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Soul Sacrifice (Vita) Demo impressions


Do you guys use the hold attacks for the melee weapons or do you just spam hitting it?

I finished up the first set of chapters so that I unlocked sigils and such but I feel like I don't have a firm grasp on all the mechanics here. That being said, I really love the ideas and what I've played so far.

I guess another question...is there a spot to go see monster weaknesses or do you just figure that out? I think I unlocked a Lore section now, so maybe it is in there. I guess it would make sense if the jack o lantern was weak to ice or something.

What about choices on whether to go save or sacrifice on things? I get that it levels up either life or magic, but are there other things here as well?

When you collect souls from spots around the level, what is that doing for you? For that matter, what does it mean when it says you get a soul thing from sacrifice/save?


Do you guys use the hold attacks for the melee weapons or do you just spam hitting it?
I personally prefer to spam it, because they disappear after the hold attack. Plus I don't throw my allies away this way.
I guess another question...is there a spot to go see monster weaknesses or do you just figure that out? I think I unlocked a Lore section now, so maybe it is in there. I guess it would make sense if the jack o lantern was weak to ice or something.
I've posted a list twice in this thread, all the bosses are there.
What about choices on whether to go save or sacrifice on things? I get that it levels up either life or magic, but are there other things here as well?
Souls/spirits for sigils and npcs for saving the bosses. To be honest most of them are pretty useless and you can only take 2 with you, so making a NPC collection isn't such a good idea just for the sake of it.


Do you guys use the hold attacks for the melee weapons or do you just spam hitting it?
Spam hitting. I never charge melee attacks.

I guess another question...is there a spot to go see monster weaknesses or do you just figure that out? I think I unlocked a Lore section now, so maybe it is in there. I guess it would make sense if the jack o lantern was weak to ice or something
Trial and error or use online guides.

What about choices on whether to go save or sacrifice on things? I get that it levels up either life or magic, but are there other things here as well?

When you collect souls from spots around the level, what is that doing for you? For that matter, what does it mean when it says you get a soul thing from sacrifice/save?
Saving increases Life (defense), restores HP, and gets you Life Essences from enemies. Saving bosses also adds them to your AI partner roster. Sacrifing increases Magic (attack), restores offering uses, and gets you Soul Essences from enemies. Essences and shards are needed to get new Sigils for your arm.


Do you guys use the hold attacks for the melee weapons or do you just spam hitting it?

I finished up the first set of chapters so that I unlocked sigils and such but I feel like I don't have a firm grasp on all the mechanics here. That being said, I really love the ideas and what I've played so far.

I guess another question...is there a spot to go see monster weaknesses or do you just figure that out? I think I unlocked a Lore section now, so maybe it is in there. I guess it would make sense if the jack o lantern was weak to ice or something.

What about choices on whether to go save or sacrifice on things? I get that it levels up either life or magic, but are there other things here as well?

When you collect souls from spots around the level, what is that doing for you? For that matter, what does it mean when it says you get a soul thing from sacrifice/save?

Weaknesses seem to be trial and error. Saving monsters restores a little health and sacrificing them restores a few charges on your attacks, for players obviously you keep another person or gain a really big damage attack and a ghost. Souls you collect can be used for sigils (stat modifiers) on your arm eventually.


Yeah like MH, the best time to target parts is when the enemy is stunned. The only time I charge attacks is with other party members attacking, someone getting chomped on, or while the enemy is stunned. As for weaknesses, usually the opposite of the element the enemy attacks with...either that or just an educated guess based on how the enemy looks.


Saving monsters is completely useless in online MP. It barely heals anything and you should always have a healing spell equipped against a good boss, and if you're stealing my sacrifice just to heal a sliver of HP you're a real bastard.
Finally got around to clearing enough space for the ddmo (Sony really needs to drop the price of cards and bring out some with higher capacity)

That being said, any tips for new comers?


Edit: Beaten

I got sacrificed while Cerberus was still green yesterday. Not cool.
I remember seeing people complain about losing connection when the host leaves a game. But yesterday I noticed a host swapping message mid-battle, and we completed that quest just fine.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
What are the japanese DLC? Just more monsters, or did they also add more skills/arenas/items?


What are the japanese DLC? Just more monsters, or did they also add more skills/arenas/items?
10 bosses in total (4 so far), one new level so far and one new forbidden (mystic?) art - Berserk.
All the above is free, there's supposed to be some side-story paid DLC, as well as English voices pack.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
10 bosses in total (4 so far), one new level so far and one new forbidden (mystic?) art - Berserk.
All the above is free, there's supposed to be some side-story paid DLC, as well as English voices pack.

Oh free is cool of course. Btw, thanks to everyone staying in this thread and answering the same questions over and over again. *looks at Zero*


Do you guys use the hold attacks for the melee weapons or do you just spam hitting it?
Spamming is better for damage because when you hold it, it disappears. But holding it has a chance of stunning or knocking down enemies/bosses, so it can be useful in that regard.


Oh free is cool of course. Btw, thanks to everyone staying in this thread and answering the same questions over and over again. *looks at Zero*
I have to make people interested in the game so that OT doesn't become a barren wasteland. :p


I have to make people interested in the game so that OT doesn't become a barren wasteland. :p
Be sure to link the two (1,2) Red Sun Gamer podcasts where we talked about the full version for nearly 2 hours.

If you need real screenshots with more enemies/spells, feel free to use my minus folder as well. :)


Be sure to link the two (1,2) Red Sun Gamer podcasts where we talked about the full version for nearly 2 hours.

If you need real screenshots with more enemies/spells, feel free to use my minus folder as well. :)

wohoo I'm in those screenshots :p
Zero is doing a great job explaining the game, can't wait to see your OT :D


played some matches of online
and defeated Cerberus in one of them

I think I'm beginning to like this game... :X
but dang... tad first chapter made me sad :/

i actually saved her a few times... only gave up when I realised the story won't progress unless she's sacrificed
straight bossing on this fool while i collect parts for upgrades.

definitely picking this up day 1. i must be close to 20 hours in the demo. my psn is in my profile. feel free to add if you'd like.


It takes me longer to load up the Ch3 Jack mission than actually doing it. 54 second clear. Almost done 3 starring all the rewards from the story missions


It's so frustrating when you're really low on offerings, and you use your last couple to kill a mob, planning to sacrifice it. Then in swoops Chad, your idiot group member, to steal it. You're left running around the area looking for a tree..


It's so frustrating when you're really low on offerings, and you use your last couple to kill a mob, planning to sacrifice it. Then in swoops Chad, your idiot group member, to steal it. You're left running around the area looking for a tree..

My last Cerberus run, I ran ahead of the first few cats so I could get easy counters on the dogs. Killed them both, then used a bunch of spells to kill the last cat. Chad ran over and stole it. "No matter" I thought, as I turn to look for either of my dog corpses.

Gone. :/

And amidst my confusion Chad ran over and spawned Cerberus before I could get my weapon out for a free hit..
i find that online everyone just rushes in and start whaling. not going for things like elemental weakness or counters. especially counters which are a great way to earn points and the most efficient way to use your offerings.


i find that online everyone just rushes in and start whaling. not going for things like elemental weakness or counters. especially counters which are a great way to earn points and the most efficient way to use your offerings.

You'd think that people would get the hint when they see me standing in front of a dog with my ice spears out waiting and waiting..not to run over and smack it right before it jumps. Augh!


i find that online everyone just rushes in and start whaling. not going for things like elemental weakness or counters. especially counters which are a great way to earn points and the most efficient way to use your offerings.
Counters are crazily strong, they've OHKO'd everything in my experience with them.

For essences, how do you get stuff like Harpy SE+/[insert boss name] SE+?


I need to stop using my special attack, save up on some tears. I'm 10/10 split, but want more magic damage. Sucks it cost tears to lower


I need to stop using my special attack, save up on some tears. I'm 10/10 split, but want more magic damage. Sucks it cost tears to lower

Rather than use your special attack, just suicide and let a partner sacrifice you! win-win. Unless it's Cerberus.

While it may not help your dilemma, I've found that I generate the tears I need while doing quests to earn the opposite levels. 20 Tears to lower -> Mission mission mission to level up, = 20 tears, repeat.


I've seen two people use a dead monster at the same time, so maybe there is some window that lets it benefit multiple characters?


My single greatest moment in the demo so far was today when I was playing online. It was a full group and we were doing the Avalon mission with the Harpy. We'd gotten it beat up pretty good, it's wing was broken and there was blood gushing out everywhere (is it wrong that I love that effect?). It had just chomped one of our team for the 3rd or 4th time, he was dying and asked to be sacrificed. I was closest so I sacrificed him just as the harpy stumbled down to the ground on my left.

I run over and activate my Stone Golem just as the sacrifice spell from my team mate activates and there's the Golem rising up from the ground with an angry fist while spears from the heavens are raining down impaling the harpy and adding insult to injury. The Golem is pounding away and the spears are falling and it was an awesome sight and far cooler than I would have expected going into the demo. I enjoyed it immensely.

When's that full game coming, again?
I've seen two people use a dead monster at the same time, so maybe there is some window that lets it benefit multiple characters?

I've seen the AI do it sometimes (Sortiara did it too since she always tries to sacrifice while I tried to save a boss) but i'm not sure what they get if any.

My single greatest moment in the demo so far was today when I was playing online. It was a full group and we were doing the Avalon mission with the Harpy. We'd gotten it beat up pretty good, it's wing was broken and there was blood gushing out everywhere (is it wrong that I love that effect?). It had just chomped one of our team for the 3rd or 4th time, he was dying and asked to be sacrificed. I was closest so I sacrificed him just as the harpy stumbled down to the ground on my left.

I run over and activate my Stone Golem just as the sacrifice spell from my team mate activates and there's the Golem rising up from the ground with an angry fist while spears from the heavens are raining down impaling the harpy and adding insult to injury. The Golem is pounding away and the spears are falling and it was an awesome sight and far cooler than I would have expected going into the demo. I enjoyed it immensely.

When's that full game coming, again?

the 30th of this month


GAF parliamentarian
My single greatest moment in the demo so far was today when I was playing online. It was a full group and we were doing the Avalon mission with the Harpy. We'd gotten it beat up pretty good, it's wing was broken and there was blood gushing out everywhere (is it wrong that I love that effect?). It had just chomped one of our team for the 3rd or 4th time, he was dying and asked to be sacrificed. I was closest so I sacrificed him just as the harpy stumbled down to the ground on my left.

I run over and activate my Stone Golem just as the sacrifice spell from my team mate activates and there's the Golem rising up from the ground with an angry fist while spears from the heavens are raining down impaling the harpy and adding insult to injury. The Golem is pounding away and the spears are falling and it was an awesome sight and far cooler than I would have expected going into the demo. I enjoyed it immensely.

When's that full game coming, again?
Damn it, I hope I get home early enough to play tonight.


Rather than use your special attack, just suicide and let a partner sacrifice you! win-win. Unless it's Cerberus.

While it may not help your dilemma, I've found that I generate the tears I need while doing quests to earn the opposite levels. 20 Tears to lower -> Mission mission mission to level up, = 20 tears, repeat.
When I notice that a monster has been at red for a while, I just suicide and let one of my partners sacrifice me. A ton of damage and free points for me.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Damn this is a lot of demo.

Also is the main voice actor the guy that initially voiced everything in Puppeteer? It sounds an awful lot like him, and he's a Sony Japan guy.

The whole game has such a weird feel to it thats hard to place. It feels setup in a way quite unlike I've ever experienced from a game.

Gameplay is incredibly fast which I didn't expect with MonHun comparisons which is a far slower weighty game while this is blisteringly paced.

Just finished the Ordeals, so now everything else has opened up. Quite the demo :D


Hey guys, I just started playing the demo and it seems pretty cool! I have some questions though.

Is there any benefit to leveling up both good and evil, or should I choose one and do it fully? Also, is the character I'm leveling up in the single player mode the same one I will use in the online quest stuff? I ask because I wonder if my good/evil meter carries across both.


Just a random statistic, this thread has just about doubled in size since the demo came out in EU/NA (which was days ago).
Only 10....with each rank going up like 1 +2 +4 +8 +16 +32 +64 +128 +256 +512....

512 items to reach rank 10....

I made that poison golem that has 100 attack last night. It sprays a pool of poison on the floor. I'm guessing it's a damage over time thing. I haven't tested it on a boss yet.
Hey guys, I just started playing the demo and it seems pretty cool! I have some questions though.

Is there any benefit to leveling up both good and evil, or should I choose one and do it fully? Also, is the character I'm leveling up in the single player mode the same one I will use in the online quest stuff? I ask because I wonder if my good/evil meter carries across both.

It makes you Neutral where you have the same offense and some Sigils have a extra effect if you are Neutral. Seems more the like game wants you to choose a path where you can have crazy defense but shit for offense, crazy offense but shit defense or a weird middle like line where one doesn't overwhelm the other.

Plus once you reach level 20 you can basically re-spec

Its the same character you will use for online so all of that stuff should carry over (meter level, sigils, offerings, load-out)

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
The battle system. I'm just not feeling it. I was really hoping this would play like a dark medieval PSO.

PSO2 for Vita please Sega of America.
I played the first 3 levels and I am pleasantly surprised so far. Is the mulitplayer, like MonHun, going to be the main draw to this game?

I'm just worried about the longevity of the game considering how small the levels seem.
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