind, he probably thinks he is furthering the progressive agenda.....because to him, the only right way is his way and everyone else is corrupt....he is pure.
He needs to stay as long as possible. I hope he backs Jill Stein after the convention and she picks him as her VP so we get even more messaging out there. It would be great for that messaging to continue to be pushed into November.

For the sake of my Canadian friends, I hope the CAD crashes for you and you alone.


Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?

She doesn't need to beat sanders and yet still get bogged down by his unvettted negatives the GOP surely has waiting in the wings if added as VP.


Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?
He's 74 years old.

He's a far left candidate in a country that is not kind to the far left.

He has said a lot of things that could alienate possible voters in the GE; for example, praising Fidel Castro when Cuba is such a sore spot.

He doesn't have a single charismatic bone in his body.
The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

He needs to stay as long as possible. I hope he backs Jill Stein after the convention and she picks him as her VP so we get even more messaging out there. It would be great for that messaging to continue to be pushed into November.

Trump has already explained he never seriously wanted to debate with Bernie. It was a troll and publicity grab all along.
The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

That's not going to happen.

And by many metrics in terms of traffic and fundraising, Sanders has lost a great deal of support and enthusiasm, only the hardcore of the hardcore are still in the sinking ship.

It's been over six months with multiple debates and plenty of media coverage, if you don't know who Sanders is then Sanders has failed to get his message across, an extra week ain't gonna do shit.


Threatening the convention if he doesn't get his way is not in anyway shape or form, furthering the progressive agenda.

You can try to spin it anyway way you like, but it is not.

This is more of a retribution against Malloy and Frank than a blow against the party as a whole.

Was really hoping you would call a spade a spade on this one man...

I said that it's petty. It IS petty and serves no legitimate purpose. I wish Sanders had gone to the convention focused on the issues rather than trying to go out kicking and screaming. The voters have spoken. We should be talking about issues important to progressives instead of trying to get payback against other Democrats. fake edit- I also don't think that Bernie needed to make these kinds of threats to get a voice on the GE platform.
Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?

He has been treated with kid gloves this entire time. He is too easy of a target to attack. All you need is a flood of ads about his praise of Castro, the Sandinistas, socialist socialist socialist, honeymooning in the USSR, etc. He would lose if he was the nominee and he very well could make Hillary lose. The party will be fine if he just fucks off and lets Hillary, Obama, Biden, Warren, Bill, etc handle Trump.


The whole "neutral members thing is bullshit, because he just wants more chairs friendly to him, but this:

Is an accurate statement. Look, I like Barnie Frank, but he chose to take an open and aggressive stance in denouncing Sanders. Now that Sanders is in a position to make demands, he's getting the consequences of that choice. Perhaps Barnie should have been a little bit more restrained with what he said.

Bernie has a strong progressive record. He's self-serving though. The guy is a life-long politician, of course he's self-serving, right?

I still think things go according to plan. The DNC gives Bernie a few concessions, he endorses Hillary, and we unite for the general election. I doubt he's going to burn down the future for the progressive causes that he's dedicated his entire life to further.

Is threatening to riot the convention because some people had some poignant criticism of your positions really the hill to die on? Especially when he picked West of all people? How is this progressive? How is this helping the people? How is not wanting to work together supposed to help the American people? When is it time to reflect and think that even the gop had the balls to take the L and unify?
Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?

Sanders brings nothing to the table or the party, he has all but called the DNC corrupt and in the bag for Hillary.

He's not vetted, easy to attack and has zero friends in the party at this point, there are better choices out there to solidify support in terms of women or hispanics, the crowd Sanders brings in are literally the most unreliable voters in the country.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Why not? I ask that seriously... I mean I get that Hillary hates him... But wouldn't it unite the party?

Because VPs are basically just picked for what they can add to the ticket in the general election. Hillary had a lot of supporters in 08, but President Obama didn't pick her as a VP. Most Democrats aren't going to jump ship because Bernie isn't Hillary's VP pick. She's gonna have the party behind her with ease. Even if he didn't throw these tantrums, he wasn't going to be on the shortlist. But now that he has, not a chance.


The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

He needs to stay as long as possible. I hope he backs Jill Stein after the convention and she picks him as her VP so we get even more messaging out there. It would be great for that messaging to continue to be pushed into November.

Stop posting about things you don't understand. You clearly don't care to learn anything about American politics, and Jill stein is as irrelevant as could be, this isn't a parliament system where parties beyond the major two actually have this magically fairy land agenda like you say they can push.

In fact you haven't followed anything in us news as Trump denounced debating Bernie since he's th fucking loser, he said it earlier,where have you been? Oh that's right not following or understanding Americanpolitics.


The longer Bernie stays in, the more his platform and message gets conveyed to people.

You may argue this, but who's debating Trump first? It sounds like it will be Bernie before Hillary. If he had bailed out, this wouldn't have happened.

He needs to stay as long as possible. I hope he backs someone like Jill Stein after the convention assuming Hillary isn't indicted then and she picks him as her VP / running mate (if possible) so we get even more messaging out there. It would be great for that messaging to continue to be pushed into November.


It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"

Bernie's been this way for longer than I've been alive. Ugh.

It wasn't that long ago that I really liked the guy. I thought he was a great role model. I literally thought "Even if Hillary will lead to better outcomes for this country, I'd like my future children to aspire to be like Bernie Sanders."

Now my opinion of him is in the dumpster. It's such a shame that so many great progressive policies have been popularized by such a petty, slimey, petulant, selfish, undeserving, entitled, bitch of a politician human being.


Bernie is doing what 10 million votes allow him to do. So he's trying to reform the party or exercise leverage on what the platform "should" be as much as he can? Why the hell not?

Now there is suddenly backlash and cries for unity over everything else?...The writing was on the wall and a sizeable chunk of the democratic base supported him and continue to support him - it's to be expected. Some politicians get to be targeted - many you might not like but those on Bernie's camp might have their own reasons (many of which they can not disclose) to ask for their removal. Not all of them will be consensus cancers like Debbie and even she got some strange support from the mob on a similar thread - which was kinda odd but the "party above all else" folks which is just an extension of "Hillary above all else" folks just feel like the prey (Bernie) is weak for petty insults in some manufactured outrage...please...
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