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Soul Sacrifice (Vita) Demo impressions


Ohhhh okay. Thanks! Do you still get the save or sacrifice boost?

If you're dead (from being sacrificed or choosing death), then nope.
If you're alive, then all you need to do is join up with your teammates and press L or R to receive the bonus (still unclear whether the game chooses the outcome based on majority or on who started the process first).


Neo Member
anyone also notice that there vita is draining fast. I played for about 45 minutes and my battery went from full to about 20 %. The online is a blast cant wait for the OT. Also anyone know what's the best place to pre-order sofar?
Nobody better copy my customization :p




There's 60+ outfits, plus color combinations, hood up or down, a dozen faces/hairstyles.

Just wondering, how do you know this? I was kind of wondering about this when I saw there were only 3 outfits in the demo and was thinking "I really hope there are a decent amount of costumes because it'd suck seeing everyone looking the same." This would be great if true.


Best customization is Mtn Dew

Just wondering, how do you know this? I was kind of wondering about this when I saw there were only 3 outfits in the demo and was thinking "I really hope there are a decent amount of costumes because it'd suck seeing everyone looking the same." This would be great if true.

He probably knows from the Jp version :p


I was thinking that'd be why but I just wanted to know for sure. lol. Though I would believe it. I dunno why he'd give such an answer if he didn't know.
There's a trophy for having 60 outfits (different colors count as well).
Got online and fought ol Cerberus and it wasn't so bad.

Sadly 3 people (including myself) went out and one guy was holding his own by running away. I offered myself as a sacrifice but I realized we just took half life and the guy had a really small amount to live so that failed.

Seems that shield thing doesn't work on him online, though I guess that's due to his buffed specs for the player count.
Finally took down cerebus with a smart group of people. feels good man.

So is the poison golem better than the others? I fused it without trying the others figuring its the best one since its hardest to make


Seems that shield thing doesn't work on him online, though I guess that's due to his buffed specs for the player count.

I think that might have more to do with lag. Sometimes I block him, but if I time it to right about the second he's supposed to hit me, the block seems to register for a second, but then he goes right through me and I take the hit.

EDIT: Also, a personal recommendation of mine: one you get the hang of Cerberus, I'd advise soloing him. Relatively easy to get divine sorcerer, whether you use your black rite or take little damage. I'm 1/19 and I finish him off in about 5-8 minutes. Also, there's a couple second window after pretty much every single one of his attacks. I usually use the stone edge axe at these opportunities and spam it when I get the chance, petrifying him, then making it a skillful attack (stun) by using a venom spell, preferably the venom golem.


Blocking Cerberus online is more difficult because of the lag. Best bet is just to walk right up to his face(s) while he is getting ready to charge, and whip the shield out. That worked for me when I tried.
I think that might have more to do with lag. Sometimes I block him, but if I time it to right about the second he's supposed to hit me, the block seems to register for a second, but then he goes right through me and I take the hit.

Blocking Cerberus online is more difficult because of the lag. Best bet is just to walk right up to his face(s) while he is getting ready to charge, and whip the shield out. That worked for me when I tried.

Just played with a group who did it so yea I guess it was lag then.

I stand corrected


FINALLY found a competent group of randoms and beat Cerberus.

Feels good.

Also had a really good Harpy fight with said group. This game is definitely going to take over my life.
This game! The online is going to consume me. Think I am going to take a break from it for now until release, and beat try to clear as many games as possible before this comes out.
FINALLY found a competent group of randoms and beat Cerberus.

Feels good.

Also had a really good Harpy fight with the said group. This game is definitely going to take over my life.

Yea the group I had before was like that (Murdered Jack, Harpy then fell apart against Cerberus).

Found a group that was doing alright but it went wrong in the end :(. It seems I informed them about the shield thing since I was doing it in the first match where we died, then one of them typed shields in the lobby and everyone had shields next game LOL. Also some where not doing it correctly by having the shield out way before he lunged.

How much sacrifices would you need to kill him if he's in yellow?


Yeah I can't do much against him solo and I'm about maxed out in level.

Edit: Got him to orange...but that was after getting him to yellow and performing a black rite. He gets up too fast for me to use any good attacks after blocking with the shield.
Yeah I can't do much against him solo and I'm about maxed out in level.

Edit: Got him to orange...but that was after getting him to yellow and performing a black rite. He gets up too fast for me to use any good attacks after blocking with the shield.

I noticed that as well during the fight


I noticed that as well during the fight

The first few times I do it like while he's green health he stays down long enough for me to do a stone fist from the ground twice. But after he gets yellow or I destroy one of the heads he gets mad and is like "nope" and gets up almost as soon as he's knocked back. I also finally saw him take the spear out and use it to make red energy waves on the ground.

I read somewhere else people talking about getting those Soldier Embers and spamming him into a wall. I don't have many of those lol.
My god, this game is great. The online really shines and after being confused in the beginning, things are starting to click which makes the game even better.

Bring on the full release!


Lol so I switched to a 1/19 build from a 10/10....everything going great until I tried soloing the doggy again.... Holy shit one mistake and it's GG lol. Anyways I think I put more time in this demo than most of my actual retail games... Can't wait til the full release.


dang. beat Cerberus during my first online match.
but I did not absorb the soul ><

hmm how do we get Golem anyway?
I'm hoping to get more Fuse options.. but they aren't coming up
dang. beat Cerberus during my first online match.
but I did not absorb the soul ><

hmm how do we get Golem anyway?
I'm hoping to get more Fuse options.. but they aren't coming up

For what I can tell if you got the martyr bonus in all the stages and "legendary sorcerer" rank as well you only lack the Cerberus loot (like me lol)
So is the SS bundle coming to EU? And have any retailers announced stock of it?

Had my friend over today to try it. Hes really good at MH. He managed to storm through all bosses (even Cerberus) with my friend and now hes decided to buy a Vita.

Im sure someone here mentioned the bundle coming to Europe. I just need some info on it.

This game definetly has the ability to sway the MH crowd into buying a Vita.


So I have never played a game designed like this before. I mainly buy and play games for single player story/development, but have been playing the demo online.

Mother of God it is fun. I really didn't think I would like it, but when you get a good group of randoms, it can be awesome!

Still a little confused on the customization aspects. What exactly are the Black Rites? Are they just power ups that also have consequences?


The music in this game is so good, soundtrack of the year definitely so far. The lore and story are suprisingly enjoyable too, gonna preorder this game, i hope it does well in the west.


Dunno if it's been mentioned, but I noticed that you can distract Harpy by planting trees!! How cool is that?!! Any spell that grows fruit to enhance your attack/defense/speed will get her attention. If she is flying, she will land to feed, giving you an opening to hit her with a charged up attack. Wish there was something that could distract Cerberus though.
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