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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
Bernie is Kacchan now. He's fed into his own hype.



Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I have a question. Since I'm Canadian I don't know the full details of how the US system works.

A lot of people in here are saying things like "If Trump wins, it'll be Bernie's fault" and acting like a non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing.

Which... is confused, for a few reasons. Isn't the convention to decide the nominee? So why is it the end of the world that this guy doesn't want to give up till then? Especially since its only just two months away? Plus the republicans have their own fiasco going on, so I'm having trouble seeing why this is such a big deal.

Plus people are acting like Bernie is evil for going against the party. But my understanding is he was never really a democrat to begin with? He only went with them cause running as an independent would have gotten him no where?

A non-snarky explanation would be sincerely appreciated.

The party nominee used to be chosen solely by the party, now it's done via a primary election.

The reason a unified party matters, is both major US parties are coalition parties. Wherein other multi-party political systems, people would vote for whatever candidate they liked the most and let those parties form their own coalitions post election. In the US you are basically choosing between two directions, and oftentimes you won't agree 100% with either side.


I have a question. Since I'm Canadian I don't know the full details of how the US system works.

A lot of people in here are saying things like "If Trump wins, it'll be Bernie's fault" and acting like a non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing.

Which... is confusing, for a few reasons. Isn't the convention to decide the nominee? So why is it the end of the world that this guy doesn't want to give up till then? Especially since its only just two months away? Shouldn't that be how things are supposed to work? What makes this convention that important that things need to be decided months beforehand? Plus the republicans have their own fiasco going on, so I'm having trouble seeing why this is such a big deal.

Plus people are acting like Bernie is evil for going against the party. But my understanding is he was never really a democrat to begin with? He only went with them cause running as an independent would have gotten him no where?

A non-snarky explanation would be sincerely appreciated.
Historically, having a violent protest-filled convention kills you in November because it scares the shit out of people.


Bernie can go fuck himself. This ain't how you build a moment. It's how you split the left and ensure the minority right gets into power.


I have a question. Since I'm Canadian I don't know the full details of how the US system works.

A lot of people in here are saying things like "If Trump wins, it'll be Bernie's fault" and acting like a non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing.

Which... is confused, for a few reasons. Isn't the convention to decide the nominee? So why is it the end of the world that this guy doesn't want to give up till then? Especially since its only just two months away? Plus the republicans have their own fiasco going on, so I'm having trouble seeing why this is such a big deal.

Plus people are acting like Bernie is evil for going against the party. But my understanding is he was never really a democrat to begin with? He only went with them cause running as an independent would have gotten him no where?

A non-snarky explanation would be sincerely appreciated.

It divides the party. The more this gets dragged out the more Bernie supporters resent Hillary and refuse to vote for her in the general election.

It also fucks up Hillary because she could get a head start on fighting Trump instead of having to give attention to someone who already lost but refuses to get off the field.

So it's actually damaging the party.


Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.
If the DNC has any spine, they will tell the Sanders campaign to go fuck themselves.


What an embarrassment.

I got off the Bernie hype train a while ago, but shit like this makes me actually dislike the guy.


I don't think it is personally, because these banks are still failing the fed stress tests and there's no ramifications to them not passing these.

They essentially built the tests but didn't build the enforcement, or at least not in practice.

What you're looking for is CCAR.


The Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) evaluates a BHC's capital adequacy, capital adequacy process, and its planned capital distributions, such as dividend payments and common stock repurchases. As part of CCAR, the Federal Reserve evaluates whether BHCs have sufficient capital to continue operations throughout times of economic and financial market stress and whether they have robust, forward-looking capital planning processes that account for their unique risks. The Federal Reserve may object to a BHC's capital plan based on either quantitative or qualitative grounds. If the Federal Reserve objects to a BHC's capital plan, the BHC may not make any capital distribution unless the Federal Reserve indicates in writing that it does not object to the distribution.
If the Zodiac Killer can bow out gracefully (well graceful enough, he did elbow his wife in the face), why can't Sanders?

Remember when #nevertrump was a thing and Romney was on stage pleading for people to vote for anyone else.

A few months later and Trump is locked and the Democrats loser is trying to halt the convention if his demands aren't met.


This is why I had to laugh when seemingly level headed people suggested the DNC let Sanders have his way to pacify him. That it wouldn't matter in the long run. No, this guy is a belligerent loser who'll keep trying to take a mile every time you give him an inch.

I said something similar in the thread where the DNC offered Bernie some appointments as a consolation. You cannot pacify this type of personality. I have seen it a MILLION FUCKING TIMES. You cannot compromise you cannot meet in the middle.

For these people that believe themselves the definition of pure while everyone else is evil, they consider any form of compromise or working together as just not good enough. They would rather torch shit than cooperate with anyone.

Pure poison. Its just that NOW Bernie Sanders is making it obvious to the people that didn't want to believe it.

I'm seriously curious as to what kind of mental gymnastics will be involved when Bernie's supporters try to defend this.

I don't see many defending him but the extremists. Pretty much all posters are calling this what it is, even if they like his policy. Hes going to lose every level headed person with this nonsense, and only the people that are Trump voters or on the "Fuck Hillary by any means necessary" will defend him here.

It's been so fucking telegraphed that he doesn't care about anything but himself. Now he proves it.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.
"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"

Now that's funny! I guess this whole mess isn't very surprising then, huh?

The crazy thing is people have been pointing out how accurate those 2 decade old quotes about Bernie were for months. But it kept getting buried as salty smears by Hillbots. Barney Frank absolutely NAILED Bernies personality in those quotes, and that's why 20 damn years later Sanders is trying to use possible rioting as a tool to remove him.

Fucking unreal.


When Ted Cruz takes losing more gracefully than you do, you really need to stop and engage in some introspection.
(Edit: beaten)


Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face after vastly outperforming your original goals (which were to talk about the issues important to you for a few months before the money ran out). If he would have bowed out gracefully after NY and endorsed Hillary, his run's legacy would have been pretty impressive (showing a modern campaign can be run without a Super PAC, getting Hillary & the public talking about more progressive issues) and he'd have had more opportunity in the Senate, but now it's likely going to sour both of those things and make it harder to unite the party. Even worse (and unlikely), we could end up a left-wing version of the Tea Party and/or a Trump presidency.

This is coming from someone who was definitely voting for him in CA up until a few months ago.
If the DNC has any spine, they will tell the Sanders campaign to go fuck themselves.

I really hope they do. There is no concession they can possibly give, short of handing Bernie the nomination on a silver platter, that will prevent his supporters from causing chaos at the convention.
Guys, maybe we dodged a bullet here by not nominating him to be the candidate...

This man isn't fit to be president. He got his feelings hurt by Barnie Frank and he's putting that personal agenda in front of the well being of the country

Such a fine man of integrity.


If Sanders was in a closer race with Hillary and wasn't mathematically eliminated, I'd say this would be a fair request to make. Barney Frank chose to be publicly against Sanders and therefore shouldn't be in charge of the Platform and Rules of the convention. A neutral party would be recommended. Right now it doesn't even matter and Bernie is just being kind of a dick.

Would anyone actually disagree that in a close race this wouldn't be a reasonable request?

If it was a close race, and his verbiage was completely changed sure.

Even if it was close I wouldnt approve of following the NV incident with a:

"Nice convention you got there, would be a SHAME if something happened to it.

That's just not okay. Not on the liberal side of this country anyway. Its ridiculous. But if the race was neck and neck and he could manage to not sound like a sheisty mob boss, I would be fine with the request.
I hope this craters his poll numbers. Between this, Univision, and getting played for a debate chump......he's looking like a mighty self righteous fool right now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Guys, maybe we dodged a bullet here by not nominating him to be the candidate...

This man isn't fit to be president. He got his feelings hurt by Barnie Frank and he's putting that personal agenda in front of the well being of the country

Such a fine man of integrity.

Oh it's apparent we did. But we still have to fight off an actual White Nationalist who will say anything to win this November.
Remember when #nevertrump was a thing and Romney was on stage pleading for people to vote for anyone else.

A few months later and Trump is locked and the Democrats loser is trying to halt the convention if his demands aren't met.

That was the last time I thought the country had a chance of a bright future. Ah the memories.
This primary I've gone from initially enthusiastically supporting Bernie, to becoming somewhat dismayed with his strategy while simultaneously warming to Clinton, to actively disliking him and hoping he fades into complete obscurity.

I'm a California voter, so even though we're a late state in the primary process I did get the benefit of seeing what both campaigns are truly made of before casting my ballot in June. Suffice to say it won't be for Bernie Sanders.


If the DNC has any spine, they will tell the Sanders campaign to go fuck themselves.

Bernie has the power to give the GOP the presidency this year, if he's willing to burn it all down. And the DNC aren't likely to be able to unseat him in a primary challenge. The DNC will end up making at least some concessions to Sanders. It's just a matter of which ones.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.
If Bernie thought it were so important to have 'neutral' members, his own selections wouldn't include people who've been attacking Hillary. This is just more of his constant hypocrisy, something is wrong unless he does it.


Bernie has the power to give the GOP the presidency this year, if he's willing to burn it all down. And the DNC aren't likely to be able to unseat him in a primary challenge. The DNC will end up making at least some concessions to Sanders. It's just a matter of which ones.

So Bernie in the end isn't a progressive then, and is self serving.


How can you show asset sizes of US banks as a regulatory failure and then point to Canada as the proper example when their financial system is far, far more concentrated?
Canda's system is far more stable than ours due to the concentration.

Our system is built on banks dying and being mulched into other banks ad nauseum. This happens in large part because the banks are small and regional, and thus prone to huge issues if their local market crashes. But because the big ones over there in Canada are in so many cookie jars, that chronic instability due to the housing market doesn't exist.
So, Bernie is using whatever leverage he has to try and extract concessions beneficial to his campaign, which he feels is the best vehicle to get the issues he cares about addressed (obviously, he thinks he can do a better job on those issues than Hillary, or else he wouldn't have ran against her in the first place)

But wait, I thought Bernie was a naive idealist who, unlike Hillary, is unable to get his hands dirty and play politics and do what it takes to win? Hmm.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Canda's system is far more stable than ours due to the concentration.

Our system is built on banks dying and being mulched into other banks ad nauseum. This happens in large part because the banks are small and regional, and thus prone to huge issues if their local market crashes. But because the big ones over there in Canada are in so many cookie jars, that chronic instability due to the housing market doesn't exist.

The concentration of elbows?
Canda's system is far more stable than ours due to the concentration.

Our system is built on banks dying and being mulched into other banks ad nauseum. This happens in large part because the banks are small and regional, and thus prone to huge issues if their local market crashes. But because the big ones over there in Canada are in so many cookie jars, that chronic instability due to the housing market doesn't exist.

Of course, this also contributes to the fact that their housing market just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.


Canda's system is far more stable than ours due to the concentration.

Our system is built on banks dying and being mulched into other banks ad nauseum. This happens in large part because the banks are small and regional, and thus prone to huge issues if their local market crashes. But because the big ones over there in Canada are in so many cookie jars, that chronic instability due to the housing market doesn't exist.
So he should actually be happy US banks are growing in size then.


So, Bernie is using whatever leverage he has to try and extract concessions beneficial to his campaign, which he feels is the best vehicle to get the issues he cares about addressed (obviously, he thinks he can do a better job on those issues than Hillary, or else he wouldn't have ran against her in the first place)

But wait, I thought Bernie was a naive idealist who, unlike Hillary, is unable to get his hands dirty and play politics and do what it takes to win? Hmm.

Would be a more legit argument if the race wasn't already over. He can't win, he can just make Hillary lose.


I have a question. Since I'm Canadian I don't know the full details of how the US system works.

A lot of people in here are saying things like "If Trump wins, it'll be Bernie's fault" and acting like a non-unified democratic party at the convention is a bad thing.

Which... is confused, for a few reasons. Isn't the convention to decide the nominee? So why is it the end of the world that this guy doesn't want to give up till then? Especially since its only just two months away? Plus the republicans have their own fiasco going on, so I'm having trouble seeing why this is such a big deal.

Plus people are acting like Bernie is evil for going against the party. But my understanding is he was never really a democrat to begin with? He only went with them cause running as an independent would have gotten him no where?

A non-snarky explanation would be sincerely appreciated.

Fear is the simplest answer. Some people are (somewhat rightfully) scared shitless about a Trump presidency (note that many grossly overestimate what he could even accomplish if his own party hates him but he does have some power in which to fuck things up). This causes them to feel uneasy and is common in such scenarios people adopt "with us or against us" types of mentalities. This is why most posts go into perceived character flaws "angry" "petulant" etc which are irrelevant to the political discussion but do matter when it comes to deviating from the procedural norm of the party which introduces some amount of uncertainty.

As far as the convention goes, it's not super important. Unless some major scandal happens Bernie isn't getting the nomination so he's entirely irrelevant from presidential campaign perspective, he literally cannot do anything to make Hillary win or lose. Bernie's supporters have free-will and will vote as they please, either for Hillary or not. So it really doesn't matter what his demands are, they can give it to him or not.

From Bernie's side he likely wants to convert his campaign into more influence in the party. That might irritate those that don't like his ideals. But whether they disagree on how to actually split up banks most probably do see it as something that should be done. Getting bogged down in the details of such are how both candidates have separated themselves over the past months so people still think it's important.
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